9 research outputs found

    The Leadership Style Of Mayor And Deputy Mayor Of Makassar

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    Leadership is needed because it has the responsibility to move, direct, influence and lead the people they lead to jointly realize the goals of the organization. This study aims to analyze the influence of autocratic leadership style, democratic, free control, participatory, visionary and transformational to the performance of employees at the Government of Makassar City Period 2014 - 2019; and analyze among the dominant leadership style influence on employee performance at Makassar City Government Period 2014 - 2019. This research is a survey with quantitative research. The population of the research is 11.449 employees of Makassar City Government and the research sample is determined using Slovin formula 5% obtained by 387 respondents as respondents. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation techniques. Data analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the leadership style of autocracy gave a negative effect on the performance of employees of Makassar City Government Office. Furthermore, leadership style in the form of democratic style, free control, participative, visionary and transformational have positive and significant influence to the performance of employees at Makassar City Government Office period 2014 - 2019. Also found variables dominant leadership style (X5) which is based on regression coefficient value nilai . This means that the achievement of the work of each employee in realizing the achievement of organizational goals is determined more by the leadership style of the leadership that can give leadership significance to each subordinate either as a direction selter, agent of change, spokenperson or as a coach that affect the achievement of employee performance in quantity , quality, efficient utilization of time and effectiveness of budget USAge.  Keywords: Leadership Style, Autocratic, Democratic, Free Control, Participatory, Visionary, Transformational and Performanc

    Penerapan Diversi pada Tingkat Penuntut Umum terhadap Anak sebagai Pelaku Tindak Pidana Menurut UU No 11 Tahun 2012 (Studi Kasus di Cabang Kejaksaan Negeri Padangsidimpuan di Sibuhuan)

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    A child is a nation\u27s next generation in which since a fetus until it is born it has its own right. As good citizens, we have to take our children, and this globalization era with it transparent information and technology, children will easily watch adult show in printed and electronic media so that their minds are contaminated with adult presentation such as violence and amoral. This condition has caused a child to be involved in legal problems. The problems of the research were as follows: why a child that is in conflict with legal act should belong to Diversion system, how about the implementation of diversion process in the level of Prosecutors toward a child who was in conflict with law in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan, and what obstacles which existed in the implementation of Diversion in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan. The objective of the research was to analyze why a child who had a conflict with law should be implemented Diversion system, to find out the implementation of law enforcers toward a child who was in conflict with law in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan, at Sibuhuan, and to find out the obstacles in implementing Diversion in the level of Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic approaches. The result of the research showed that the imposition of Law No. 11/2012 on the Process of Diversion in Children who did criminal acts would protect children in the process of criminal cases and support general prosecutors to prioritize the process of Diversion rather than the process of hearing in the Courts

    Tindak Pidana Penelantaran Rumah Tangga Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 Tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 467k/pid.sus/2013)

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    Criminal cat on neglecting a family is the fourth violence in Law No. 23/2004. Law on PKDRT does not provide systematic qualification about an action which is categorized as the act of neglecting. Today, imprisonment is considered the moist effective way to cope with the incidence of criminal act.The result of the research showed that criminal act of neglecting a family included not provide life for the family such as not supporting his children financially and not taking care of the family, especially when the family members were sick, not taking responsibility for the family members like economic neglect prohibiting them to get jobs, not fulfilling his obligation like taking something without the knowledge and the approval of the owner, and taking by force and/or manipulating the family members' property. Imprisonment or fine is not appropriate imposed on the perpetrator who has neglected his family since it does not mean anything for the victim. He has to compensate the loss. One year imprisonment charged by judex juris judge is considered not appropriate; it seems that the judge did not consider the facts found in the hearing and Article 4, point d of Law of PKDR

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidan (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Medan Nomor: 27/pid.sus-anak/2014/pn.mdn)

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    Indonesia as a State Party in the Convention on the Rights of the Child governing the principle of legal protection for the child is obliged to provide special protection to children in conflict with the law. One of the forms of child protection is realized through special criminal justice system for children in conflict with the law. This is confirmed in the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice. The findings show that, the first is the legal protection of children as perpetrators of criminal acts is indispensable because it is useful for: 1) Children are not stablephysically and mentally, 2) To ensure the children freed from inhuman or demeaningpunishment, 3 ) To ensure the independence of the child, so as not seized unlawfully or arbitrarily, 4) To ensure that the criminal (penalty) applies only as an ultimumremedium; the second is the legal protection should be given to the child is the legal protection that covers several concepts as follows: 1) The concept of Restorative Justice; and 2) Concept of Diversy. The third isthe child criminal liability based on the judge's decision are as follows: Accepting an appeal from lawyer and public prosecutor of the child; strengtheningdecision ofMedan District Court No.:27/Pid.SUS.Anak/2014/PN.Mdn; Establish the length of children detained entirely deducted from the sentence imposed; Ordered the child remains in custody; Charge a second child in the case of judicial level, which is in the level of appeal for Rp.2.500,00 (Two thousand five hundred rupiahs)

