51 research outputs found

    Quality Mapping of Tigernut Oil and the Extraction Efficiency Between n-Hexane and Petroleum Ether Solvents

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    Edible Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) oil samples were separately extracted using n-hexane and petroleum ether solvents. This study aimed at comparing the extraction efficiencies of both solvents and the quality and colour of oil produced with a view for large scale industrial application.  The quality parameters tested included moisture content, saponification value (SV), iodine value (IV), peroxy value (PV), free fatty acid content (FFA), unsaponifiable matter, total fatty matter (TFM), titre (oC), impurity, and colour.. Results showed that n-hexane extraction efficiency was 86% and significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of petroleum ether which gave 75%. n-Hexane produced 17.10g or 19.01±0.11cm³ of oil yield from 20g of powdered tigernut seed, while petroleum ether produced 15.05g or 16.72±0.12 cm³ of oil from 20g of powdered tigernut seed. The mean SG of oil samples was 0.8917±0.011 at 40oC. The appearance of oil extracted with n-hexane was brighter and golden yellow, when compared to that of pet ether which gave a brownish-yellow tint. The colour on Lovibond Scale (R*Y*B*N) using 51/4” cell, showed n-hexane extracted oil to be 0.9R, 10Y, 0B, 0N, while the pet ether extracted oil gave 1.2R 12Y, 0.5B, 0N. There was no significant difference in moisture content of both oil samples. The mean values of chemical quality parameters for both oil samples gave saponification value 209.33±0.58, iodine value 91.33± 0.58 , peroxide value 1.06±0.01, ester value 208.33±1.16, moisture content 0.23± 0.021%, free fatty acid content 0.24±0.0058%, impurity content 0.013±0.0058%, unsaponifiable matter 0.11±0.01% and total fatty matter 95.03±0.027%. GC-MS analysis gave seven major fatty acids of the oil samples after conversion to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). Five of these fatty acids were saturated (SFA) and include  lauric acid (1.32±0.08%); myristic acid (31±1.0%); palmitic acid (14.6±0.1%); stearic acid (3.37±0.15%); crotonic acid (0.53±0.068%), giving a total SFA content of 44.77 ±0.29%. The other two were unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), and included oleic acid (45.9±1.83%) and linoleic acid (9.37±0.15%), giving a total of (55.17±0.76%) UFA content. Therefore, the ratio of UFA:SFA gave 1.18±0.0058, suggesting that the oil may be categorized as an ω-6 edible oil. The quality parameters tested, established the quality mapping for quality control, standardization and regulatory activities of future tigernut oil industry in Nigeria. Keywords: Tigernut,  Oil quality, extraction efficiency, fatty acid, ω-6 edible oil

    Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Effect on Radio Refractivity in 2008 for Minna

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    Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling effect on radio refractivity is investigated from hourly measurement of meteorological parameters and interplanetary parameters for dry and rainy season in Minna (Latitude 9° 36' 50" N and Longitude 6° 33' 24" E) North central, Nigeria for the year 2008. Data used for the work is made up of hourly interval record of meteorological parameters and interplanetary parameters calculated from the data obtained from the Center for Basic Space Science (CBSS) measured with Vantage PRO II Automatic Weather station and through Omini web for each day in all the months of the year in 2008 for both dry and rainy seasons. The result showed that variations of solar wind and radio refractivity time increases almost in an hourly cycle between the 1st hours to the 14th hour during dry season while during rainy season, they exhibit linear decrease with time between 1st hour to the 19th hour. Also the correlation between solar wind energy with radio refractivity is negligible. It was showed as well that solar wind changes with a positive gradient in dry season while solar wind decreases with negative gradient in rainy season. Key words: Solar wind, magnetosphere coupling, radio refractivit

    The Ombudsman in Nigeria: A Jurisprudential Overview

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    The Ombudsman or Public Complaints Commission which came up in the 19th century is a body established by law to address administrative radicalism and injustice in public institutions This body was of boisterous use in the Scandinavian countries in Europe to address administrative injustices without resorting to courts of law In Britain it is called Parliamentary Commissioner In Russia it is called Prosecutor General and in Nigeria it was introduced in 1975 as Public Complaints Commission and attached to the legislature as the supervising agency This body is recognized by the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria but its performance appears to be unnoticed because of certain bottlenecks This paper intends to highlight these gridlocks which include incapacity to give effect to its decisions financial incapacity and other administrative setbacks It is our belief that if these bottlenecks are removed the Ombudsman will perform in Nigeria as in other countries where it has favourable condition

    Forage Yield and Nutritive Quality of Haulm from Dual-Purpose Cowpea (\u3ci\u3eVigna unguiculata\u3c/i\u3e L Walp) Cultivars for Dry Season Feeding in Nigeria

