794 research outputs found

    The Anderson-Mott transition induced by hole-doping in Nd1-xTiO3

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    The insulator/metal transition induced by hole-doping due to neodymium vacancies of the Mott- Hubbard antiferromagnetic insulator, Nd1-xTiO3, is studied over the composition range 0.010(6) < x < 0.243(10). Insulating p-types conduction is found for x < 0.071(10). Anderson localization in the presence of a Mott-Hubbard gap, is the dominant localization mechanism for the range of 0.074(10) < x < 0.089(1) samples. For x < 0.089(1), n-type conduction is observed and the activation energy extrapolates to zero by x < 0.1. The 0.095(8) < x < 0.203(10) samples are Fermi-liquid metals and the effects of strong electronic correlations are evident near the metal-to-insulator boundaries in features such as large Fermi liquid T2 coefficients. For 0.074(9) < x < 0.112(4), a weak negative magnetoresistance is found below ~ 15 K and it is attributed to the interaction of conduction electrons with Nd3+ magnetic moments. Combining information from our companion study of the magnetic properties of Nd1-xTiO3 solid solution, a phase diagram is proposed. The main conclusions are that long range antiferromagnetic order disappears before the onset of metallic behavior and that the Anderson-Mott transition occurs over a finite range of doping levels. Our results differ from conclusions drawn from a similar study on the hole doped Nd1-xCaxTiO3 system which found the co-existence of antiferromagnetic order and metallic behavior and that the Mott transition occurs at a discrete doping level

    Observables sensitive to absolute neutrino masses: A reappraisal after WMAP-3y and first MINOS results

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    In the light of recent neutrino oscillation and non-oscillation data, we revisit the phenomenological constraints applicable to three observables sensitive to absolute neutrino masses: The effective neutrino mass in single beta decay (m_beta); the effective Majorana neutrino mass in neutrinoless double beta decay (m_2beta); and the sum of neutrino masses in cosmology (Sigma). In particular, we include the constraints coming from the first Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) data and from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) three-year (3y) data, as well as other relevant cosmological data and priors. We find that the largest neutrino squared mass difference is determined with a 15% accuracy (at 2-sigma) after adding MINOS to world data. We also find upper bounds on the sum of neutrino masses Sigma ranging from ~2 eV (WMAP-3y data only) to ~0.2 eV (all cosmological data) at 2-sigma, in agreement with previous studies. In addition, we discuss the connection of such bounds with those placed on the matter power spectrum normalization parameter sigma_8. We show how the partial degeneracy between Sigma and sigma_8 in WMAP-3y data is broken by adding further cosmological data, and how the overall preference of such data for relatively high values of sigma_8 pushes the upper bound of Sigma in the sub-eV range. Finally, for various combination of data sets, we revisit the (in)compatibility between current Sigma and m_2beta constraints (and claims), and derive quantitative predictions for future single and double beta decay experiments.Comment: 18 pages, including 7 figure

    Improved limits on nuebar emission from mu+ decay

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    We investigated mu+ decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) conservation has been tested by searching for \nueb via the detection reaction p(\nueb,e+)n. No \nueb signal from LF violating mu+ decays was identified. We extract upper limits of the branching ratio for the LF violating decay mu+ -> e+ \nueb \nu compared to the Standard Model (SM) mu+ -> e+ nue numub decay: BR < 0.9(1.7)x10^{-3} (90%CL) depending on the spectral distribution of \nueb characterized by the Michel parameter rho=0.75 (0.0). These results improve earlier limits by one order of magnitude and restrict extensions of the SM in which \nueb emission from mu+ decay is allowed with considerable strength. The decay \mupdeb as source for the \nueb signal observed in the LSND experiment can be excluded.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 figure, 1 tabl

    First-principles study of (BiScO3){1-x}-(PbTiO3){x} piezoelectric alloys

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    We report a first-principles study of a class of (BiScO3)_{1-x}-(PbTiO3)_x (BS-PT) alloys recently proposed by Eitel et al. as promising materials for piezoelectric actuator applications. We show that (i) BS-PT displays very large structural distortions and polarizations at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) (we obtain a c/a of ~1.05-1.08 and P_tet of ~1.1 C/m^2); (ii) the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of BS-PT are dominated by the onset of hybridization between Bi/Pb-6p and O-2p orbitals, a mechanism that is enhanced upon substitution of Pb by Bi; and (iii) the piezoelectric responses of BS-PT and Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_x)O3 (PZT) at the MPB are comparable, at least as far as the computed values of the piezoelectric coefficient d_15 are concerned. While our results are generally consistent with experiment, they also suggest that certain intrinsic properties of BS-PT may be even better than has been indicated by experiments to date. We also discuss results for PZT that demonstrate the prominent role played by Pb displacements in its piezoelectric properties.Comment: 6 pages, with 3 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/ji_bi/index.htm