    Penyitaan Harta Kekayaan Pelaku Tindak Pidana Money Laundering Ditinjau dari Waktu Terjadinya Tindak Pidana (Tempus Delicti ) (Studi Putusan Mari No.1195/k/pidsus/ 2014)

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    The Verdict of the Jakarta Pusat District Court No. 38/pidsus/tpic/2013/Pn.Jkt.Pst indicted Luthfi Hasan Ishak for committing money laundering with 18 year-imprisonment. The result of the research showed that the confiscation of the property which came from money laundering criminal act that occurred before tempus delicti could be performed as it was stipulated in Chapter V, part 4 from 38 until Article 46 of the Penal Code, and some part of it stipulated in Chapter XIV on Confiscation stipulated in Article 1, letter 16 of the Penal Code. The judge\u27s consideration in his verdict was not contrary to das solen and das sein. In this case, the defendant\u27s statement could not prove that his property was obtained from LHKPN so that the panel of judges concluded that his property came from corruption criminal act. Judges as part of law enforcement should improve their performance in their verdicts in upholding legal certainty, sense of justice, and benefit

    Pola Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Pemanfaatan Taman Macan di Makassar

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    Abstrak_   Manusia   memiliki   kepribadian   individual   sebagaimana   juga   mahluk   sosial,   hidup bermasyarakat  dalam  suatu  kolektivitas.  Manusia  juga  merupakan  pusat  lingkungan  dan  sekaligus bagian dari lingkungan. Dalam setiap aktivitas manusia, terutama yang berada di perkotaan biasanya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari pemanfaatan ruang seperti halnya dalam penggunaan ruang terbuka publik. Seperti halnya di Kota Makassar, Keberadaan ruang terbuka publik memiliki peranan penting untuk masyarakat.   Ruang   terbuka   publik   di   Kota   Makassar   tersebar   di   kecamatan-kecamatan   dan kepemilikannya beragam dari tanah adat sampai milik pemerintah kota, yaitu salah satu contohnya adalah Taman Macan yang berada di Kecamatan Ujung Pandang. Taman ini secara langsung berperan penting sebagai pusat interaksi dan komunikasi masyarakat baik formal maupun informal, individu atau  kelompok.  Tujuan  penelitian  adalah  mengidentifikasi  perilaku  atau  atribut  masyarakat  dalam memanfaatkan ruang terbuka publik di pusat Kota Makassar dan menemukan atribut perilaku dominan lingkungan  dari  perilaku  masyarakat.  Metode  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  metode deskriptif yaitu penelitian tentang riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan menggunakan behaviour mapping. Berdasarkan hasil studi 1 Atribut yang muncul dari Taman Macan (legitibilitas, kenyamanan, privasi, teritori, dan aksesibilitas 2 Atribut dominan dari Taman Macan (legitibilitas, kenyamanan, dan privasi).Kata kunci : Atribut; Pola Perilaku; Ruang Terbuka Publik. Abstract_  Humans have individual personalities as well as social beings,  social life in a  collectivity. Humans are also the center of the environment and at the same time part of the environment. Every human activity, especially those in urban areas is usually inseparable from the use of space as in the use of public open space. As in Makassar City, the existence of public open space has an important role for the community. Public open spaces in Makassar City are spread across sub-districts and their ownership varies from customary land to municipal government property, for example, the Macan Park in Ujung Pandang District. This park directly plays an important role as a center for community interaction and communication, both formal and informal, individual or group. The purpose of this research is to identify the behavior or attributes of the community in utilizing public open spaces in the center of Makassar City and to find the dominant environmental behavioral attributes of the people's behavior. The method used in this research is a descriptive method that is research about research that is descriptive and uses behavior mapping. Based on the results of study 1 Attributes that emerge from Taman Macan (legitimacy, comfort, privacy, territory, and accessibility 2 Dominant attributes of Taman Macan (legitimacy, comfort, and privacy).Keywords :  Attributes; Behavior Patterns; Public Open Spaces