A Relational Database for Construction Delay


Construction projects are open to risks due to their multi-partied, environmentally dependent and complex nature. Unexpected situations generally lead to delays resulting considerable time and money losses. This makes delay and delay analysis to be the core subject matter during execution of construction projects. Therefore project participants should not only be focused on project control but also be able to clarify some project specific issues at the planning stage. At this point, past project data may be used to learn from previous projects and to take preventive actions in order to minimize delays. This study presents a relational database established to keep post project information about delays and to use the information for similar type of projects. The database may enable the user to access valuable information such as; most critical activities and parties in a specific kind of project, average cost and duration of the delay for that project, information on claim processes for delays, probable dispute issues, etc. In the literature, there exist some notable studies related to the use of computer support in delay and claim analysis; however easily accessible and manageable nature of the created database constitutes the originality of this study

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