42 research outputs found

    Finite Element Analysis in Porous Media for Incompressible Flow of Contamination from Nuclear Waste

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    A non-linear parabolic system is used to describe incompressible nuclear waste disposal contamination in porous media, in which both molecular diffusion and dispersion are considered. The Galerkin method is applied for the pressure equation. For the brine, radionuclide and heat, a kind of partial upwind finite element scheme is constructed. Examples are included to demonstrate certain aspects of the theory and illustrate the capabilities of the kind of partial upwind finite element approach

    A Case control study to determine Macrophage migration inhibitor, and N-telopeptides of type I bone collagen Levels in the sera of osteoporosis patients

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    ركزت هذه الدراسة على تحديد علامات مثبط هجرة البلاعم (MIF) ، بالإضافة إلى N-telopeptides من النوع الأول من كولاجين العظام (NTX) ، وبعض المعلمات الأخرى (الفوسفاتيز القلوي (ALP) ، فيتامين د (فيتامين د) ، الكالسيوم (Ca) والفوسفور (P) والمغنيسيوم (Mg) وارتباطهم بالمعايير الأخرى في مرض هشاشة العظام. شارك في الدراسة الحالية (110) شخص. كانت هناك مجموعتان من المرضى في هذه الدراسة: المجموعة الأولى (30) امرأة يعانون من هشاشة العظام الشديدة والمجموعة الثانية (30) من النساء المصابات بهشاشة العظام الخفيفة. تم تضمين 50 فردًا سليمًا كمجموعة تحكم . تم تقدير MIF وNTX باستخدام مقايسة الممتز المناعي المرتبط بالإنزيم (ELISA). مستويات المصل من MIF و NTX كانت أعلى بشكل ملحوظ في المجموعتين الأولى والثانية مقارنة بالمجموعة الضابطة، مما يشير إلى أن هذين المعيارين مرتبطان بالمرض، علاوة على ذلك تم تنظيم MIF و NTX في مجموعة واحدة عند تطبيق اختبار التحليل العنقودي في جميع المجموعات المدروسة، وهذا يشير إلى أنه في معظم العينات المدروسة ارتبطت المعلمتان ببعضهما البعض وكذلك مرتبطة بنقص العظم. أظهرت كلتا العلامات قيمة قطع واضحة باستخدام منحنى ROC. أظهر المغنيسيوم انخفاضًا معنويًا في مستواه في كلا المجموعتين مقارنةً بمجموعة التحكم. بينما أظهر الفوسفاتيز القلوي (ALP) زيادة معنوية فيه فهو نشاط في كلا المجموعتين المدروستين مقارنة بمجموعة التحكم. ظهر اختلاف معنوي في مستوى فيتامين (د) بين المجموعة الأولى والمجموعة الثانية، مع انخفاض معنوي في مستواه عند المقارنة بالمجموعة الثانية مع مجموعة السيطرة. ارتبط MIF و NTX ارتباطًا وثيقًا بمرضى هشاشة العظام، وكذلك Mg و Vit-D. من ناحية أخرى، لم تتغير مستويات الكالسيوم والفوسفور بشكل كبير مع هشاشة العظام التي يمكن اعتبارها عامل خطر طالما أنها منظمة في مجموعة واحدة مع MIF وNTX وMg و Vit D في جميع المرضى الذين خضعوا للدراسة. كان أفضل cut off لـ NTX هو 166.8 بيكوغرام / مل، وكان أفضل cut off لـ MIF هو 8.41 نانوغرام / مل وفقًا لتحليل ROC.This study focused on determining the markers of Macrophage migration inhibitor (MIF), as well as the N-telopeptides of type I bone collagen (NTX), and some other parameters (alkaline phosphatase (ALP), vitamin D (Vit D), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg), and their correlation with other parameters in osteoporosis. One hundred ten subjects were involved in the current study. There were two groups of patients: group I (30) women with severe osteoporosis and group II (30) women with mild osteoporosis. For comparison, 50 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control. Serum levels of MIF, and NTX were significantly higher in groups I and II as compared to the control group, which indicate that these two parameters were related to disease. Moreover MIF, and NTX were organized in one cluster when applying cluster analysis test to all the studied groups. This indicates that in most of the studied samples the two parameters were related to each other as well as to osteoporosis.  Magnesium showed a significant decrease in its level in both groups as compared to the control. On the other hand, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) showed a significant increase in  its activity in both studied groups as compared to the control. Vitamin D level manifested significant difference between group I and group II, with a significant decrease in  its level when comparing group II with the control group.  The MIF, NTX was highly associated with osteoporosis patients, in addition to Mg and Vit-D. On the other hand, Ca and P levels did not alter in a significant way with osteoporosis which may be considered as a risk factor as long as they are organized in one cluster with MIF, NTX, Mg, and Vit D in all the studied patients. Both markers showed a clear cut-off value using the ROC curve in which the best cutoff value of NTX was 166.8 pg/ml, and the best cutoff value of MIF was 6.6 ng/ml according to ROC analysis.

