9 research outputs found

    Identification of Ser-1275 and Ser-1309 as autophosphorylation sites of the insulin receptor 1This paper is dedicated to Prof. Günter Legler on the occasion of his 70th birthday.1

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    AbstractWe have identified Ser-1275 and Ser-1309 as novel serine autophosphorylation sites by direct sequencing of HPLC-purified tryptic phosphopeptides of the histidine-tagged insulin receptor kinase IRKD-HIS. The corresponding peptides (Ser-1275, amino acids 1272–1292; Ser-1309, amino acids 1305–1313) have been detected in the HPLC profiles of both the soluble kinase IRKD, which contains the entire cytoplasmic domain of the insulin receptor β-subunit, and the insulin receptor purified from human placenta. In contrast, a kinase negative mutant, IRKD-K1018A, did not undergo phosphorylation at either the tyrosine or serine residues, strongly suggesting that insulin receptor kinase has an intrinsic activity to autophosphorylate serine residues

    Occupation-Associated Fatal Limbic Encephalitis Caused by Variegated Squirrel Bornavirus 1, Germany, 2013

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    Limbic encephalitis is commonly regarded as an autoimmune-mediated disease. However, after the recent detection of zoonotic variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 in a Prevost’s squirrel (Callosciurus prevostii) in a zoo in northern Germany, we retrospectively investigated a fatal case in an autoantibody-seronegative animal caretaker who had worked at that zoo. The virus had been discovered in 2015 as the cause of a cluster of cases of fatal encephalitis among breeders of variegated squirrels (Sciurus variegatoides) in eastern Germany. Molecular assays and immunohistochemistry detected a limbic distribution of the virus in brain tissue of the animal caretaker. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated a spillover infection from the Prevost’s squirrel. Antibodies against bornaviruses were detected in the patient’s cerebrospinal fluid by immunofluorescence and newly developed ELISAs and immunoblot. The putative antigenic epitope was identified on the viral nucleoprotein. Other zoo workers were not infected; however, avoidance of direct contact with exotic squirrels and screening of squirrels are recommended

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