20 research outputs found


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    Effective sentence is a sentence that can represent and give rise to back the idea of ​​the author as easy, clear, and complete exactly the same in the reader's mind as to what the author intended. This research will describe the effectiveness of sentences within paragraphs exposition. This study appliesa qualitative approach. The data source of this study is expository paragraph participants of teachers sertification program region 142 and the data of this study are the sentences contained in expository paragraph. Collecting data in this research is done through documentation method. The data collection technique was (1) the data collection, (2) copying tasks, (3) readings expository paragraph, (4) marking with highlighter, (5) classification, (6) coding, and (7) making cards. The data analysis used descriptive method. The stages of data analysis process include (1) the data collection, (2) classification of data, (3) the determination of errors frequency, (4) explanation. This result of this journal was expository paragraph written by participants of teachers sertification program ineffective. The ineffectiveness was found in (1) the unclearness of the idea, (2) the carelesness, and (3) the errors inusing spelling. This study is expected to provide motivation to teachers and other interested parties to pay more attention in writing. Writing effective sentences, the ideas submitted will be understood the reader and the write


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    "Novel" Pesantren Impian is a novel that tells the promiscuity of middle and upper class that emphasize their moral behavior. The interesting thing about this novel is to raise stories about religion and lifestyle issues, and was chosen to be featured in an adaptation to the theater performance in Iowa.The purpose of the research with the title of the Deconstruction the role of the characters in novels a Pesantren Impian of Asma Nadia. For the firsy describes some of the characters that could describe. The theory used in research the theory of deconstruction. The Derrida’s said that deconstruction can be reviewed from the aspect of characters. Therefore, the purposes of research is to know characterization and deconstruction the role of the characters novels. The approach used in this study is descriptive a qualitative. The data used in research in the form of words, sentences, and discourses related to the object of research contained in the novel Pesantren Impian works Asma Nadia. The source of data used in this research is the novel Pesantren Impian works by Asma Nadia published in January 2016, 300 pages. Data collection techniques used in this study are the techniques of reading, notes, and investigator techniques. The results of this presentation are presented in the form of descriptive exposure. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of novel Pesantren Impian of Asma Nadia's work in the following results. There are 18 characters have been described to know the existing characterizations, namely Santi, Sinta, Rini, Ita, Iin, Sisy, Inong, Evi, Butet, Ipung, Sri, Yanti, Tanti, Umar, Mas Good, Teungku Budiman, Mrs. Rini, Lik Kusno. Two antagonists or black character and sixteen protagonists or white character. While in the deconstruction role of the characters in the novel Pesantren Impian works Asma Nadia only a few figures that can be deconstructed, namely Teungku Budiman, Rini, Mas Good, Sisy, and Mr. Lik Kusno. because in general the reader assumes that the antagonist can not turn into a protagonist. However, in this deconstruction the antagonist becomes the protagonist, while the protagonist becomes an antagonist


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    Online Marketing is also known as a strategy or method to introduce a consumer / public with a brand / products / services of a company / business. Online Marketing or also known as Internet marketing or some people call online advertising. In this case we used a medium that was the Internet. The simplest thing to remembered was, how to innovated continuously so that your product / service can be more easily found on the internet. In the Online Marketing have an important components that must be known by the reader, that are produk, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process (7 P). It also have ten’s effective strategies way to sell the product as determine the target market, make a website, make a promotion, Build a TOP Rank Website, running email marketing, consultation with the expert, write for conten marketing, blogging and chatting, use instant messager (E-mail), and mobile messager (BBM,Line,and Whatsapp). The discussion on this article was online marketing in Bulang village received good response from businessmen and villager. This was because online marketing was done by a team of online marketing division of KKN-PPM students Adi Buana University PGRI Surabaya can helped Bulang village of as the village of klepon while increasing revenue and income for the Bulang villagers. So, the result of the article of Online Marketing Program activities was success because all of participants can be good participants. and was held on February 5th to 28th, 201


