23 research outputs found

    Light-Induced Thiol Oxidation of Recoverin Affects Rhodopsin Desensitization

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    The excessive light illumination of mammalian retina is known to induce oxidative stress and photoreceptor cell death linked to progression of age-related macular degeneration. The photochemical damage of photoreceptors is suggested to occur via two apoptotic pathways that involve either excessive rhodopsin activation or constitutive phototransduction, depending on the light intensity. Both pathways are dramatically activated in the absence of rhodopsin desensitization by GRK1. Previously, we have shown that moderate illumination (halogen lamp, 1,500 lx, 1–5 h) of mammalian eyes provokes disulfide dimerization of recoverin, a calcium-dependent regulator of GRK1. Here, we demonstrate under in vivo conditions that both moderate long-term (metal halide lamp, 2,500 lx, 14 h, rat model) and intense short-term (halogen lamp, 30,000 lx for 3 h, rabbit model) illumination of the mammalian retina are accompanied by accumulation of disulfide dimer of recoverin. Furthermore, in the second case we reveal alternatively oxidized derivatives of the protein, apparently including its monomer with sulfinic group. Histological data indicate that thiol oxidation of recoverin precedes apoptosis of photoreceptors. Both disulfide dimer and oxidized monomer (or oxidation mimicking C39D mutant) of recoverin exhibit lowered α-helical content and thermal stability of their apo-forms, as well as increased Ca2+ affinity. Meanwhile, the oxidized monomer and C39D mutant of recoverin demonstrate impaired ability to bind photoreceptor membranes and regulate GRK1, whereas disulfide dimer exhibits notably improved membrane binding and GRK1 inhibition in absence of Ca2+. The latter effect is expected to slow down rhodopsin desensitization in the light, thereby favoring support of the light-induced oxidative stress, ultimately leading to photoreceptor apoptosis. Overall, the intensity and duration of illumination of the retina affect thiol oxidation of recoverin likely contributing to propagation of the oxidative stress and photoreceptor damage

    Philosophical reflection of childhood as projecting the “adult” world

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    In the article the author presents the analysis of philosophical reflection of the phenomenon of childhood from antiquity to the present day. In connection with the “adult-child” reveals the theme of identity culture, the true person, the person as much in one. The study of the history of philosophical understanding of childhood revealed contradictions in the description of the essence of the dialogue between the adult and child Self, the problems of educational projects. The author explains how the dialogue is the formulation of the adult personality as a “teacher” (“educator”) – the carrier of cultural norms and values and the design of the future personality in the child. The specificity of algorithms, methods of construction and representation of the Self always depends on the specifics of the history of culture. The author offers a way to solve the modern contradictions of “education” through the construction of the actual cultural dynamics of the communicative model “adult – child”. This new model of dialogue should take into account psychophysiological aspects, historical and cultural, and non-historical, transcendental concepts when creating projects of the Mature Self in the child (with appropriate role behavior)

    Provision of Electric Power to CS of TGP,Using Renewable Energy Sources(on the example of Wind Turbines)

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    Abstract Compressor station (CS) is an essential and an integral part of gas pipeline, providing gastransportation by means of power equipment, installed at CS. It serves as a control element in thecomplex of buildings, belonging to the trunk gas pipeline. It is by compressor station operationparameters the pipeline operation mode is defined. Presence of CS allows to adjust an operation modeof the gas pipeline at gas consumption fluctuations, using the maximum of the gas pipeline storagecapacity.During the operation of compressor station there can occur some infractions of gas pumping unit(GPU) electro-receivers power supply, leading to a forced or emergency stop of at least one GPU ofCS. Wind power plants can be used as a backup power supply. Years of national and internationalexperience show that the use of wind power plants of low power (up to 5-6 kW) is almost alwayseconomically feasible in areas with average annual wind speed VAV. AN. of more than 3.5-4.0 m/s. Theuse of high-power wind power plants is justified in cases when VAV. AN. exceeds 5.5-6.0 m/s.In the master's thesis the possibility of wind power plants exploitation for uninterrupted operation ofauxiliary power plant (APP), which is a part of compressor station, is considered.In the first chapter of the thesis the condition and reliability of CS power supply system of trunk gaspipelines (TGP) is examined. Besides the issues of energy supply and gas facilities stability areconsidered; the categories of electrical receivers, as well as factors, providing the sustainability andreliability of compressor station, are defined. In the last section of this chapter the volumes of powerconsumption at compressor station and auxiliary power plant are considered.The second chapter provides a classification of wind turbines, their design and wind flowcharacteristics, as well as the methods for wind climatic characteristics determination at a giventerritory. Particular attention is paid to offshore wind turbines as the most promising wind energyinstallations.The third chapter presents environmental aspects of wind power industry: an impact on fauna, acousticnoise, vibration impact, radio waves interference, air pollution, land use, visual impact, tourism andrecreation zones.The fourth chapter represents the consideration of wind turbine exploitation, including thedevelopment of a wind energy project, the power generation base cost definition, as well as the ways toreduce the costs of power generation and prospects of development and usage of wind power industryin the Russian Federation

