526 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sentinel-1 radiometric stability and quality for land surface applications

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    International audienceLand monitoring using temporal series of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images requires radiometrically well calibrated sensors. In this paper, the radiometric stability of the new SAR Sentinel-1A 'S-1A' sensor was first assessed by analyzing temporal variations of the backscattering coefficient (sigma°) returned from invariant targets. Second, the radiometric level of invariant targets was compared from S-1A and Radarsat-2 "RS-2" data. The results show three stable sub-time series of S-1A data. The first (between 1 October 2014 and 19 March 2015) and third (between 25 November 2015 and 1 February 2016) sub-time series have almost the same mean sigma°-values (a difference lower than 0.3 dB). The mean sigma°-value of the second sub-time series (between 19 March 2015 and 25 November 2015) is higher than that of the first and the third sub-time series by roughly 0.9 dB. Moreover, our results show that the stability of each sub-time series is better than 0.48 dB. In addition, the results show that S-1A images of the first and third sub-time series appear to be well calibrated in comparison to RS-2 data, with a difference between S-1A and RS-2 lower than 0.3 dB. However, the S-1A images of the second sub-time series have sigma°-values that are higher than those from RS-2 by roughly 1 dB

    Coupling SAR C-band and optical data for soil moisture and leaf area index retrieval over irrigated grasslands

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    International audienceThe objective of this study was to develop an approach for estimating soil moisture and vegetation parameters in irrigated grasslands by coupling C-band polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data. A huge dataset of satellite images acquired from RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT-7/8, and in situ measurements were used to assess the relevance of several inversion configurations. A neural network (NN) inversion technique was used. The approach for this study was to use RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT-7/8 images to investigate the potential for the combined use of new data from the new SAR sensor SENTINEL-1 and the new optical sensors LANDSAT-8 and SENTINEL-2. First, the impact of SAR polarization (mono-, dual- and full-polarizations configurations) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) calculated from optical data for the estimation error of soil moisture and vegetation parameters was studied. Next, the effect of some polarimetric parameters (Shannon entropy and Pauli components) on the inversion technique was also analyzed. Finally, configurations using in situ measurements of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) and the fraction of green vegetation cover (FCover) were also tested.The results showed that HH polarization is the SAR polarization most relevant to soil moisture estimates. An RMSE for soil moisture estimates of approximately 6 vol.% was obtained even for dense grassland cover. The use of in situ FAPAR and FCover only improved the estimate of the leaf area index (LAI) with an RMSE of approximately 0.37 m²/m². The use of polarimetric parameters did not improve the estimate of soil moisture and vegetation parameters. Good results were obtained for the biomass (BIO) and vegetation water content (VWC) estimates for BIO and VWC values lower than 2 and 1.5 kg/m², respectively (RMSE is of 0.38 kg/m² for BIO and 0.32 kg/m² for VWC). In addition, a high under-estimate was observed for BIO and VWC higher than 2 and 1.5 kg/m², respectively (a bias of -0.65 kg/m² on BIO estimates and -0.49 kg/m² on VWC estimates). Finally, the estimation of vegetation height (VEH) was carried out with an RMSE of 13.45 cm

    Methylation Status of Imprinted Genes and Repetitive Elements in Sperm DNA from Infertile Males

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    Stochastic, environmentally and/or genetically induced disturbances in the genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming processes during male germ-cell development may contribute to male infertility. To test this hypothesis, we have studied the methylation levels of 2 paternally (H19 and GTL2) and 5 maternally methylated (LIT1, MEST, NESPAS, PEG3, and SNRPN) imprinted genes, as well as of ALU and LINE1 repetitive elements in 141 sperm samples, which were used for assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including 106 couples with strictly male-factor or combined male and female infertility and 28 couples with strictly female-factor infertility. Aberrant methylation imprints showed a significant association with abnormal semen parameters, but did not seem to influence ART outcome. Repeat methylation also differed significantly between sperm samples from infertile and presumably fertile males. However, in contrast to imprinted genes, ALU methylation had a significant impact on pregnancy and live-birth rate in couples with male-factor or combined infertility. ALU methylation was significantly high-er in sperm samples leading to pregnancy and live-birth than in those that did not. Sperm samples leading to abortions showed significantly lower ALU methylation levels than those leading to the birth of a baby. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Coupling potential of ICESat/GLAS and SRTM for the discrimination of forest landscape types in French Guiana