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    The availability of high quality forage especially during the dry season remains a major challenge to ruminant livestock production in Nigeria and many parts of West Africa. Due to the prevailing mismatch between livestock population and supply of feed resources in the arid and semi arid Nigeria, the humid forest zone represents a potential source for crop residues, especially during the dry season due to longer rainfall duration and suitable climate. This study was conducted to evaluate forage yield and nutritive quality of haulm from selected dual purpose cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) cultivars in the humid rain forest zone of Nigeria. The forage and pod yields of twenty cultivars were evaluated in two cropping seasons of 2012 and 2013, in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Subsequently, five dual-purpose cultivars were selected based on forage and pod yields from previous trial, for determination of chemical and fibre compositions. The results revealed significant (p \u3c 0.05) differences in pod and forage yields among the twenty cowpea cultivars, with mean yields ranging from 0-1.5 t ha-1 and 0.1-4.5 t ha-1 for pod and forage respectively. The results also showed significant (p \u3c 0.05) differences in crude protein, ether extract, and non-fibre carbohydrates (NFC) contents amongst the five selected cultivars. The selected cultivars are recommended as dual-purpose cowpea for the zone. The result reveal wide implications for commercial production, processing and packaging of cowpea and other related forage crops for sale in Northern Nigeria where demand for dry season feedstuff outstrips supply. In addition, availability of feedstuff during the dry season is capable of promoting sedentarization of nomadic pastoralists and the attendant conflict associated with that system of livestock management

    Farming Systems in Southeastern Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Production

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    This study examines the farming systems in southeastern Nigeria. Using a structured questionnaire, 300 farmers were selected through multistage random sampling techniques. The data collected were subjected to descriptive analysis of simple proportions and percentages. Findings from the study revealed that 72% of the respondents engaged in both crop and livestock production. Intercropping was the dominant cropping system with cassava, yam, and maize as the principal arable crops, while cocoa, kolanut, oil palm, rubber, cashew, banana/plantain and citrus were the main permanent crops. The dominant fallow period was found to be three to four years and most farm sizes were less than 2 hectares. The study also showed that 88% of the respondents knew of fertilizer, 61% knew of other agrochemicals, while 56% and 16% utilized them, respectively. Findings generally point to inefficiencies in some of the existing farming practices. Addressing the constraints identified in this study may improve the farming systems in the study area and thus increase agricultural production on a sustainable basis

    Bio-oil production from co-pyrolysis of rice husk and plastic waste

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    Bio-oil has been produced from the co-pyrolytic reaction of rice husk and 2 grades of plastic wastes (LDPE and PET). The effect of catalysis on the yield was considered while the physicochemical properties of the products were evaluated and a comparison drawn between the properties of the oil and that of the commercial grade diesel. FT-IR and GC-MS analysis were also used to characterize the samples. Furthermore, the performance of a DI diesel engine was evaluated using both grades of oil. Results showed an improved yield of the oil through catalysis. The heating value and cetane number of the pyrolysis oil closely compared with commercial-grade diesel. Chemical compound identification through the GC-MS analysis showed the bio-oil to comprise mainly of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. FT-IR analysis of the by-product bio-char upon comparison with FT-IR analysis of the rice husk biomass confirmed the chemical modification of the biomass after the pyrolysis process.  From the result of this work, co-pyrolysis of both feedstock gave rise to high grade oil whose properties compares favorably with the commercial grade diesel. This is therefore an interesting alternative to fossil fuel whereas the improved properties indicate that it could have a better performance than a single biomass in terms of fuel properties

    Inhibition effect of Vernonia amygdalina extract on the corrosion of mild steel reinforcement in concrete in 0.2 M H2SO4 Environment

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    Inhibition effect of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf) extract on the corrosion behaviour of embedded mild steel rebar in concrete immersed in 0.2% H2SO4 solution was investigated by potential measurement, pH and gravimetric methods using the extracts concentrations of 25, 50, 75, and 100%. The results were further analysed using the two-factor ANOVA test. Potential measurement was performed using a digital voltmeter and a copper/copper sulphate reference electrode. Compressive strength of each block sample was determined after the experiments. Weight loss values were obtained from the gravimetric method, and the inhibitor efficiency was computed from the corrosion rate of each of the tested samples. Results showed that varied concentration of V. amygdalina and the test exposure time significantly affect both the corrosion potential of embedded steel rebar in concrete and the pH of the medium. The extracts gave appreciable corrosion inhibition performance of the embedded steel rebar at 25 and 50% concentrations with the weight loss of 500 (0.5 g) and 400 mg (0.4 g) and corrosion rates values of 0.000240 and 0.000180 mm/ yr, respectively. The highest inhibition efficiency (60.68%) was achieved at 50 and 39.94% at 25% concentrations, respectively. The 100 and 75% concentrations gave negative inhibitor values of �51.52 and �20.11%. The ANOVA test confirmed the results at 95% confidence, and further showed that concentration of V. amygdalina had greater effect on potential and pH measurement

    Adsorption and Quantum Chemical Studies on the Inhibition Potentials of Some Thiosemicarbazides for the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium

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    Three thiosemicarbazides, namely 2-(2-aminophenyl)-N phenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (AP4PT), N,2-diphenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (D4PT) and 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-N-phenyl hydrazinecarbothioamide (HP4PT), were investigated as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in H2SO4 solution using gravimetric and gasometric methods. The results revealed that they all inhibit corrosion and their % inhibition efficiencies (%IE) follow the order: AP4PT > HP4PT > D4PT. The %IE obtained from the gravimetric and gasometric experiments were in good agreement. The thermodynamic parameters obtained support a physical adsorption mechanism and the adsorption followed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Some quantum chemical parameters were calculated using different methods and correlated with the experimental %IE. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) approach was used on a composite index of some quantum chemical parameters to characterize the inhibition performance of the studied molecules. The results showed that the %IE were closely related to some of the quantum chemical parameters, but with varying degrees. The calculated/theoretical %IE of the molecules were found to be close to their experimental %IE. The local reactivity has been studied through the Fukui and condensed softness indices in order to predict both the reactive centers and to know the possible sites of nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks