30 research outputs found

    Natural and experimental infections with Flavobacterium psychrophilum in salmonid fish

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    Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the aetiological agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS) and bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD) causes problems in salmonid aquaculture worldwide. Fry are the most seriously affected with a septicaemic disease, often with high mortalities. Skin ulcers and fin lesions are common, especially in fish infected at later life-stages. To investigate if Swedish brood fish are infected with F. psychrophilum, Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) brood fish were sampled for bacteriological examination. Both male and female fish, without any clinical signs of disease, were found to be infected with F. psychrophilum at the time of spawning. The bacterium was isolated from internal organs and sexual products. This shows that the brood fish may serve as a reservoir for the bacterium and indicates vertical transmission as a route of infection. Intraperitoneal experimental infections were performed in three species of salmonids, i.e. rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and sea trout (Salmo trutta) to evaluate any species-differences in susceptibility to the bacterium. Also, macro- and microscopical pathological changes, and the distribution of the bacterium, studied by immunohistochemistry, were evaluated. No species differences in mortality were recorded. Rainbow trout showed more pronounced changes in the spleen with haemorrhages, necrosis, and with numerous free bacteria present. A new experimental infection model, using nanoinjection of F. psychrophilum into newly fertilised rainbow trout eggs was performed to mimic vertical transmission of the bacterium. All infected groups showed higher mortalities compared with controls. Diseased fry showed clinical symptoms and morphological changes similar to RTFS. The nanoinjection method was also used to study the effects of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) on disease resistance to F. psychrophilum infection. Newly fertilised rainbow trout eggs were injected with a commercial blend of PCB (Clophen A50) and F. psychrophilum. The highest mortality was recorded in groups exposed to bacteria and the lowest dose of Clophen A50 whereas no effect on disease resistance was recorded in groups receiving the higher dose. The nanoinjection studies show that the method can be a useful tool to study vertically transmitted pathogens and that exposure to PCB might affect the disease resistance to vertically transmitted F. psychrophilum

    Texture-modified meat and carrot products for elderly people with dysphagia: preference in relation to health and oral status

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    Background : Reduced taste and smell, chewing problems and swallowing dysfunction are common among elderly people and affect perception, food choice and the ability to eat. Objective : To study the preference for texture-modified carrot and meat products in elderly people aiming to meet the needs of people with impaired chewing and/or swallowing. Design : Data were collected using questionnaires focusing on health, oral status and preference for the products. Altogether, 108 elderly people in ordinary housing (OH) and 50 living in special housing (SH) in Malmouml (SH-M) and Goumlteborg (SH-G) participated. Results : 19% had a body mass index ≤22, predominantly in SH (24%). Stroke was reported by 20% of the subjects in SH. Among those with subjectively experienced difficulties in swallowing (12%), 58% reported coughing, 21% a gurgly voice in association with food intake and 50% obstruction during swallowing. Only 20% with subjective swallowing difficulties had been specifically examined regarding this problem. All the tested products were easy to masticate and swallow. Compared with OH, people in SH-M found the meat products easier to masticate and swallow. Compared with OH, subjects in SH found the carrot products easier to masticate Conclusions : There is a need to develop tasty texture-modified nutritious food products for people with mastication and/or swallowing problems. Possible factors for differences in preference between groups, in this study OH and SH, may be related to health status in general and specifically mastication and swallowing functions

    Objective and quantitative definitions of modified food textures based on sensory and rheological methodology

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    Introduction: Patients who suffer from chewing and swallowing disorders, i.e. dysphagia, may have difficulties ingesting normal food and liquids. In these patients a texture modified diet may enable that the patient maintain adequate nutrition. However, there is no generally accepted definition of ‘texture’ that includes measurements describing different food textures. Objective: Objectively define and quantify categories of texture-modified food by conducting rheological measurements and sensory analyses. A further objective was to facilitate the communication and recommendations of appropriate food textures for patients with dysphagia. Design: About 15 food samples varying in texture qualities were characterized by descriptive sensory and rheological measurements. Results: Soups were perceived as homogenous; thickened soups were perceived as being easier to swallow, more melting and creamy compared with soups without thickener. Viscosity differed between the two types of soups. Texture descriptors for pâtés were characterized by high chewing resistance, firmness, and having larger particles compared with timbales and jellied products. Jellied products were perceived as wobbly, creamy, and easier to swallow. Concerning the rheological measurements, all solid products were more elastic than viscous (G′>G″), belonging to different G′ intervals: jellied products (low G′) and timbales together with pâtés (higher G′). Conclusion: By combining sensory and rheological measurements, a system of objective, quantitative, and well-defined food textures was developed that characterizes the different texture categories

    Antihypertensive drugs and erectile dysfunction as seen in spontaneous reports, with focus on angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers

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    AIM: To describe spontaneously reported cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) in association with angiotensin II type I blockers (ARB) and other antihypertensive drugs. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: All spontaneously reported cases of ED submitted to the Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) between 1990 and 2006, where at least one antihypertensive drug was the suspected agent, were scrutinized. Patient demographics, drug treatment and adverse reactions were recorded. Using the Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN) method, the information component (IC) was calculated. RESULTS: Among a total of 225 reports of ED, 59 involved antihypertensive drugs including ARB (9 cases) as suspected agents. A positive IC value was found indicating that ED was reported more often in association with antihypertensive drugs classes, except for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, compared with all other drugs in the database. Positive dechallenge was reported in 43 cases (72%). DISCUSSION: All classes of major antihypertensive drugs including ARB were implicated as suspected agents in cases of ED. Few risk factors were identified. The relatively high reporting of ED in association with ARB is in contrast with previous studies, suggesting that ARB have neither a positive nor any effect on ED. This discrepancy suggests that further studies are warrnted on this potential adverse reaction to ARB

