43 research outputs found

    Application of Electromagnetic Field Tensors in Special Relativity Theory

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    Maxwell’s Field Equations (MFE’s) for the propagation of electromagnetic waves were found to be invariant under Lorentz transformation (LT) and could be derived using assumptions different from what Einstein used. Here, we start with electromagnetic field tensors, obtain the MFE’s and apply the relativistic principle to them. With this approach, Special Relativity Theory (SRT) is reformulated in a simple form without using the LT and it’s kinematical contradictions. Our results are in agreement with the existing literature. KEYWORDS Maxwell’s field equations, Relativity principle, Lorentz and Galilean transformation.

    Seasonal variation in admission for heart failure, hypertension and stroke

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    Background: Seasonal variation in hospitalization for cardiovascular disease has been described in the temperate regions of the world as well as in Northern Nigeria. Increase admission rates during the cold seasons have been reported in these areas. No studies have been done in Southern Nigeria. This study is thus aimed at describing the seasonal variation in admissions for heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension related-stroke in Southern Nigeria. Methods: Hospital records of patients admitted to the medical wards of the University of Uyo Hospital (UUTH) with heart failure of all causes, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension – related stroke (Cerebrovascular accident) between January 1998 and December 2001 were used. Epi-Info 2002 software was used to analyze data. Results: Of the 3500 patients admitted during the study period 542 (15.3%) were on account of heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension related cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The mean age of patients was 52 ± 12.8 years. The average monthly admission was eleven (11). More admissions were recorded in the rainy (cold) season than in the dry (hot) season. The observed difference was however statistically significant only for heart failure and uncontrolled hypertension (

    A Comparative study of use of psychoactive substances amongst secondary school students in two local government areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    The use and abuse of psychoactive substances is very rampant, even in our secondary schools. In recent times, there has been a growing concern about negative effects of these substances on youths. The high incidence of school dropouts and other nefarious activities are the resultant impacts on the students. The objectives of the study were: (1) To determine the prevalence of substance use amongst secondary school students. (2) Compare the findings in two different local settings. (3) To determine the socio demographic variables. Four hundred secondary school students from two Local Government Areas were assessed for use of psychoactive substances, during the second term of 2004/2005 school session, using a Youth Survey Questionnaire.A total of 254 (63.5%) students, consisting of 119 from Uyo and 135 from Eket were analyzed. The mean age of the students in both schools was 17.1 +2.0 and 16.6 + 1.7 years respectively. The difference in the mean was statistically significant (t=1.14; df= 3, p > 0.05).More students from Uyo, 37 (31.1%) used kola nuts, 54 (45.4%) sedatives, while more students from Eket, 47 (34.8%) used tobacco/cigarettes, 76 (56.3%) alcohol, 21 (15.6%) Indian hemp, 5 (3.7%) cocaine and 1 (0.7%) heroin. Class level (P=0.04), upbringing (P=0.02) and parents\' marital status (P=0.01) was statistically significant in the use of tobacco/cigarettes. Also, class level (P=0.02) parents\' marital status (P=0.00) was statistically significant in the use of alcohol, while family type (P=0.00) and parents\' marital status was significant in the use of sedatives. Similarly, parents\' marital status (p=0.05) was statistically significant in the use of Indian hemp, while family type (P=0.00), upbringing (P=0.03)was significant in cocaine. The findings of this study confirm the presence and use of psychoactive substances in varying proportions among students. Therefore, there is need to strengthen the monitoring and preventive programs aimed at reducing their spread in schools. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (1) 2008: pp.45-5

    The Change in Attitude of Nigerians towards COVID-19

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    Since the discovery of COVID-19 in March 2020 in Nigeria different behavioural change has been observed amidst the citizens of the country towards the pandemic. At first, people were afraid of the pandemic and this was confirmed through their response to the measures given by the National Centre for Disease Control which include social distance, use of nose masks and sanitizers, curfew, and lockdown of crowded places. These measures have been effective in curbing the transmission of the disease in the country. In Nigeria, as at June 26th have 23,298 cases, 8,253 discharged cases and 554 deaths caused by COVID-19. Of recent, change in the attitude of people towards the pandemic has been observed as they no longer fear the impacts of the pandemic. People now go out without using their facemasks, churches are opening and some are even spreading false information about the pandemics. Pitifully, the number of cases in Nigeria has increased drastically in the past 3 weeks