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    The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has produced the most accurate nearly global elevation dataset to date. Over vegetated areas, the measured SRTM elevations are the result of a complex interaction between radar waves and tree crowns. In this study, waveforms acquired by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) were combined with SRTM elevations to discriminate the five forest landscape types (LTs) in French Guiana. Two differences were calculated: (1) penetration depth, defined as the GLAS highest elevations minus the SRTM elevations, and (2) the GLAS centroid elevations minus the SRTM elevations. The results show that these differences were similar for the five LTs, and they increased as a function of the GLAS canopy height and of the SRTM roughness index. Next, a Random Forest (RF) classifier was used to analyze the coupling potential of GLAS and SRTM in the discrimination of forest landscape types in French Guiana. The parameters used in the RF classification were the GLAS canopy height, the SRTM roughness index, the difference between the GLAS highest elevations and the SRTM elevations and the difference between the GLAS centroid elevations and the SRTM elevations. Discrimination of the five forest landscape types in French Guiana was possible, with an overall classification accuracy of 81.3% and a kappa coefficient of 0.75. All forest LTs were well classified with an accuracy varying from 78.4% to 97.5%. Finally, differences of near coincident GLAS waveforms, one from the wet season and one from the dry season, were analyzed. The results showed that the open forest LT (LT12), in some locations, contains trees that lose leaves during the dry season. These trees allow LT12 to be easily discriminated from the other LTs that retain their leaves using the following three criteria: (1) difference between the GLAS centroid elevations and the SRTM elevations, (2) ratio of top energy in the wet season to top energy in the dry season, or (3) ratio of ground energy in the wet season to ground energy in the dry season

    Signal level comparison between TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Sensors

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    International audienceSoil and vegetation biophysical parameter retrieval using synthetic-aperture-radar images requires radiometrically well-calibrated sensors. In this letter, a comparison of signal levels between TerraSAR-X (TSX) and the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) constellation (CSK1, CSK2, CSK3, and CSK4) was carried out in order to analyze the ability to use jointly all current X-band sensors. The analysis of the X-band signal over forest stands showed a stable signal (variation lower than 1 dB) over time for each of the studied sensors, but a significant difference was observed between the different X-band sensors. Differences between radar signals were higher in HH than in HV polarization. TSX and CSK4 showed similar backscatter signals, with signal level differences of 0.6 dB in HH and 1.4 dB in HV. The CSK3 signal was observed to be lower than those from TSX and CSK4 by about 2.1 dB and 1.5 dB in HH against 3.2 dB and 1.8 dB in HV, respectively. Moreover, CSK2 and CSK1 which showed slightly different backscatter signals (within 1.1 dB in HH and 1.9 dB in HV) had signal levels lower than those obtained from TSX (2.2-3.3 dB in HH and 3.2-5.1 dB in HV for about 29° incidence angle). These results show that it is currently difficult to use jointly the available X-band satellites (CSK and TSX) for estimating the biophysical parameters of soil or vegetation. This is due to the significant difference in the radar signal level between some of the analyzed satellites, which will cause a high overor underestimation of biophysical parameters

    Irrigated grassland monitoring using a time series of terraSAR-X and COSMO-skyMed X-Band SAR Data

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]SYNERGIE [Axe_IRSTEA]TETIS-ATTOSInternational audienceThe objective of this study was to analyze the sensitivity of radar signals in the X-band in irrigated grassland conditions. The backscattered radar signals were analyzed according to soil moisture and vegetation parameters using linear regression models. A time series of radar (TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed) and optical (SPOT and LANDSAT) images was acquired at a high temporal frequency in 2013 over a small agricultural region in southeastern France. Ground measurements were conducted simultaneously with the satellite data acquisitions during several grassland growing cycles to monitor the evolution of the soil and vegetation characteristics. The comparison between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) computed from optical images and the in situ Leaf Area Index (LAI) showed a logarithmic relationship with a greater scattering for the dates corresponding to vegetation well developed before the harvest. The correlation between the NDVI and the vegetation parameters (LAI, vegetation height, biomass, and vegetation water content) was high at the beginning of the growth cycle. This correlation became insensitive at a certain threshold corresponding to high vegetation (LAI ~2.5 m2/m2). Results showed that the radar signal depends on variations in soil moisture, with a higher sensitivity to soil moisture for biomass lower than 1 kg/m². HH and HV polarizations had approximately similar sensitivities to soil moisture. The penetration depth of the radar wave in the X-band was high, even for dense and high vegetation; flooded areas were visible in the images with higher detection potential in HH polarization than in HV polarization, even for vegetation heights reaching 1 m. Lower sensitivity was observed at the X-band between the radar signal and the vegetation parameters with very limited potential of the X-band to monitor grassland growth. These results showed that it is possible to track gravity irrigation and soil moisture variations from SAR X-band images acquired at high spatial resolution (an incidence angle near 30°)

    Regional scale rain-forest height mapping using regression-kriging of spaceborneand airborne lidar data: application on French Guiana

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    IGARSS 2015, Milan, ITA, 26-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015International audienceLiDAR remote sensing has been shown to be a good technique for the estimation of forest parameters such as canopy heights and aboveground biomass. Whilst airborne LiDAR data are in general very dense but only available over small areas due to the cost of their acquisition, spaceborne LiDAR data acquired from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) have a coarser acquisition density associated with a global cover. It is therefore valuable to analyze the integration relevance of canopy heights estimated from LiDAR sensors with ancillary data such as geological, meteorological, and phenological variables in order to propose a forest canopy height map with good precision and high spatial resolution.In this study, canopy heights extracted from both airborne and spaceborne LiDAR, were first extrapolated from available environmental data. The estimated canopy height maps using random forest (RF) regression from the airborne or GLAS calibration datasets showed similar precisions (RMSE better than 6.5 m). In order to improve the precision of the canopy height estimates regression-kriging (kriging of RF regression residuals) was used. Results indicated an improvement in the RMSE (decrease from 6.5 to 4.2 m) for the regression-kriging maps from the GLAS dataset, and from 5.8 to 1.8 m for the regression-kriging map from the airborne LiDAR dataset

