13 research outputs found

    L’image du locuteur crĂ©dible dans le discours d ’opinion

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    The trutstworthy speaker (interlocutor) presents his reasoning as based on logical deduction, although it is structured by much more complicated relations.This is because of the goal posed before the discourse in which an opinion is expressed. He tries to influence a recipient and to make him adopt a new point of view which is not based merely on logical values. To achieve this goal the speaker (interlocutor) uses argumentative structures which use procedures of natural reasoning.Autor: PachociƄska, ElĆŒbieta

    Quelques remarques sur le vocabulaire qui s’ajuste au monde contemporain

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    This article presents the vocabulary signifi cant to our contemporary world in 2016 and 2017. It has been used in connection with the most important political, social, economic and cultural transformations

    Les politiques indignés sur les sites internet

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    Indignation in the political discourse has a long rhetoric tradition because of its moral aspect. This article focuses on the discursive construction of this emotion by French politicians in their communiqué posted on officials websites and on their twitter. It will be asked (1) how expression of indignation affects discursive structure, (2) how it can be inferred referring to our stereotypes, (3) how the emotional involvement contributes to positive ethos of politicians. Our analysis is based on the study of emotion in discourse proposed by Ch. Plantin (2011), the notion of subjectivity in language (C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1980) and the concept of ethos D. Maingueneau (1999).Indignation in the political discourse has a long rhetoric tradition because of its moral aspect. This article focuses on the discursive construction of this emotion by French politicians in their communiqué posted on officials websites and on their twitter. It will be asked (1) how expression of indignation affects discursive structure, (2) how it can be inferred referring to our stereotypes, (3) how the emotional involvement contributes to positive ethos of politicians. Our analysis is based on the study of emotion in discourse proposed by Ch. Plantin (2011), the notion of subjectivity in language (C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1980) and the concept of ethos D. Maingueneau (1999)

    Le rĂŽle de l’intox dans la construction de l’ethos de Marine Le Pen pendant la campagne prĂ©sidentielle en France 2017

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    This study examines the nature and function of manipulative discourses by Marine Le Pen’s, the candidate of Front National in the 2017 French presidential elections. It also shows how manipulative discourse legitimates her populist ethos. We adopt the discursive and rhetorical perspective (Charaudeau, 2011, 2015 ; Taguieff, 1984), which is illustrated by a corpus of texts by fact-checking journalists (les DĂ©codeurs, DĂ©sintox) of Le Monde and LibĂ©ration newspapers, as well as a video of a presidential debate.This study examines the nature and function of manipulative discourses by Marine Le Pen’s, the candidate of Front National in the 2017 French presidential elections. It also shows how manipulative discourse legitimates her populist ethos. We adopt the discursive and rhetorical perspective (Charaudeau, 2011, 2015 ; Taguieff, 1984), which is illustrated by a corpus of texts by fact-checking journalists (les DĂ©codeurs, DĂ©sintox) of Le Monde and LibĂ©ration newspapers, as well as a video of a presidential debate

    About numerical philology as a part of the text semantics The aim of the article is to outline the concept of numerical philology, as proposed by François Rastier the French linguist, in the context of a project to federate disciplines engaged in l

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    Persuasive strategies in ecological advertising campaign In our paper we discuss from a pragmatic perspective (Sperber, Wilson 1989) how persuasive strategies are used in ecological advertising. Prototypical discursive configurations in our corpus are analyzed in the light of two criteria: interlocutive relation and the orientation of interpretation. The first has shown the discursive function of communicator and the second how he imposes the interpretation of the message. Both criteria represent the form of ostensive-inferential communication. We have shown that the main strategy consists in ‘introduction’ of the audience to discursive space (ethos, interactive forms). The communicator tries to make a message optimally relevant, transparent and comprehensible to achieve his persuasive goals

    The Slogans of Young People from the Climate Marches in France (2018–2019) and the Construction of Collective Identity

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    The analysis concerns the construction of collective identity of young people from the climate marches in France in 2018–2019. It focuses on their slogans from the discursive perspective with reference to the concepts of collective ethos (Amossy 2010), ethos said and shown (Maingueneau 2012), hyperenunciator, hyperdyscourse and interdiscursivity.We argue that there are three main dimensions interacting in building up the collective ethos through the slogans: enunciative (the forms of saying and showing the ethos), interdiscursive (the presence of ideas from various discourses on ecology, i.e. the hyperdyscourse) and the third one expressed by hyperenunciator using the social media which play a major role in the construction of the Thesaurus of this community in the sense of Maingueneau (2004)

