180 research outputs found

    Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control. II. Model calculations

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    A kinetic model is developed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid on Pt under potentiostatic control. The model development proceeds stepwise via a simple model of the electrocatalytic CO oxidation. The full model consists of four coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The scanned and stationary current/outer potential (I/U) behavior, stationary current oscillations, two-parameter bifurcation diagrams and stirring effects are simulated using realistic model parameters. The numerical findings are found to be consistent with the experimental results given by Strasser et al. The model reproduces period-1 as well as mixed-mode oscillations. Furthermore, a mechanistic analysis of the model was performed: two suboscillators are identified whose characteristics allow a plausible interpretation of the observed dynamics. After a classification of the suboscillators into previously described categories, an attempt is made to identify the minimal mechanistic requirements for electrochemical current oscillations

    Birhythmicity induced by perturbing an oscillating electrochemical system

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    We describe the generation of new limit cycles in electrochemical systems under the influence of external periodic perturbations. For certain specific parameters of a nonharmonic forcing function, two coexisting periodic orbits can be generated from a single limit cycle observed in the unperturbed dynamics. This inception of birhythmicity (bistability) is observed in both simulations and actual experiments involving potentiostatic electrodissolution of copper in an acetate buffer

    Controlling turbulence in coupled map lattice systems using feedback techniques

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    We report the suppression of spatiotemporal chaos observed in coupled map lattices. Suppression is achieved using different feedback techniques, most of which are applicable to actual experimental situations. Results from application of feedback control to a single chaotic element (single map) are presented to demonstrate similarities in the dynamical response of a single system and an extended system under the influence of external feedback

    Discrete dynamics by different concepts of majorization

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    For the description of complex dynamics of open systems an approach is given by different concepts of majorization (order structure). Discrete diffusion processes with both invariant object number and sink or source can be represented by the development of Young diagrams on lattices. As experimental example we investigated foam decay, dominated by sinks. The relevance of order structures for characterization of certain processes is discussed

    Spiral waves in a surface reaction: Model calculations

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    A systematic study of spiral waves in a realistic reaction‐diffusion model describing the isothermal CO oxidation on Pt(110) is carried out. Spirals exist under oscillatory, excitable, and bistable (doubly metastable) conditions. In the excitable region, two separate meandering transitions occur, both when the time scales become strongly different and when they become comparable. By the assumption of surface defects of the order of 10 ÎŒm, to which the spirals can be pinned, the continuous distribution of wavelengths observed experimentally can be explained. An external periodic perturbation generally causes a meandering motion of a free spiral, while a straight drift results, if the period of the perturbation divided by the rotation period is a natural number

    Negative coupling during oscillatory pattern formation on a ring electrode

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    Pattern formation during the oscillatory electrodissolution of Co was studied using a Co ring electrode with a small reference electrode at a short distance in the center of the ring. Traveling pulses as well as source points (one-dimensional target patterns) were observed. These findings could be reproduced using a reaction-migration equation (RME) the coupling function of which was derived for the particular geometry from basic potential theory and was found to become negative for increasing distance. During pattern formation (i.e., for inhomogeneous potential distribution) the potential drop across the double layer could actually exceed the external applied voltage giving direct evidence for negative coupling

    Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control. I. Experimental

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    The experimental characterization of the current/outer potential (I/U) behavior during the electrochemical CO oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) is used as the first step towards a thorough investigation of the processes occurring during the electrochemical formic acid oxidation. The CO study is followed by new cyclovoltammetric results during the electrochemical formic acid oxidation on the corresponding Pt single crystals. At high concentrations of formic acid, the cyclovoltammograms revealed a splitting of the large current peak observed on the cathodic sweep into two peaks whose dependence on scan rate and reverse potential was investigated. It turned out that the presence of a sufficiently large ohmic resistance R was crucial for oscillatory instabilities. Given an appropriate resistance, all three Pt surfaces were found to exhibit current oscillations at both low and high formic acid concentrations. On Pt(100) stable mixed-mode oscillations were observed. In addition, the sensitivity of the oscillations to stirring was investigated. Whereas the period-1 oscillations were found to be independent of stirring, the mixed-mode oscillations transformed into simple oscillations with stirring. The mechanism giving rise to instability and oscillations is described

    Mechanistic aspects of the linear stabilization of non-stationary electrochemical oscillations

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    The problem of non-stationarity in experimentally recorded time-series is common in many (electro)chemical systems. Underlying this non-stationarity is the slow drift in some uncontrollable parameter, and it occurs in spite of the fact that all controllable parameters are kept constant. Particularly for electrochemical systems, some of us have recently suggested [J. Phys. Chem. C, 144, (2010), 22262–22268] an empirical method to stabilize experimental time-series. The method was exemplified for the electro-oxidation of methanol and different patterns were satisfactorily stabilized. In this paper we further elaborate some mechanistic aspects of this method and test it for the electro-oxidation of formaldehyde, a system that has some resemblance with the electro-oxidation of methanol, but produces a richer dynamics. In terms of the reaction mechanism, we were able to describe the coupling and to separate the surface processes of the two sub-systems: the fast one (or the core-oscillator) and the slow one, responsible for the drift

    Chemical Waves in Media with State-Dependent Anisotropy

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    In the reduction of NO with H2 on a Rh(110) surface rectangularly shaped target patterns and spirals with sharp corners have been observed. These patterns can be reproduced with a simple model assuming that the (anisotropic) diffusion is state dependent. Such a dependence is realized in the system Rh(110)/NO + H2 by the presence of different adsorbate-induced reconstructions with varying substrate geometries

    Surface Structure and Catalytic COCO Oxidation Oscillations

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    A cellular automaton model is used to describe the dynamics of the catalytic oxidation of COCO on a Pt(100)Pt(100) surface. The cellular automaton rules account for the structural phase transformations of the PtPt substrate, the reaction kinetics of the adsorbed phase and diffusion of adsorbed species. The model is used to explore the spatial structure that underlies the global oscillations observed in some parameter regimes. The spatiotemporal dynamics varies significantly within the oscillatory regime and depends on the harmonic or relaxational character of the global oscillations. Diffusion of adsorbed COCO plays an important role in the synchronization of the patterns on the substrate and this effect is also studied.Comment: Latex file with six postscript figures. To appear in Physica
