4,183 research outputs found

    Photons and static gravity

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    The influence of static gravitational field on frequency, wave-length and velocity of photons and on the energy levels of atoms and nuclei is considered in the most elementary way. The interconnection between these phenomena is stressed.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, no figures, the end of section 5 is modifie

    Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation May Be a Useful Interpretation Tool for Complex Systems Like Protein-DNA Complexes: An Appeal to Experimentalists

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    In various chemical systems enthalpy-entropy compensation (EEC) is a well-known rule of behavior, although the physical roots of it are still not completely understood. It has been frequently questioned whether EEC is a truly physical phenomenon or a coincidence due to trivial mathematical connections between statistical-mechanical parameters - or even simpler: A phantom effect resulting from the misinterpretation of experimental data. Here, we review EEC from a new standpoint using the notion of correlation which is essential for the method of factor analysis, but is not conventional in physics and chemistry. We conclude that the EEC may be rationalized in terms of hidden (not directly measurable with the help of the current experimental set-up) but physically real factors, implying a Carnot-cycle model in which a micro-phase transition (MPT) plays a crucial role. Examples of such MPTs underlying physically valid EEC should be typically cooperative processes in supramolecular aggregates, like changes of structured water at hydrophobic surfaces, conformational transitions upon ligand-biopolymer binding, and so on, so forth. The MPT notion could help rationalize the occurrence of EEC in connection with hydration and folding of proteins,enzymatic reactions, functioning of molecular motors, DNA de- and rehybridization, as well as similar phenomena.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figures, Submitted for publicatio

    On the Trace-Free Einstein Equations as a Viable Alternative to General Relativity

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    The quantum field theoretic prediction for the vacuum energy density leads to a value for the effective cosmological constant that is incorrect by between 60 to 120 orders of magnitude. We review an old proposal of replacing Einstein's Field Equations by their trace-free part (the Trace-Free Einstein Equations), together with an independent assumption of energy--momentum conservation by matter fields. While this does not solve the fundamental issue of why the cosmological constant has the value that is observed cosmologically, it is indeed a viable theory that resolves the problem of the discrepancy between the vacuum energy density and the observed value of the cosmological constant. However, one has to check that, as well as preserving the standard cosmological equations, this does not destroy other predictions, such as the junction conditions that underlie the use of standard stellar models. We confirm that no problems arise here: hence, the Trace-Free Einstein Equations are indeed viable for cosmological and astrophysical applications.Comment: Substantial changes from v1 including added author, change of title and emphasis of the paper although all original results of v1. remai

    Acceleration-Induced Nonlocality: Uniqueness of the Kernel

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    We consider the problem of uniqueness of the kernel in the nonlocal theory of accelerated observers. In a recent work, we showed that the convolution kernel is ruled out as it can lead to divergences for nonuniform accelerated motion. Here we determine the general form of bounded continuous kernels and use observational data regarding spin-rotation coupling to argue that the kinetic kernel given by K(τ,τâ€Č)=k(τâ€Č)K(\tau ,\tau')=k(\tau') is the only physically acceptable solution.Comment: LaTeX file, 2 figures, 14 page

    First excited band of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

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    The analytical expression of the fractional parentage coefficients for the total spin-states of a spinor N-boson system has been derived. Thereby an S-conserved theory for the spinor Bose-Einstein condensation has been proposed. A set of equations has been established to describe the first excited band of the condensates. Numerical solution for 23^{23}Na has been given as an example.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Irreducible decomposition of Gaussian distributions and the spectrum of black-body radiation