    Neutrino anomalies and large extra dimensions

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    Theories with large extra dimensions can generate small neutrino masses when the standard model neutrinos are coupled to singlet fermions propagating in higher dimensions. The couplings can also generate mass splittings and mixings among the flavour neutrinos in the brane. We systematically study the minimal scenario involving only one singlet bulk fermion coupling weakly to the flavour neutrinos. We explore the neutrino mass structures in the brane that can potentially account for the atmospheric, solar and LSND anomalies simultaneously in a natural way. We demonstrate that in the absence of a priori mixings among the SM neutrinos, it is not possible to reconcile all these anomalies. The presence of some structure in the mass matrix of the SM neutrinos can solve this problem. This is exemplified by the Zee model, which when embedded in extra dimensions in a minimal way can account for all the neutrino anomalies.Comment: 23 Revtex pages with 2 eps figure

    Екологія: наукова сутність, об'єкти досліджень, завдання

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    Розкрита суть чотирьох основних розділів екології: аутекології, демекології, синекології та екосистемології; описані об’єкти, предмет і завдання останньої. Визначена роль розумової і виробничої діяльности людства як зовнішнього збурювального чинника щодо живих систем і як організатора соціосфери. Обґрунтовані завдання екосистемології у теперішніх геосоціальних умовах.The matters of the four main divisions in ecology, such as autecology, demecology, synecology and ecosystemology have been uncovered. The objects, subjects and assignments of the latter were described too. A part of mankind’s mental and industrial activities, which are outside disturbing factors for biosystems and sociosphere organisers, has been determined. The assignments of ecosystemology within present geosocial condition were well grounded in the article

    Uncovering convolutional neural network decisions for diagnosing multiple sclerosis on conventional MRI using layer-wise relevance propagation

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    Machine learning-based imaging diagnostics has recently reached or even surpassed the level of clinical experts in several clinical domains. However, classification decisions of a trained machine learning system are typically non-transparent, a major hindrance for clinical integration, error tracking or knowledge discovery. In this study, we present a transparent deep learning framework relying on 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) for diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS), the most widespread autoimmune neuroinflammatory disease. MS is commonly diagnosed utilizing a combination of clinical presentation and conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), specifically the occurrence and presentation of white matter lesions in T2-weighted images. We hypothesized that using LRP in a naive predictive model would enable us to uncover relevant image features that a trained CNN uses for decision-making. Since imaging markers in MS are well-established this would enable us to validate the respective CNN model. First, we pre-trained a CNN on MRI data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (n = 921), afterwards specializing the CNN to discriminate between MS patients (n = 76) and healthy controls (n = 71). Using LRP, we then produced a heatmap for each subject in the holdout set depicting the voxel-wise relevance for a particular classification decision. The resulting CNN model resulted in a balanced accuracy of 87.04% and an area under the curve of 96.08% in a receiver operating characteristic curve. The subsequent LRP visualization revealed that the CNN model focuses indeed on individual lesions, but also incorporates additional information such as lesion location, non-lesional white matter or gray matter areas such as the thalamus, which are established conventional and advanced MRI markers in MS. We conclude that LRP and the proposed framework have the capability to make diagnostic decisions of CNN models transparent, which could serve to justify classification decisions for clinical review, verify diagnosis-relevant features and potentially gather new disease knowledge

    S_3-flavour symmetry as realized in lepton flavour violating processes

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    A variety of lepton flavour violating effects related to the recent discovery of neutrino oscillations and mixings is here systematically discussed in terms of an S_3-flavour permutational symmetry. After a brief review of some relevant results on lepton masses and mixings, that had been derived in the framework of a Minimal S_3-Invariant Extension of the Standard Model, we derive explicit analytical expressions for the matrices of the Yukawa couplings and compute the branching ratios of some selected flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) processes, as well as, the contribution of the exchange of neutral flavour changing scalars to the anomaly of the muon's magnetic moment as functions of the masses of the charged leptons and the neutral Higgs bosons. We find that the S_3 x Z_2 flavour symmetry and the strong mass hierarchy of the charged leptons strongly suppress the FCNC processes in the leptonic sector well below the present experimental upper bounds by many orders of magnitude. The contribution of FCNC to the anomaly of the muon's magnetic moment is small but non-negligible.Comment: 23 pages, one figure. To appear in J. Phys A: Mathematical and Theoretical (SPE QTS5

    Crystal and magnetic structure of LaTiO3 : evidence for non-degenerate t2gt_{2g}-orbitals

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    The crystal and magnetic structure of LaTiO3 ~ has been studied by x-ray and neutron diffraction techniques using nearly stoichiometric samples. We find a strong structural anomaly near the antiferromagnetic ordering, TN_N=146 K. In addition, the octahedra in LaTiO3 exhibit an intrinsic distortion which implies a splitting of the t2g-levels. Our results indicate that LaTiO3 should be considered as a Jahn-Teller system where the structural distortion and the resulting level splitting are enhanced by the magnetic ordering.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Neutrino suppression and extra dimensions: a minimal model

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    We study flavour neutrinos confined to our 4-dimensional world coupled to one "bulk" state, i.e. a Kaluza-Klein tower. We discuss the spatial development of the neutrino disappearance, the possibility of resurgence and the effective flavour transitions induced in this mechanism. We show that even a simple model can produce an energy-independent suppression at large distances, and relate this to experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures; the exclusion of sterile neutrinos by SuperKamiokande is discussed; references adde