315 research outputs found

    Öryggi barna í innkaupakerrum: Áhrifarík leið til að forðast slys

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textEach year around 100 children are injured in Iceland when they fall out of shopping-carts. The aim of this study was to try to change the behavior of adults who place children among the food items in the shopping-carts. A picture-card was put on the rear side of shopping-carts in four supermarkets in the Reykjavík metropolitan area such that they faced the adult who rolled the cart. The picture-card showed a child standing in a shopping-cart but had a red diagonal line accross the picture and a circle around it as is typical of traffic signs that note a ban. A mixed multiple-baseline across shops and ABA withdrawal design evaluated the effect of the intervention. Results indicated that the intervention had a major impact on adults‘ behavior, it decreased dramatically. This simple procedure has the potential to decrease accidents that take place as a consequence of adults placing children in shopping-carts.Öryggi barna ætti að skipta foreldra miklu máli. Því getur fylgt hætta að börnum sé leyft að standa eða sitja í innkaupakerrum þar sem vörur eiga að vera. Árlega slasast um 100 börn á Íslandi við að detta úr innkaupakerrum. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að athuga hvort hægt væri að hafa áhrif á þá hegðun að foreldrar settu börn sín ofan í innkaupakerrur með því að koma fyrir spjaldi með mynd í innkaupakerrum fjögurra verslana á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Þrír matsmenn töldu tíðni markhegðunar og var samræmi á milli þeirra 0,99. Notast var við margfalt grunnlínusnið með fráhvarfi til að meta áhrif íhlutunar í verslununum fjórum. Helstu niðurstöður voru að með spjaldinu var hægt að hafa mikil áhrif á það hvort foreldrar leyfðu börnum sínum að sitja í innkaupakerrum og minnka þar með þau slys sem af því geta hlotist

    Tetralogy of Fallot in Iceland from 1968 to 2001

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: We reviewed our experience regarding tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in Iceland over a 34 year period from 1968 to 2001. We looked at incidence, diagnosis,treatment and outcome and any changes in these parameters during the study period. Materials and methods: Data were obtained from hospital records containing echocardiographic, cardiac catheterization, surgical and autopsy reports. Results: Forty six children were diagnosed as having TOF during the study period. The incidence was 1:3209 births and male to female ratio 1.2:1. The followup period was from two months to 33 years (median 10.5 years). Thirty seven patients had classic TOF, six had TOF with pulmonal atresia and three had other anatomical variants. Six children had chromosomal abnormalities and another five had physical anomalies outside of the heart. Nine children (24.3%) with classic TOF had a systemic to pulmonary artery shunt placed. Thirty eight (82.6%) of the patients have had corrective cardiac surgery and five in addition are scheduled to undergo such procedure in the near future. Three patients died before corrective surgery. All corecctive operations were carried out abroad. Half of the patients had difficulties following surgery and two (5.3%) died in the immediate post operative period. Of the 46 children born with TOF during the study period, seven (15.2%) have died and three are lost to followup. Corrective heart surgery had been done in four of the seven patients who died. Of the 36 patients alive in whom current information is available, 32 (88.9%) are in good physical condition leading full active lives. Corrective surgery which is planned for the other four is expected to improve their condition. Of 30 patients with classic TOF, two are being treated for arrhythmia and four have had interventional cardiac catheterizations three to 24 years following corrective surgery. In 10 of 30 pateints with classic TOF the most recent echocardiogram showed significant abnormalities. Most commonly this consisted of moderate to severe enlargement of the right ventricle with significant pulmonary valve insufficiency. Conclusions: TOF is a complex congenital heart defect with high incidence of coexistant chromosomal and physical abnormalities. Progress in recent years regarding surgical treatment and care of these patients in general has dramatically improved outcome.Tilgangur: Ferna Fallots (tetralogy of Fallot - TOF) er algengastur þeirra hjartagalla sem valda bláma. Þessi rannsókn varðar fernu Fallots á Íslandi á 34 ára tímabili, frá 1968 til og með 2001. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin nær til allra þeirra sem greindir voru með fernu Fallots á Íslandi á tilgreindu árabili. Gagna var aflað úr sjúkraskrám sem innihéldu hjartaómskoðunar-, hjartaþræðingar- og krufningaskýrslur. Niðurstöður: Fjörutíu og sex einstaklingar reyndust hafa fernu Fallots á tímabilinu. Nýgengi 1:3209 fæðingar og kynhlutfall 1,2 drengir á hverja telpu. Eftirlitstími er frá tveimur mánuðum í 33 ár, miðgildi 10,5 ár. Þrjátíu og sjö einstaklingar höfðu dæmigerða fernu Fallots en af þeim níu börnum sem höfðu flóknari sjúkdóm voru sex með fernu Fallots með lungnaslagæðarlokun (TOF with pulmonal atresia). Af heildarhópnum voru sex með staðfestan litningagalla og fimm að auki með sköpulagsgalla utan hjarta. Af 46 sjúklingum hefur verið gerð fullnaðarskurðaðgerð hjá 38 (82,6%). Í helmingi tilvika var gangur í kjölfar aðgerðar erfiður og tvö börn dóu á fyrstu dögum eftir hana. Af 46 einstaklingum með fernu Fallots sem þessi rannsókn nær til eru sjö látnir (15,2%) og þrír hafa tapast úr eftirliti. Af 36 einstaklingum sem á lífi eru og upplýsingar liggja fyrir um telst ástand viðunandi eða gott hjá 32 (88,9%), hjá hinum fjórum eru fyrirhugaðar frekari skurðaðgerðir sem ætlað er að bæta ástand. Af 30 einstaklingum sem hafa dæmigerðan sjúkdóm hafa tveir þurft meðferðar við vegna hjartsláttartruflana og í fjórum tilvikum hefur verið gripið til inngripshjartaþræðinga þremur til 24 árum eftir leiðréttandi skurðaðgerð. Við síðustu hjartaómskoðun var ástand mjög gott hjá 20 þessara 30 sjúklinga, en í 10 tilvikum var um markverð frávik að ræða. Oftast var um að ræða nokkra eða verulega stækkun á hægra slegli með markverðum leka á lungnaslagæðarloku. Ályktun: Ferna Fallots er alvarlegur meðfæddur hjartasjúkdómur með hárri tíðni meðfylgjandi litningagalla og/eða sköpulagsgalla utan hjarta. Með árunum hafa framfarir hvað varðar greiningu, skurðaðgerðir og meðferð almennt verulega bætt horfur þeirra sem fæðast með þennan alvarlega sjúkdóm