    The Principle of Relevance in French press discourse on the example of the noun message

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    Dans cet article, on montre que le nom message rĂ©alise le principe de pertinence dans le discours journalistique français (Sperber, Wilson 1989). Il sert Ă  attirer l’attention du destinataire sur l’intention informative et communicative du locuteur ainsi que d’introduire l’interprĂ©tation du message sĂ©miotique contenu dans la communication non-verbale. Le nom message remplit trois fonctions discursives (mĂ©tadiscursive, intertextuelle et interdiscursive) en permettant d’introduire la parole de l’autre par le discours direct, indirect, les explications et les reformulations.This paper concentrates on the functions of the noun message in press discourse. It is shown that by using this noun the journalist or politician fulfills the Principle of Relevance (Sperber, Wilson 1989) by focusing the attention of lecturer/hearer on his informative and communicative intentions, the most important from his perspective. These intentions are interpreted as a sense of message, in discursive terms: quotations, indirect speech, explications, reformulations, markers of intertextuality and interdiscursivity. The last purpose of this paper is to analyse some aspects of nonverbal political message. The journalist interprets the sense of gestures, behaviour, decisions, etc., which convey some political meaning through the recognition of informative and communicative intentions of politicians in specific context in which communication takes [email protected] WarszawskiGrice H.P., 1989, Studies in the Way of Words, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.PachociƄska E., 1996, « ReprĂ©sentations cognitives dans le syntagme introducteur du discours rapportĂ© », Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, XLIII, nr. 1, 36–39.Recanati F., 2007, Le sens littĂ©ral. Langage, contexte, contenu, Paris–Tel-Aviv, Ă©ditions de l’éclat.Saussure L., 2006, « Implicatures et mĂ©tareprĂ©sentations en contexte de presse Ă©crite », TRANEL 44, 57–75.Sperber D., 2000, « La communication et le sens », in : Y. Michaud (Ă©d.) Qu’est-ce que l’humain ? UniversitĂ© de tous les savoirs, Paris, Odile Jacob, vol. 2, 119–128, http://www.dan.sperber.fr/?p=57Sperber D., Wilson D., 1989, La pertinence. Communication et cognition, Paris, Ă©d. de Minuit.TrĂ©sor de la Langue Française informatisĂ©.http://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/2014/09/22/31003-20140922ARTFIG00299-le-message-de-l-etat-islamique-est-un-appel-a-l-insurrection-lance-auxloups-solitaires.phphttp://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2015/06/18/97001-20150618FILWWW00403-climat-obama-salue-le-message-du-pape.phphttp://www.touteleurope.eu/actualite/pierre-moscovici-notre-role-est-avanttout-politique.htmlhttp://www.politique.net/olivier-besancenot.htmhttp://www.challenges.fr/economie/20141110.CHA0041/quand-moscovicirend-hommage-a-la-vision-politique-de-draghi.htmlhttp://www.politique.net/2014052002-fausse-baisse-d-impots.htmhttp://www.challenges.fr/economie/20141110.CHA0041/quand-moscovicirend-hommage-a-la-vision-politique-de-draghi.htmlhttp://rue89.nouvelobs.com/2014/03/24/quand-hollande-commentaitmessage-municipales-2008-250928http://www.lalsace.fr/actualite/2014/0/715/un-discours-sans-messagehttp://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2014/08/19/97001-20140819FILWWW00123-valls-rappelle-le-message-de-la-liberation.phphttp://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2013/03/19/97001-20130319FILWWW00699-cope-veut-delivrer-un-message-d-alerte.phphttp://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2014/10/26/francois-hollande-veutfaire-passer-un-message-de-vivre-ensemble_4512671_823448.htmlhttp://rue89.nouvelobs.com/2009/07/11/obama-au-ghana-un-messagesubliminal-a-lafriquehttp://madame.lefigaro.fr/societe/michelle-obama-en-arabie-saoudite-sansvoile-le-faux-malaise-280115-94079http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2015/04/14/missiles-russes-livres-a-l-iran-unmessage-plus-politique-que-militaire_1241094319-3331531933

    News put into words in the journalistic discourse. The case of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

