25 research outputs found

    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA PERUSAHAAN (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2015)

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    Firm performance is an important part for measuring the success company for being the first thing that will be seen by an investor. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the cash conversion cycle, cash holding, tangile fixed assets, current ratio, leverage, growth, and size on firm performance. Proxy that used to measure firm performance in this study is Return on Assets (ROA). The population in this study are all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2015-2016. Purposive sampling is used to determine the number of samples, 20 companies manufacturing used in this study. The analytical method used is the data panel regression with a significance level of 5% . These results indicate that the cash conversion cycle has significant negative effect on firm performance. Cash holding has insignificant negative effect on firm performance. Tangible fixed assets has significant negative effect on firm performance. Current ratio has significant positive effect firm performance. Leverage significant negative effect on firm performance. Growth significant positive effect on firm performance. Size insignificant negative effect on firm performance. In this study the cash conversion cycle (CCC), holding cash, tangible fixed assets, current ratio, leverage, growth, size are able to explain the firm performance by 94% and the other is explained by other factors beyond research

    Asuhan Kebidanan pada Ibu Bersalin dengan Rangsangan Puting Susu di Bpm Lilik Kustono Diwek Jombang

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      Pendahuluan: Proses persalinan normal ditentukan oleh tiga faktor utama, yaitu power (his dan tenaga mengejan), passanger (janin, plasenta dan selaput ketuban) dan passage (jalan lahir). Ketiga faktor utama ini sangat menetukan jalannya persalinan. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kontraksi dapat dilakukan secara farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Salah satu upaya untuk menigkatkan kontraksi non farmakologis yaitu dengan stimulasi puting susu. WHO memperkirakan 70% mengalami peningkatan kontraksi uterus setelah dilakukan stimulasi dan 30% tidak mengalami peningkatan karena kurangnya penanganan gerakan putar-putar puting susu. Dinas Kesehatan Jawa Timur melaporkan adanya peningkatan karena rangsangan puting susu sebesar 29 orang atau 380/100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2010. Laporan studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu bersalin dengan rangsangan puting susu di BPM Lilik Kustono, Amd.Keb Desa Ceweng. Metode: Jenis penelitian studi kasus, lokasi studi kasus di BPM Lilik Kustono, Amd.Keb Desa Ceweng Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang. Subjek kasus pada ibu bersalin fisiologi multigravida. Hasil: Setelah dilakukan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu inpartu kala I fase aktif yang diberikan rangsangan puting susu selama 2 menit didapat bahwa kedua pasien mengalami penambahan intensitas kontraksi uterus. Dari 2 kali dalam 10 menit 30 detik menjadi 2 kali dalam 10 menit 50 detik. Ibu dapat bersalin dengan normal tanpa ada komplikasi. Keadaan ibu dan bayi baik. Pembahasan: Kesimpulan yang didapat dari kedua pasien bahwa stimulasi puting susu hanya meningkatkan intensitas kontraksi uterus tetapi tidak cukup kuat untuk meningkatkan frekuensi nya. Diharapkan untuk kehamilan selanjutnya pasien dapat menggunakan rangsangan puting susu sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kontraksi.   Kata Kunci: Persalinan, Rangsangan Puting Susu, Kontraksi &nbsp

    The Prevention of Pesticide Risk Toxicity among Farmers on Food Estate Humbang Hasundutan

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    This PPM activity is one of the community empowerment activities to increase the capacity of farmers, especially increasing safety and health behavior while using pesticides. The prevention program carried out in the form of a community movement to reduce the risk of pesticide toxicity is called GEMPAR (Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi Racun). GEMPAR consists of eight action activities as a farmer movement in reducing the risk of toxicity due to the use of pesticides. GEMPAR in the PPM activity was carried out as a prevention effort which was promoted through FGD activities, demonstrations, and brainstorming. Farmers in the Food Estate are classified as farmers who work with the company so that the pattern of pesticide use is included in the regular category in determining the dose and type of pesticide used. However, the application of pesticides is still classified as very dangerous where direct contact with pesticides is very high. GEMPAR as a health solution responded very well and increased awareness of Food Estate farmers to improve pesticide use patterns. Each farmer acts as an agent of change who can comprehensively expand GEMPAR information through the promotion of the message of the eight GEMPAR actions which are divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention actions

