9 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Pengunjung terhadap Paket Wisata Pendidikan Lingkungan di Taman Wisata Alam Wira Garden Kota Bandar Lampung

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    Lampung is province in Indonesia which is trying to generate income through tourism sectors. One of them is Wira Garden Nature Park (TWA). Wira Garden is located in Bandar Lampung. Activities from tourist increasly effects increase garbage that impact on aesthetics and environmental quality in Wira Garden. So that, takes antourism program based on environmental education. That is able to educate visitors so visitors will participated in activities that aim to promote concern in environment, especially nature tourism. Focus of planning an tourism program based on environmental education is creating environmental education packages, by two activities are planting trees and deposit garbage (deposit refund). Manager of Wira Garden collaborate with BSCH (Bank Sampah Cangkir Hijau) to build garbage deposit program (deposit refund). Environmental education programs in Wira Garden is realized into three types options that are (Personal Green), (Garden Family) and (Jungle Community). Funding for this program is expected from income of (WTP) Willingness to Pay from visitors in Wira Garden

    Dampak Konversi Lahan Pertanian terhadap Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Petani Padi (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Kertajati Kabupaten Majalengka Jawa Barat)

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    Konversi lahan pertanian yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kertajati merupakan implikasi dari proses pembangunan yang dihasilkan oleh kebijakan pemerintah. Konversi lahan pertanian tersebut dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif berupa kerugian sosial dan ekonomi bagi rumah tangga petani. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengestimasi dampak sosial ekonomi rumah tangga petani dan 2) menganalisis alternatif kebijakan untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif bagi petani. Data primer diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara kepada responden. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis hilangnya kesempatan kerja petani, analisis hilangnya produksi padi, analisis pendapatan, Loss of Earnings (LoE) dan metode TOPSIS dengan sofware sanna. Hasilnya adalah nilai kerugian ekonomi berupa hilangnya kesempatan kerja pertanian (Rp 12.205.397/ha/tahun), nilai ekonomi produksi padi yang hilang (Rp 59.175.911/ha/tahun), berkurangnya pendapatan USAhatani padi (Rp 37.999.535,-/ha/tahun), dan berkurangnya penghasilan total rumah tangga petani (Rp 3.999.223/tahun). Urutan alternatif untuk mengurangi dampak negatif alih fungsi lahan pertanian terhadap rumah tangga petani dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan dengan prioritas pertama adalah tukar guling tanah. Opprtunity job menjadi prioritas kedua dan pelatihan prioritas ketiga.konversi lahan pertanian, ekonomi rumah tangga, petani pad

    Analisis Ekonomi Keterkaitan Ekosistem Mangrove dengan Sumber Daya Udang

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    Mangroves provide a wide range of ecosystem services. Therefore, the existence of mangrove ecosystem needs to be maintained ecologically, economically and socially. This study aimed to identify the mangrove ecosystem linkages with shrimp. Data used in this study were primary and secondary data to generalize a case study on shrimp and mangrove ecosystem linkages in Pabean Udik Village Indramayu regency. The economy analysis of the relationship between mangroves and shrimp used mathematical equations by Barbier and Ivar (1994). Mangrove ecosystem linkage with shrimp seen from the marginal productivity of mangrove area (MPM) was 153.454 tons per km2, while the marginal productivity of fishing effort (MPE) wais 0,305 tons per trip using the shrimp catching boat. The study showed that the decline in mangrove ecosystems area would affect the decline in shrimp production, and the increase in mangrove ecosystems area would affect the incrase in the number of shrimp production

    Biaya Eksternal dan Internalisasi Limbah Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    The product of waste water from the process of millers may cause externality. In order to prevent the externality, millers has to internalize it by developing an installation of waste water treatment. The current is not sufficient for treating whole waste from the CPO process, therefore, can generate externality and external costs to community. This study aims to estimate the external cost and propose three alternatives of alternative of internalizations. The result of the research shows that the external cost is 146,194,433 IDR/year. The alternative of internalization offered are; compensation cost payment, sludge pond recovery, and well development

    Pemilihan Alternatif Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Energi Panas Bumi di Kamojang, Jawa Barat dengan Analisis Multi Criteria Decesion Making (Mcdm)

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    Indonesia has geothermal potential equal to 29.038 MWe. As a clean renewable source of energy, geothermal is an alternative to the non-renewable fossil fuel which brings environmental impact such as carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gasses. Geothermal management in Kamojang is located in forest area; consists of 48,86 ha of conservation forest under the West Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) management, and 46,50 ha of protection forest under the Perum Perhutani (state-owned forestry enterprise) management. The laws that directly regulate geothermal management in Kamojang are Law Number 5/1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and its Ecosystem, Law Number 41/1999 on Forestry, Law Number 21/2014 on Geothermal, and West Java Regional Regulation Number 6/2006 on Geothermal Management. Determining alternatives for policy on geothermal management considers four aspects; economic, environmental, social and institutional/regulation. The analysis conducted were direct economic value analysis of geothermal, depletion value of geothermal and forest, conflict analysis, and stakeholder analysis. Determining alternatives for policy was done through Multi Criteria Decision making Analysis (MCDM)

    Willingness To Pay Masyarakat terhadap Pengolahan Sampah Ramah Lingkungan di TPA Dusun Toisapu Kota Ambon

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    Toisapu Village Landfills in Ambon has been established since 2003 using open dumping system in processing the waste. These activity has caused negative externalities for the people living around the landfill. This paper aimed to analyze the factors that affected people\u27s willingness to pay a higher levy for better waste management, the amount of the retribution to pay, and the closure of the operational costs through the analysis of willingness to pay (WTP) with four scenarios offered in the Baguala and Nusaniwe Regencies. The results showed that the factors affecting people\u27s willingness to pay a higher retribution in the Baguala and Nusaniwe regencies were the level of education and the distance between their home and landfill. The highest average of WTP in Baguala regency of biogas scenario was Rp 24.250/ KK/ month, and the lowest in the incineration scenario was Rp 20 804/ KK /month. While in the Nusaniwe regency, the highest average of WTP obtained was Rp 21 228/ KK/ month in composting scenario, and the lowest was of Rp 18 220/ KK/ month in sanitary landfill scenario. The value of society WTP obtained was the value of retribution to pay, and this value could cover the operational costs required to implement the four scenarios of waste management offered


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    The extended of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) coverage area pose a conflict of interest which is trade-off between the interests of the TNGHS main functions as conservation areas (ecological interests) and interests of local people who use the forest for economic needs. One of the intangible environmental services of TNGHS is natural tourism in the used zone which can be a win-win solution alternative to the trade off of conservation and economic interests in conservation area. Natural tourism in national parks is a payments for ecosystem services (PES) scheme that will provide added value, both conservation and economic benefits as non-exploited activity that will not endanger the national parks preservation. Therefore, in this study, how the natural tourism activities in TNGHS can support conservation and local economic improvement is examined. The high economic value of tourism and economic impact i.e. multiplier effect and job opportunity demonstrate that natural tourism in TNGHS as environmental services is very important. Natural resources and the beauty of nature in TNGHS should be preserved to keep the sustainability of natural tourism, because without the conservation of natural resource thus will be no natural tourism, which means there will be no economic benefit to the community