    Creating an Inclusive Culture in Higher Education

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    In this article we present the results of implementing an international project aimed at creating and developing inclusive education in various partner countries. The authors demonstrate how participation in the project allowed us to arrange a number of events and activities at the Vologda State University (Russia) and to develop an inclusive culture in the largest institution of higher education in the region. The paper describes the main stages and practices of project implementation. The authors also present the questionnaires for university students and staff that may determine the level of inclusive culture in educational institutions. The pilot survey showed that the designed questionnaires might be used to assess the inclusive culture in different universities

    Candida species detection in patients with chronic periodontitis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    Abstract Objectives To assess the Candida species occurrence rate and concentration in periodontal pockets in chronic periodontitis (CP) by meta‐analysis. Materials and Methods A search was performed of articles published between January 1, 2010, and October 1, 2020, in English and in Russian, in the electronic databases MEDLINE‐PubMed, Google Scholar, The Cochrane Library, ClinicalTrials.gov, Research Gate, eLIBRARY, and Cyberleninka (PROSPEROCRD42021234831). The odds ratio (OR), standardized mean difference (SMD), and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using Review Manager 5.4.1 to compare the risk of CP when Candida spp. were detected in the gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket and to compare Candida spp. density counts in patients with CP and periodontally healthy patients. Results Twenty‐six studies were included in the systematic review and 11 were included in the meta‐analysis. The results showed that Candida spp. may increase the chance of CP development by 1.76 times (OR = 1.76; 95% CI = 1.04–2.99; Z = 2.10; p = .04; I2 = 61%). More Candida spp. were found in patients with CP than in periodontally healthy patients (SMD = 1.58; 95% CI = 0.15−3.02; p = .03; I2 = 98%). No data were found relating to the statistically significant influence of Candida glabrata, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis on CP development. Conclusion We found that Candida albicans insignificantly increased the risk of CP development but, due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, further research is necessary to determine the exact role of Candida spp. in the development and course of the inflammatory periodontal diseases

    Astrospace Education in Modern Planetarium

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    Life of modern person integrally connects with space technologies such as mobile telephony and personal computers with access to the Internet, multi-channel digital TV, on-board automobile navigation satellite system and many others. At the present time educational technologies, connecting with astrospace researches in one way or another, are of interest. Half a score of educational programs of University and school level, raising the questions of gravitational biology, space agricultural sciences and life in the Universe are known today

    A Cross-lag Analysis of Longitudinal Associations between Non-verbal Intelligence and Math Achievement

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    The article presents the results of a longitudinal study of the relationship of nonverbal intelligence with success in teaching mathematics. A cross-lag analysis showed that at primary school age the empirical data is best described with the theoretical model of indirect influence of non-verbal intelligence. According to this model, non-verbal intelligence measured at Grade 3 of schooling affects the success in mathematics by the end of Grade 3, which, in turn, influences the success in mathematics by the end of primary school

    The problem of goal-setting in a foreign language teaching in a diverse educational environment

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    В статье поднимается проблема педагогического целеполагания при обучении иностранному языку в разнородной образовательной среде. Актуальность проблемы связана с процессами интернационализации образовательных систем, когда вопросы учета разнообразия обучающихся и проблема освоения ими «единого» глобального языка общения, в первую очередь английского, становятся одной из главных задач педагогической науки и практики. Авторы проводят анализ подходов к определению цели обучения, сравнивают различные трактовки понятия «целеполагание», определяют основные субъекты «педагогического целеполагания». В работе выделяются проблемы макро- и микроуровней постановки целей в обучении гетерогенных групп. Приводятся примеры формулирования целей курса и/или урока иностранного языка с позиций всех субъектов образовательного процесса. В статье даются рекомендации по соблюдению этапов целеполагания при реализации ФГОС школьного образования. Авторы делают вывод о необходимости постановки измеримых и достижимых целей, которые не только должны быть приняты обучающимися, но и исходить из их разнообразных образовательных потребностей с целью повышения эффективности процесса обучения иностранным . The article deals with the problem of pedagogical goal-setting in teaching foreign languages in a diverse educational environment. The importance of this problem is connected with the processes of internationalization of national educational systems when the issues of teaching diverse students arise and the importance of developing their foreign communicative competence by means of English as a ‘global’ language of communication becomes one of the main objectives of mainstream teaching and language teaching methodology. The authors analyse different approaches to determining educational aims and compare various definitions of a concept “goal-setting” as well as define main subjects of “pedagogical goal-setting”. This paper highlights the problems of stating educational objectives at macro- and micro- levels in teaching diverse groups of learners. The examples of formulating purposes of a language course or/and a lesson from the positions of all subjects of an educational process are given. The article provides some recommendations on how to follow the goal-setting stages while implementing national standards in education. The authors come to the conclusion that in order to increase the efficiency of foreign language teaching it is necessary to set measurable and achievable aims which have to be accepted by language learners and which should take into account different learners’ educational needs

    A Cross-lag Analysis of Longitudinal Associations between Non-verbal Intelligence and Math Achievement

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    The article presents the results of a longitudinal study of the relationship of nonverbal intelligence with success in teaching mathematics. A cross-lag analysis showed that at primary school age the empirical data is best described with the theoretical model of indirect influence of non-verbal intelligence. According to this model, non-verbal intelligence measured at Grade 3 of schooling affects the success in mathematics by the end of Grade 3, which, in turn, influences the success in mathematics by the end of primary school