38 research outputs found
Reflective mimesis and ethics of the cross in the mimetic theory of Rene Girard: towards an inclusive humanism : doctoral dissertation
According to René Girard’s anthropological interpretation of the Event of the cross of Jesus Christ, the cross represents the historical moment when the unjust nature of the scapegoat mechanism that held sway of primitive society was exposed. In his Mimetic Theory, mimetic desire is the unconscious, involuntary, uncontrollable driving force of human acts. He proffered the Imitation of Christ i.e. a reversal of the will to violence, as the solution to scapegoating. Unfortunately, the imitation of Christ involves a mental reflection that is inconsistent with the mimetic theory. This Christological solution i.e. the Imitation of Christ, to an anthropological crisis as proposed by Girard does not make for a rational understanding of the action of the cross. On the contrary, a reflective mimesis informed by the action of the cross, is supportive of a rational understanding of the cross as such, unaided by any appeal to religious faith. This thesis argues for reflective mimesis as an ethical disposition, a paradigm and a point of reference of social integration.Según la interpretación antropológica de René Girard del acontecimiento de la cruz de Jesucristo, la cruz representa el momento histórico en el que se puso de manifiesto la naturaleza injusta del mecanismo de chivo expiatorio que dominaba la sociedad primitiva. En su teoría mimética, el deseo mimético es la fuerza motriz inconsciente, involuntaria e incontrolable de los actos humanos. Propuso la imitación de Cristo, es decir, la inversión de la voluntad de violencia, como solución al chivo expiatorio. Desgraciadamente, la imitación de Cristo implica una reflexión mental que es incoherente con la teoría mimética. Esta solución cristológica, es decir, la imitación de Cristo, a una crisis antropológica, tal como la propone Girard, no permite una comprensión racional de la acción de la cruz. Por el contrario, una mimesis reflexiva informada por la acción de la cruz, apoya una comprensión racional de la cruz como tal, sin ayuda de ninguna apelación a la fe religiosa. Esta tesis defiende la mimesis reflexiva como una disposición ética, un paradigma y un punto de referencia de la integración social.post-print279 p
Number 1
ABSTRACT Chemical bath deposited cadmium nickel sulfide (CdNiS) thin films on glass slides were studied for optical properties. This analysis was done using a Janway 6405 UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The optical characterizations show that the films have low reflectance values across the UV, VIS-NIR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This makes the films suitable for antireflection coatings which are employed in the flat plates of solar cell collector. The loss of incident solar radiation due to reflection is highly reduced with this film; hence the solar cell efficiency is increased. Other industrial and solar applications were found from the analysis. Such applications are thin films for solar control coating, thin films for warming coatings, and thin films used as solar absorbers for a solar cell. The films deposited were also characterized using x-ray mini diffractometer MD 10 , version 2.00. From the XRD results, the film structure was found to be hexagonal and a grain size of 0.30µm was obtained. Micrographs of the deposited films were taken using an Olympus Optical Microscope
CdS/ZnS superlattice (SL) were deposited on glass microscope slides at 300K using chemical bath deposition. X-ray diffractometry method was used to obtain structural characterization. Micrographs of the deposited films were taken using an Olumpus optical microscope. A Janway 6405 UV/VIS spectrophotometer was used to obtain the spectra absorbance data. Other optical properties of the films which include reflectance, transmittance, refractive index, dielectric constant, optical conductivity and extinction coefficient where obtained by calculations based on the data. A valence band offset of 0.02eV and conduction band offset of 1.29eV at CdS/ZnS interface was determined by optical method. The band alignment was found to be type 1
Optical Analytical Studies of Electrostatic-Sprayed Eu-doped Cadmium Selenide Nanofilms at Different Temperatures
Electrostatic spray pyrolysis was utilized to grow nanofilms of Eu-doped cadmium selenide at different
temperatures. Optical analysis performed on the grown films reveals extremely poor reflection and absorption
of light throughout the visible spectrum. However, high transmission was determined at higher wavelengths
(visible spectrum) for the films. Other optical constants such as absorption coefficient, optical conductivity,
refractive index, extinction coefficient, dielectric constants (imaginary and real), sum of both dielectric
constants (imaginary and real) are analyzed. Optical band gap studies disclosed the band gaps of
CdSe:Eu films were blue-shifted from CdSe bulk value (1.75 eV); from 2.4 eV to 2.84 eV