    Practice Of Antenatal Clinical Breast Examination In Calabar

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    Reports of a rising incidence of breast cancer and the consistent finding of a significantly younger population of breast cancer patients in the country than in the west led to this study to determine the proportion of women who have a clinical breast examination at the booking visit for antenatal care in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH).The booking information on the antenatal cards of patients who registered within a one-month period was examined. Clinical breast examination (CBE) was performed on 41.6% of the women. Women who were reviewed by consultants recorded a rate of 78.2% while the rates for women attended to by resident doctors and interns were 41.2% and 19.6% respectively (P=0.00). The CBE rate was 57.6% among women who were reviewed by female physicians and 38.3% among those reviewed by male physicians (P = 0.00). The practice of CBE in UCTH is low and is significantly related to the cadre and gender of the attending physician. Obstetricians must embrace the practice fully and utilize measures such as increased supervision and departmental seminars to sensitize doctors they train to emulate them. KEYWORDS: Antenatal, Practice and Breast Examinatio

    Knowledge and attitude towards sexually transmitted infections among female students living in hostels in a university community of the south-south region of Nigeria

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    Introduction: A cross sectional study was conducted in the female students’ hostel of the University of Calabar to determine their knowledge and attitude towards sexually transmitted infections (STI).Methodology: A structured questionnaire was administered to those who consented to the study. Information obtained were age, year of study, knowledge of sexually transmitted infections.Results: Most subjects were in the age category of 21-25years (56.2%) and predominantly of the Igbo tribe 34%. Over 90% of the subjects had heard of STIs. Vaginal itching (70.2%) and discharge (65.7%) were the commonest symptoms reported. Despite the level of knowledge, some students still patronize Chemist 4.8% and self-injection administration 4.8%.Conclusion: The awareness of STI is high but the understanding of symptomatology is poor.Keywords: Sexually transmitted infections, Female hostel, Tertiary Institution

    Incidence Of Ectopic Pregnancy In Calabar, Nigeria: Two Halves Of The Last Decade Compared

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    Reports of a rising incidence of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the country and beyond prompted this study to determine the incidence in Calabar over two time frames. Information from ward registers and case notes of EP patients who presented to the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital from 1991 to 1995 were analyzed and compared with records of those who presented from 1996 to 2000. In the second half of the study period, the incidence was 3.30 per 100 deliveries, significantly higher than 2.19% in the first (p = 0.0008). The mean age of EP patients was 26.2 (sd = 5.38), significantly lower than 28.8 (sd = 5.99) for women who delivered in the same period (p 0.05). The incidence of EP appears to be rising in Calabar and puerperal infections may be important in the rise. Population-based prospective studies are necessary to confirm the findings. KEYWORDS: Ectopic Pregnancy, Calabar, Nigeri

    Seasonal Variation in Admission for Heart Failure, Hypertension and Stroke in Uyo, South-Eastern Nigeria