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    It is shown that the energy of a mode of a classical chaotic field, following the continuous exponential distribution as a classical random variable, can be uniquely decomposed into a sum of its fractional part and of its integer part. The integer part is a discrete random variable (we call it Planck variable) whose distribution is just the Bose distribution yielding the Planck law of black-body radiation. The fractional part is the dark part (we call is dark variable) with a continuous distribution, which is, of course, not observed in the experiments. It is proved that the Bose distribution is infinitely divisible, and the irreducible decomposition of it is given. The Planck variable can be decomposed into an infinite sum of independent binary random variables representing the binary photons (more accurately photo-molecules or photo-multiplets) of energies 2^s*h*nu with s=0,1,2... . These binary photons follow the Fermi statistics. Consequently, the black-body radiation can be viewed as a mixture of statistically and thermodynamically independent fermion gases consisting of binary photons. The binary photons give a natural tool for the dyadic expansion of arbitrary (but not coherent) ordinary photon excitations. It is shown that the binary photons have wave-particle fluctuations of fermions. These fluctuations combine to give the wave-particle fluctuations of the original bosonic photons expressed by the Einstein fluctuation formula.Comment: 29 page

    On the spectral shift and the time delay of light in a Rindler accelerated frame

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    We discuss two effects predicted by the general theory of relativity in the context of Rindler accelerated observers: the gravitational spectral shift and the time delay of light. We show that these effects also appear in a Rindler frame in the absence of gravitational field, in accordance with the Einstein's equivalence principle.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Einstein's fluctuation formula. A historical overview

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    A historical overview is given on the basic results which appeared by the year 1926 concerning Einstein's fluctuation formula of black-body radiation, in the context of light-quanta and wave-particle duality. On the basis of the original publications (from Planck's derivation of the black-body spectrum and Einstein's introduction of the photons up to the results of Born, Heisenberg and Jordan on the quantization of a continuum) a comparative study is presented on the first line of thoughts that led to the concept of quanta. The nature of the particle-like fluctuations and the wave-like fluctuations are analysed by using several approaches. With the help of the classical probability theory, it is shown that the infinite divisibility of the Bose distribution leads to the new concept of classical poissonian photo-multiplets or to the binary photo-multiplets of fermionic character. As an application, Einstein's fluctuation formula is derived as a sum of fermion type fluctuations of the binary photo-multiplets.Comment: 34 page

    Direct numerical simulations for non-Newtonian rheology of concentrated particle dispersions

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    The non-Newtonian behavior of a monodisperse concentrated dispersion of spherical particles was investigated using a direct numerical simulation method, that takes into account hydrodynamic interactions and thermal fluctuations accurately. Simulations were performed under steady shear flow with periodic boundary conditions in the three directions. The apparent shear viscosity of the dispersions was calculated at volume fractions ranging from 0.31 to 0.56. Shear-thinning behavior was clearly observed at high volume fractions. The low- and high-limiting viscosities were then estimated from the apparent viscosity by fitting these data into a semi-empirical formula. Furthermore, the short-time motions were examined for Brownian particles fluctuating in concentrated dispersions, for which the fluid inertia plays an important role. The mean square displacement was monitored in the vorticity direction at several different Peclet numbers and volume fractions so that the particle diffusion coefficient is determined from the long-time behavior of the mean square displacement. Finally, the relationship between the non-Newtonian viscosity of the dispersions and the structural relaxation of the dispersed Brownian particles is examined

    Low-Temperature Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness on {111} Surfaces

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    For hexagonal nets, descriptive of {111} fcc surfaces, we derive from combinatoric arguments a simple, low-temperature formula for the orientation dependence of the surface step line tension and stiffness, as well as the leading correction, based on the Ising model with nearest-neighbor (NN) interactions. Our formula agrees well with experimental data for both Ag and Cu{111} surfaces, indicating that NN-interactions alone can account for the data in these cases (in contrast to results for Cu{001}). Experimentally significant corollaries of the low-temperature derivation show that the step line tension cannot be extracted from the stiffness and that with plausible assumptions the low-temperature stiffness should have 6-fold symmetry, in contrast to the 3-fold symmetry of the crystal shape. We examine Zia's exact implicit solution in detail, using numerical methods for general orientations and deriving many analytic results including explicit solutions in the two high-symmetry directions. From these exact results we rederive our simple result and explore subtle behavior near close-packed directions. To account for the 3-fold symmetry in a lattice gas model, we invoke a novel orientation-dependent trio interaction and examine its consequences.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
