23 research outputs found

    Integrating multiple dimensions of ecological stability into a vulnerability framework

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    Ecological stability encompasses multiple dimensions of functional and compositional responses to environmental change. Though no single stability dimension used in isolation can fully reflect the overall response to environmental change, a common vulnerability assessment that integrates simultaneously across multiple stability components is highly desirable for ecological risk assessment. We develop both functional and compositional counterparts of a novel, integrative metric of overall ecological vulnerability (OEV). We test the framework with data from a modularized experiment replicated in five lakes over two seasons, examining functional and compositional responses to both pulse and press disturbances across three trophic groups. OEV is measured as the area under the curve integrated over the entire observation period, with the curve delimiting the difference between the disturbance treatment and undisturbed parallel controls, expressed either as the log response ratio of biomass (functional OEV) or community dissimilarity index (compositional OEV). Both, functional and compositional OEV correlated negatively with functional and compositional 'resistance', 'temporal stability' and 'final/extent of recovery' following both pulse and press disturbances, though less so with 'resilience' following a pulse disturbance. We also found a positive correlation between functional and compositional OEV, which reveals the potential to also evaluate the intricate linkage between biodiversity and functional change. Our findings demonstrate that OEV comprises a robust framework to: (a) capture simultaneously multiple functional and compositional stability components, and (b) quantify the functional consequences of biodiversity change. Our results provide the basis for an overarching framework for quantifying the overall vulnerability of ecosystems to environmental change, opening new possibilities for ecological risk assessment and management. Synthesis. Ecological stability comprises multiple dimensions that together encapsulate how ecosystems respond to environmental change. Considering these multiple aspects of stability simultaneously often poses a problem in environmental assessments, which frequently require overarching indicators of risk or vulnerability. While an analysis of multiple dimensions allows for deeper exploration of mechanisms, here we develop and test a new univariate indicator that integrates stability aspects under a broad range of disturbance regimes. Using a modularized experiment in Swedish lakes, we show that this integrative measure captures multiple stability dimensions reflecting compositional and functional vulnerability and their relationships between them

    ”Oförtruten Flit Och Möda uti HushĂ„lds GiöromĂ„l” : Om 1700-talets förestĂ€llningar om hemmet och Pehr Hilleströms högrestĂ„ndsinteriörer

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    The genre paintings of the artist Pehr Hilleström (1732–1816) are frequently used as illustrations of everyday life in the Swedish late Eighteen-century bourgeois households. The aim of this study is to examine Hilleströms interior scenes as a source to the cultural history of the Eighteenth century in Sweden.  The Eighteenth century is often described as a period when the concepts of home and household changed and came to be seen as something private and more intimate than before. In this study I examine if these new perceptions of the household found expression in Hilleströms images. In addition, I also analyze if, and to what extent these images can be seen as moralizing.  I do this by examining Hilleströms bourgeoise interiors in relation both to French genre painting, and to accounts of home and household derived from readings of range of Eighteenth-century literary sources. In my examination of the views on household of Hilleström and his contemporaries I use Michael Baxandalls concepts troc and period eye. The primary sources I use to create a period eye, comprise novels, satirical verse, theatre plays and conduct books.  The study shows that Hilleströms images owe quite a lot to conventions of genre painting and, especially to French painters, such as Jean Baptiste SimĂ©on Chardin. The content of Hilleström’s pictures correspond well to the image of the traditional, ideal home found in contemporary literature. However, the new, more sentimental ideas about home and household are not to be found in Hilleström’s images. Whether Hilleström’s images are moralizing or not, I find more difficult to conclude. While not explicitly satirical, in the light of the Eighteenth-century literary texts, they might have been interpreted so by the viewer.  

    ”Oförtruten Flit Och Möda uti HushĂ„lds GiöromĂ„l” : Om 1700-talets förestĂ€llningar om hemmet och Pehr Hilleströms högrestĂ„ndsinteriörer

