19 research outputs found

    Pengembangan modul penyusunan program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul penyusunan program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah RnD dengan model 4D (Define, Design, Development dan Dissemination). Subjek penelitian adalah guru BK SMK Negeri di se-Kota Yogyakarta yang telah bersertifikat (purposive sampling), sejumlah 25 orang. Instrumen terdiri dari lembar pengamatan dan tes pemahaman yang divalidasi oleh ahli (expert judgement). Untuk uji ahli materi dan media menggunakan instrumen lembar pengamatan ahli. Sedangkan uji coba produk instrument lembar penilaian pengguna produk. Untuk menguji efektivitas produk, maka diberikan tes pemahaman materi. Hasil uji ahli media memperoleh skor sebesar 73,44 dengan kategori ā€œBaikā€. Hasil uji ahli materi memperoleh skor sebesar 86,85 dengan kategori ā€œSangat Baikā€. Sedangkan hasil uji coba lapangan (uji keterbacaan modul) memperoleh skor 80 dengan kategori ā€œSangat Baikā€. Hasil uji efektifitas modul menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman guru sebesar 1,52. Hasil konsultasi dengan tabel distribusi t diperoleh perbandingan t0,05<t0,01<t, yaitu 2,08<2,80<5,60. Perbandingan ini memiliki arti bahwa penggunaan modul memiliki pengaruh positif (signifikan) baik pada taraf signifikansi t0,05 maupun taraf signifikansi t0,01. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan modul telah terlaksana dan efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman guru BKĀ  dalam menyusun program BK komprehensif di SMK.Kata Kunci: Bimbingan dan Konseling, Komprehensif, SMKĀ AbstractThis research aims to develop modules drafting a comprehensive guidance and counseling program in Vocational High School. This type of research is the research and development. The subjects were guidance and counseling teachers at SMK as the city of Yogyakarta that has been certified (purposive sampling), some 25 people. The instruments used consist of sheets of observation and comprehension tests were validated by an expert (expert judgment). To test the material and media experts using expert observation sheet instruments. While testing instrument products sheet product user ratings. To test the effectiveness of the product, then given a comprehension test material. Media expert test results given a score of 73.44 in the category of "Good". The test results matter experts given a score of 86.85 with the category of "Very Good". While the results of field trials (legibility test module) received a score of 80 in the category of "Very Good". The effectiveness of the module test results showed an increase teacher understanding of 1.52. result Ā  consultation with the t distribution table for the comparison of t 0.05 <t 0.01 <t, namely 2.08 <2.80 <5.60. This comparison has meant that the use of the modules has a positive influence (significant) whether or 0.05 significance level t t 0.01 significance level. This suggests that the development of the module has been accomplished and effective in improving the understanding of guidance and counseling teachers in drafting a comprehensive guidance and counseling program atĀ VHS.Keywords: Guidance and Counseling, Comprehensive, Vocational High Schoo


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    Era mega-kompetisi di MEA menuntut kehidupan yang kompetitif antar negara-negara di Asia Tenggara. Para pelaku kompetisi perlu segenap keterampilan khusus. Salah satu keterampi- lan yang dibutuhkan di abad 21 adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis (critical thinking skills). Ket- erampilan ini berkaitan dengan kemampuan berpikir secara logis, beralasan, kreatif dan reflektif dengan menekankan pembuatan keputusan tentang apa yang harus dipercayai atau dilakukan. Keterampilan ini perlu dikembangkan pada siswa sekolah sebagai calon masyarakat abad 21 den- gan metode tertentu. Metode experiential learning sebagai sebuah metode pembelajaran yang men- gutamakan pengalaman sebagai sumber belajar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Terdapat beberapa strategi experiential learning yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam peningkatan ket- erampilan berpikir kritis. Dua strategi yang mampu menyajikan objek belajar yang dapat mer- angsang siswa untuk berpikir secara kritis melalui keterlibatan langsung dan pengalaman nyata, yaitu Broken Square dan Turntable. Pemikiran yang kritis dalam proses belajar diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam merekonstruksikan, merefleksikan dan mengimplementasikan berbagai ba- han ajar dalam kehidupan nyata sehingga tercapai keberhasilan dalam belajar. Kata kunci: experiential learning, keterampilan berpikir kritis, belaja


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    Z generation are people who were born in the period from 1995 until 2010. This generation has a high intensity of use of information and communication technology. They need to be equipped with critical thinking, innovative thinking, problem solving and social interaction skills. Therefore, the school has a responsibility in this regard through learning activities. Beside the learning activities, counseling and guidance for the development of the Z generation is needed. Guidance and counseling services for the Z generation should use techniques and media based on information technology and communication to deliver a message to the students. The technique can be used be used to stimulate skills are discussions, focus group discussions,Ā problem solvingĀ andĀ simulation games,Ā as well as theirĀ e-counselingĀ service orĀ cyber counseling.Ā The media used can be videos, movies, Macromedia Flash, and so on. These efforts need to be complemented by collaboration with parents, schools, subject teachers, homeroom, and agencies or institutions or companies engaged in the field of information and communication technology