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbantuan Flipbook terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Virus di SMA

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of cooperative learning using flipbook toward student learning outcomes in virus material to tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga Sambas. The form of this research was Quasi Experimen with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sampling technique in this research is saturated samples. The reseach sampling using XB grade students as an experimental class and XA grade students as an control class. According to the analysis of data obtained by the average of students outcomes taught by cooperative learning using flipbook is 46,25, while classes taught by conventional learning is 41,40. The result at α = 5% showed a significant differences between the average score of students learning outcomes in the experimental class and control class. according the value of the effect size is 0,96 (including high category), which means that cooperative learning using flipbook is effective to enhance student\u27s learning outcome in virus material

    Prevention of Pesticide Toxicity Risk through the Farmer Community Movement to Resolve Toxicity

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    Pesticide toxicity is a phenomenon that needs to be prevented, which is generally caused by the risky behavior of using pesticides. This PPM activity is one of the community empowerment activities to reduce the risk of pesticide toxicity through the GEMPAR (Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi Racun) action. GEMPAR consists of eight farmer movements to prevent the risk of toxicity due to pesticides used. The eight GEMPAR actions were applied by farmers with promotional and educational methods through the GEMPAR demonstration activities. The demonstration implementation method is presented by the farming community which is divided into three areas in Sumber Mufakat Village, namely Berhala, Simpang Sumbul, and Pasar Sumbul. Demonstrations from these three areas were contested as a form of appreciation for the community so that they could motivate the community to participate in preventing the risk of pesticide toxicity. The demonstration that displayed the messages of the eight GEMPAR movements was carried out well. Each demonstration gives special characteristics either through songs or slogans related to preventing the risk of toxicity. The community became very enthusiastic about the demonstration which could increase the participation of the farming community to use better and healthier pesticides sustainably

    Pesticide Toxicity Prevention in Farmer’s Community Movement

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    BACKGROUND: Pesticide toxicity is a serious problem in poor and developing countries agricultural communities, including Indonesia. AIM: This study aims to design an effort of pesticide toxicity prevention. METHODS: This is participation action research in look, think, and action cycle of pesticide use process as a qualitative study. The participants were taken by purposive technique and data collected with focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, self-report, and observation. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis. All participants are the commitment farmers that able to prevent and resolve the pesticide toxicity problem. This research has ethical clearance with number 1608/I/SP/2019. RESULTS: The results found that the determinant factor of pesticide toxicity is a high risk such as direct contact, unusually personal protection used, bad behavior such as spraying while smoking, blowing pump hoses directly, poor personal hygiene, pesticide storage, and disposal action. Several factors that influence are ignorance of farmers about the toxic effects that cause chronic toxicity. To prevent pesticide toxicity, we found the eight principles of pesticide use that formulated based on the epidemiology prevention approach that meets the level of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. It called Community Movement in Toxic Resolve or Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi Racun (GEMPAR) arranged as an effort to prevent toxicity, including recognizing the hazard of pesticide, completely personal protection used, paying attention to the wind direction and spraying route, store pesticides in a safe place, safely dispose of pesticides, personal hygiene, record, and report toxicity symptom, and going to organic farming. CONCLUSION: The effort of pesticide toxicity could prevent in successful by a community movement called GEMPAR that divides into eight principles of prevention action in pesticide used

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Harga Diiri (Self Esteem) Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to 1) to know the description of student's social support 2) to understand the student's self-esteem 3) to establish the relationship between social support and student's self-esteem. The subjects of the study were the students of class VIII Determination of the sample using a total sample which means the whole population becomes the sample. The research method used is correlation method, this research is aimed to determine the relationship of a variable with other variables. The results showed that half of the sample had good social support 2) almost half of the sample already have high self esteem 3) there is a significant positive correlation between social support with student self esteem, where if social support obtained by student good then price Student self will increase

