54 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Alokasi Penggunaan Faktor Produksi pada Usahatani Padi di Kecamatan Wirosari Kabupaten Grobogan

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence factors of rice production and analyze economic efficiency of production factors usage of rice in the Wirosari District, Grobogan Regency. The research was conducted from October to November 2016 in Wirosari District. The method used in the study was survey method. To determine research location this study used purposive method while the respondent was chosen using simple random sampling with the number of respondents were 60 farmers. Data were analyzed by multiple linier regression with Cobb-Douglas function and calculation of economic efficiency. The result showed that the production factor affecting rice production was seed and NPK fertilizer. The usage of NPK fertilizer had not been economically efficient yet. Whilst the usage of seed was economically inefficient.


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    Bacillus licheniformis MB-2 chitosanase isolated from hot spring water in Manado, Indonesia, was used to produce chitosan oligomers

    Analisis Pendapatan Peternak Sapi Perah Kecamatan Banyumanik, Kecamatan Getasan, Dan Kecamatan Cepogo

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    The purpose of this study was to knowing the income of dairy farmers Banyumanik District, Getasan District, and Cepogo District, knowing the difference of dairy farmers income Banyumanik District, Getasan District, and Cepogo District. Research was held in June-November 2014. Taking the location of the study area with purposive sampling where criteria districts that have dairy cattle business. The method used in this research was a survey method. The respondents were chosen by random sampling method. There were 240 farmers of dairy cattle farmers were chosen in this research. The primary data were obtained directly through observation at the farm activities and interviews with respondents using a questionnaire that has been prepared. Data analysis used analysis of income formula and K-independent test. The results showed that the average income in farmers Banyumanik District was IDR. 1,070,131.00/month, farmers in Getasan District was IDR. 1,345,852.00/month and farmers Cepogo District was IDR. 1,514,953.00/month. The result showed of k-independent test that the farmers income in Banyumanik District, Getasan District, and Cepogo District

    Kesediaan Membayar Produk Sayuran Organik di Pasar Modern Jakarta Selatan

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    Organic vegetable products tend to have higher prices compare to non organic, therefore most consumers think organic vegetable products are expensive products. This research aims to determine consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetable product and influencing factors towards WTP. This research was conducted in 6 modern market in South Jakarta by interviewing 100 consumers who were selected using quota sampling technique. Data were analyzed using contingent valuation method (CVM) to determine the average value of consumers’ WTP and logistic regression employed to determine the factors that influence WTP. The results showed that 82% consumers are willing to pay higher prices to buy organic vegetables products, with additional range between 8.5% to 15% from the real price. Factors that significantly influenced consumers’ willingness to pay were education level, monthly income and product quality

    Kesediaan Membayar Produk Sayuran Organik di Pasar Modern Jakarta Selatan

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    Organic vegetable products tend to have higher prices compare to non organic, therefore most consumers think organic vegetable products are expensive products. This research aims to determine consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetable product and influencing factors towards WTP. This research was conducted in 6 modern market in South Jakarta by interviewing 100 consumers who were selected using quota sampling technique. Data were analyzed using contingent valuation method (CVM) to determine the average value of consumers' WTP and logistic regression employed to determine the factors that influence WTP. The results showed that 82% consumers are willing to pay higher prices to buy organic vegetables products, with additional range between 8.5% to 15% from the real price. Factors that significantly influenced consumers' willingness to pay were education level, monthly income and product quality

    Analisis Swot USAha Penggemukan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2012 di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada peternak rakyat di Kabupaten Wonogiri dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen USAha peternak sapi potong dan menganalisis kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman USAha sapi potong di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Diharapkan dengan penelitian ini dapat dihasilkan sebuah rekomendasi untuk pengembangan USAha sapi potong di Kabupaten Wonogiri, sebagai sentra sapi potong yang siap bersaing dengan Kabupaten lain di Jawa Tengah, dan sebagai salah satu pendukung untuk merealisasikan program ”Swasembada Daging” yang selalu mengalami penundaan. Kabupaten Wonogiri merupakan salah satu dari 5 daerah selain Kabupaten Boyolali, Grobogan, Blora, Rembang, yang berpotensi untuk pengembangan sapi potong rakyat di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 54% peternak penggemukan sapi potong menggunakan teknologi tradisonal, 44% menggunakan semi intensif dan 2% menerapkan teknologi intensif. Tatalaksana pemeliharaan ternak sapi potong meliputi bakalan yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh pejantan unggul, pakan dari sisa hasil industri, pertanian, perkebunan yang melimpah. Perkandangan sebanyak 54% peternak telah menerapkan kandang permanen, 32% semi permanen dan 14% kandang tradisional. Vaksinasi jarang dilakukan para peternak, dan hanya memanggil mantri ternak apabila ternak mengalami sakit. Penjualan ternak sebanyak 16% memilih menjual sendiri ke pasar dan 84% menjual sapi kepada belantik. Penerimaan yang diterima rata-rata Rp. 46.790.000,00/6 bulan, pendapatan rata-rata dalam USAha penggemukan sapi potong Rp.4.602.721,90/6 bulan. Analisis SWOT nilai kekuatan dan peluang lebih besar dari nilai kelemahan dan ancaman. Nilai kekuatan dan peluang berturut-turut yaitu 1,92 dan 1,91. Nilai kelemahan dan amcaman berturut-turut yaitu 0,64 dan 0,70, dengan menempatkan strategi pertumbuhan stabilitas sebagai strategi yang mendukung pengembangan USAha sapi potong di Kabupaten Wonogiri.Kata kunci : Peternakan rakyat; pengembangan; sapi potong; SWOTABSTACTThis research was carried out in February 2011 in Wonogiri Regency. This research was carried out on people\u27s breeder in Wonogiri Regency and aims to know the management efforts of ranchers beef cattle and analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats attempt to beef cattle in Wonogiri Regency. This research is expected to be produced with a recommendation for the development of beef cattle in Wonogiri Regency, as the center of beef cattle who are ready to compete with other districts in Central Java, and as one of the supporters for the realization of program self-supporting meat which is always delayed. Wonogiri Regency is one of the five regions in addition to Boyolali, Grobogan, Rembang,and Blora Regency, potentially for the development of beef cattle in the province of Central Java. This research uses the methods of survey and analysis model used is descriptive qualitative analysis using SWOT analysis. The results showed that 54% of the fattening beef cattle ranchers use traditional technology, 44% use intensive spring and 2% applying intensive technology. Corporate governance include beef cattle livestock keeping going that much influenced by the superior Stud, the feed from the rest of the industry, agriculture, plantations are abundant. cage as much as 54% of breeders have implemented permanent enclosure semi permanent, 32% and 14% traditional enclosures. Farmers rarely performed vaccinations, and only call the mantri cattle when animals experience pain. Livestock sales by as much as 16% of the vote to sell themselves to the market and 84% sell cows to Orion. Acceptance is received an average of Rp. 46.790.000 per person/6 months, average income in fattening beef cattle Rp. 4.602.721,90/6 months. SWOT analysis strengths and values the opportunity is greater than the value of weaknesses and threats. The value of the strengths and opportunities in a row i.e. 1.92 lbs and 1.91. The value of weaknesses and threats a row i.e. 0.64 0.70 and, by putting stability growth strategy as a strategy in support of development of beef cattle in Wonogiri Regency

