192 research outputs found

    Ateneu Santboià : equipamientos culturales

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    El proyecto se basa en un centro cultural en la ciudad de Sant Boi de Llobregat, con un programa estático de sala polivalente, teatro-auditorio y un programa más dinámico de sala de exposiciones, talleres, restauración, cafetería y vestíbulo. En el solar existe una diferencia de cota de 9 m. Por una parte, en la cota baja cuenta con la proximidad de la estación de FGC, del ayuntamiento y la cercanía al parque fluvial del rio Llobregat. En la cota superior del casco antiguo nos encontramos con la zona del mirador con sus árboles centenarios. A nivel urbanístico, con la posición central del mirador se intenta dar continuidad a las plazas existentes y parque fluvial con los equipamientos del casco antiguo y el centro de la ciudad. La estrategia del proyecto consiste en prolongar la plataforma del mirador colocando gran parte del programa por debajo, con el objetivo de dinamizar y activar el casco antiguo de la ciudad. A través de una escalera pública se comunican las dos cotas (ciudad-mirador) creando un recorrido en el que hay una constante comunicación entre exterior y el interior. La visión hacia el interior que se crea permite que se convierta no solo en un punto de paso, sino también en una zona de estancia. Las circulaciones componen la imagen del edificio a través de la transparencia de su fachada dando visibilidad al nuevo referente cultural metropolitano

    Independence, infinite dimension, and operators

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    In [Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 46(3), 664-673, 2019] O. Christensen and M. Hasannasab observed that assuming the existence of an operator TT sending ene_n to en+1e_{n+1} for all nNn \in \mathbb{N} (where (en)nN(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is a sequence of vectors) guarantees that (en)nN(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is linearly independent if and only if dim{en}nN=\dim \{e_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} = \infty. In this article, we recover this result as a particular case of a general order-theory-based model-theoretic result. We then return to the context of vector spaces to show that, if we want to use a condition like T(ei)=eϕ(i)T(e_i)=e_{\phi(i)} for all iIi \in I where II is countable as a replacement of the previous one, the conclusion will only stay true if ϕ:II\phi : I \to I is conjugate to the successor function succ:nn+1succ : n \mapsto n+1 defined on N\mathbb{N}. We finally prove a tentative generalization of the result, where we replace the condition T(ei)=eϕ(i)T(e_i)=e_{\phi(i)} for all iIi \in I where ϕ\phi is conjugate to the successor function with a more sophisticated one, and to which we have not managed to find a new application yet.Comment: 12 page

    Functions with a maximal number of finite invariant or internally-1-quasi-invariant sets or supersets

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    A relaxation of the notion of invariant set, known as kk-quasi-invariant set, has appeared several times in the literature in relation to group dynamics. The results obtained in this context depend on the fact that the dynamic is generated by a group. In our work, we consider the notions of invariant and 1-internally-quasi-invariant sets as applied to an action of a function ff on a set II. We answer several questions of the following type, where k{0,1}k \in \{0,1\}: what are the functions ff for which every finite subset of II is internally-kk-quasi-invariant? More restrictively, if I=NI = \mathbb{N}, what are the functions ff for which every finite interval of II is internally-kk-quasi-invariant? Last, what are the functions ff for which every finite subset of II admits a finite internally-kk-quasi-invariant superset? This parallels a similar investigation undertaken by C. E. Praeger in the context of group actions.Comment: 27 page

    Adapted Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Using SVM With Model Selection

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    Branch-and-Bound algorithm is the basis for the majority of solving methods in mixed integer linear programming. It has been proving its efficiency in different fields. In fact, it creates little by little a tree of nodes by adopting two strategies. These strategies are variable selection strategy and node selection strategy. In our previous work, we experienced a methodology of learning branch-and-bound strategies using regression-based support vector machine twice. That methodology allowed firstly to exploit information from previous executions of Branch-and-Bound algorithm on other instances. Secondly, it created information channel between node selection strategy and variable branching strategy. And thirdly, it gave good results in term of running time comparing to standard Branch-and-Bound algorithm. In this work, we will focus on increasing SVM performance by using cross validation coupled with model selection.

    Density and path-connectedness in St(n,H)

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    If HH is a Hilbert space, the Stiefel manifold St(n,H)St(n,H) is formed by all the independent nn-tuples in HH. In this article, we contribute to the topological study of Stiefel manifolds by proving density and path-connectedness-related results. Regarding the density aspect, we generalize the fact that St(n,H)St(n,H) is dense in HnH^n and prove that St(n,H)SSt(n,H) \cap S is dense in SS whenever SHnS \subseteq H^n is connected by polynomial paths of finite degree to some ΘSt(n,H)S\Theta \in St(n,H) \cap S. We provide special examples of such sets SS in the context of finite-dimensional continuous frames (we set H:=L2(X,μ;F)H := L^2(X,\mu;\mathbb{F}) and we identify St(n,H)St(n,H) with F(X,μ),nF\mathcal{F}_{(X,\mu),n}^\mathbb{F}) which are constructed from the inverse image of singletons by some familiar linear and pseudo-quadratic functions. In the second part devoted to path-connectedness, we prove that the intersection of translates of St(n,H)St(n,H) is path-connected under a condition on the codimension of the span of the components of the translating nn-tuples. These results are also a contribution to the topological theory of Hilbert space frames which is presently an active area of research.Comment: 21 page

    Angio-embolization of a renal pseudoaneurysm complicating a percutaneous renal biopsy: a case report

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    We report the treatment of a bleeding renal pseudoaneurysm by angio-embolization. A 21 years old woman developed macroscopic haematuria following renal biopsy. Renal angio-scan showed a 1.4 cm renal  pseudoaneurysm in the left kidney. The presence of pseudoaneurysm was confirmed by selective renal  angiography. Successful embolization was performed using gelatine sponge particles.Key words: Angioembolization, renal pseudoaneurysm, kidne

    Impacts de la pédagogie de projet sur les comportements, attitudes et performances des élèves

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 23 avril 2009)

    Slip-dependent friction in dynamic electroviscoelasticity

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    Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution for dynamical frictional contact between an electro-viscoelastic body and a rigid electrically non-conductive obstacle is established. The contact is modelled with a simplified version of Coulomb\u27s law of dry friction in which the coefficient of friction depends on the slip. The proof is based on the regularization method, Faedo-Galerkin method, compactness and lower semicontinuity arguments

    Frictional contact problem in dynamic electroelasticity

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    The dynamic evolution with frictional contact of a electroelastic body is considered. In modelling the contact, the Tresca model is used. We derive a variational formulation for the model in a form of a coupled system involving the displacement and the electric potential fields. We provide existence and uniqueness result. The proof is based on a regularization method, Galerkin method, compactness and lower semicontinuity arguments. Such a result extend the result obtained by Duvaut and Lions, where the analysis of friction in dynamic elasticity materials was provided. The novelty of this paper consists in the fact that here we take into account the piezoelectric properties of the materials


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    In this work, we seek to focus on the determinants that interfere in the implementation of a value creation approach, by exploring the temporal and spatial dimensions of its articulation, thus focusing on the role that the management control function can play in supporting this implementation process. We will try to answer the following questions: Do Moroccan companies place more importance on the approaches of setting up the creation of value? And what are the interacting determinants in promoting a culture of value creation within our sample of 50 companies