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    Background: Seasonal variation in hospitalization for cardiovascular disease has been described in the temperate regions of the world as well as in Northern Nigeria. Increase admission rates during the cold seasons have been reported in these areas. No studies have been done in Southern Nigeria. This study is thus aimed at describing the seasonal variation in admissions for heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension related-stroke in Southern Nigeria. Methods: Hospital records of patients admitted to the medical wards of the University of Uyo Hospital (UUTH) with heart failure of all causes, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension \u2013 related stroke (Cerebrovascular accident) between January 1998 and December 2001 were used. Epi-Info 2002 software was used to analyze data. Results: Of the 3500 patients admitted during the study period 542 (15.3%) were on account of heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension and hypertension related cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The mean age of patients was 52 \ub1 12.8 years. The average monthly admission was eleven (11). More admissions were recorded in the rainy (cold) season than in the dry (hot) season. The observed difference was however statistically significant only for heart failure and uncontrolled hypertension (P<.05). Conclusion: Admissions for heart failure and uncontrolled hypertension are therefore more during the wet (cold) season in southern Nigeria. This may be attributed to the high default rate to follow up visit in this season when agricultural activity is intense and less attention given to medical care. This leads to poor compliance to medications and clinical deterioration. The already bad road network both in rural and urban centers also become worse at this time making access to medical care difficult. Facilities and measures should thus be put in place to provide adequate medical care for these patients during that period of the year.Culture g\ue9n\ue9rale: des variations saisonni\ue8res dans l'hospitalisation pour les maladies cardiovascule ont \ue9t\ue9 signale dans les r\ue9gions temp\ue8res du monde aussi bien que dans le nord du Nigeria. On a note une augmentation d'hospitalisation dans ces r\ue9gions pendant les saisons de pluies. Aucune recherche n'a \ue9t\ue9 faite au sud du Nigeria. Le but de cette \ue9tude est donc de signaler les variations saisonni\ue8res dans l'hospitalisation des cas comme ; insuffisance cardiaque, l'hypertension non ma\ueetris\ue9e et l'attaque d'apoplexie li\ue9 a l'hypertension dans le sud du Nigeria. Modalit\ue9: on s'est servi des registres d'h\uf4pital pour surveiller les malades hospitalis\ue9s au centre hospitalier universitaire d'Uyo pour les cas comme: insuffisance cardiaque de toute sortes, l'hypertension non ma\ueetris\ue9e et l'attaque d'apoplexie li\ue9e a l'hypertension (des accidents cerebrovasculaire) entre Janvier 1988 et d\ue9cembre 2001. On a utilis\ue9 le logiciel Epi-info 2002 pour analyser les donn\ue9es. R\ue9sultat: parmi les 3500 malades hospitalis\ue9s pendant la p\ue9riode des recherches, 542 d'eux (5.3%) \ue9taient a cause de l'insuffisance cardiaque, l'hypertension non ma\ueetris\ue9e et des accidents cerebrovasculaire li\ue9s a l'hypertension (ACV). L'age moyen des malades \ue9tait 52+12.8 ans ; et l'hospitalisation moyenne par mensualit\ue9s \ue9tait onze (11). On a attest\ue9 beaucoup d'hospitalisation s pendant la saison de pluies que pendant la saison s\ue8che. Pourtant, la diff\ue9rence remarqu\ue9e \ue9tait statistiquement significatif, uniquement pour le cas d'insuffisance cardiaque et l'hypertension non ma\ueetris\ue9e (p^0.05). Conclusion: donc, dans le sud du Nigeria, il y a plus d'hospitalisation pendant la saison de pluies, pour des cas comme ; insuffisance cardiaque et l'hypertension non ma\ueetris\ue9e. On attribue cette situation a un pourcentage \ue9lev\ue9 du manquement des soins post-hospitaliers ; surtout dans une saison \uf4u l'activit\ue9 agricole est intensive et \uf4u il y a moins de soins m\ue9dicaux. Cela entra\ueene la mauvaise conformit\ue9 \ue0 la m\ue9dication et une d\ue9t\ue9rioration clinique. Le r\ue9seau routier dans les centres urbains et ruraux qui est d\ue9j\ue0 mauvais, devient encore pire et par cons\ue9quent, c'est difficile d'avoir acc\ue8s au soin m\ue9dicaux. On doit mettre a ex\ue9cution des mesures et des equipments pour assurer aux malades de bonnes gu\ue9rison pendant cette p\ue9riode d'ann\ue9

    Adiponectin and cardiovascular risk factors in relation with glycemic control in type 2 diabetics

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    Background: Adiponectin has been associated with insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in Type 2 diabetes, though the mechanism of association is still uncertain. The adiponectin levels and lipid profile in relation to glycemic control were investigated in type 2 diabetics.Methods: Forty two diabetic subjects (35-64 years) and 33 age-matched non-diabetic subjects were recruited into this case control study. Socio-demographic characteristics, anthropometric indices and blood pressure were obtained. Total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein, (HDL), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were estimated using colorimetric methods, atherogenic index (AI) was calculated, while serum adiponectin was determined by ELISA method. Results: Adiponectin levels of type 2 diabetics were not significantly different from the non-diabetics studied (p>0.05).  Higher TG levels were observed in diabetics with poor glycemic control compared with those with good glycemic control (p0.05). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetics do not have lower adiponectin levels. Gender, duration of diabetes and glycemic control does not seem to exert any influence on adiponectin levels in type 2 diabetes. Adiponectin may be associated with reduced risk of atherosclerosis through its effects on HDL cholesterol metabolism.