6 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The article focuses on the study of gallantry culture in terms of the theory of intercultural communication on the example of fiction written by N.M. Karamzin, an outstanding representative of European and Russian sentimentalism. Methods and materials: The theoretical aspects of the problem of gallantry are considered in the context of the main provisions of modern concepts of intercultural communication. N.M. Karamzinā€™s ā€œsensitiveā€ novels are analyzed from the standpoint of gallant secular ceremonies. Main findings: The concept of gallantry is associated with the psychological aspects of the new secular personality. It is correlated with the educational and didactic ideas of the Enlightenment and the chivalry code. The basis of true gallant psychology as a sensitive world view is love, passion, and tenderness, which forms a system of ideas for the gallant education of the younger generation in a new society at the turn of the 18th ā€“ 19thcenturies. The article reveals the main features of the gallant gentleman: sensitivity, melancholy, virtue, lack of rational principles. The originality of the study: The ideas about the interrelated gradual comprehension of Beauty and Virtue, Love and the sensory perception of Beauty as a Divine principle are likewise important. The discoveries of N.M. Karamzin, a writer and a psychologist, in the sphere of gallant psychology and the general cultural phenomenon of gallantry are connected with the analysis of the personā€™s internal rules of behavior, thinking and world perception. The article shows how the writer developed new cultural studies at the joint of literature, everyday life and psychology, which laid the foundation of the studied problem

    Biofizikalni temelji vibroakustične dijagnostike zvučnosti rastućeg stabla

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    At the turn of the third millennium, scientists and experts of many countries are still trying to puzzle out ā€˜the mystery of Stradivariā€™, using for this purpose advanced technological solutions in the fi elds of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc. It has been undoubtedly proved that one of the basic secrets of the great masterā€™s violin sounding is in the recognition of the proper material. Unfortunately, Stradivari, Amati, Guarneri and other great representatives of the Old Italian school did not leave any hints, but it has been recorded that they selected wood for the string-plate, the main sounding part of a violin, by tapping, and they designed an instrument judging from the ā€˜sonorityā€™ factors known to them only. Using modern scientific terms, it is possible to ascertain that it was the professional skill of the master to decode the percussion-acoustic response of the source material that predetermined the quality of the product. The results of the work done cannot claim to disclose any secrets in the field. For this purpose, significant complex research is necessary, both fundamental and applied, integrating the efforts of scientists and experts in different areas: physicists, acousticians, wood scientists, foresters and, the main thing, the recognized masters in the sphere of manufacturing corresponding musical instruments. This paper presents the fi rst results of implementing the technique based on the excitation of fl uctuations of a trunk by a special shock device with further recording, decoding and analyzing acoustic response, matching it with the conditions of growth and general morphology of a tree, i.e. its size, crown form and length, trunk habit, etc. As such a work does not have any analogues and, consequently, there is no ā€˜acoustic standardā€™ of a sounding tree for the moment, the data obtained were analyzed in accordance with general provisions of acoustic diagnostics. Thus, the basic acoustic parameters accepted are vibrating activity, power consumption of spectral characteristics, amount of resonance peaks, vibration absorbing and damping, frequency distribution of a spectrum.Na početku trećeg tisućljeća znanstvenici i stručnjaci iz mnogih zemalja joÅ” pokuÅ”avaju odgonetnuti ā€žtajnu Stradivarijaā€ koristeći se naprednim tehnoloÅ”kim rjeÅ”enjima iz područja fi zike, matematike, kemije, biologije i drugih znanosti. Nepobitno je dokazano da je jedna od osnovnih tajni velikog majstora violina umijeće prepoznavanja odgovarajućeg materijala za izradu violina. Nažalost, Stradivari, Amati, Guarneri i drugi poznati predstavnici stare talijanske Å”kole nisu ostavili nikakve naputke o izboru najboljeg materijala. No povijesna je činjenica da su oni drvo za gudačku ploču, glavni zvučni dio violine, odabirali kuckanjem po povrÅ”ini drva i dizajnirali instrument izabirući materijal prema zvučnosti, a obilježja dobre zvučnosti bila su poznata samo njima. Suvremenim znanstvenim rječnikom može se reći da su ti veliki majstori imali profesionalnu vjeÅ”tinu dekodiranja akustičnog odgovora izvornog materijala koji je unaprijed određivao kvalitetu proizvoda. Na temelju rezultata provedenih istraživanja ne može se tvrditi da su otkrivene sve tajne tog umijeća. Za tu bi svrhu bilo potrebno provesti obuhvatna i kompleksna istraživanja, i temeljna i primijenjena, integrirajući napore znanstvenika i stručnjaka s različitih područja: fi zičara, akustičara, drvnih tehnologa, Å”umara i, Å”to je najvažnije, priznatih majstora iz područja proizvodnje odgovarajućih glazbenih instrumenata. U radu su prikazani prvi rezultati primjene tehnike mjerenja koja se temelji na pobuđivanju vibracija debla posebnim uređajem, uz snimanje, dekodiranje i analizu akustičnog odgovora te uzimanjem u obzir uvjeta rasta i općih morfoloÅ”kih obilježja stabla, odnosno njegove veličine, oblika kroÅ”nje i dužine, oblika debla i sl. S obzirom na to da ne postoje analogna istraživanja, odnosno da joÅ” ne postoji ā€žakustični standardā€ za zvučnost drva, dobiveni su podaci analizirani u skladu s općim odredbama akustične dijagnostike. Prihvaćeni osnovni akustični parametri jesu vibracije, potroÅ”nja energije i spektralna svojstva zvuka, broj rezonantnih pikova, apsorpcija i priguÅ”enje vibracija te raspodjela frekvencija spektra

    Genome editing using Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 in a canine model of glycogen storage disease Ia

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    Glycogen storage disease type Ia (GSD Ia) is the inherited deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), associated with life-threatening hypoglycemia and long-term complications, including hepatocellular carcinoma formation. Gene replacement therapy fails to stably reverse G6Pase deficiency. We attempted genome editing using two adeno-associated virus vectors, one that expressed Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 protein and a second containing a donor transgene encoding G6Pase, in a dog model for GSD Ia. We demonstrated donor transgene integration in the liver of three adult-treated dogs accompanied by stable G6Pase expression and correction of hypoglycemia during fasting. Two puppies with GSD Ia were treated by genome editing that achieved donor transgene integration in the liver. Integration frequency ranged from 0.5% to 1% for all dogs. In adult-treated dogs, anti-SaCas9 antibodies were detected before genome editing, reflecting prior exposure to S.Ā aureus. Nuclease activity was low, as reflected by a low percentage of indel formation at the predicted site of SaCas9 cutting that indicated double-stranded breaks followed by non-homologous end-joining. Thus, genome editing can integrate a therapeutic transgene in the liver of a large animal model, either early or later in life, and further development is warranted to provide a more stable treatment for GSD Ia