    The Association between Endometriosis Appearance during Laparoscopic Surgery and Pain Characteristic in Pelvic Endometriosis

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    Abstract Objective: To evaluate the correlation between the Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM) score in endometriosis and severity pelvic pain in a group of women with endometriosis. Method: A total of 131 patients with pelvic pain who: conduct laparoscopy for diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis, have pain symptoms>3 months, and absence of pelvic anomalies. Dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, dyschezia, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain were evaluated using a 10-point visual analogue scale. The data was collected by assessing the medical record, and retrospective analysis was performed. Disease stage according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the presence of adhesion, lesion type (Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (DIE) or without DIE), and severity of pain symptoms were analysed by Spearman analysis. Different VAS between DIE vs non DIE group was analysed by Mann-Whitney analysis. Result: Stage IV endometriosis accounts for 79.4%. Based on the macroscopic appearance, ovarian endometriosis accounts for 92.4%, peritoneal endometriosis 82.4%, DIE was 40.5%, and adenomyosis was 19.1%. There was significant correlation between total ASRM, ovarian endometriosis, peritoneal lesion, Douglas pouch obliteration, adnexal adhesion score and VAS dysmenorrhea (r=0.303; 0,187; 0,203; 0,278; 0,266, p<0.05). There was significant VAS difference of DIE vs non DIE group; the difference was on dyspareunia (5.18±2.4 and 4.58±1.0, p<0.001] and dyschezia [5.28±2.2 and 4.86±0.7,p<0.001] Conclusion: There was a positive correlation between ovarian endometriosis score and severity of dysmenorrhea. There was also a difference in the degree of endometriosis-associated pain between DIE and non DIE group. Keywords: endometriosis, deep infiltrating endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia   Abstrak Tujuan: untuk mencari hubungan antara skor endometriosis ASRM dan karakteristik nyeri pelvik pada pasien endometriosis Metode: Sebanyak 131 pasien dengan nyeri pelvik yang menjalani laparoskopi untuk diagnosis dan terapi endometriosis, memiliki nyeri > 3 bulan, dan tidak mengalami kelainan organ pelvis. Dilakukan evaluasi terhadap dismenorea, dyspareunia dalam, diskezia, dysuria, dan nyeri pelvic kronik dengan menggunakan nilai 1-10 dari skala analog visual. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Rujukan Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Stadium endometriosis berdasarkan American Society of Reproductive Medicine, kejadian adhesi, jenis lesi (ada Endometriosis Susukan Dalam/ESD atau tanpa ESD), dan derajat keparahan nyeri dianalisis dengan analisis Spearman. Perbedaan skala nyeri antara ESD dan non ESD dianalisis dengan metode Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Sebanyak 79,4% pasien tergolong ke dalam endometriosis stadium IV. Berdasarkan tampilan makroskopik, endometriosis ovarium terdapat pada 92,4%, endometriosis peritoneal 82,4%, ESD 40,5%, dan adenomiosis pada 19,1%. Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara skor ASRM total, sub-skorkista endometriosis, endometriosis superfisial, obliterasi kavum douglas, dan adhesia dneksa dengan VAS dismenorea  (r=0,303; 0,187; 0,203; 0,278; 0,266, p<0,05). Pada kelompok ESD dan tanpa ESD, didapatkan perbedaan VAS dismenorea, dispareunia dalam, diskezia, dan nyeri pelvic kronik yang bermakna (6,13±1.7 dan 5,95±1,7, p = 0,560 ; 5,18±2.4 dan 4,58±1,0, p < 0,001; 5,28±2,2 dan 4,86±0,7 , p < 0,001; 2,20±2,8 dan 0,60±1,8, p <0,001) Kesimpulan:Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara skor ASRM dengan VAS dismenorea. Terdapat perbedaan VAS dismenorea, dyspareunia dalam, diskezia, dan nyeri pelvic kronik pada kelompok ESD dan tanpa ESD Kata kunci: endometriosis, endometriosis susukan dalam, dismenorea, dispareunia dalam, diskezi