58 research outputs found

    Sequelae of vaccine preventable diseases: increasing knowledge, risk perception and the intention to vaccinate

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    Trotz des Zusammenhangs zwischen Alter und schweren Grippe-Verläufen unterschätzt die Zielgruppe der Menschen über 60 Jahre ihr Risiko, an Influenza zu erkranken, erheblich. Die vorgelegte Dissertation versucht, diesen Widerspruch wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren und Ursachen aufzuzeigen. Als theoretische Basis werden Konzepte der Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) herangezogen (Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986). Anschließend wird eine mögliche Lösung experimentell getestet. Dafür wurden drei Artikel verfasst. Im ersten Artikel wird durch eine repräsentative Umfrage dargelegt, dass Menschen über 60 der Zusammenhang zwischen Grippe und Spätfolgen nicht ausreichend bekannt ist. Im zweiten Artikel wird dieser Zusammenhang evidenzbasiert zu Gesundheitsinformationen aufgearbeitet. Diese werden auf ihre Wirkung auf Wissen, Risikowahrnehmung und Intention untersucht. Dabei werden potenzielle Einflussfaktoren wie die Fähigkeit zum Verständnis und Handlung mit Gesundheitsinformationen und Reaktanz betrachtet. Im dritten Artikel liegt der Fokus auf der Kommunikation von Spätfolgen und wie sich diese langfristig beweisen kann –mehr als drei Monate nachdem die Gesundheitsinformationen präsentiert wurden, werden Wissen, Risikowahrnehmung sowie Impfintention und -verhalten erneut erfasst. Die Spätfolgenkommunikation ist eine wirksame Methode, um die Impfintention kurz- und langfristig zu steigern. Darüber hinaus profitieren Menschen von gesteigertem Wissen über diese Spätfolgen, da deren schnelle Diagnose und anschließende professionelle medizinische Versorgung lebensentscheidend sein kann. Es gibt in den Ergebnissen dieser Dissertation keinen Hinweis darauf, dass Health Literacy den Erfolg der Spätfolgenkommunikation beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse der Experimentalstudien zeigen kleine Effekte, wenn man den Ansatz der Spätfolgenkommunikation mit Informationen über Grippe allein vergleicht.Despite the association between age and severe influenza, the target group of people over 60 years of age significantly underestimates their risk of contracting influenza. This dissertation attempts to scientifically document this contradiction and to identify causes. Concepts of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) are used as a theoretical basis (Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986). Subsequently, a possible solution is tested experimentally. Three articles were written for this purpose. In the first article, a representative survey is used to demonstrate that people over 60 are not sufficiently aware of the association between influenza and sequelae. In the second article, this link is tested in evidence-based to health information. This information is examined for their effect on knowledge, risk perception, and intention. Potential influencing factors such as the ability to understand and act on health information and reactance are considered. The third article focuses on sequelae communication and how it can prove effective in the long term-more than three months after health information is presented, knowledge, risk perception, and vaccination intention and behavior are reassessed. Sequelae communication is an effective way to increase vaccination intention in the short and long term. In addition, people benefit from increased knowledge about these late effects, as their rapid diagnosis and subsequent professional medical care can be life critical. There is no evidence in the results of this dissertation that health literacy affects the success of sequelae communication. The results of the experimental studies show small effects when comparing the sequelae communication approach to information about influenza alone

    Situational pathogen avoidance mediates the impact of social connectedness on preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, physical distancing was one of the more important behaviours for reducing the spread of the virus. The present study investigated the influence on pathogen avoidance of familiarity with other people at private gatherings. Based on the social identity model of risk taking and the theory of the behavioural immune system, we assumed that greater familiarity with others would make people feel more connected with one another and decrease situational pathogen avoidance. This could result in lower perceptions of the risk of contracting COVID-19 and fewer protective behaviours. Two experiments (n1 = 1022, n2 = 994) showed that the negative influence of greater familiarity on the perceived risk of infection and protective behaviour is explained by an increased feeling of connectedness and less feeling of situational pathogen avoidance. In an additional survey, the participants (n = 23,023) rated the quality of their past social contacts. The correlational analyses showed that the familiarity of the other person was more important in explaining variance in protective behaviours than attitudes toward those behaviours or the pandemic situation itself. Understanding the process that result in an explosive increase in infection after social gatherings can improve infection control in the future.Peer Reviewe

    Emotional Situation of Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Results from the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Study (COSMO)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to numerous restrictions in daily life that had a significant impact on the well-being and mental health of the population. Among others, children and adolescents were particularly affected, being a vulnerable group at risk. The aim of this study was to assess the emotional situation of children and adolescents during different phases of the pandemic and to identify modifying factors. Data from the serial cross-sectional COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO) survey in Germany were used for this study. The survey waves 12 (19th/20th May 2020) and 21 (15th/16th September 2020) were investigated as examples of two different pandemic phases. The psychosocial and emotional situation and well-being of children were measured with the emotional subscale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) assessed by parents. Descriptive analyses and logistic regressions were calculated. In total, a third of the participating parents in wave 12 and in wave 21 reported having children and adolescents with emotional symptoms. Especially children with younger parents seemed to be more affected by emotional symptoms. Sociodemographic aspects, such as household language, showed a significant association with reported emotional symptoms in children (Wave 12: OR = 2.22; 95% CI: 1.20–4.09). Reported prevalences of emotional symptoms in children did not differ between the pandemic phases. In conclusion, the pandemic had negative influences on the emotional symptoms of children and adolescents in COVID-19 pandemic waves in 2020, indicating a forecasted reoccurrence and need for preventive measures for upcoming waves and other pandemics in the future

    Kommunikationsempfehlungen zur Verbesserung des Verhaltens bei der Verwendung von PoC Antigen-Schnelltests und Selbsttests

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    Die breitere Anwendung von Antigentests zum Auffinden einer akuten Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 beinhaltet Chancen, aber auch Risiken und Limitationen. Die Tests können als einer von mehreren Bausteinen zur Pandemiekontrolle beitragen, indem sie die Erkennung von Infektionen und somit die Unterbrechung von Infektionsketten ermöglichen - insbesondere durch wiederholte, engmaschige Testungen derselben Personen. Der Beitrag fasst die wichtigsten Aspekte zusammen und gibt evidenzbasierte Tipps zur Kommunikation rund um die PoC Antigen-Schnelltests und Selbsttests

    Sarah Eitze's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Germany - All Original Questionnaires

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    Download and use of a Corona contact tracing app

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    Sociodemographic characteristics determine download and use of a Corona contact tracing app in Germany - results of the [CURRENTLY BLINDED] surveys

    Open Materials

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