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    The genre paintings of the artist Pehr Hilleström (1732–1816) are frequently used as illustrations of everyday life in the Swedish late Eighteen-century bourgeois households. The aim of this study is to examine Hilleströms interior scenes as a source to the cultural history of the Eighteenth century in Sweden.  The Eighteenth century is often described as a period when the concepts of home and household changed and came to be seen as something private and more intimate than before. In this study I examine if these new perceptions of the household found expression in Hilleströms images. In addition, I also analyze if, and to what extent these images can be seen as moralizing.  I do this by examining Hilleströms bourgeoise interiors in relation both to French genre painting, and to accounts of home and household derived from readings of range of Eighteenth-century literary sources. In my examination of the views on household of Hilleström and his contemporaries I use Michael Baxandalls concepts troc and period eye. The primary sources I use to create a period eye, comprise novels, satirical verse, theatre plays and conduct books.  The study shows that Hilleströms images owe quite a lot to conventions of genre painting and, especially to French painters, such as Jean Baptiste SimĂ©on Chardin. The content of Hilleström’s pictures correspond well to the image of the traditional, ideal home found in contemporary literature. However, the new, more sentimental ideas about home and household are not to be found in Hilleström’s images. Whether Hilleström’s images are moralizing or not, I find more difficult to conclude. While not explicitly satirical, in the light of the Eighteenth-century literary texts, they might have been interpreted so by the viewer.  

    The distribution of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in streams in southern Sweden.

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    This thesis examines the effect of water quality, habitat and species interactions on the occurrence and abundance of stream fishes in southern Sweden. I found that improvements in water quality between the 1960s and 1990s have led to recolonization of streams by brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), stone loach (Barbatula barbatula L.) and eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). The response was greatest for brown trout and was best explained by increased dissolved oxygen concentrations. The occurrence of other species, specially the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius L.), ide (Leuciscus idus L.) and brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri L.) decreased between the 1960s and 1990s. The decrease was greatest for nine-spined stickleback and was related to the increase in sites with trout, indicating that nine-spined stickleback may be sensitive to predation or competition. In-depth studies of brown trout showed that physical habitat influenced trout densities, especially for 0+ trout, where high densities were associated with narrow streams and with cover. Field manipulations of cover indicated that submerged macrophytes supported high 0+ trout densities in small and medium-sized streams, where other types of instream cover were scarce, and therefore may be especially important in canalized streams. Interspecific and intraspecific interactions also affected trout densities as well as trout behaviour and growth. In a field survey, trout density was inversely related to the abundance of piscivores. Moreover, experiments in artificial stream channels showed that the presence of piscivores could cause habitat shifts and decrease food intake by brown trout. Other experiments in these stream channels showed that intraspecific size-class competition in trout reduced food intake by smaller individuals. Intraspecific competition also seems to explain variation in length of 0+ trout in the field as body length was inversely correlated with trout density, indicating that density may affect trout growth

    A few assorted old paintings : On Pehr Hillestöm and the Swedish eighteenth century art market

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    This paper examines the painter Peh Hilleström (1732–1816) as a participant in the eighteenth century, Stockholm art market, according to the model used by Michael Baxandall in his study of Italian Renaissance art. The art market of the eighteenth century was expanding and included new groups of buyers, outside traditional patrons of art as court and aristocracy. The main purpose of the paper is to find these new art consumers. I use probate inventories from Stockholm, from the years 1735, 1775, 1795, and 1815, in which I search for annotations of paintings. The results are examined from an economic perspective, based on wealth, and a social, based on occupation and titles. Examining these four years I find a rather extensive, bourgeois, market for art, including the less well of households, and fairly independent of social status. The sources give few if any, details of the paintings listed. Hence it is not possible to connect any of the annotations in the probate inventories to Hilleström, since artists’ names are never mentioned. From some of the clues given, there is nevertheless, possible to reconstruct the outlines of what an art collection might have looked like. The wide scope of Hillestöm’s production, illustrated by the artist’s own list of his paintings, might be interpreted as a way to cater for this new market, illustrated by e.g. the frequent repetition of motives. Finally, I examine a few of Hilleström’s own paintings in the light of the previous investigation. Together the sources give a picture of a – fairly widespread – ideal of interior decoration, in which paintings are an important part

    A few assorted old paintings : On Pehr Hillestöm and the Swedish eighteenth century art market

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    This paper examines the painter Peh Hilleström (1732–1816) as a participant in the eighteenth century, Stockholm art market, according to the model used by Michael Baxandall in his study of Italian Renaissance art. The art market of the eighteenth century was expanding and included new groups of buyers, outside traditional patrons of art as court and aristocracy. The main purpose of the paper is to find these new art consumers. I use probate inventories from Stockholm, from the years 1735, 1775, 1795, and 1815, in which I search for annotations of paintings. The results are examined from an economic perspective, based on wealth, and a social, based on occupation and titles. Examining these four years I find a rather extensive, bourgeois, market for art, including the less well of households, and fairly independent of social status. The sources give few if any, details of the paintings listed. Hence it is not possible to connect any of the annotations in the probate inventories to Hilleström, since artists’ names are never mentioned. From some of the clues given, there is nevertheless, possible to reconstruct the outlines of what an art collection might have looked like. The wide scope of Hillestöm’s production, illustrated by the artist’s own list of his paintings, might be interpreted as a way to cater for this new market, illustrated by e.g. the frequent repetition of motives. Finally, I examine a few of Hilleström’s own paintings in the light of the previous investigation. Together the sources give a picture of a – fairly widespread – ideal of interior decoration, in which paintings are an important part

