112 research outputs found

    Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of NiTiCo shape memory alloys under various aging conditions

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    In this study the microstructure evolution and corrosion resistance of NiTiCo and Co-free NiTi shape memory alloys (smart alloys) were investigated under various aging conditions. Cobalt NiTi alloy contains 4 at% in addition to 52 at% Nickel and 44 at% Titanium, while in Co- free alloy Titanium content increased to 48 at%. Optical and scanning electron microscopes were used to investigate the microstructure evolution of NiTi alloys. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements were used to study the corrosion behavior of the tested alloys in 1.0 M HCl solution at 25 °C. The results show that martensite phase, B19’, is predominant phase in the aged microstructures of the investigated alloys. Moreover, there is an intermetallic compound phase, Ti2Ni, that precipitated in various densities and sizes in microstructures depending on the aging heat treatment conditions. Polarization measurements show that the corrosion rate of the NiTi alloys increases as the aging temperature increase. Also, potentiodynamic polarization shows that the addition of 4% of cobalt as alloying element decreases the corrosion rate


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    This study, based on a collaborative project with the Regional Council forResearch and Agricultural Extension, was carried out at an experimental farm of asandy soil belonging to Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, El-BustanRegion, Beheira Governorate, during two seasons (2004&2005) on an area of 5850m2. The experiment was designed in a split plot, arranged in a randomized completeblocks with three replications. Irrigation operations [Drip(DI)/Sprinkler(SI)] wereassigned to the main plots, while weed control methods (hoe weeding/herbicide usedthrough either conventional spraying with 0.300kg/fed concentration or herbigationwith three herbicide concentrations of 0.150, 0.225 and 0.300kg/fed.) were assignedto the subplots. The data were statistically analyzed by the Least Squares Methodusing a model involving the two factors (irrigation system and weed control method)and their interaction as affecting eradication percent, tomato yield/fed., and cost ofcontrol operation. The effect on herbicide residues in the tomatoes was alsoinvestigate

    A study of the processes involved in the change of the cells of the bacterial species Escherichia coli from life to death

