6 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Taman Edukasi Menuju Desa Pademawu Timur Mandiri

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    This Community Service Program (PKM) is implemented based on a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Madura Islamic University and East Pademawu Village. The coaching program carried out is related to landscape learning materials. The purpose of providing landscape design materials for East Pademawu BUMDes is to improve landscape design insight and skills, to optimize the function and beauty and role of local village education parks so that they can support BUMDes administrators towards independent villages. Service activities in the form of providing materials and training followed by distributing questionnaires (based on a Likert scale whose score has been determined) to measure the level of achievement of socialization and training carried out. The location for the design is the backyard of the East Pademawu Village Hall office. The results of the participants' assessment of the benefits of the training through observation sheets showed an increase in the benefits, soft skills of BUMDes participants and the quality of local village facilities and infrastructure with a percentage of 83%. Participants showed enthusiasm and activity in the good category and agreed on the educational park landscape plan that had been optimally designed on village land. However, for mastery of material, creativity and conveying ideas, participants fall into the sufficient category so that there is a need for guidance and retraining which is based on the approval of cooperation between partner members and the garden landscape design team of the Madura Islamic University so that periodic guidance for BUMDes can still be carried out. The shortcoming that still needs to be considered for participants is a sense of design which can be overcome and minimized by broadening their horizons and actively joining the landscape design community.This Community Service Program (PKM) is implemented based on a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Madura Islamic University and East Pademawu Village. The coaching program carried out is related to landscape learning materials. The purpose of providing landscape design materials for East Pademawu BUMDes is to improve landscape design insight and skills, to optimize the function and beauty and role of local village education parks so that they can support BUMDes administrators towards independent villages. Service activities in the form of providing materials and training followed by distributing questionnaires (based on a Likert scale whose score has been determined) to measure the level of achievement of socialization and training carried out. The location for the design is the backyard of the East Pademawu Village Hall office. The results of the participants' assessment of the benefits of the training through observation sheets showed an increase in the benefits, soft skills of BUMDes participants and the quality of local village facilities and infrastructure with a percentage of 83%. Participants showed enthusiasm and activity in the good category and agreed on the educational park landscape plan that had been optimally designed on village land. However, for mastery of material, creativity and conveying ideas, participants fall into the sufficient category so that there is a need for guidance and retraining which is based on the approval of cooperation between partner members and the garden landscape design team of the Madura Islamic University so that periodic guidance for BUMDes can still be carried out. The shortcoming that still needs to be considered for participants is a sense of design which can be overcome and minimized by broadening their horizons and actively joining the landscape design community

    Introduction of Rats Pest Control Using Trap Barrier System (TBS) in Farmer Group

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    Abstract. Rats are the main agricultural pests and one of the factors causing crop failure for farmers, especially in Pademawu. Farmers generally use pest control methods using poisons that can pollute the agricultural environment. The application of the Trap Barrier System (TBS) is needed to overcome the rat pestproblem. The service aims to increase partners' insight into implementing rat pest control using TBS. Community service activities in the form of outreach and training. The method used is descriptive quantitative, namely data collection through filling out questionnaires including knowledge skills, level of interest, posttest and pretest for partner knowledge evaluation. The results of the participant's assessment of the benefits of the training through Evaluation of farmers' understanding of the application of TBS technology showed results of 82%. The assessment shows the skills and insights obtained by the farmers are in the good category after carrying out the activities. The participants also showed interest in participating in the activities shown by the participants actively asking and listening during the discussion. TBS has been proven to be able to reduce the level of rat attack on rice by up to 80% so that farmers are interested in using the TBS trap system. Even so, the TBS system cannot break the life cycle of rats and further guidance is needed regarding sustainable cropping and cultivation patterns to overcome this in the farmers' environment in East Pademawu Village


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    Gouramy seeds are very susceptible to changes in water quality and are easily stressed, the solution is to provide shelter as a place for gouramy fish to take shelter. This study aims to determine the effect of providing shelter on the survival rate of gouramy (Oshpronemus gouramy) fry. The method used in this study was an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were control, the number of shelters 10 units, 20 units and 30 units. The survival rate data were analyzed using a regression test and continued with a correlation test. Based on the results of the study, the treatment with the highest survival rate was 20 units (99,09%), then 30 units (98,63%), 10 units (98,63%) and the lowest survival rate was control (94,44%). The results of the analysis of variance showed that the provision of shelter had a significant effect on the survival rate of gouramy fry (α= 0,05).Benih ikan gurami sangat rentan terhadap perubahan kualitas air dan mudah stres, solusinya dengan pemberian shelter sebagai tempat berlindung ikan gurami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian shelter terhadap tingkat kehidupan benih ikan gurami (Oshpronemus gouramy). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut adalah kontrol, perlakuan jumlah shelter 10 unit, 20 unit dan 30 unit. Data nilai tingkat kelangsungan hidup dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi dan dilanjutkan dengan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian perlakuan dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup tertinggi yaitu pada perlakuan jumlah shelter sebanyak 20 unit (99,09%), kemudian 30 unit (98,63%), 10 unit (98,63%) dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup terendah yaitu kontrol (94,44%). Hasil analisa ragam menunjukkan bahwa pemberian shelter berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gurami ( α = 0,05)

    Pola Pertumbuhan dan Faktor Kondisi Ikan Petek (Leiognathus equula, Forsskål, 1775) dari Perairan Plawangan Plawangan Timur Segara Anakan, Kabupaten Cilacap.

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    ABSTRAK Ikan petek (Leiognathus equula) merupakan ikan demersal yang dapat hidup di muara sungai maupun laguna pada kedalaman 10 meter sampai 60 meter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tipe pola pertumbuhan ikan petek berdasarkan hubungan panjang bobotnya serta menganalisis kebugaran ikan petek. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 24 Juni 2023, 23 Juli 2023, serta 19 Agustus 2023 menggunakan jaring rampus dengan panjang 36.576 meter, lebar 6.4008 meter, dan ukuran mata jaring yaitu 1 inci dan 2 inci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan panjang bobot ikan petek yang didapatkan memiliki nilai b kurang dari 3 (2.3907) sehingga dapat dikatakan pola pertumbuhannya alometrik negatif (pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan bobotnya). Hasil faktor kondisi yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini memiliki kisaran antara 0.7554 - 1.2153 dengan rata-rata 1.0082 + 0.1272 yang menandakan bahwa ikan petek pada penelitian ini memiliki bentuk tubuh agak montok

    Bibliometric Analysis on Contaminant Microplastics in Compost (2018 to 2022) Through VOSviewer

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    Compost is considered not only to improve soil nutrients but also as a carrier of microplastic (MPs) pollution on agricultural land. Bibliometric analysis is a quantitative review approach that employs statistics, data mining, and mathematics to identify new academic trends. It is increasingly more prevalent and is utilized in several academic disciplines. To evaluate the evolution and extension of this body of knowledge and to forecast its future path, the present study analyzed Scopus-indexed research publications on compost from 2018 to 2022. To perform the bibliometric analysis, the VOSviewer software and Scopus Analytics were used. A total of 111 journal articles (n = 77) and conference papers (n = 3) were extracted. The number of research documents published by 111 authors was steadily increasing annually. China is the leading country in the number of publications and research collaborations. The current results offset global scientific efforts on MPs contamination in compost and inform that there is potential for compost to be a carrier of MPs contaminants in plants