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    This article aims to describe the mastery of affixation on student papers Malaysia UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The approach used in this article is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method is used documentation. Data collection procedures in this article are (1) the collection of papers, (2) copying papers, (3) readings papers, (4) marking with highlighter, (5) classification, (6) coding, (7) the manufacture of the card. Analysis of the data in this study used a qualitative descriptive method. In this method, use the following steps: (1) the selection of data, (2) classification of data, and (3) an explanation. In this article, the data in words in a Malaysian student papers UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Meanwhile, the source of the data acquired from Malaysian student papers UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This article analyzes the results found affixation process and the meaning of affixation include (a) prefix: pe(N)- ,ber-, se-, me(N)-, ter-, and di-. (b) suffix: an, -kan, –nya, and –i, (c) konfiks: me(N)-kan, ke-an, me(N)-i, ber- kan, di-kan, di-i, pe(N)-an, di-kan, di-nya, and se-nya


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    Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penguasaan reduplikasi dan komposisi pada makalah mahasiswa Malaysia UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Prosedur pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) pengumpulan makalah, (2) pemfotokopian makalah, (3) pembacaan makalah, (4) penandaan dengan stabilo, (5) pengklasifikasian, dan (6) pengodean. Penganalisisan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Tahap-tahap yang digunakan dalam penganalisisan data adalah (1) pengumpulan data, (2) pengklasifikasian data, dan (3) pengeksplanasian. Data artikel ini ialah kata-kata dalam makalah mahasiswa Malaysia UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya dan sumber data artikel ini adalah makalah mahasiswa Malaysia UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Hasil analisis artikel ini ditemukan (1) reduplikasi penuh, (2) reduplikasi yang berkombinasi dengan proses pembubuhan afiks, dan (3) komposisi. Kata kunci: reduplikasi, komposisi, makalah mahasiswa Malaysi


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    This research is based on the occurrence of conversation implicature transactions in buying and selling transactions at the end of Suramadu Madura. Implications in conversation are conventional forms of implicature and unconventional implicatures. This research is a kind of conversational implicature in a sale and purchase transaction at the end of Suramadu Madura. This method is a descriptive method. The purpose of this study is to describe the pattern of systematic, factual and accurate relationships between the phenomena investigated. Implicit in the sale and purchase transaction at the end of Suramadu Madura has two types, namely: conventional implicature and unconventional implicature. Conventional Implication is a type of implicature derived from the meaning of words, not from the principle of conversation. Whereas nonconventional implicatures are the implications of pragmatics implicit in conversation. In communication, speech always presents functional functions and in conversation, intentions implied


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan bahwa anak-anak yang berusia 3–6 tahun sangat unik memiliki cadel saat berbicara, dan mereka juga menciptakan bentuk-bentuk kata baru yang hanya dipahami oleh dirinya sendiri dan orang-orang terdekatnya. mereka. Ciptaan semacam ini dipengaruhi oleh bahasa yang digunakan oleh ibu dari anak-anak tersebut yang juga bisa disebut sebagai jargon khusus yang digunakan olehnya. Keunikan pernyataan dalam penelitian ini adalah pada kekhasan masing-masing bahasa di dunia. Keistimewaan itu meliputi tata bunyi suatu bahasa, pembentukan kata suatu bahasa, pembentukan kalimat bahasa, dan lain-lain. Dalam tata bunyi, anak-anak yang berusia 3–6 tahun, sering berbicara dengan gaya bahasanya sendiri yang terkadang juga jargon keluarga anak-anak itu sendiri. Anak usia dini adalah anak yang berusia 0–8 tahun. KB/TK Attohirin merupakan salah satu Lembaga Keislaman yang diselenggarakan oleh kepala sekolah yaitu Hj. Umi Khaddah dan H. Sukarjo, di bawah Dinas Pendidikan Sidoarjo dan PGRI, bertempat di Desa Peterongan, Masangan Kulon RT18, RW06, Kecamatan Sukodono, Kabupaten Sidorjo. Objek penelitian ini adalah keunikan siswa pada KB/TK Attohirin yang berusia 3–6 tahun yang terdiri dari 2 putra berusia 3-4 tahun dan 1 putri berusia 5 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di KB/TK Attohirin Desa Peterongan, Masangan Kulon RT18, RW06, Kecamatan Sukodono, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Cakap dibantu dengan menggunakan teknik Cakap Semuka, Teknik Perekaman, dan Teknik Catat, penelitian ini menggunakan metode agih. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa huruf yang tidak dapat diucapkan oleh objek penelitian adalah 'r, g, dan k'. Meskipun demikian, objek dapat dengan jelas menyebutkan huruf-huruf tersebut, tetapi ketika huruf-huruf tersebut diucapkan dalam sebuah kata atau kalimat, bunyi huruf tersebut tidak diucapkan dengan jelas atau bahkan berubah

