9 research outputs found

    GA4GH Phenopackets: A Practical Introduction.

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    The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is developing a suite of coordinated standards for genomics for healthcare. The Phenopacket is a new GA4GH standard for sharing disease and phenotype information that characterizes an individual person, linking that individual to detailed phenotypic descriptions, genetic information, diagnoses, and treatments. A detailed example is presented that illustrates how to use the schema to represent the clinical course of a patient with retinoblastoma, including demographic information, the clinical diagnosis, phenotypic features and clinical measurements, an examination of the extirpated tumor, therapies, and the results of genomic analysis. The Phenopacket Schema, together with other GA4GH data and technical standards, will enable data exchange and provide a foundation for the computational analysis of disease and phenotype information to improve our ability to diagnose and conduct research on all types of disorders, including cancer and rare diseases

    GA4GH Phenopackets: A Practical Introduction

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    The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is developing a suite of coordinated standards for genomics for healthcare. The Phenopacket is a new GA4GH standard for sharing disease and phenotype information that characterizes an individual person, linking that individual to detailed phenotypic descriptions, genetic information, diagnoses, and treatments. A detailed example is presented that illustrates how to use the schema to represent the clinical course of a patient with retinoblastoma, including demographic information, the clinical diagnosis, phenotypic features and clinical measurements, an examination of the extirpated tumor, therapies, and the results of genomic analysis. The Phenopacket Schema, together with other GA4GH data and technical standards, will enable data exchange and provide a foundation for the computational analysis of disease and phenotype information to improve our ability to diagnose and conduct research on all types of disorders, including cancer and rare diseases

    The Combined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis (CAPE).

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    Epistasis, or gene-gene interaction, contributes substantially to trait variation in organisms ranging from yeast to humans, and modeling epistasis directly is critical to understanding the genotype-phenotype map. However, inference of genetic interactions is challenging compared to inference of individual allele effects due to low statistical power. Furthermore, genetic interactions can appear inconsistent across different quantitative traits, presenting a challenge for the interpretation of detected interactions. Here we present a method called the Combined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis (CAPE) that combines information across multiple quantitative traits to infer directed epistatic interactions. By combining information across multiple traits, CAPE not only increases power to detect genetic interactions but also interprets these interactions across traits to identify a single interaction that is consistent across all observed data. This method generates informative, interpretable interaction networks that explain how variants interact with each other to influence groups of related traits. This method could potentially be used to link genetic variants to gene expression, physiological endophenotypes, and higher-level disease traits

    Effects of kinship correction on inflation of genetic interaction statistics in commonly used mouse populations.

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    It is well understood that variation in relatedness among individuals, or kinship, can lead to false genetic associations. Multiple methods have been developed to adjust for kinship while maintaining power to detect true associations. However, relatively unstudied, are the effects of kinship on genetic interaction test statistics. Here we performed a survey of kinship effects on studies of six commonly used mouse populations. We measured inflation of main effect test statistics, genetic interaction test statistics, and interaction test statistics reparametrized by the Combined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis (CAPE). We also performed linear mixed model (LMM) kinship corrections using two types of kinship matrix: an overall kinship matrix calculated from the full set of genotyped markers, and a reduced kinship matrix, which left out markers on the chromosome(s) being tested. We found that test statistic inflation varied across populations and was driven largely by linkage disequilibrium. In contrast, there was no observable inflation in the genetic interaction test statistics. CAPE statistics were inflated at a level in between that of the main effects and the interaction effects. The overall kinship matrix overcorrected the inflation of main effect statistics relative to the reduced kinship matrix. The two types of kinship matrices had similar effects on the interaction statistics and CAPE statistics, although the overall kinship matrix trended toward a more severe correction. In conclusion, we recommend using a LMM kinship correction for both main effects and genetic interactions and further recommend that the kinship matrix be calculated from a reduced set of markers in which the chromosomes being tested are omitted from the calculation. This is particularly important in populations with substantial population structure, such as recombinant inbred lines in which genomic replicates are used