    Predicting Color Output of Additive Manufactured Parts

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    Microtensile bond strength between new and aged composite

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: Repairing fractured or defective margins in old resin composite restorations with new layers of composite is an increasing part in restorative procedures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different surface treatments between new and old resin composites and to determine the best surface treatment to re-establish the original resinresin bond strength (microTBS). Materials and methods: Twenty-one 4-mm composite blocks (Tetric Ceram, IVOCLAR VIVADENT) were kept in an incubator for 30 months. Eight different surface treatments were used: (1) Acid etching, (2) Diamond roughening + acid etch, (3) Air abrasion (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + acid etch, (4) CoJet + SE Bond (KURARAY), (5) CoJet + acid etch + CompositeRepair (ALL DENTAL PRODX), (6) CoJet + acid etch + Porcelain Primer (BISCO), (7) CoJet + Clearfil Repair (KURARAY). Excite bonding agent (IVOCLAR VIVADENT) was applied and cured on specimens in all groups except groups 4 and 7. Fresh composite was applied and light-cured in 2-mm increments. Immediate layering on freshly prepared 4 mm resin composite block was the control group (8). After 24 h storage in water, the specimens were sectioned into 0.8-mm thick slabs, trimmed to a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2, and loaded to failure at crosshead speed of 1 mm/min using an EZ test testing machine. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey B test (p<0.05). Results: Resin-resin mean bond strengths were as follows in MPa: (1) 17,5a, (2) 30,3b, (3) 30,0b, (4) 36,9b,c, (5) 28,9b, (6) 40,7c,d, (7) 47,8d, (8) 47,6d. Groups with the same letter did not reach significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: When old resin composite was repaired with new layers of resin composite, two groups restored the original bond strength, Clearfil Repair and silane application as an intermediate step before bonding agent application.Tilgangur: Með sívaxandi fjölda plastfyllinga eykst þörf á áreiðanlegum viðgerðum þegar fyllingar slitna og brotna. Kannað var hvort mismunandi yfirborðsmeðferðir hefðu áhrif á styrk bindingar milli eldra og nýs plastefnis. Ennfemur að athuga hvaða aðferð kemst næst því að endurreisa upprunalegan styrk efnisins. Efniviður: Tuttugu og ein 4 mm. þykkar plastblokkir (Tetric Ceram, IVOCLAR VIVADENT), voru geymdar í hitaskáp (37°C) í 30 mánuði. Átta mismunandi yfirborðsmeðferðir voru kannaðar: (1) Sýruæting, (2) Demantsslípun + sýruæting (37%fosfórsýra), (3) Air abrasion (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + sýruæting, (4) CoJet + SE Bond (KURARAY), (5) CoJet + sýruæting + CompositeRepair (ALL DENTAL PRODX), (6) CoJet + sýruæting + Porcelain Primer (BISCO), (7) CoJet + Clearfil Repair (KURARAY). Excite bonding agent (IVOCLAR VIVADENT) var borinn á öll sýni og ljóshertur fyrir utan hóp 4 og hóp 7. Nýtt plastefni var sett ofan á blokkirnar og ljóshert í 2 mm. lögum. Plasblokkir í viðmiðunarhóp (8) samanstóð af nýju 4mm. þykku plastefni og nýjum 2 mm. lögum sem var samstundis bætt á sýnin og ljóshert. Eftir 24 klst. geymslu í eimuðu vatni, voru sýnin söguð í 0.8-mm þykkar sneiðar og rúnaðar í 1 mm2 flatarmál (stundaglasform) sem innihélt bindinginn sem prófa átti. Sýnin voru síðan togprófuð með 1 mm/min hraða (crosshead speed) með EZ test testing machine. Niðurstöður voru greindar með ANOVA and Tukey B prófum (p<0.05). Niðurstöður: Plast við plast bindistyrkur var mældist eftirfarandi (MPa): (1) 17,5a, (2) 30,3b, (3) 30,0b, (4) 36,9b,c, (5) 28,9b, (6) 40,7c,d, (7) 47,8d, (8) 47,6d. Hópar með sömu bókstöfum höfðu ekki marktækan mun. Ályktun: Þegar gert er við gamalt plastefni með nýjum endurreistu tveir hópar upprunalegan bindistyrk efnisins; Clearfil Repair og silane penslun sem milliskref fyrir notkun bindiefnis (Excite bonding agent)