    Maksim Kuantitas dan Maksim Kualitas dalam Tuturan Bahasa Indonesia pada Anak Disabilitas Intelektual

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the mastery of maxims of quantity and maxims of quality in Indonesian speech in children with intellectual disabilities. In this study, a qualitative descriptive research method was used. The data source of this research is one child with intellectual disability aged 9;0. The data of this research are words, phrases, and sentences that contain maxims of quantity and maxims of quality. The data collection used in this study includes observation, fishing, recording, and field notes. The stages of data collection are making observations, recording speeches, transcribing speeches, and validating data. In analyzing the data, the pragmatic equivalent method was used. Data analysis procedures include reducing data, interpreting data, and concluding. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that children with intellectual disabilities have been able to master the maxim of quantity and maxim of quality. L’s speech is able to show its contribution to the speech partner to show the maxim of strength by speaking not excessively and maxim of quality by speaking according to reality. The maxim of quantity and maxim of quality shown by L are still dominated by one word even though L's speech seems to be able to use multi-words. However, the maxim of quantity and maxim of quality used by L still suffer from imperfect pronunciation of sounds such as [r] is pronounced as [l], and the sound [s] which is located at the beginning and middle of the word is replaced with [t]. In addition, L is still unable to use affixes so that he experiences an affix deficit. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penguasaan maksim kuantitas dan maksim kualitas dalam tuturan bahasa Indonesia pada anak disabilitas intelektual. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah satu anak disabilitas intelektual berusia 9;0. Data penelitian ini adalah kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang mengandung maksim kuantitas dan maksim kualitas. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi observasi, pemancingan, perekaman, dan catatan lapangan. Adapun tahap-tahap pengumpulan data adalah melakukan observasi, merekam tuturan, mentranskrip tuturan, dan memvalidasi data. Dalam penganalisisan data, digunakan metode padan pragmatik. Prosedur penganalisisan data meliputi mereduksi data, menginterpretasi data, dan menyimpulkan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa anak disabilitas mental sudah mampu menguasai maksim kuantitas dan maksim kualitas. L sudah mampu menggunakan maksim kuantitas dengan bertutur tidak berlebihan dan maksim kualitas dengan bertutur sesuai kenyataan. Maksim kuantitas dan maksim kualitas yang ditunjukkan L masih didominasi dengan satu kata meskipun tuturan L terlihat sudah mampu menggunakan multikata. Akan tetapi, maksim kuantitas dan maksim kualitas yang digunakan L masih mengalami kekurangsempurnaan pelafalan bunyi seperti [r] dilafalkan menjadi [l], dan bunyi [s] yang terletak pada awal dan tengah kata diganti dengan [t]. Selain itu, L masih belum mampu menggunakan afiks sehingga mengalami defisit afiks


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    This article aims at describing reasoning essay in paragraph of the students of PGSD2015 Unipa Surabaya. The approach used in this article is descriptive qualitative in which the data collection used library and documentation methods. The data collection procedures in this research are (1) essay collection, (2) codification of students’ names, (3) categorization of the students’ data using reasoning paragraph, (4) data management, (5) calculation of the result percentage. The data analysis of this research uses qualitative descriptive. It means that it only describes the reasoning paragraph. The stages used in this analysis are (1) data collection, (2) data classification, and (3) interpretation. The validity of this research usesobservation perseverance technique, triangulation, and peer review. The result of this analysis is found the use of deductive and inductive reasoning. In using both reasonings, the students of PGSD 2015 are good