479 research outputs found

    Toxicity of mercury to hybridoma TA7 cells

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    Environmental mercury and mercury compound contamination has increased dramatically since the industrial revolution. This paper describes the toxic effects of mercury on a culture of hybridoma TA7 cells, which produce antibodies against the A-subunit of viskumin. Cells were cultivated on 96- well flat-bottomed plates with RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum at 37°C in 5% CO2/95% air. The cells were exposed to 0.1nM/l- 10μM/l Hg2(NO3)2·2H2O (mercury nitrate) during the exponential growth phase. Toxicity was assessed by using the colorimetric MTT (tetrazolium) assay after exposure for 48 hours. Cell growth and cell survival were evaluated by using percentage indices of cellular content in exposed cells when compared to non-exposed control cells. The concentrations of the no- effect level, the lowest observed effect level and the the highest toxic effect level were registered. The toxic effects of the mercury compound on the hybridoma cells occurred between 0.1μM/l and 10μM/l.Peer reviewe

    Factors That Promote H3 Chromatin Integrity during Transcription Prevent Promiscuous Deposition of CENP-A(Cnp1) in Fission Yeast

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    Specialized chromatin containing CENP-A nucleosomes instead of H3 nucleosomes is found at all centromeres. However, the mechanisms that specify the locations at which CENP-A chromatin is assembled remain elusive in organisms with regional, epigenetically regulated centromeres. It is known that normal centromeric DNA is transcribed in several systems including the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, we show that factors which preserve stable histone H3 chromatin during transcription also play a role in preventing promiscuous CENP-A(Cnp1) deposition in fission yeast. Mutations in the histone chaperone FACT impair the maintenance of H3 chromatin on transcribed regions and promote widespread CENP-A(Cnp1) incorporation at non-centromeric sites. FACT has little or no effect on CENP-A(Cnp1) assembly at endogenous centromeres where CENP-A(Cnp1) is normally assembled. In contrast, Clr6 complex II (Clr6-CII; equivalent to Rpd3S) histone deacetylase function has a more subtle impact on the stability of transcribed H3 chromatin and acts to prevent the ectopic accumulation of CENP-A(Cnp1) at specific loci, including subtelomeric regions, where CENP-A(Cnp1) is preferentially assembled. Moreover, defective Clr6-CII function allows the de novo assembly of CENP-A(Cnp1) chromatin on centromeric DNA, bypassing the normal requirement for heterochromatin. Thus, our analyses show that alterations in the process of chromatin assembly during transcription can destabilize H3 nucleosomes and thereby allow CENP-A(Cnp1) to assemble in its place. We propose that normal centromeres provide a specific chromatin context that limits reassembly of H3 chromatin during transcription and thereby promotes the establishment of CENP-A(Cnp1) chromatin and associated kinetochores. These findings have important implications for genetic and epigenetic processes involved in centromere specification

    CTG repeat-targeting oligonucleotides for down-regulating Huntingtin expression

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    Sjuksköterskeyrket innebär ofta långvarig stress och bristfällig arbetsmiljö. Personalbrist, hög arbetsbelastning och bristande inflytande på arbetsplatsen är orsaker till att sjuksköterskor väljer att sluta inom yrket. För lite forskning gällande den upplevda stressen på arbetsplatsen inom sjuksköterskeyrket råder. Därför finns anledning till ökad kunskap kring ämnet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i hur hög utsträckning sjuksköterskor upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö, och studien är baserad på 1044 yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor över hela landet som är medlemmar i Facebookgruppen ”Sjuksköterskan”. Dessa personer har fått svara på enkäten Work Stress Questionnaire med 21 frågor. Resultatet från denna studie visar att arbetsbelastningen ökat och personalen har inte möjlighet att påverka beslut som tas på arbetsplatsen. Konflikter är också förekommande där chefen, i de flesta fall, inte gör något för att lösa dessa konflikter. Sjuksköterskorna sätter höga krav på sig själva och är mycket engagerade i arbetet, men har ofta svårt att sätta gränser. Resultatet visar också att en hög andel har svårt att hinna med familj, vänner och fritidsintressen. Det finns tidigare studier med samma mätinstrument som visar att arbetsbelastningen och ansvarstagandet har ökat under de senaste åren. Eventuellt kan detta i slutändan innebära en risk för ökad utbrändhet och fler sjukskrivningar

    Genome-Wide Studies of Histone Demethylation Catalysed by the Fission Yeast Homologues of Mammalian LSD1