    Analysis of TerraSAR-X data sensitivity to bare soil moisture, roughness, composition and soil crust

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    Le comportement du signal radar TerraSAR-X en fonction des paramètres du sol (rugosité, humidité, structure) a été analysé sur des données 2009 et 2010. Les résultats montrent que la sensibilité du signal radar à l'humidité est plus importante pour des faibles incidences (25° en comparaison à 50°). Pour des fortes valeurs d'humidité, le signal TerraSAR-X est plus sensible à la rugosité du sol à forte incidence (50°). La forte résolution spatiale des données TerraSAR-X (1 m) permet de détecter la croûte de battance à l'échelle intra parcellaire. / Soils play a key role in shaping the environment and in risk assessment. We characterized the soils of bare agricultural plots using TerraSAR-X (9.5 GHz) data acquired in 2009 and 2010. We analyzed the behavior of the TerraSAR-X signal for two configurations, HH-25° and HH-50°, with regard to several soil conditions: moisture content, surface roughness, soil composition and soil-surface structure (slaking crust).The TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil moisture at a low (25°) incidence angle than at a high incidence angle (50°). For high soil moisture (N25%), the TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil roughness at a high incidence angle (50°) than at a low incidence angle (25°). The high spatial resolution of the TerraSAR-X data (1 m) enabled the soil composition and slaking crust to be analyzed at the within-plot scale based on the radar signal. The two loamy-soil categories that composed our training plots did not differ sufficiently in their percentages of sand and clay to be discriminated by the X-band radar signal.However, the spatial distribution of slaking crust could be detected when soil moisture variation is observed between soil crusted and soil without crust. Indeed, areas covered by slaking crust could have greater soil moisture and consequently a greater backscattering signal than soils without crust

    Effect of vitamin D replacement on maternal and neonatal outcomes: a randomised controlled trial in pregnant women with hypovitaminosis D. A protocol

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    Introduction: The vitamin D recommended doses during pregnancy differ between societies. The WHO guidelines do not recommend routine prenatal supplementation, but they underscore the fact that women with the lowest levels may benefit most. The effects of routine supplementation during pregnancy on maternal and neonatal clinical outcomes have not been investigated in the Middle East, where hypovitaminosis D is prevalent. Our hypothesis is that in Middle Eastern pregnant women, a vitamin D dose of 3000?IU/day is required to reach a desirable maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level, and to positively impact infant bone mineral content (BMC).Methods and analysis: This is a multicentre blinded randomised controlled trial. Pregnant women presenting to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology clinics will be approached. Eligible women will be randomised to daily equivalent doses of cholecalciferol, 600?IU or 3000?IU, from 15 to 18?weeks gestation until delivery. Maternal 25(OH)D and chemistries will be assessed at study entry, during the third trimester and at delivery. Neonatal anthropometric variables and 25(OH)D level will be measured at birth, and bone and fat mass assessment by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan at 1?month. A sample size of 280 pregnant women is needed to demonstrate a statistically significant difference in the proportion of women reaching a 25(OH)D level ?50?nmol/L at delivery, and a difference in infant BMC of 6 (10)g, for a 90% power and a 2.5% level of significance. The proportions of women achieving a target 25(OH)D level will be compared between the two arms, using ?2. An independent t test will be used to compare mean infant BMC between the two arms. The primary analysis is an intention-to-treat analysis of unadjusted results.Ethics and dissemination: The protocol has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the American University of Beirut-Lebanon (IM.GEHF.22). The trial results will be published in peer-reviewed medical journals and presented at scientific conferences.Trial registration number: NCT02434380.<br/

    Regional scale rain-forest height mapping using regression-kriging of spaceborne and airborne lidar data : application on French Guiana

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    LiDAR data has been successfully used to estimate forest parameters such as canopy heights and biomass. Major limitation of LiDAR systems (airborne and spaceborne) arises from their limited spatial coverage. In this study, we present a technique for canopy height mapping using airborne and spaceborne LiDAR data (from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)). First, canopy heights extracted from both airborne and spaceborne LiDAR were extrapolated from available environmental data. The estimated canopy height maps using Random Forest (RF) regression from airborne or GLAS calibration datasets showed similar precisions (~6 m). To improve the precision of canopy height estimates, regression-kriging was used. Results indicated an improvement in terms of root mean square error (RMSE, from 6.5 to 4.2 m) using the GLAS dataset, and from 5.8 to 1.8 m using the airborne LiDAR dataset. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of the spatial sampling of future LiDAR missions on canopy height estimates precision, six subsets were derived from the initial airborne LiDAR dataset. Results indicated that using the regression-kriging approach a precision of 1.8 m on the canopy height map was achievable with a flight line spacing of 5 km. This precision decreased to 4.8 m for flight line spacing of 50 km
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