Growth of Europium-Doped Magnesium Selenide Films by Electric Field-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis: Optical and Structural Analysis
Europium-doped MgSe films were deposited via electric field-assisted spray pyrolysis. The dopant concentration of the bulk solution of europium trioxide was 5wt. %. However, for doping the films at different substrate temperatures, volume percentage (vol. %) was employed at each instance of variation. Variation of spray temperature was around 573K and 673K (±0.3). Deposition occurred at optimized conditions. Spectra of absorption indicate poor absorption characteristics demonstrated by Europium-doped MgSe films in the ultra-violet region and very low absorption characteristics in the visible section. Absorption peaks were evident around 230nm, 240nm, 350nm and 365nm which confirmed defect states are inherent inside the crystal structure of the films. The films displayed high transparency and low reflection in the visible section at varying substrate temperatures. The high transparency revealed by the MgSe:Eu films in the visible section of the electromagnetic spectrum makes the material applicable as a coating layer in the manufacturing of transparent products. Band gap energies within the range of 2.49eV to 2.95eV corresponding to varying substrate temperatures (573K, 598K, 623K, 648K and 673K) and film thicknesses (2900nm, 2750nm, 2500nm, 2100nm and 200nm) were determined for the MgSe:Eu films. However, a clear observation shows that the band gaps of MgSe:Eu films are mainly dependent on thickness such that the obtained band gaps decreased with increasing thickness (band gap increases with thickness reduction). Structural analysis (XRD) studied at 10% and 40% Eu concentrations reveals a hexagonal (or wurzite) structure for the films with a distortion in crystallinity at higher dopant concentration (40 vol. %) and a resultant blue shift in the lattice constant from the bulk value. Multiple planes of reflection from XRD pattern of the deposited MgSe:Eu films indicate clearly that the films are polycrystalline. Surface morphology (SEM) confirms the highly strained nature and the presence of defect states within the crystal lattice of the Europium-doped MgSe films. Composition of MgSe:Eu films obtained by energy dispersive analysis x-ray (EDAX) confirms the growth of MgSe:Eu films
Investigating the influence of precursor temperature on the bandgap energy, structural, and morphological features of Ti-doped barium sulphide material for photovoltaic application
In this study, we use electrochemical deposition on FTO to grow BaTiS thin films. By varying the temperature of the precursors, we conducted thorough growth studies to understand how these process parameters affected the structure of BaTiS films. The diffraction peaks in the
XRD pattern match the cubic barium sulfide structural phase. The observed peaks, 39.994 ° and 65.742 ° at 35 °C; 39.982 ° and 65.717 ° at 45 °C, and 39.995 °, 63.920 °, and 65.856 ° at 55 °C. The film deposited at 55 °C had a surface morphology with uniformly distributed spherical-shaped particles that formed agglomerations. The film's surface was smooth, providing a clearer look at the grain boundaries, suggesting a polycrystalline composition. The films deposited at temperatures of 35 °C, 40 °C, 45 °C, 50 °C, and 55 °C yielded energy band gaps of 2.98 eV, 2.90 eV, 2.69 eV, 2.68 eV, and 2.30 eV, respectively. The result showed that
the films' energy band gap decreased as the deposition temperature increased. The varied energy bandgap of the films confirmed the effects of deposition temperature on the films
Production of Electrical Porcelain Insulators from Local Raw Materials: A Review
This paper reviewed the production of electric porcelain insulators utilizing from local raw materials from developing countries. The raw materials used were feldspar, quartz/silica and kaolin. The chemical composition, mineralogy, and thermal properties of the raw materials were characterized using AAS, XRD, and TGA respectively. Different weight percentage combinations of the individual raw materials were investigated by the authors. Most of the results showed relatively acceptable porcelain insulators properties such as low water absorption, porosity, high insulation resistance, dielectric strength and bulk density. The paper showed that electric porcelain insulators with good properties can be produced from available local raw materials in some developing countries using appropriate formulations. However, for production of improved porcelain insulators properties, suggestions were made on the areas for future research
Refleksivna mimeza in etika križa v mimetični teoriji Renéja Girarda: naproti vključujočemu humanizmu