    “Pretty books, sometimes read
” : On attitudes to woman’s reading in 18th century Sweden

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    In a well-known verse Swedish eighteenth century writer Anna Maria Lenngren advise her fictive daughter to avoid reding, since it might distract her from her household chores. This paper intends to examine attitudes towards women’s reading in eighteenth century Sweden, using different kinds of sources: Satirical verses, conduct books for girls and young women and genre paintings by Swedish painter Pehr Hilleström, depicting bourgeoise and aristocratic interiors. In my analysis I make use of the public-private distinction formulated by JĂŒrgen Habermas. Habermas describes the literary public debate as a first step towards a political public debate. The private sphere, in which women a supposed to remain, is in Habermas version divided in an economic and an intimate part, centered on the family and the home. In the satirical verses reading and books aren’t a prominent topic but is mentioned as one of many vices connected to conspicuous consumption and a life “à la mode”. The verses like to contrast the vane, modern woman to the ideal of the good householder. The conduct books give a more nuanced picture of reading as a part of an aristocratic or bourgeoise woman’s life. Reading can be seen as a useful pastime, preferable to playing cards or making idle gossip. According to the conduct books the main purpose of reading should be to inform and educate the reader, not just to entertain her. The paintings confirm the impression that reading was a well-established part of domestic life for women of the leisured classes, but some of them still allows for a more critical view, like the one seen in the verses. The written sources are consistent in the conviction that women’s reading shouldn’t lead to their participation in any public debate. Reading and the fruits of reading are seen to develop and expand the readers personality, and possibly make her more attractive to a future husband, but it is meant to be kept in the private, intimate sphere of the home

    Rödingens lekplatser och överlevnad vid ÄterutsÀttning av fisk

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    ÅterutsĂ€ttning av fiskVid fiske i VĂ€ttern Ă„terutsĂ€tts ett stort antal fiskar som ligger under gĂ€llande minimimĂ„tt. ÅterutsĂ€ttning gĂ€ller framförallt arterna, röding, öring och lax som fiskas intensivt av bĂ„de fritids- och yrkesfiskare. För att kunna reglera fisket lĂ„ngsiktigt, behövs kunskap om hur storandel av den Ă„terutsatta fisken som överlever samt hur fisken bör hanteras sĂ„ att överlevnaden kan öka. FrĂ„n en litteratursammanstĂ€llning framgĂ„r att krokningsdödligheten efter att fisken har Ă„terutsatts ligger pĂ„ ca 5-10% för öring (Salmo trutta) och lax (Salmo salar) och 10-15%för röding (Salvelinus sp.). Krokningsdödlighet vid trollingfiske med djuprigg verkar vara nĂ„got högre jĂ€mfört med konventionella sportfiskemetoder, sĂ„som spinn och flugfiske. Vid fiske med djuprigg utsĂ€tts fisken för en relativ snabb tryckskillnad frĂ„n ett djupare vattenlagerupp till ytan, vilket negativt kan pĂ„verka fiskens överlevnad och mindre fisk som har en relativ kort drillningstid kan dĂ€rmed vara kĂ€nsligare. Andra faktorer som kan pĂ„verka fiskens överlevnad Ă€r krokens lĂ€ge (krokad i svalg eller i kĂ€ken), vattentemperatur, drillningstid samthantering vid avkrokning. Skillnader i överlevnad vid olika krokstorlekar och typer av krokar verkar vara relativt liten.För att minimera dödligheten efter Ă„terutsĂ€ttning mĂ„ste stor varsamhet tas vid hantering av fisken. Det Ă€r viktigt att fisken ej utsĂ€tts för luftexponering, fisken bör dĂ€rför avkrokas i vattnet med hjĂ€lp av en tĂ„ng eller peang. Vid trolling med djuprigg bör mindre fisk som ska Ă„terutsĂ€ttas tas in relativt lĂ„ngsamt för att undvika snabba tryckskillnader. För att minska skador pĂ„ kĂ€nsliga partier som gĂ€lar, gom, svalg eller ögon rekommenderas att endast en krok per bete anvĂ€nds, vilket ocksĂ„ gör avkrokningen lĂ€ttare. För att vidare kunna utröna den dödlighet som sker vid Ă„terutsĂ€ttning i VĂ€ttern rekommenderas att studier utförs med olika fĂ„ngstmetoder.Rödinglekplatser i VĂ€tternGenom telefonintervjuer med 55 personer, de flesta fiskare runt VĂ€ttern samt genomgĂ„ng av fiskeribiologiska skrifter, uppgifter frĂ„n fiskodlingar m m har 43 platser dentifierats dĂ€r rödinglek kan förekomma. Vissa förslag till uppföljande undersökningsprogram för framtidaverifiering av lekplatserna lĂ€mnas.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    Rödingens lekplatser och överlevnad vid ÄterutsÀttning av fisk