    Determination of IL-6 and CRP in Patients with Type Two - Diabetes Mellitus in Baghdad/ Iraq

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    يعد داء السكري ((DM Diabetes mellitus المعروف عالميا كمشكلة صحية الذي يؤدي الى الاعتلال و الموت . تتضمن الاضطرابات المناعية للمرض الاستجابة المناعية الخلوية للخلايا اللمفية T- cells التي تساهم في المسار الفسيولوجيPath physiological l لمرض السكري من النوع الثاني (Two- DM)  Diabetes   mellitus . شملت الدراسة (50) فرد تتراوح اعمارهم بين (15-85) سنة الذين حضروا الى مستشفى الكاظمية التعليمي في بغداد وقسمت الافراد الى مجموعتين الاولى تضمنت  (35) مريض  (20 انثى و 15 رجل) والمجموعة الثانية (15) فرد من الاصحاء  كسيطرة . تم فحص انترلوكين 6 - IL و البروتين الفعال C- ((CRP  لكل من مرضى السكري والاصحاء. فقد اشارت الدراسة بعدم وجود اختلاف معنوي(p≥0.05)  بين كل من CRP (-ve-) و CRP (+ve) في الدم السكري وكذلك بوجود اختلاف معنوي (p≥0.05)   في مستويات  الانترلوكين IL 6 - في المرضى السكري والأصحاء. لقد هدفت الدراسة تقييم ومقارنة انترلوكين 6-  ILو البروتين الفعال C- (CRP) في مرضى السكري في المرضى العراقيين في مدينة بغداد.Diabetes mellitus (DM) type Two is a major worldwide health problem leading to an increase mortality and serious morbidity. Immunological disturbances involving the cell mediated immune system and improper-lymphocyte function contributes to the path physiological of type Two- DM. The study consist of 50 subjects, ages ranging between (15-85) years who attended to Al-kazimaih medical hospital in Baghdad/Iraq which divided in to two groups; the first group consists 35 patient  (20 females and 15 male) and the second 15 (5 female and 10 males) normal healthy as a control. The patients with type Two -DM were detected for IL-6 and CRP markers so as for control by ELISA test and agglutination test respectively. The results revealed that’s no significant differences (p≥0.05) between the level of CRP in patients type Two- DM and level of CRP in control. So as there were significant differences (p≤0.05) between the levels of IL-6 concentrations in type Two- DM and control represented by increase of IL- 6 in control than in patients. This study aimed to assess and compare the level of serum IL-6 and CRP in patient of type Two- DM in Iraqi patients in Baghdad city

    Effect of Firm Size on Risk and Return: Evidences from Sultanate of Oman

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    The size of the firms is one of the important factors that determine the firm performance. This study covers the listed firms in MSM. These firms were classified into finance sector, industrial sector and services sectors. The information of the study was collected for a period of 10 years starting from 2008. MSM 30 Index is considered as the benchmark index in Sultanate of Oman. Out of 30 components firms in MSM 30 Index, the required data was available for 24 firms only. Therefore, the study was undertaken with the sample size of 24 firms. The descriptive statistics show that the larger firms risk and return is less while the smaller firms risk and return is high. The result of analysis shows that there is enough evidence to conclude that the firm size has no significant effect on return during the study period. However, the firm size has significant effect with market risk of firms. Keywords: Firm Size, Risk, Return, MSM, Effect of Firm Size, MSM-30 Index DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-9-08 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Synthesis of Diarylpyrazoles Containing a Phenylsulphone or Carbonitrile Moiety and their Chalcones as Possible Anti-Inflammatory Agents

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    A series of chalcone-based diarylpyrazoles containing a phenylsulphone or carbonitrile moiety was synthesized. Thus, 3-acetylpyrazoles 6a–c and 10a–c were used as useful substrates in facile synthesis of functional pyrazoles 7a–f and 11a–f, respectively. The anti-inflammatory activity and ulcerogenic effect were evaluated and some of the obtained products possessed a significant anti-inflammatory activity. 1-[1-(3-Methylphenyl)-5-phenyl-4-(phenylsulfonyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]ethanone (6b) showed a high activity when compared with indomethacin as reference drug with lower gastrointestinal (GI) profile. Furthermore, molecular docking studies were performed in order to rationalize the obtained biological results

    Biochemical Characterization for Lipid Synthesis in Aspergillus niger

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    A niger, a fungus which doesn't have high ability to production lipid, this fungus has been select to investigate the non oleaginicity. In this search, there are explorations about: i) growth profile ii) enzymes profile iii) isoforms. Growth profile shows that this fungus doesn't have ability to accumulate lipid more than 6% while bio mass are around 10g/l in spite of the presence of glucose in the media till the end of cultivation time and excision of nitrogen within 24 hrs. In enzyme study, we investigate all lipogenic enzymes Malic enzyme (ME), Fatty acid synthase (FAS), ATP: Citrate lays (ACL), NAD+ isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+ICDH), Glucose-6-phosphate (G6PD), and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), all these enzymes show, activities till the end of cultivation time including ACL which is regarded the key enzyme to differentiate between the two species oleaginous and non oleaginous. So, there is no main reason to non oleaginicity for this fungus. A further experiment has been done using Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to identify ME isoforms. The result of Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows multi isoforms (A, B, C, D & E), with low intensity of isoform E, the isoforms that may involve in lipid synthesis. We have now studied the biochemistry of A.niger grown under conditions designed to promote lipid accumulation and can now advance a coherent hypothesis to explain why A niger could not accumulate lipid more than 6%. So the absence of isoforme E is the main reason for non oleaginicity in A niger

    Direct metalation of heteroaromatic esters and nitriles using a mixed lithium-cadmium base. Subsequent conversion to dipyridopyrimidinones.