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    Producing more food from less applied water is vital, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions which suffer from water scarcity. A study was conducted at the Research and Experimental Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University at Shalakan, Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, to evaluate the effect of two irrigation systems (trickle and modified furrow irrigation) and five maize (M)-cowpea (C) intercropping patterns (sole M-30, sole M-15, ridge side M: ridge side C, ridge M: ridge C and sole C) on weeds and maize ( Zea mays L.) attributes, and water use efficiency (WUE). Trickle irrigation surpassed the modified furrow by 6.0 and 36.0% in kernels number row-1 and maize grain yield, respectively. The ridge M: ridge C intercrop was the most effective action for diminishing weed biomass. Intercropping patterns were substantially leveled with sole M-30 in maize grain yield. Ridge M: ridge C under two irrigation systems, along with Ridge side M: Ridge side C, and sole M-30 under trickle irrigation were the effective combinations for lowering weed biomass. Each intercropping pattern under trickle irrigation, surpassed its counterpart under modified furrow for promoting kernels number row-1, 100 kernels weight and grain yield of maize. The applied water with trickle irrigation was lower than that of modified furrow irrigation, saving about 8.2% of irrigation water. Also, trickle irrigation achieved higher WUE (45.5%) over the modified furrow. Land equivalent ratio illustrated that ridge M: ridge C and ridge side M: ridge side C patterns saved 25 and 9% of land, respectively. Aggressivity showed that maize was the dominant crop, while cowpea was the dominated one.Produire plus de nourriture par moins d\u2019eau appliqu\ue9e est une interrogation vitale, particuli\ue8rement dans les r\ue9gions arides et semi-arides qui souffrent de p\ue9nurie d\u2019eau. Une \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e \ue0 la station de recherche et exp\ue9rimentale, Facult\ue9 d\u2019agriculture, Universit\ue9 d\u2019Ain Shams au Shalakan, Kalubia gouvernorat, Egypte, pour \ue9valuer l\u2019effet de deux syst\ue8mes d\u2019irrigation (irrigation de filet et sillon modifi\ue9) et cinq syst\ue8mes de cultures intercalaires ma\uefs (M)-haricot (C) (M-30 seul, M-15 seul, c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de M: c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de C, ligne de M: ligne de C et C seul) sur les mauvaises herbes, le productivit\ue9 et des attributs de ma\uefs, l\u2019utilisation efficace de l\u2019eau et les indications de la comp\ue9tition. Irrigation goutte \ue0 goutte d\ue9pass\ue9 sillon modifi\ue9 un de 6.0 et 36.0% pour les amandes de grains rang\ue9e-1 et rendement en grains de ma\uefs, respectivement. Le syst\ue8me de cultures intercalaires\ua0qui ligne de M: ligne de C \ue9tait le mod\ue8le le plus efficace pour diminuer la biomasse des adventices. Des cultures intercalaires ont \ue9t\ue9 sensiblement nivel\ue9es avec M-30 semelle en termes de rendement de grains du ma\uefs. Le syst\ue8me de cultures intercalaires\ua0qui ligne de M: ligne de C avec deux syst\ue8mes d\u2019irrigation en compagnie de c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de M: c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de C et M-30 seul avec le syst\ue8me irrigation goutte \ue0 goutte sont les combinaisons efficaces pour abaisser la biomasse des adventices. Chaque syst\ue8me de cultures intercalaires\ua0en compagnie le syst\ue8me d\u2019irrigation goutte \ue0 goutte a d\ue9pass\ue9 son homologue avec le syst\ue8me d\u2019irrigation sillon modifi\ue9 un pour la promotion des amandes de grains rang\ue9e-1, poids de 100 grains et le rendement en grains de ma\uefs. L\u2019eau appliqu\ue9e avec irrigation goutte \ue0 goutte est inf\ue9rieur \ue0 celui de l\u2019irrigation de sillon modifi\ue9, une \ue9conomie d\u2019environ 8.2% de l\u2019eau d\u2019irrigation. \uc9galement, l\u2019irrigation goutte \ue0 goutte atteint l\u2019utilisation efficace de l\u2019eau \ue9lev\ue9e (45.5%) au cours sillon modifi\ue9 un. Rapport \ue9quivalent des terres illustr\ue9 cette ligne de M: ligne d\u2019 C et c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de M: c\uf4t\ue9 de la ligne de C enregistr\ue9s 25% et 9% des terres, respectivement. En outre, l\u2019agressivit\ue9 a expos\ue9 que le ma\uefs \ue9tait la culture dominante, tandis que l\u2019haricot est le domin\ue9

    Minimizing the expected time to detect a randomly located lost target using 3-dimensional search technique

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    This paper considers a new model in search theory to find a randomly located target in the 3-dimensional space. An approximation algorithm that facilitates searching procedures for searchers or robots is presented. The expected time to detect the target is also proved. The statistical analysis by calculating the optimal search strategy which minimizes the time to detect the target, assuming trivariate standard normal distribution is provided, and the technique by flowcharts is designed as well. The effectiveness of this strategy is illustrated by introducing an application from real world


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    Irrigation, water management under climate change conditions plays an important role in rationalizing water uses efficiency in the agricultural development processes specially under aridecosystems conditions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to estimate the irrigation water requirement of savings landscaping areas under different recent techniques. So, this study focused on comparison between fully automatic with central control system (C.C.S) based on weather station and Control unit based on operator experience and background. The experiments were conducted during two years (from January 2014 to December 2015), in the site that located in District 5, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.  The results indicated the irrigation scheduling based on weather station data using a central control system (C.C.S) optimized maximize the irrigation water use efficiency and increase the amount of irrigation water saving  by about  14%, 36%,18% and 33% in Autumn, Winter ,spring and summer  respectively  in year of  (2014) and 7%, 29.7%, 16%, 33% in Autumn, Winter, spring and summer,  respectively in year of  (2015) compared with the other irrigation scheduling when based on calculated according to traditional method. In addition,  the results revealed that scheduling practices based on weather station data by using central control system could reduce the average of power consumption (about 314 KW) in year of (2014) and (about 347 KW) in year of  (2015).  Moreover ,the results revealed that the cost of water consumption for the central control system based on the data of the meteorological station for the two years 2014 and 2015, the years of study  were 018601 L.E./ 2 years compared with the other irrigation schedule when calculated according to the operator's experience was 010101 L.E./ 2  years. Where the cost of 36172, 13603, 23393 and 33642  L.E./ 2 years in the winter ,spring, summer, autumn and respectively of the central control system and 39600, 17068, 28820 and 45522  L.E./ 2  years in the winter, spring, summer, autumn respectively of the other system