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    In order to gain a more global view of the activity of histone demethylases, we report here genome-wide studies of the fission yeast SWIRM and polyamine oxidase (PAO) domain homologues of mammalian LSD1. Consistent with previous work we find that the two S. pombe proteins, which we name Swm1 and Swm2 (after SWIRM1 and SWIRM2), associate together in a complex. However, we find that this complex specifically demethylates lysine 9 in histone H3 (H3K9) and both up- and down-regulates expression of different groups of genes. Using chromatin-immunoprecipitation, to isolate fragments of chromatin containing either H3K4me2 or H3K9me2, and DNA microarray analysis (ChIP-chip), we have studied genome-wide changes in patterns of histone methylation, and their correlation with gene expression, upon deletion of the swm1+ gene. Using hyper-geometric probability comparisons we uncover genetic links between lysine-specific demethylases, the histone deacetylase Clr6, and the chromatin remodeller Hrp1. The data presented here demonstrate that in fission yeast the SWIRM/PAO domain proteins Swm1 and Swm2 are associated in complexes that can remove methyl groups from lysine 9 methylated histone H3. In vitro, we show that bacterially expressed Swm1 also possesses lysine 9 demethylase activity. In vivo, loss of Swm1 increases the global levels of both H3K9me2 and H3K4me2. A significant accumulation of H3K4me2 is observed at genes that are up-regulated in a swm1 deletion strain. In addition, H3K9me2 accumulates at some genes known to be direct Swm1/2 targets that are down-regulated in the swm1¿ strain. The in vivo data indicate that Swm1 acts in concert with the HDAC Clr6 and the chromatin remodeller Hrp1 to repress gene expression. In addition, our in vitro analyses suggest that the H3K9 demethylase activity requires an unidentified post-translational modification to allow it to act. Thus, our results highlight complex interactions between histone demethylase, deacetylase and chromatin remodelling activities in the regulation of gene expression

    The JmjC domain protein Epe1 prevents unregulated assembly and disassembly of heterochromatin

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    Heterochromatin normally has prescribed chromosomal positions and must not encroach on adjacent regions. We demonstrate that the fission yeast protein Epe1 stabilises silent chromatin, preventing the oscillation of heterochromatin domains. Epe1 loss leads to two contrasting phenotypes: alleviation of silencing within heterochromatin and expansion of silent chromatin into neighbouring euchromatin. Thus, we propose that Epe1 regulates heterochromatin assembly and disassembly, thereby affecting heterochromatin integrity, centromere function and chromosome segregation fidelity. Epe1 regulates the extent of heterochromatin domains at the level of chromatin, not via the RNAi pathway. Analysis of an ectopically silenced site suggests that heterochromatin oscillation occurs in the absence of heterochromatin boundaries. Epe1 requires predicted iron- and 2-oxyglutarate (2-OG)-binding residues for in vivo function, indicating that it is probably a 2-OG/Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase. We suggest that, rather than being a histone demethylase, Epe1 may be a protein hydroxylase that affects the stability of a heterochromatin protein, or protein–protein interaction, to regulate the extent of heterochromatin domains. Thus, Epe1 ensures that heterochromatin is restricted to the domains to which it is targeted by RNAi

    Factor structure and construct validity of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for Carers (ASCOT-Carer)

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    Background: The ASCOT-Carer is a self-report instrument designed to measure social care-related quality of life (SCRQoL). This article presents the psychometric testing and validation of the ASCOT-Carer four response-level interview (INT4) in a sample of unpaid carers of adults who receive publicly-funded social care services in England. Methods: Unpaid carers were identified through a survey of users of publicly-funded social care services in England. 387 carers completed a face-to-face or telephone interview. Data on variables hypothesised to be related to SCRQoL (for example, characteristics of the carer, cared-for person and care situation) and measures of carer experience, strain, health-related quality of life and overall QoL were collected. Relationships between these variables and overall SCRQoL score were evaluated through correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis to test the construct validity of the scale. Internal reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and feasibility by the number of missing responses. Results: The construct validity was supported by statistically significant relationships between SCRQoL and scores on instruments of related constructs, as well as with characteristics of the carer and care recipient in univariate and multivariate analyses. A Cronbach’s alpha of 0.87 (7 items) indicates that the internal reliability of the instrument is satisfactory and a low number of missing responses (<1%) indicates a high level of acceptance. Conclusions: The results provide evidence to support the construct validity, factor structure, internal reliability and feasibility of the ASCOT-Carer INT4 as an instrument for measuring social care-related quality of life of unpaid carers who care for adults with a variety of long-term conditions, disability or problems related to old age

    A nucleosome turnover map reveals that the stability of histone H4 Lys20 methylation depends on histone recycling in transcribed chromatin

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    Nucleosome composition actively contributes to chromatin structure and accessibility. Cells have developed mechanisms to remove or recycle histones, generating a landscape of differentially aged nucleosomes. This study aimed to create a high-resolution, genome-wide map of nucleosome turnover in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) method was used to study replication-independent nucleosome turnover through the appearance of new histone H3 and the disappearance or preservation of old histone H3. The genome-wide location of histones was determined by chromatin immunoprecipitation–exonuclease methodology (ChIP-exo). The findings were compared with diverse chromatin marks, including histone variant H2A.Z, post-translational histone modifications, and Pol II binding. Finally, genome-wide mapping of the methylation states of H4K20 was performed to determine the relationship between methylation (mono, di, and tri) of this residue and nucleosome turnover. Our analysis showed that histone recycling resulted in low nucleosome turnover in the coding regions of active genes, stably expressed at intermediate levels. High levels of transcription resulted in the incorporation of new histones primarily at the end of transcribed units. H4K20 was methylated in low-turnover nucleosomes in euchromatic regions, notably in the coding regions of long genes that were expressed at low levels. This transcription-dependent accumulation of histone methylation was dependent on the histone chaperone complex FACT. Our data showed that nucleosome turnover is highly dynamic in the genome and that several mechanisms are at play to either maintain or suppress stability. In particular, we found that FACT-associated transcription conserves histones by recycling them and is required for progressive H4K20 methylation