    Precision and Accuracy Parameters in Structured Light 3-D Scanning

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    Structured light systems are popular in part because they can be constructed from off-the-shelf low cost components. In this paper we quantitatively show how common design parameters affect precision and accuracy in such systems, supplying a much needed guide for practitioners. Our quantitative measure is the established VDI/VDE 2634 (Part 2) guideline using precision made calibration artifacts. Experiments are performed on our own structured light setup, consisting of two cameras and a projector. We place our focus on the influence of calibration design parameters, the calibration procedure and encoding strategy and present our findings. Finally, we compare our setup to a state of the art metrology grade commercial scanner. Our results show that comparable, and in some cases better, results can be obtained using the parameter settings determined in this study

    North Atlantic marine <sup>14</sup>C reservoir effects: implications for late-Holocene chronological studies

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    We investigated surface ocean–atmosphere 14C offsets for the later Holocene at eight locations in the eastern North Atlantic. This resulted in 11 new &#916;R assessments for the west coast of Ireland, the Outer Hebrides, the north coast of the Scottish mainland, the Orkney Isles and the Shetland Isles over the period 1300–500 BP. Assessments were made using a robust Multiple Paired Sample (MPS) approach, which is designed to maximize the accuracy of &#916;R determinations. Assessments are placed in context with other available data to enable reconstruction of a realistic picture of surface ocean 14C activity over the Holocene period within the North Atlantic region

    The distribution of four trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) in forage and the relation to scrapie in Iceland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies indicated that the iron (Fe)/manganese (Mn) ratio in forage of sheep was significantly higher on scrapie-afflicted farms than on farms in other scrapie categories. This study was conducted to examine whether Fe and Mn in forage of sheep varied in general according to the scrapie status of different areas in the country. Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were also included because of a possible relation to scrapie.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The country was subdivided into seven Areas (I-VII). Three Areas (I, IV, VII) were designated scrapie-free (never diagnosed or eradicated) and three as scrapie-endemic (II, III, VI); status of Area V was taken as unsettled. Of the harvest 2007 1552 samples were analysed from 344 farms all over the country, mostly grass silage from plastic bales (>90%) and from the first cut (70% or more). Results were expressed as mg kg<sup>-1 </sup>dry matter.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fe varied enormously from less than 100 mg kg<sup>-1 </sup>to 5000 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Mn varied nearly thirtyfold (17-470 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>). Fe concentration was significantly lower in Area I than in Areas II, V and VI. Mn concentration was significantly higher in Areas I, IV and VII than in Areas II, III, V and VI. The Fe/Mn ratio was significantly less in Area I than in the other areas (except Area IV). Mean Cu concentration was 6.6-8.3 mg kg<sup>-1 </sup>and the mean Zn concentration was 24-29 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. They differed significantly in some areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>1) Fe tended to be in lower amounts in sheep forage in scrapie-free than in endemic areas; 2) Mn was in higher amounts in forage in scrapie-free than endemic areas; 3) the Fe/Mn ratio was lower in scrapie-free than in endemic areas; 4) the Fe/Mn ratio may possibly be used as an indicator of scrapie status; 5) Cu and Zn in sheep forage were not related to scrapie; 6) further study on the role of Fe and Mn in the occurrence of scrapie in Iceland is needed.</p