    Pharmacovigilance : spontaneous reporting in health care

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    Pharmacovigilance in healthcare is essential for safe drug treatment. Spontaneous reporting is the most common source of information in the context of implementing label changes and taking a drug off the market. However, underreporting is found to be very prevalent. One way to decrease underreporting is to include different categories of healthcare professionals in such reporting and to investigate attitudes towards and incentives for reporting adverse drug reaction (ADR)s. As nurses form the largest group of health professionals, a sample of nurses were allowed and encouraged to report ADR during a 12 month period after they had received training in pharmacovigilance. A questionnaire posted to physicians and nurses investigated their knowledge and attitudes towards reporting. Spontaneous reports of torsade de pointes (TdP) and erectile dysfunction (ED) were scrutinized with respect to the reported drugs, risk factors and if the reaction was listed in the summary of product characteristics (SPC). After training, the nurses produced relevant reports and three years after the introduction of nurses in the reporting scheme, more than half of the responding nurses were aware of their role as reporters. Both nurses and physicians stated that the most important factor for reporting a suspected ADR was the severity of the ADR and an ADR arising in response to a newly approved drug. A web-based reporting system was deemed to facilitate the reporting. In spontaneous reports of TdP, citalopram was reported as a suspected drug. However, neither QT prolongations, nor TdP, were labelled in the SPC. ED was reported for all antihypertensive drugs including angiotensin II type I blockers. A positive information component (IC), assessing the disproportionality between the observed and the expected number of reports, was found indicating that ED was reported more often in association with antihypertensive drug classes, except for angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. This thesis demonstrates the importance of pharmacoviglilance in healthcare in terms of capturing new signals. By including nurses as reporters, the overall safety of drugs might improve. Information and education are needed to secure safe treatment when applying drugs

    Attitudes among hospital physicians to the reporting of adverse drug reactions in Sweden

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    This study was designed to investigate attitudes to and incentive for reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in general and towards nurses as reporters of ADRs in particular in a sample of hospital physicians. A questionnaire was sent to 1,201 randomly selected hospital physicians. The main factors for the decision to report an ADR were the severity of the reaction, a reaction to a new drug, and an unusual reaction. The most important factor for refraining from reporting was that the reaction was well known. There were no significant differences between males and females or between age groups in these aspects. A majority were positive or neutral to nurses as reporters. Only 6% stated that their willingness to report ADRs would be affected in a negative way if nurses were involved in the program for reporting. The results of this survey showed that inclusion of hospital nurses as reporters will not decrease the reporting rate from the physicians

    Adverse drug reaction reporting by nurses in Sweden

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    Aim To investigate whether nurses could be a useful tool for improving the reporting rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Furthermore, we wanted to study how physicians working at the study departments would respond to nurses as reporters of ADRs and if the reporting from the nurses affected the reporting rate from the physicians. Methods Three departments of internal medicine and one unit for orthopaedics were selected for the study. Nurses with special drug responsibilities were invited to participate. At the start of the study period, the nurses received an introduction with background, objective, method and other practical issues concerning the study. After this, an education programme about ADR reporting, definitions, and ADR classification according to mechanism and organ system was given. To study their knowledge about and attitude towards ADRs, a questionnaire was handed out to the nurses. A questionnaire was also handed out to all physicians at the participating departments in order to investigate their attitude towards nurses as reporters of ADRs. Results Fifty-four nurses participated in the study. During the study period, a total number of 23 reports with 39 ADRs were sent to the regional centres by the nurses. Seventeen (74%) of the reports were assessed as serious. Eight of the 39 ADRs were unlabelled and all reports were considered appropriate. The reporting rate from the physicians during the study period was similar to the previous year, indicating that the nurses contributed with additional reports. At the end of the study, the nurses thought that they had enough knowledge to report ADRs. Sixty-eight percent of the physicians did not object to nurses being included as reporters of suspected ADRs. Conclusion Adverse drug reaction reporting by nurses could improve the overall safety of drugs

    Hyponatremia in elderly patients treated with desmopressin for nocturia: a review of a case series

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    Objective: Lately, desmopressin (dDAVP) administered orally has been demonstrated to be an effective alternative in the management of nocturia in adults. Although the safety profile of dDAVP is well known, much of the experience originates from studies in enuretic children and younger adults, and it may not be readily extrapolated to elderly patients. In order to identify factors associated with an increased risk of hyponatremia in elderly patients treated with dDAVP for nocturia, we analysed spontaneous reports accrued from clinical practice in Denmark and Sweden. Method: Following a selection procedure, the study base comprised 15 case reports. From the included reports, information was sought on concurrent diseases, concomitant medications and other factors that may predispose elderly patients to hyponatremia when treated with desmopressin. Results: The median age amongst the cases was 81 years (range 61-93 years) and 80% were females. For seven of the patients, the hyponatremia occurred during the first 3 weeks of treatment. The symptoms presented by the patients led to hospitalisation in all but one case. Among patients with information available on concomitant medication, half of them were treated with cyclooxygenase inhibitors. An excessive fluid intake could only be ascertained in one case; all 15 patients eventually recovered. Conclusion: In elderly patients treated with dDAVP for nocturia, an increased risk of hyponatremia exists in the first weeks of treatment. Compared with younger subjects, risk factors other than excessive intake of fluid appear to contribute to this adverse drug reaction