207,793 research outputs found

    A new class of Ornstein transformations with singular spectrum

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    It is shown that for any family of probability measures in Ornstein type constructions the corresponding transformation has almost surely a singular spectrum. This is a new generalization of Bourgain's theorem, the same result is proved for Rudolph's construction.Comment: 200

    Stability of Intershaft Squeeze Film Dampers

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    Intershaft squeeze film dampers were investigated for damping of dual rotor aircraft jet engines. It was thought that the intershaft damper would enhance the stability of the rotor-bearing system. Unfortunately, it was determined that the intershaft squeeze film damper was unstable above the engine's first critical speed. Here, a stability analysis of rotors incorporating intershaft squeeze film dampers is discussed. A rotor model consisting of two Jeffcott rotors with two intershaft squeeze film dampers was investigated. Examining the system characteristic equation for the conditions at which the roots indicate an ever-growing unstable motion results in the stability conditions. The cause of the instability is identified as the rotation of the oil in the damper clearance. Several proposed configurations of intershaft squeeze film dampers are discussed, and it is shown that the intershaft dampers are stable supercritically only with a configuration in which the oil film does not rotate
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