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    21st-century education requires collaboration with various parties in various educational activities.Collaboration is an activity where there is cooperation between the various parties in realizing the goals of education, both parties from inside and outside the institution. Collaboration can be conducted by the school itself, the university, the community, the experts, who have a positive influence on the achievement of learners and the school experience. At school, collaboration is conducted in the entire school program, including guidance and counseling. Guidance and counseling programs in schools today refers to the guidance and counseling development, which further facilitate learners to be able to develop their potential. Practically, guidance and counseling program refers to a comprehensive guidance and counseling which emphasizes on the collaboration activities. It is said that the guidance and counseling program is a collaborative effort that will benefit students, parents, teachers, administrative staff, and all members of society. Collaboration in guidance and counseling is the cooperation activities between guidance and counseling teachers/counselors and some of the related parties for the achievement of guidance and counseling services program objectives. Between guidance and counseling teachers/counselors and related parties, there is a collaborative relationship through a variety of guidance and counseling services, mutual help in data collection, materials and services strategy development, policy formulation, referral activity up to the assessment or evaluation

    The Implementation Of The Problem Based Learning To Increase The Pupils Problem Solving Skill In Asean Economic Community (AEC)

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    Life situations in the AEC increase complexity, full of opportunities and challenges. Pupils as part of the AEC community are forced to have skill to develop dynamically, productively and independently. The skill that required is a problemā€solving skill. Problemā€solving skills are the skills to find, vote and conduct the way to find the solution. In the framework of intact learning, pupils are raw input, while learning strategy is very significant process. The Problem Based Learning as one of based learning strategy problems that emphasizes problems as a relevant reference for study with the development of problemā€solving skills. Pupils who able to face and solve the problems precisely will be able to survive in all of new paradigm life type and their social academic will increase better


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang model pendidikan karakter berbasis integratied learning model pada anak usia dini. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) adalah bagian integral pendidikan dalam kerangka perwujudan generasi emas Indonesia. Anak usia dini merupakan investasi jangka panjang bagi Negara sehingga pembelajaran PAUD tidak terbatas hanya pada unsur kognitif tetapi pada unsur afektif juga, yaitu dengan cara diterapkan melalui pendidikan karakter sejak dini. Pendidikan karakter di PAUD membutuhkan strategi khusus, salah satunya yakni dengan model pendidikan karakter berbasis integrated learning model, yakni suatu model yang menggabungkan kekuatan pengetahuan dan mengambil pengetahuan ke tingkat berikutnya serta menggunakannya dalam penguasaan kehidupan (life skills), sebagai paradigma baru yang lebih terfokus pada perkembangan peserta didik serta yang lebih bersifat sustainable. Guru PAUD menerapkan pendidikan karakter dengan fokus curiosity (spiritual), character (moral), contemplation (intelektual), connections (fisik), collaboration (interpersonal), dan cultivation (budaya), dengan melibatkan orang tua. Model ini dirintis dan diimplementasikan dengan harapan mampu menjadi alternatif dalam membangun sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang bermutu serta berkarakter kuat.dan.tangguh

    Pemahaman guru bimbingan dan konseling tingkat SMP tentang bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif

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    AbstrakBimbingan dan konseling komprehensif sebagai bagian integral pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam pengembangan potensi siswa guna menghadapi kehidupan MEA yang kompleks. Guru BK hendaknya memahami konsep teoritis dan praksis bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif di sekolah. Ironisnya, beberapa guru BK belum paham tentang hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman guru BK SMP tentang program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan subjek guru BK SMP se-Kabupaten Gunungkidul, DIY sejumlah 44 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pemahaman jenis multiple choice, dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pemahaman guru bimbingan dan konseling tentang program bimbingan dan konseling sebesar 50 poin dan tertinggi sebesar 100 poin. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa belum semua guru BK SMP di Kabupaten Gunungkidul memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif.Kata kunci: bimbingan dan konseling, komprehensif, pemahamanĀ AbstractComprehensive guidance and counseling as an integral part of education has an important role to develop of student potential in order to face the complex life of AEC. Guidance and counseling teachers should understand the theoretical and practical concepts of guidance and counseling comprehensive in schools. Ironically, some of the guidance and counseling teachers do not understand about it. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of the guidance and counseling teacherā€™s understanding about comprehensive guidance and counseling program. The method used is quantitative descriptive which the subjects are guidance and counseling teacher in Junior High School in Gunungkidul District, DIY. The number of subject in this resserch are of 44 people. This research is multiple choice tests type,Ā with descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the average of guidance and counseling teachers understanding about guidance and counseling program was 50 points and the highest was 100 points. This shows that not all guidance and counseling teachers in Junior High School in Gunungkidul have a good understanding of the comprehensive guidance and counseling program.Keywords: guidance and counseling, comprehensive, understandin