17 research outputs found

    Optimising aircraft taxi speed: Design and evaluation of new means to present information on a head-up display

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    The objective of this study was to design and evaluate new means of complying to time constraints by presenting aircraft target taxi speeds on a head-up display (HUD). Four different HUD presentations were iteratively developed from paper sketches into digital prototypes. Each HUD presentation reflected different levels of information presentation. A subsequent evaluation included 32 pilots, with varying flight experience, in usability tests. The participants subjectively assessed which information was most useful to comply with time constraints. The assessment was based on six themes including information, workload, situational awareness, stress, support and usability. The evaluation consisted of computer-simulated taxi-runs, self-assessments and statistical analysis. Information provided by a graphical vertical tape descriptive/predictive HUD presentation, including alpha-numerical information redundancy, was rated most useful. Differences between novice and expert pilots can be resolved by incorporating combinations of graphics and alpha-numeric presentations. The findings can be applied for further studies of combining navigational and time-keeping HUD support during taxi

    En fallstudie om effektivisering av kosthanteringen inom Nybro kommun

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    In December 2008 the municipal council in Nybro, decided that the municipality should reduce the budget for food service. The budget should be reduced by 2 100 000 SEK. They decided that the children- and education committee, and the care committee would have to lower their budget with 1 264 000 SEK respectively 636 000 SEK. The change have to be done under two years, 60 % should be done under 2009 and 40 % under 2010. As a result of the decision, many kitchens have to become kitchens that only serve food, not cook it. This will result in preschool staff and nursing staff take over some of the tasks from the kitchen staff. The municipal council also decided that entrepreneurs could take over one (later two) cooking areas. A kitchen that serves food means that there isn’t any cooking involved. The staff receives the food in thermal bags or thermal cabinets from a kitchen that makes the meals. This system involved more transportation, witch means that the food has to be warm for a longer time. The purpose of this project is to examine if and how the nutrient quality affects of the changes in the budget of food service in Nybro kommun. In this project the temperature measurements has been done on lunches that were distributed to elderly people in ordinary housing, preschools and group housing. This was to see if the food retained the temperature recommendations from Livsmedelsverket (Food Administration). The measurements showed a difference between the two kitchens that makes the food. Since the food is being warm for a long time it’s interesting to see how much of the nutrients are left, when the food is eventually eaten. Four samples of potatoes has been collected and analysed for vitamin-C and vitamin B1. The results showed a reduction of vitamin-C, but vitamin B1 was stable. When one of the cooking areas may be opened for entrepreneurs, the council need to have a “Food policy”. A food policy is a document which sets the boundary of the food quality. In this project there is a compilation of several food policies in Sweden, to get some common points. “Environmental sustainable development” and “special diet” are some of the points that are common in the food policy

    On the Design of a Head Up Display Solution to Facilitate Time-controlled Aircraft Taxi-operations

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    Graphical display-support designed as a navigational aid during taxi with aircrafts has been introduced to minimize the risk of incidents and accidents as well as decreasing fuel consumption. Electronic airport maps, datalink and display-technology such as Head-Up Displays (HUDs) provide support to pilots. Means to provide graphical display-support for time-controlled taxi is however lacking. Four display-solutions were developed to assist pilots during time-controlled taxi. These four display-solutions were evaluated during usability tests resulting in a preferred speed-tape graphical HUD solution with alpha-numerical information redundancy

    On the Design of a Head Up Display Solution to Facilitate Time-controlled Aircraft Taxi-operations

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    Graphical display-support designed as a navigational aid during taxi with aircrafts has been introduced to minimize the risk of incidents and accidents as well as decreasing fuel consumption. Electronic airport maps, datalink and display-technology such as Head-Up Displays (HUDs) provide support to pilots. Means to provide graphical display-support for time-controlled taxi is however lacking. Four display-solutions were developed to assist pilots during time-controlled taxi. These four display-solutions were evaluated during usability tests resulting in a preferred speed-tape graphical HUD solution with alpha-numerical information redundancy

    Transferring Tacit Knowledge During Maritime Pilot Training: Assessment of Methods in Use

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    Accurate knowledge management is vital for an organization to perform well. Managing explicit knowledge is relatively easy but managing tacit (implicit) knowledge is not. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge from experts to novices in an organization is therefore essential. Maritime pilotage is a safety-critical operation in which pilots use their expertise to guide vessels in specific waters. The purpose of this study is to improve the Pilot Training Programme (PTP) run by the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA). The aim of this study is to evaluate and describe the prevailing methodsof transferring tacit knowledge during the PTP. This study includes 20 maritime pilots and covers a complete PTP. A qualitative mixed-methods approach was used, based on activity theory and including observations, interviews, questionnaires, and document analyses. The results showed that tacit knowledge transfer during the PTP occurs during situated learning, such as apprenticeships, hands-on learning and communities of work. However, the transfer methods are not sufficiently documented from a didactic perspective

    Assessing non-technical methods for transferring tacit knowledge in safety-critical systems: a study on maritime pilot training

