13 research outputs found

    İnşaat Şirketleri için Bilgisayar Destekli Bir Portföy Değerlendirme ve Yönetim Aracının Geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje15.09.2016Günümüzde inşaat projeleri giderek karmaşık bir hal almakta, inşaat şirketleri birden çok projeyi eş zamanlı yürütmek durumunda kalmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, şirketlerin geleneksel proje yönetim teknikleri yerine, bütüncül bir yönetim anlayışı sunan portföy yönetimini benimsemeleri gereği doğmaktadır. Portföy yönetimi, projelerin başta şirketin stratejik hedefleri olmak üzere birçok faktörün bir arada değerlendirilmesi sonucunda portföydeki yerlerinin belirlenmesini ve mevcut kaynakların bu doğrultuda projeler arasında paylaştırılmasını kapsamaktadır. Böylelikle şirket stratejisi ve durumuna uygun, kaynakların daha verimli kullanıldığı ve şirket başarısı odaklı bir proje portföyü elde edilmektedir. İnşaat projelerinin karmaşık, değişken, çok ortaklı ve koşullara duyarlı yapısı düşünüldüğünde; bu alanda geliştirilebilecek proje portföy yönetimine yardımcı bir aracın önemi artmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, portföy yönetimi odaklı çalışmalarda projeler arası ilişkilerin yeterince kapsamlı ve güvenilir bir yöntemle ele alınamadığı da görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu araştırma-geliştirme projesinde, inşaat projeleri arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesini ve proje portföy yönetim sürecine dahil edilmesini sağlayacak, portföyün nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiğine dair yönlendirme yapabilecek akıllı ve dinamik bir aracın geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Proje kapsamında, öncelikle proje portföy yönetimi alanında literatür taraması yapılmış ve portföy yönetimi anlayışının inşaat şirketlerine adapte edilmesini sağlayacak bir ihtiyaç analizi çalışması yapılmıştır. Aracın geliştirilmesi için bir yazılım firmasından hizmet alımı yapılmış, aracın geliştirim süreci ve nihai hali çeşitli anketler ve şirket profesyonelleriyle yapılan çalışmalarla desteklenerek aracın kullanılabilirliği doğrulanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda; şirketlerin kurumsal belleklerini oluşturarak şirket için en uygun olan portföy seçiminin şirket stratejisine, portföy düzeyinde risk ve beklenen karlılığa göre yapılmasını sağlayabilecek, proje ilişkileri ve portföyün özelliklerine göre yönetim önerileri sunabilecek bir portföy yönetim aracı geliştirilmiştir. Aracın büyük ölçekli inşaat şirketlerinin portföy yönetimlerine yardımcı olacağı, böylelikle şirketlerin yönetim anlayışının tekil projelerin başarısından şirket başarısına yönelebileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda araç uluslararası alanda faaliyet gösteren şirketler için uygun portföylerin oluşturulması ve etkin bir şekilde yönetilmesini sağlayabilecek ve şirketlerin sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı kazanması mümkün olabilecekti

    İnşaat firmaları için öğrenilen ders yönetimi süreç modeli ve web tabanlı araç geliştirilmesi.

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    Organizational memory formation and its effective utilization is a source of competitive advantage especially in project-based industries such as construction industry as it may eliminate potential problems in projects leading to higher profitability and less errors. However, project-based nature also poses challenges for establishing organizational memory as it is hard to capture knowledge of temporary project teams and transfer different types of knowledge between projects. This study presents a “Lessons Learned Management Process Model (LLMPM)” to capture experiences that may be acquired during project execution and disseminate this knowledge within the company to improve performance in future projects. A web based IT tool (LinCTool) that utilizes the proposed process model, has been developed in this study to capture, store and disseminate lessons learned. Expert review meetings with participants from both academy and the private sector have been carried out to develop LLMPM. Black-box testing method has been used to verify the LinCTool, and interviews have been conducted with four experts to test its usability. Results show that the proposed model and LinCTool have a potential to solve problems related with lessons capture and retrieval, and could be effectively used in medium to large size construction companies.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    A Relational Database for Construction Delay

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    Construction projects are open to risks due to their multi-partied, environmentally dependent and complex nature. Unexpected situations generally lead to delays resulting considerable time and money losses. This makes delay and delay analysis to be the core subject matter during execution of construction projects. Therefore project participants should not only be focused on project control but also be able to clarify some project specific issues at the planning stage. At this point, past project data may be used to learn from previous projects and to take preventive actions in order to minimize delays. This study presents a relational database established to keep post project information about delays and to use the information for similar type of projects. The database may enable the user to access valuable information such as; most critical activities and parties in a specific kind of project, average cost and duration of the delay for that project, information on claim processes for delays, probable dispute issues, etc. In the literature, there exist some notable studies related to the use of computer support in delay and claim analysis; however easily accessible and manageable nature of the created database constitutes the originality of this study

    A lessons-learned tool for organizational learning in construction

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    Organizational learning has been identified as a core competency for project-based companies with industry specific challenges. In this study, it is hypothesized that a web-based lessons learned management system may help construction companies to manage lessons learned effectively. A lessons learned management process model (LLMPM) was proposed for capturing and transferring knowledge across projects. Expert review meetings with participants from both academia and private sector were carried out to develop LLMPM. The identified requirements were actualized through generation of a web-based IT tool (LinCTool) with abilities of capturing, storing and disseminating lessons learned. Black-box testing was used to verify LinCTool and interviews were conducted with experts as final testing to evaluate its effectiveness and usability. Results show that LinCTool has a potential to enhance organizational learning in companies by assigning multiple users having different responsibilities/roles in the learning process, categorizing lessons learned using a taxonomy and retrieving lessons learned considering project similarities