According to René Girard’s anthropological interpretation of the Event of the cross of Jesus Christ, the cross represents the historical moment when the unjust nature of the scapegoat mechanism that held sway of primitive society was exposed. In his Mimetic Theory, mimetic desire is the unconscious, involuntary, uncontrollable driving force of human acts. He proffered the Imitation of Christ i.e. a reversal of the will to violence, as the solution to scapegoating. Unfortunately, the imitation of Christ involves a mental reflection that is inconsistent with the mimetic theory. This Christological solution i.e. the Imitation of Christ, to an anthropological crisis as proposed by Girard does not make for a rational understanding of the action of the cross. On the contrary, a reflective mimesis informed by the action of the cross, is supportive of a rational understanding of the cross as such, unaided by any appeal to religious faith. This thesis argues for reflective mimesis as an ethical disposition, a paradigm and a point of reference of social integration.V skladu z antropološko interpretacijo križanja Jezusa Kristusa (angl. Event of the Cross), ki jo je podal René Girard, križ predstavlja zgodovinski trenutek, ko se razodene nepravičnost mehanizma grešnega kozla, ki je obvladoval prvotno družbo (angl. primitive society). V mimetični teoriji Renéja Girarda je mimetična želja nezavedna, nehotena in neobvladljiva gonilna sila človeških dejanj. Girard je v posnemanju Kristusa (angl. Imitation of Christ) – to je v odvrnitvi od volje do moči – našel odgovor na pojav žrtvovanja grešnega kozla (angl. Scapegoating). Vendar pa je posnemanje Kristusa rešitev, ki ni v skladu z mimetično teorijo. Ta Girardov kristološki odgovor (= posnemanje Kristusa) na antropološko krizo ne omogoča dogodka križa razložiti kot racionalno dejanje. Nasprotno, refleksivna mimesis, ki jo dogodek križa sugerira, govori v prid racionalne razlage dogodka križa in ne kliče po religiozni razlagi. Naša teza utemeljuje refleksivno mimesis, in sicer kot etično razpoloženje, kot paradigmo in referenčno točko družbene integracije
Оптичні властивості плівок селеніду цинку, які леговані європієм
Плівки ZnSe, які леговані європієм, електростатично розпилювались на скляні підкладки. Зберігаючи постійними інші параметри осадження, такі як швидкість потоку розчину прекурсора, об’єм розпилення, напруга та відстань сопла до основи, температура варіювалась приблизно від 300 °C та 400 °C з інтервалом 25 градусів. Оптичні дослідження представлені при різних температурах. Товщина плівок вказує на нанорозміри і складає 50, 100, 150, 75 і 60 нм у зазначеному діапазоні температур. Оптичні дослідження виявляють високу прозорість і дуже низькі характеристики поглинання та відбиття плівок ZnSe:Eu у видимому діапазоні. Піки поглинання, видимі при 250 нм, припускають появу дефектного стану біля краю смуги. Спостерігається високий коефіцієнт поглинання, який свідчить про високу густину станів у ZnSe:Eu. Високий коефіцієнт пропускання свідчить про придатність плівок в матеріалах покриттів, від яких вимагається висока прозорість для лазерних застосувань, тоді як низькі значення коефіцієнта відбиття та великий показник заломлення показують, що плівки можуть бути застосовані в покриттях сонячних елементів, що вимагає високої ефективності, та для виробництва оптоелектронних пристроїв. Є очевидною вища оптична провідність при енергіях фотонів більше 3 еВ. Різке збільшення коефіцієнта екстинкції з енергією фотонів вказує на збільшення ймовірності переносу електрона через зону рухливості з високою енергією фотонів і більшим ослабленням світла. Дослідження забороненої зони плівок ZnSe:Eu виявляє сильний синій зсув (з 3,01 еВ до 3,12 еВ) від положення забороненої зони об’ємного ZnSe (2,72 еВ).Europium-doped ZnSe films were sprayed on glass substrates electrostatically. Keeping other deposition parameters such as flow rate of precursor solution, spray volume, voltage and distance of nozzle to substrate constant, temperature was varied from about 300 °C and 400 °C with an interval of 25 degrees. Optical studies at different temperatures are presented. Thickness of the films obtained by surface profile indicates nanosizes of 50, 100, 150, 75 and 60 nm in the considered temperature range. Optical studies reveal high transparency, very minimal absorption and reflection characteristics of ZnSe:Eu films in the visible region. Absorption peaks visible at 250 nm suggest the occurrence of defect state near the band edge. Large absorption coefficient suggesting evidence of high density of states for ZnSe:Eu is observed. High transmittance results suggest the films suitability in coating materials that are required to exhibit high transparency for laser applications, while low reflectance values and large refractive index reveal the films could be applicable in solar cell coatings that require high efficiency and in manufacturing optoelectronic devices. Higher optical conductivity at photon energies above 3 eV is evident. Steep increase in extinction coefficient with photon energy indicates the probability of raising the electron transfer across the mobility gap with high photon energy and greater attenuation of light. Band gap investigation of ZnSe:Eu films reveals a strong blue-shift (3.01 eV to 3.12 eV) from the bulk ZnSe (2.72 eV) band gap