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAha dan Profitabilitas Peternakan Ayam Broiler Pola Kemitraan pada Berbagai Perusahaan Inti di Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    The price difference of each company's core contract is expected to affect revenues and profitability of broiler breeders plasma. This study aims to identify and analyze 1) Production costs, revenues, and operating revenues broiler farm partnership; 2) Profitability, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and feed cost per gain (FC/G); and 3) Comparison of revenues, profitability, feed conversion ratio, and feed cost per gain. This research method was the case study method. Determination of the sample was performed using census method. The data collection consists of primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed with the test F (simultaneous) and One Way ANOVA using SPSS 16 for windows. The results showed that 1). Income expressed differently because of differences in the price of seed, feed, vitamins, drugs, and chemicals (VOK), performance bonuses, and bonus market price; 2) The profitability expressed profitable except PT. Mustika (4.50%) because percentage of profitability over the percentage of BRI deposit rate of 6.25 %; 3) Plasma farmers of the core companies of PT. Mustika has the highest FCR, PT. Malindo has FC/G high, and PT. Ganesha has the FCR and FC/G the lowest; and 4). The results of testing the hypothesis stating no difference between revenue, profitability, FCR, and FC/G at a significance level α = 0.05 and plasma farmers of PT. CIS has the most revenue as well as PT. Ganesha has profitability, FCR, and FC/G is best

    The Analysis of Beef Cattle Subsystem Agribusiness Implementation in Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    The study aimed to analyze the implementation of subsystem agribusiness on the beef cattlefarming in Central Java. Five districts (Rembang, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali and Wonogiri) werepurposively chosen based on the value of Location Quotient (LQ). The study was conducted usingquota sampling method. Forty respondents of each district were chosen randomly using quota sampling.Data were analyzed through Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that each subsystemagribusiness had adequate potential score. The score of 0.693, 0.721, 0.684, 0.626, and 0.691 were givenfor up-stream subsystem, on-farm, down-stream subsystem, marketing and supporting institution,respectively. The results showed that the SEM model was feasible with Chi-Square value=0.952;RMSEA=0.000; Probability =0.621 and TL1=1.126. The significant results of Critical Ratio (CR) were:up-stream subsystem to the on-farm agribusiness; on-farm subsystem to down-stream agribusiness;down-stream subsystem to the farmer's income; marketing subsystem to the up-stream agribusiness andSupporting Institution to the marketing subsystem and down-stream agribusiness. The conclusion ofresearch indicated that the implementation of beef cattle subsystem agribusiness had adequate index andgive positive effect to the beef cattle agribusiness

    A Supporting Aid for Beef Cattle Investment of Farm Household in Central Java

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    The research was conducted to analyze some factors influencing production, income, farmhousehold consumption and investment of farm household beef cattle in Central Java. Five districts werepurposively chosen for research location based on the number of beef cattle population, namelyRembang, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali and Wonogiri. Forty respondents of each district were chosenrandomly using quota sampling. Data were analyzed through Simultaneous Regression and estimated byTwo Stage Least Square (TSLS). The results showed that independent variables were simultaneouslysignificant to dependent variables (production, income, farm household consumption and investment)with the Probability F test 0.0000 and adjusted R2 were 91%; 89%; 96%; 62%, respectively. the simulation\u27s analysis of agribusiness implementation consisted of 1) decreasing 15% of service perconception, 2) increasing of beef cattle breed and number of beef cattle 15% respectively, 3) raising ofprice of rice and number of household member 15% respectively and 4) increasing of income and priceof beef cattle 10% respectively influenced to farm household consumption and investment 0.446% and5.14%, respectively, meanwhile production and income did not change. The research can be concludedthat the independent variables simultaneously significant influenced to production, income, farmhousehold consumption and beef cattle investment. The simulation of changing USAge of input factor andprice significantly influenced to farm household consumption and beef cattle investment
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