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    A safety-critical system is a system whose failure or malfunction will have serious consequences and typically include, healthcare, aerospace, naval operations, nuclear or process industries, and military systems. Safety-critical systems also show a high level of automation and are to a high degree dependent on tacit knowledge embedded within the workforce. It is important to an organization to find methods to manage tacit knowledge transfer and thereby establishing resilience over time. Maritime pilotage is a safety-critical segment of the maritime industry to assure safe, economic, and sustainable naval operations. During the maritime pilot training the maritime pilot student acquires trade specific skills, often in the shape of tacit knowledge, primarily when interacting with other more experienced maritime pilots. The purpose of this study is to improve the maritime pilot training to mitigate increasing requirements of safe, economical, and environmentally sustainable shipping operations. The aim of the study was to locate, catch, crystallise, document, and describe non-technical methods of tacit knowledge transfer during the different elements of the maritime pilot training. This study is a mixed-method study, based on observations, interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. In total, 21 participants were included in the study, consisting of maritime pilot students, less experienced but licensed maritime pilots, and highly experienced master maritime pilots. The results show that a substantial amount of tacit knowledge transfer occurs during on-the-job activities. Such activities are predominantly taking place in social settings and are not consistently documented or systematically utilized within the organization

    Ska jag stanna eller flytta? En analys av nyexaminerade studenters flyttmönster

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    Föreliggande rapport analyserar flyttmönster för examinerade studenter vid Umeå universitet. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av longitudinella mikrodata från Statistiska Centralbyrån för att kunna beskriva en längre del av flyttkedjan och i detalj belysa både ursprungsregion och destination för examinerade studenter. Våra resultat visar att Umeå sticker ut i negativ bemärkelse i avseende hur många som stannar kvar i regionen efter examen. En del av detta är hemvändare som återvänder till sin hemregion efter avklarade studier, men även om andelen inflyttare till Umeå från övriga landet ökat över tid, utgör detta inte hela svaret. I jämförelse med landets övriga universitetsregioner har Umeå den tredje lägsta andel studenter från regionen som väljer att stanna kvar efter avslutade studier. Särskilt utmärkande är den negativa trenden för kvinnor. Generellt sett sker det största tappet av lokala studenter till Stockholm, vilket kanske inte är så oväntat givet storleken och diversiteten i Stockholms arbetsmarknad. Storstäderna, men även några av grannregionerna exklusive Skellefteå, har ett nettoöverskott av migranter från Umeå. För de som flyttar till Umeå och väljer att stanna kommer majoriteten från regioner i norra Sverige samt från Stockholm. Av de 20 största utbildningarna vid Umeå universitet varierar andelen studenter som stannar i Umeå mellan 91% och 50%. Här kan specifika insatser riktas. Exempelvis flyttade 91% av alla 126 examinerade psykologer från Umeå, vad kan göras för att en större andel ska stanna? Här krävs en grundligare analys av efterfrågesidan för att bättre kunna besvara den frågeställningen. Vi ser också att studenter från regionen som har studerat 4–5 år (avancerad nivå) är mer benägna att flytta än lokala studenter som läst 2–3 år (grundnivå). Umeå har alltså extra svårt att hålla kvar högre utbildade. Detta kan utgöra en potentiell ”brain drain” för regionen om Umeå å ena sidan har svårt att behålla den högre andel studenter från andra regioner, men också har svårt att behålla studenter från Umeå som läser en längre utbildning. Här bör politiken eftersträva en ökad diversifiering av arbetsmarknaden så avancerade arbete inom olika ämnesområden kan erbjudas (både teknik och data, men också samhällsvetenskap och humaniora). Vi finner också skillnader mellan de tre utbildningsinriktningarna IKT, utbildning och pedagogik samt hälso- och sjukvård. Andelen Hemvändare är exempelvis betydligt mycket större inom pedagogik och lärarutbildning än inom något annat område, vilket kan reflektera att dessa studenter svarar på en lokal efterfrågan i hemmaregionen. Inom IKT, hälso- och sjukvård och Pedagogik och lärarutbildning har alla studenter som väljer att stanna kvar en nästan 100% etableringsgrad. Dock visar branschspridningen att fler studenter inom hälso- och sjukvård och pedagogik tenderar att få sin första anställning inom fler branscher i jämförelse med alla examinerade stundeter i Sverige. Inom IKT är antalet studenter som får sin första anställning inom ”Utbildning” större än både snittet för Sverige men även i jämförelse med den grupp som flyttar från Umeå efter examen. Det reflekterar delvis exempelvis Umeå universitets interna arbetsmarknad som under lång tid varit den största arbetsgivaren för dessa kompetenser (exempelvis olika dataspecialister), men också närvaron av andra offentliga institutioner (kommun- respektive regionstyrda verksamheter). Frågan är dock vad som kan göras för att öka antalet rekryteringar till exempelvis arkitekt- och teknikkonsultverksamhet; teknikprovning och analys, datorprogrammering och konsultverksamhet? Om den relativt snabba ökningen av IKT-företag fortsätter i Umeå (se Eklund, 2019 för en beskrivning av sektorns relativt snabba framväxt i Umeå under de senare åren) kan det dels synliggöra arbetsmarknaden tydligare för utexaminerade studenter, men också göra regionen mer motståndskraftig mot kriser. Som redovisats av Elekes och Eriksson (2019) utgör IKT ett tydligt kompetenssystem tillsammans med exempelvis finans och försäkring. Rekommendationen är därför att även försöka få dessa typer av verksamheter att växa i regionen då det kan öka antalet som stannar kvar i regionen