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    International audienceAll pyridine nitriles and esters were metalated at the position next to the directing group using (TMP)(3)CdLi in tetrahydrofuran at room temperature. The 2-, 3-, and 4-cyanopyridines were treated with 0.5 equiv of base for 2 h to afford, after subsequent trapping with iodine, the corresponding 3-iodo, 2-iodo, and 3-iodo derivatives, respectively, in yields ranging from 30 to 61%. Cyanopyrazine was similarly functionalized at the 3 position in 43% yield. Ethyl 3-iodopicolinate and -isonicotinate were synthesized from the corresponding pyridine esters in 58 and 65% yield. Less stable ethyl 4-iodonicotinate also formed under the same conditions and was directly converted to ethyl 4-(pyrazol-1-yl)nicotinate in a two-step 38% yield. All three ethyl iodopyridinecarboxylates were involved in a one-pot palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction/cyclization using 2-aminopyridine to afford new dipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]pyrimidin-11-one, dipyrido[1,2-a:4',3'-d]pyrimidin-11-one, and dipyrido[1,2-a:3',4'-d]pyrimidin-5-one in yields ranging from 50 to 62%. A similar cross-coupling/cyclization sequence was applied to methyl 2-chloronicotinate using 2-aminopyridine, 2-amino-5-methylpyridine, and 1-aminoisoquinoline to give the corresponding tricyclic or tetracyclic compounds in 43-79% yield. Dipyrido[1,2-a:4',3'-d]pyrimidin-11-one and dipyrido[1,2-a:3',4'-d]pyrimidin-5-one showed a good bactericidal activity against Pseudomonas aeroginosa . Dipyrido[1,2-a:2',3'-d]pyrimidin-5-one and pyrido[2',3':4,5]pyrimidino[2,1-a]isoquinolin-8-one showed a fungicidal activity against Fusarium and dipyrido[1,2-a:4',3'-d]pyrimidin-11-one against Candida albicans . Ethyl 4-(pyrazol-1-yl)nicotinate and dipyrido[1,2-a:2',3'-d]pyrimidin-5-one have promising cytotoxic activities, the former toward a liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) and the latter toward a human breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7

    A combined experimental and theoretical study of the thermal cycloaddition of aryl azides with activated alkenes.

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    International audienceReactions were performed from aryl azides on the one hand, and activated alkenes coming from β-dicarbonyl compounds or malonodinitrile on the other hand, either with recourse to conventional heating or to microwave activation, to afford 1-aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles. The mechanism and the regioselectivity of the reactions involving β-dicarbonyl compounds have been theoretically studied using DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-31G* level: they are domino processes comprising a tautomeric equilibrium of the β-dicarbonyl compounds with their enol forms, a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of the enol forms with the aryl azides (high activation energy), and a dehydration process (lower activation energy). The effect of non-conventional activation methods on the degradation of 1,2,3-triazolines was next studied experimentally. Finally, some of the 1,2,3-triazoles such synthesized were evaluated for their bactericidal and cytotoxic activities

    Direct metallation of thienopyrimidines using a mixed lithium-cadmium base and antitumor activity of functionalized derivatives

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    International audienceA series of thieno[2,3-d]- and thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines have been easily synthesized using as key step a deproto-cadmiation-trapping sequence. Some of the compounds thus synthesized were screened for anti-cancer (cytotoxic) activities, and (S)-2-(6-iodo-2-phenylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin- 4-ylamino)-3-phenylpropanoic acid proved to have a significant activity towards liver, human breast and cervix carcinoma cell lines

    Cluster Analysis of Biochemical Markers as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity

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    Numerous blood biomarkers are altered in COVID-19 patients; however, no early biochemical markers are currently being used in clinical practice to predict COVID-19 severity. COVID-19, the most recent pandemic, is caused by the SRS-CoV-2 coronavirus.  The study was aimed to identify patient groups with a high and low risk of developing COVID-19 using a cluster analysis of several biomarkers. 137 women with confirmed SARS CoV-2 RNA testing were collected and analyzed for biochemical profiles. Two-dimensional automated hierarchy clustering of all biomarkers was applied, and patients were sorted into classes. Biochemistry marker variations (Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer, and C- reactive protein CRP) have split COVID-19 patients into two groups(severe cases and non-severe cases groups). Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer and CRP were markedly increased in COVID-19 patients in the first group (severe cases). Our findings imply that early measured levels of (Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer, and C- reactive protein CRP) are linked to a decreased probability of COVID-19 severity. Elevated levels of this biomarker may predict COVID severity development