60 research outputs found

    Origin and Impact of Government Regulations

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    İnternet g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde pek &ccedil;ok işlevinin yanında bilgi edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinde başvurulan &ouml;nemli bir kaynak konumundadır. Bu durum dini bilgi edinme pratikleri a&ccedil;ısından da ge&ccedil;erlidir. Bazı araştırma bulguları internetin dini bilgi arama/edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinde geleneksel bilgi kaynaklarıyla birlikte en &ccedil;ok başvurulan kaynaklar arasında olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu &ccedil;alışma &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencilerinin dini bilgi gereksinimlerini karşılama s&uuml;recinde kullandıkları bilgi edinme kaynakları ve bu kaynakların g&uuml;venilirliğiyle birlikte temelde onların internet &uuml;zerinden dini bilgi edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerindeki eleştirel yeterliliklerine odaklanmaktadır. &Ouml;ğrencilerin dini bilgi arama/edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerindeki eleştirel yeterliliklerini &ouml;l&ccedil;mek amacıyla, Eken ve Aydın (2018) tarafından geliştirilen, dini/enformasyonel i&ccedil;erikli internet sitelerinin değerlendirilmesine y&ouml;nelik kullanıcı merkezli kriterlerin baz alındığı &ccedil;alışma, Erciyes &Uuml;niversitesi İletişim Fak&uuml;ltesi &ouml;ğrencilerinden basit rastlantısal &ouml;rneklem tekniğiyle se&ccedil;ilen k&uuml;me &uuml;zerinde ger&ccedil;ekleştirilen ampirik bir araştırma niteliği taşımaktadır. &Ccedil;alışmadan elde edilen sonu&ccedil;lara g&ouml;re; internetin &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencileri i&ccedil;in en temel dini bilgi kaynaklarından biri olduğu; ancak bu yaygın kullanımın aksine &ouml;ğrencilerin internet ortamından elde edilen bilgilere yeterince g&uuml;venmediği ve anket formunda belirtilen kriterlere oranla alt-orta d&uuml;zeyde bir eleştirel yeterliliğe sahip olduğu ifade edilebilir. Bu sonu&ccedil; &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencileri i&ccedil;in eleştirel okuryazarlık becerisi kazandıracak eğitim s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinin gerekliliğini ortaya koyması bakımından &ouml;nemlidirToday, the internet is an important resource which is used in information acquisition processes. This also applies to religious practice. Some research findings demonstrate that the internet is among the most frequently used sources in the process of religious information searching/acquiring with traditional sources of information. In this respect, this study focuses on the sources of information and the reliability of these sources in the process of meeting university students&#39; religious knowledge requirements and focuses on the critical competencies of these students in the process of acquiring religious knowledge on the internet. In order to measure the critical competencies of the students in the process of religious information searching, a study based on user-centered criteria for the evaluation of religious / informative websites, developed by Eken and Aydın (2018), is an empirical study conducted by the students of Erciyes University Faculty of Communication with a simple random sampling technique. According to the results obtained from the study; It can be stated that internet is one of the most basic sources for religious information for university students, but unlike this widespread use, students do not trust the information obtained from the Internet environment and have a moderate level of critical competency compared to the criteria specified in the survey form. This situation is important in terms of demonstrating the necessity of educational processes that will redound critical literacy skills for university students</p

    Da’wah approach to the strawberry generation: A study on Yuk Ngaji TV channel

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    The strawberry generation, Generation Z, has much potential but a fragile mentality like a strawberry, even though Indonesia will get a demographic bonus at a productive age. This is the responsibility of da'wah because it is part of the object of da'wah. YukNgaji TV is a channel that seeks to overcome the problems of millennial teenagers. The research aims to examine the da'wah approach of the YukNgaji TV channel for the strawberry generation using a content analysis approach, where data is collected using documentation and observation techniques. The findings were that the preacher of the channel was chosen from Generation Z (still young), an influencer with advanced knowledge. The da’wah method uses casual sharing discussions, lectures, inspirational stories, and brainstorming. The YouTube media is packaged with live streaming and live events and posting da'wah content, which contains themes of youth, morals, and relationships for the strawberry generation. The effects on the strawberry generation can be cognitive and affective, but further investigation is needed regarding the behavioral effects of the strawberry generation. In this way, the study can contribute to developing preaching approaches that are always required to be dynamic. ***Generasi strawberi merupakan generasi Z yang memiliki banyak potensi, namun memiliki mental rapuh seperti layaknya buah strawberi, padahal Indonesia akan mendapatkan bonus demografi di usia yang produktif. Hal tersebut menjadi tanggungjawab dakwah, karena menjadi bagian dari objek dakwah. YukNgaji TV menjadi channel yang berupaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan remaja milenial ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji pendekatan dakwah channel YukNgaji TV bagi generasi strawberi dengan menggunakan pendekatan content analysis, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi dan observasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa pada penelitian channel dakwah ini, berbagai pendekatan dakwah digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan dari generasi strawberi. Pendakwah dipilih dari generasi Z (masih muda), seorang influencer yang memiliki keilmuan yang mumpuni. Metode dakwah dilakukan dengan diskusi sharing santai, ceramah, cerita inspiratif dan brainstorming yang jarang dipakai didunia dakwah. Media pengantar pesan dakwah melalui youtube yang dikemas dengan live streaming dan live event serta postingan konten dakwah, yang berisikan tema keremajaan dan akhlak serta pergaulan bagi generasi strawberi. Efek bagi generasi strawberi ini dapat berupa kognitif dan afektif, namun perlu pendalaman terkait efek behavioral bagi generasi strwaberi. Dengan demikian studi dapat berkontribusi bagi pengembangan pendakatan dakwah yang dituntut untuk selalu dinamis

    Sub- and super-shear ruptures during the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 earthquake doublet in SE Türkiye

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    An earthquake doublet (Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6) occurred on the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) on February 6th, 2023. The events produced significant ground motions and caused major impacts to life and infrastructure throughout SE Türkiye and NW Syria. Here we show the results of earthquake relocations of the first 11 days of aftershocks and rupture models for both events inferred from the kinematic inversion of HR-GNSS and strong motion data considering a multi-fault, 3D geometry. We find that the first event nucleated on a previously unmapped fault before transitioning to the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) rupturing for ~350 km and that the second event ruptured the Sürgü fault for ~160 km. Maximum rupture speeds were estimated to be 3.2 km/s for the Mw 7.8 event. For the Mw 7.6 earthquake, we find super-shear rupture at 4.8 km/s westward but sub-shear eastward rupture at 2.8 km/s. Peak slip for both events were as large as ~8m and ~6m, respectively

    Medya ve Din 2: Dijitalleşen Din

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    Din Dili Medyatikleşirse

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    İ-Nesli, Kitap Değerlendirme Yazısı

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