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    This work was carried out in the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt during the period from 2015 to 2017, to investigate the effect of cytokinin type and concentration (BAP, 2-iP and kin, at either 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 ppm) as well as medium type (MS or B5) on micro-shoots multiplication of in vitro cultured rare ornamental plant, Vangueria edulis. Results that were significant could be briefed in the following: the first position was obtained by BAP at 1 ppm in regard to survival %, shoot length and shooting %; BAP at 3 ppm for shoot number, leaf number and shoot length; 2-iP at 1 ppm for shooting %; 2-iP at 2 ppm for shoot length and shooting %; and kinetin at 2 ppm for survival %. Using MS medium gave rise to higher values concerning survival %, shoot number, leaf number, shoot length and shooting % compared to using B5 medium. The highest position was occupied by the combinations between BAP 1 ppm + MS for survival %, shoot number, shoot length and, shooting %; BAP 2 ppm + MS for shoot number; BAP 3 ppm+B5 for shoot number and leaf number; 2-iP 1 ppm + MS for shooting %; 2-iP 2 ppm + MS for shoot number; kinetin at 1 or 3 ppm + MS for shoot length and kinetin 2 ppm + MS for survival % and shoot length. It is recommended to treat in vitro produced micro-shoots of Vangueria edulis with BAP at 1 ppm + MS medium to obtain the highest values during multiplication stage


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    The experiment was held at the Arid land Agricultural graduate studies and Research Institute - Ain Shams University. A soil moisture sensor is designed and used for measuring and controlling soil moisture content in plant media.  The device has been programmed and connected to three water-lifting pumps to operate them according to each treatment.         A vertical system has been constructed using 18 columns of white square styrofoam pots filled with perlite (In-organic substrate). Three soil moisture content treatments were selected as T1 = 60 %, T2= 80%, and T3 = 100% which were controlled by the sensors.  Solution tank filled with dissolved nutrient elements was used for supplying required water.       Two types of lettuce (green and red) lettuce seedlings were planted in the perlite substrate and irrigated by drip irrigation system. The system was closed and was based on smart automatic drip irrigation system,        Results revealed that, 556.5 liters of water was consumed under condition of T1 = 60 %, while 697.5 liters and 908.5 were consumed under condition of T2= 80 %, and T3 = 100% respectively After 47 days the Red lettuce yield (weight, number of leaves, and also weight of dry lettuce) was higher than green lettuce for all treatments. Yields of lettuce per system unit (4.5 m2) 16 kg/m2 and water use efficiency 26kg /m3 (Barbosa et al 2015) conventional production yielded 3.9 ±  0.21 kg/m2/y of lettuce produce, with water. Hydroponics offered 11±1.7 times higher yields but required 82±11 times more energy compared to conventionally produced lettuce

    The Glucocorticoid Receptor and Certain KRÜPPEL-Like Transcription Factors have the Potential to Synergistically Stimulate Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Transcription and Reactivation from Latency

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    Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1), an important bovine pathogen, establishes life-long latency in sensory neurons within trigeminal ganglia (TG). Stress, as mimicked by the synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone, consistently induces reactivation in calves latently infected with BoHV-1. Dexamethasone induces expression of several transcription factors in TG neurons during early stages of reactivation, including Krüppel-like transcription factors (KLF): KLF4, KLF6, KLF15, and promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger. Furthermore, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is consistently detected in TG neurons expressing viral regulatory proteins during reactivation from latency. The viral immediate early transcription unit 1 (IEtu1) promoter that drives expression of two viral transcription factors (bICP0 and bICP4) contains two GR response elements (GREs) and is stimulated by DEX. KLF15 and the GR form a feed forward transcription loop that synergistically stimulates productive infection and IEtu1 promoter activity. New studies demonstrate the GR and KLF6 synergistically stimulate productive infection and IEtu1 promoter activity if the GREs are intact. Furthermore, the GR and KLF6 interact with wild-type GREs within the IEtu1 promoter, but not GRE mutants. These studies suggest that certain KLF family members and the GR can convert a silent viral genome in latently infected neurons into an actively transcribing genome during reactivation from latency