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    Dans le discours de presse, on peut observer des stratĂ©gies discursives qui construisent le sens social des Ă©vĂ©nements mĂ©diatisĂ©s. Ce sont l’activitĂ© de nomination, l’actualisation des informations et la mise en circulation des discours antagonistes. Cette problĂ©matique sera prĂ©sentĂ©e de la perspective de la sĂ©mantique discursive, Ă  travers les concepts proposĂ©s par S.Moirand (2007, 2014) : la mĂ©moire interdiscursive mĂ©diatique, les moments discursifs, le mot-Ă©vĂ©nement qui permettrons de montrer la dynamique dans la construction du sens social des mots que nous appelons unitĂ©s circulantes dans l’espace public. Les analyses seront illustrĂ©es par le conflit autour du projet d’aĂ©roport Ă  Notre-Dame-des-Landes, qui a Ă©tĂ© abandonnĂ© en 2018 apĂšs 50 ans de contestations citoyennes.In the press discourse, we may observe three main discursive strategies which construct the social sense of the events in the media. There are the activity of nomination, actualization of information and insertion of antagonists discourses. These problems will be presented from the perspective of discursive semantics through the concepts proposed by S. Moirand (2007, 2014): media interdiscursive memory, discursive moment, word-event. They will show the dynamic construction of social sense of words which we called units circulating in the public sphere. The analysis is illustrated by the conflict on airport project at Notre-Dame-des-Landes which was abandon by the French government in 2018 after 50 years of citizens [email protected] WarszawskiBosredon B., Tamba I., 1992, « ThĂšme et titre de presse : formules bisegmentales articulĂ©es par « un deux points » », L’Information Grammaticale 54, pp. 36–44.Calabrese L., 2010, « DĂ©coder les titres de presse. Les compĂ©tences de lecture et les routines rĂ©dactionnelles en question », Recherches en Communication 33, pp. 115–129.Calabrese-Steinberg L., 2009, «Nommer un Ă©vĂ©nement ou les marges du sens dans les dĂ©signations mĂ©diatiques : L’exemple de la canicule », https://www.academia.edu/373431/Nommer un %C3%A9v%C3%A9nement ou les marges du sens dans les d%C3%A9nominations m%C3%A9diatiquesCalabrese-Steinberg L., 2012, « L’acte de nommer : nouvelles perspectives pour la discours mĂ©diatique », Langage et SociÂŽetÂŽe 140, pp. 29–40.Kerbrat-Orecchioni C., 1980, L’énonciation. De la subjectivitĂ© dans le langage, Paris, Armand Colin.Kleiber G., 2001, « Remarques sur la dĂ©nomination », Cahiers de praxĂ©matique 36, http://praxematique.revue.org/292, consultĂ© le 12.11.2017.Krieg-Planque A., 2009, « À propos des ‘noms propres d’évĂ©nement‘. ÉvĂ©nementialitĂ© et discursivitĂ© », Carnets de Cediscor 11, http://cediscor.revues.org/759, consultÂŽe le 5.02.2018.Lecolle M., 2002, « Personifications et mĂ©tonymies dans la presse Ă©crite : comment les diffĂ©rencier ? », Semen 15, http://semen.revues.org/2396, consultĂ© le 29 avril 2018.Moirand S., 2007, Le discours de la presse quotidienne. Observer, analyser, comprendre, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.Moirand S., 2014, « L’évĂ©nement ‘saisi’ par la langue et le discours », Cahiers de praxĂ©matique 63, http://praxematique.revue.org/2362, consultĂ© le 15.12.2017.Paveau M-A., 2008, « Le toponyme, dĂ©signateur souple et organisateur mĂ©moriel. L’exemple du nom de bataille », Mots. Les langages du politique 86, pp. 23–35, http://journals.openedition.org/mots/13102, consultĂ© le 04.02.2018.Siblot P., 2001, « De la dĂ©nomination Ă  la nomination. Les dynamiques de la signifiance nominale et le propre du nom», Cahiers de praxĂ©matique 36, http://praxematique.revue.org/292, consultĂ© le 10.11.2017.https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort Chabrolhttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutte du Larzac1925326

    About numerical philology as a part of the text semantics The aim of the article is to outline the concept of numerical philology, as proposed by François Rastier the French linguist, in the context of a project to federate disciplines engaged in l

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    Persuasive strategies in ecological advertising campaign In our paper we discuss from a pragmatic perspective (Sperber, Wilson 1989) how persuasive strategies are used in ecological advertising. Prototypical discursive configurations in our corpus are analyzed in the light of two criteria: interlocutive relation and the orientation of interpretation. The first has shown the discursive function of communicator and the second how he imposes the interpretation of the message. Both criteria represent the form of ostensive-inferential communication. We have shown that the main strategy consists in ‘introduction’ of the audience to discursive space (ethos, interactive forms). The communicator tries to make a message optimally relevant, transparent and comprehensible to achieve his persuasive goals