    An Experimental Study on Impact of Risk Data Visualization onRisk Evaluations

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    Risk assessment is a systematic process to characterize and evaluate risk, with the available knowledge. Thus, its success depends significantly on the "availability of knowledge" during the assessment process. The knowledge elicitation from experts, the structure of the risk database and information visualization that may help sense-making from previous projects are critical factors that can improve risk assessment process. Risk assessment is usually carried out at the start of a project and updated during the project in order to understand the level of risk, predict their impacts on project objectives and take necessary mitigation actions. Thus, the success of risk assessment is critical for decisions regarding the estimation of cost and duration, determination of contingency, selection of construction methods, determining contract strategy and preparation of risk management plans. In this paper, it is argued that risk-informed decision-making can be improved by utilisation of risk data visualization during risk assessment. An experimental study has been conducted to explore how risk data and visual aids may improve the quality of risk evaluations of experts during a risk assessment workshop. Experts are requested to evaluate risks associated with a real construction project first by using only their subjective judgements, then by utilising a risk database and finally, by referring to the visual representations of risk data provided. The risk database involves previous project data as well as pre-project and post-project risk evaluations. Results demonstrate that risk-related data and its visualization may improve the risk assessment process. Although, results of this study cannot be generalized for all risk-informed decision-making problems, lessons learned from this study has a potential to be used to design effective risk assessment workshops and improve knowledge elicitation from experts in construction companies

    Knowledge-Based Portfolio Management: A Taxonomy for Lessons Learned

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    Portfolio management comprises of identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work to achieve specific strategic business objectives. Utilizing a knowledge-based portfolio management approach can be a critical success factor for construction companies. This research aims to present a taxonomy to facilitate the learning process within a knowledge-based project portfolio management system. The taxonomy is capable of codification and classification of lessons revealed during life cycle of projects to enhance their retrieval. Within this context, following a detailed literature review process, the taxonomy is structured under four main categories as "project", "process", "actor", and "resource”. Categories provided in the taxonomy enable tagging of the lessons learned according to the intended level of detail, facilitate retrieval and reuse of the lessons learned in forthcoming projects. In this paper, we will present the structure of the proposed taxonomy and discuss how it can be used to improve portfolio management in construction

    A lessons learned database structure for construction companies

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    Knowledge management in project based industries is critical as in the case of construction industry. Besides being a project based industry, factors specific to construction projects also make it harder to capture knowledge. Construction projects are held in dispersed locations, by different parties involved, with variable objectives; all of which make capturing the information more difficult and knowledge management process more complex. This study presents a database structure and an information system that can be used to capture dispersed information in the form of "lessons learned" as they accumulate during a construction project. In this paper, both the database structure will be proposed as well as the process that "lessons learned" can be utilized in forthcoming projects. A prototype database is created and retrieval capabilities provided within the structure are tested with entry of cases from hypothetical projects. This process reinforced the suitability of the proposed structure for codification and retrieval of "lessons learned" from a construction project. Possible use of the database is exemplified with "lessons learned" extracted from the hypothetical projects. This structure is aimed to base an information system where capture and dissemination of "lessons learned" from projects will be improved by its use, and planning and decision making processes for forthcoming projects will be (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Yalın inşaat uygulamalarının 4-boyutlu model ile gösterimi

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    Üretimdeki fireyi minimize ederken, nihai ürünün değerini maksimize etmeye odaklı yalın üretim prensibi, imalat endüstrisinde benimsenmiş ve başarılı sonuçlar elde edinilmiştir. Yapım projelerinde sıklıkla yaşanan bütçe ve planlama hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilememesi sorunu, yalın üretim prensiplerinin inşaat sektörüne de uygulanmasını teşvik edici mahiyettedir. Ancak yalın inşaat kavramı henüz çok yeni olduğundan, inşaat sektöründe uygulanabilirliği tartışma konusudur. Bu kapsamda, inşaat sürecinin görselleştirilmesini sağlayan 4-boyutlu modelleme tekniklerinin yalın inşaat uygulamalarının gösterimi için uygun olduğu düşünülmektedir. 4-boyutlu modellemenin sunduğu görselleştirme olanağı, yapım sürecinin kolaylıkla takip edilmesini sağlayacak bir unsur olarak belirginleşmektedir. Bu amaçla; çalışmada öncelikle yalın inşaat uygulamalarının yansıtılabileceği bina özellikleri ve iş programı tanımlanmış ve bu kapsamda oluşturulan binalar 4-boyutlu olarak modellenmiştir. Yalın inşaat uygulamalarının, oluşturulan 4-boyutlu model aracılığıyla gösterilmesi hedeflenmiş ve uygulanabilirliğinin örneklendirilmesi sağlanmıştı

    Handling project dependencies in portfolio management

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    Although construction is a project-based industry, management focus has recently shifted from projects to project portfolios to meet strategic objectives of companies that require holistic analysis of the projects undertaken. Dependencies between projects within a portfolio need to be taken into consideration since they may significantly affect the portfolio success with their combined effects. There are limited studies in the area of construction project portfolio management that investigate how the dependencies between projects can be handled. In this paper, a method is presented to calculate and visualize project dependencies to support decision making process within a portfolio management tool for construction projects. Within this context, a dependency map is proposed not only to identify different dependencies and their effects within the portfolio, but also to take into consideration the combined effect of dependencies. An illustrative case study is depicted in the paper to demonstrate how the proposed method works and how its results can be used to support decision-making during portfolio selection. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V