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    ÅterutsĂ€ttning av fiskVid fiske i VĂ€ttern Ă„terutsĂ€tts ett stort antal fiskar som ligger under gĂ€llande minimimĂ„tt. ÅterutsĂ€ttning gĂ€ller framförallt arterna, röding, öring och lax som fiskas intensivt av bĂ„de fritids- och yrkesfiskare. För att kunna reglera fisket lĂ„ngsiktigt, behövs kunskap om hur storandel av den Ă„terutsatta fisken som överlever samt hur fisken bör hanteras sĂ„ att överlevnaden kan öka. FrĂ„n en litteratursammanstĂ€llning framgĂ„r att krokningsdödligheten efter att fisken har Ă„terutsatts ligger pĂ„ ca 5-10% för öring (Salmo trutta) och lax (Salmo salar) och 10-15%för röding (Salvelinus sp.). Krokningsdödlighet vid trollingfiske med djuprigg verkar vara nĂ„got högre jĂ€mfört med konventionella sportfiskemetoder, sĂ„som spinn och flugfiske. Vid fiske med djuprigg utsĂ€tts fisken för en relativ snabb tryckskillnad frĂ„n ett djupare vattenlagerupp till ytan, vilket negativt kan pĂ„verka fiskens överlevnad och mindre fisk som har en relativ kort drillningstid kan dĂ€rmed vara kĂ€nsligare. Andra faktorer som kan pĂ„verka fiskens överlevnad Ă€r krokens lĂ€ge (krokad i svalg eller i kĂ€ken), vattentemperatur, drillningstid samthantering vid avkrokning. Skillnader i överlevnad vid olika krokstorlekar och typer av krokar verkar vara relativt liten.För att minimera dödligheten efter Ă„terutsĂ€ttning mĂ„ste stor varsamhet tas vid hantering av fisken. Det Ă€r viktigt att fisken ej utsĂ€tts för luftexponering, fisken bör dĂ€rför avkrokas i vattnet med hjĂ€lp av en tĂ„ng eller peang. Vid trolling med djuprigg bör mindre fisk som ska Ă„terutsĂ€ttas tas in relativt lĂ„ngsamt för att undvika snabba tryckskillnader. För att minska skador pĂ„ kĂ€nsliga partier som gĂ€lar, gom, svalg eller ögon rekommenderas att endast en krok per bete anvĂ€nds, vilket ocksĂ„ gör avkrokningen lĂ€ttare. För att vidare kunna utröna den dödlighet som sker vid Ă„terutsĂ€ttning i VĂ€ttern rekommenderas att studier utförs med olika fĂ„ngstmetoder.Rödinglekplatser i VĂ€tternGenom telefonintervjuer med 55 personer, de flesta fiskare runt VĂ€ttern samt genomgĂ„ng av fiskeribiologiska skrifter, uppgifter frĂ„n fiskodlingar m m har 43 platser dentifierats dĂ€r rödinglek kan förekomma. Vissa förslag till uppföljande undersökningsprogram för framtidaverifiering av lekplatserna lĂ€mnas.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    Perforated cylinders for heat demanding craft

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    Perforated vessels in one form or the other are found in ceramic assemblages in most societies from early prehistoric time onwards. They vary greatly in shape and size, indicating a multitude of uses. This paper focuses on a particular type of perforated vessel – the perforated open cylinder, a “vessel” with no base, or rather with rims at both ends. This means that its function as a container is limited and it could only work when standing on a upright surface, e.g. on the ground. Another plausible function could be an extension “pipe”, for example, on a permanent furnace. In this paper we refer to experiments on the use of the perforated cylinder for heat-demanding crafts, more specifically what temperatures can be reached without using bellows – natural draught – in perforated cylinders of different size and shape, and which type of fuel is the most appropriate