335 research outputs found

    Effects of Incorporation of Sainfoin (\u3ci\u3eOnobrychis viciafolia\u3c/i\u3e Scop.) with Cool Season Grasses on \u3ci\u3ein vitro\u3c/i\u3e Digestibility and CH4 Emission

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    Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciafolia Scop.) is an important non-bloating perennial leguminous forage. The tannins in sainfoin alter protein metabolism in the rumen and have been implicated in altering both nitrous oxide and methane emissions. However, the effect of sainfoin when mixed with cool-season forages is unknown. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the in-vitro fermentation of sainfoin hay mixed with two other perennial cool-season forages, meadow bromegrass and orchardgrass at five ratios (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:50, and 100:0). Data on dry matter disappearance (DMD), neutral detergent fiber disappearance (NDFD), gas production (GP) methane (CH4) emissions, and ammonia production were collected 48 h post incubation. Ruminal fluid was sourced from three heifers fed with forage hay. Incubations were conducted with and without PEG (polyethylene glycol) as PEG negates the biological activity of tannins. Sainfoin had a higher nutritive value than the other two grass species as evidenced by the higher proportion of total nitrogen and lower proportion of ADF and NDF. The change in DMD, ammonia-N, NDFD, GP, and CH4 emissions between sainfoin and grass only hay were 3.1, 9.2, -36.8, -1.76, and -1.2% respectively with the intermediate results for the mixture. The inclusion of sainfoin with cool-season grasses has positive effects on ruminal fermentation and lowered in vitro methane emissions as compared to grass alon

    The role of acyl-coenzyme A carboxylase complex in lipstatin biosynthesis of Streptomyces toxytricini

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    Streptomyces toxytricini produces lipstatin, a specific inhibitor of pancreatic lipase, which is derived from two fatty acid moieties with eight and 14 carbon atoms. The pccB gene locus in 10.6 kb fragment of S. toxytricini chromosomal DNA contains three genes for acyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) complex accA3, pccB, and pccE that are presumed to be involved in secondary metabolism. The pccB gene encoding a β subunit of ACCase [carboxyltransferase (CT)] was identified upstream of pccE gene for a small protein of ε subunit. The accA3 encoding the α subunit of ACCase [biotin carboxylase (BC)] was also identified downstream of pccB gene. When the pccB and pccE genes were inactivated by homologous recombination, the lipstatin production was reduced as much as 80%. In contrast, the accumulation of another compound, tetradeca-5.8-dienoic acid (the major lipstatin precursor), was 4.5-fold increased in disruptant compared with wild-type. It implies that PccB of S. toxytricini is involved in the activation of octanoic acid to hexylmalonic acid for lipstatin biosynthesis

    Mechanostimulation of Medicago truncatula leads to enhanced levels of jasmonic acid

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    Wounding of plants leads to endogenous rise of jasmonic acid (JA) accompanied with the expression of a distinct set of genes. Among them are those coding for the allene oxide cyclase (AOC) that catalyses a regulatory step in JA biosynthesis, and for 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase 2 (DXS2), an enzyme involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis. To address the question how roots and shoots of Medicago truncatula respond to mechanostimulation and wounding, M. truncatula plants were analysed in respect to JA levels as well as MtAOC1 and MtDXS2-1 transcript accumulation. Harvest-caused mechanostimulation resulted in a strong, but transient increase in JA level in roots and shoots followed by a transient increase in MtAOC1 transcript accumulation. Additional wounding of either shoots or roots led to further increased JA and MtAOC1 transcript levels in shoots, but not in roots. In situ hybridization revealed a cell-specific transcript accumulation of MtAOC1 after mechanostimulation in companion cells of the vascular tissue of the stem. AOC protein, however, was found to occur constitutively in vascular bundles. Further, transcript accumulation of MtDXS2-1 was similar to that of MtAOC1 in shoots, but its transcript levels were not enhanced in roots. Repeated touching of shoots increased MtAOC1 transcript levels and led to significantly shorter shoots and increased biomass. In conclusion, M. truncatula plants respond very sensitively to mechanostimulation with enhanced JA levels and altered transcript accumulation, which might contribute to the altered phenotype after repeated touching of plants

    Metabolic engineering of astaxanthin biosynthesis in maize endosperm and characterization of a prototype high oil hybrid

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    Maize was genetically engineered for the biosynthesis of the high value carotenoid astaxanthin in the kernel endosperm. Introduction of a β-carotene hydroxylase and a β-carotene ketolase into a white maize genetic background extended the carotenoid pathway to astaxanthin. Simultaneously, phytoene synthase, the controlling enzyme of carotenogenesis, was over-expressed for enhanced carotenoid production and lycopene ε-cyclase was knocked-down to direct more precursors into the β-branch of the extended ketocarotenoid pathway which ends with astaxanthin. This astaxanthin-accumulating transgenic line was crossed into a high oil- maize genotype in order to increase the storage capacity for lipophilic astaxanthin. The high oil astaxanthin hybrid was compared to its astaxanthin producing parent. We report an in depth metabolomic and proteomic analysis which revealed major up- or down- regulation of genes involved in primary metabolism. Specifically, amino acid biosynthesis and the citric acid cycle which compete with the synthesis or utilization of pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, the precursors for carotenogenesis, were down-regulated. Nevertheless, principal component analysis demonstrated that this compositional change is within the range of the two wild type parents used to generate the high oil producing astaxanthin hybrid

    Deciphering the intracellular metabolism of Listeria monocytogenes by mutant screening and modelling

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    Background: The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes resides and proliferates within the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. While the virulence factors essentially contributing to this step of the infection cycle are well characterized, the set of listerial genes contributing to intracellular replication remains to be defined on a genome-wide level. Results: A comprehensive library of L. monocytogenes strain EGD knockout mutants was constructed upon insertion-duplication mutagenesis, and 1491 mutants were tested for their phenotypes in rich medium and in a Caco-2 cell culture assay. Following sequencing of the plasmid insertion site, 141 different genes required for invasion of and replication in Caco-2 cells were identified. Ten in-frame deletion mutants were constructed that confirmed the data. The genes with known functions are mainly involved in cellular processes including transport, in the intermediary metabolism of sugars, nucleotides and lipids, and in information pathways such as regulatory functions. No function could be ascribed to 18 genes, and a counterpart of eight genes is missing in the apathogenic species L. innocua. Mice infection studies revealed the in vivo requirement of IspE (Lmo0190) involved in mevalonate synthesis, and of the novel ABC transporter Lmo0135-0137 associated with cysteine transport. Based on the data of this genome-scale screening, an extreme pathway and elementary mode analysis was applied that demonstrates the critical role of glycerol and purine metabolism, of fucose utilization, and of the synthesis of glutathione, aspartate semialdehyde, serine and branched chain amino acids during intracellular replication of L. monocytogenes. Conclusion: The combination of a genetic screening and a modelling approach revealed that a series of transporters help L. monocytogenes to overcome a putative lack of nutrients within cells, and that a high metabolic flexibility contributes to the intracellular replication of this pathogen

    Enhanced HIV-1 immunotherapy by commonly arising antibodies that target virus escape variants

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    Antibody-mediated immunotherapy is effective in humanized mice when combinations of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) are used that target nonoverlapping sites on the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope. In contrast, single bNAbs can control simian–human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection in immune-competent macaques, suggesting that the host immune response might also contribute to the control of viremia. Here, we investigate how the autologous antibody response in intact hosts can contribute to the success of immunotherapy. We find that frequently arising antibodies that normally fail to control HIV-1 infection can synergize with passively administered bNAbs by preventing the emergence of bNAb viral escape variants