20 research outputs found

    Post-traumatic reactions in children: How, why and which aspects evaluate?

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    A vivência de eventos traumáticos nos primeiros anos de vida impacta o desenvolvimento infanto-juvenilem diferentes níveis, com repercussões psicológicas, neurobiológicas e sociais. Este artigo discutiu aavaliação clínica das reações pós-traumáticas em crianças e adolescentes, incluindo questões relacionadasà manifestação dos sintomas, às consequências a longo prazo e aos instrumentos de avaliaçãodisponíveis. Foi apresentado um modelo ilustrativo dos fatores de risco para o Transtorno de EstressePós-Traumático em crianças. Concluiu-se que a avaliação precoce é fundamental para a detecção defatores de risco e indicação de diferentes intervenções, servindo como fonte de prevenção secundária.Experiencing traumatic events early in life impacts the development of children and youth at differentlevels, affecting psychological, neurobiological and social. This article discussed the clinical evaluationof post-traumatic reactions in children and adolescents, including issues related to the manifestation ofsymptoms, the long-term consequences and evaluation tools available. This article presented anillustrative model of risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder in children. It was concluded that earlyassessment is essential for the detection of risk factors and prescription of different interventions, servingas a source of secondary prevention

    Aculturação, ansiedade e depressão em imigrantes haitianos na região sul do Brasil

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    Acculturation refers to changes that occur when people from different cultural backgrounds encounter a new cultural environment. Such changes may play an important role in mental health. The present study investigates the relationships between acculturation, anxiety and depression in 64 Haitians who migrated to Brazil between 2010 and 2016. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Immigrant Acculturation Scale, and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 27. Participants reported low levels of anxiety and depression symptoms and the most adopted acculturation strategy was integration. An assimilationist acculturation orientation was associated with lower levels of anxiety and a separationist orientation was linked to higher levels of depression. Contradicting our initial hypotheses, the final anxiety model negatively associated language separation with high anxiety symptoms. In general, the participants of the present study seemed to be well adapted to the Brazilian culture. However, acculturation strategies in our study varied across domains and were influenced by sociodemographic variables as time since migration and being employed. Considering that Brazil is a large and multi-cultural country, further research should be conducted in different parts of the country and with various migrant groups in order to better understand the acculturation phenomena.A aculturação é definida como mudanças que ocorrem quando pessoas de diferentes contextos culturais encontram uma nova cultura. Essas mudanças podem ter um papel importante na saúde mental dos indivíduos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal investigar as relações entre aculturação, ansiedade e depressão em 64 haitianos que imigraram para o Brasil entre os anos de 2010 e 2016. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sócio demográfico e as escalas Immigrant Acculturation Scale e Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 27. A orientação aculturativa mais apontada pelos participantes foi a integrativa e a média dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão mostrou-se abaixo do ponto de corte da escala. A orientação aculturativa de assimilação foi associada com baixos níveis de ansiedade, e a orientação aculturativa de separação foi associada com altos níveis de depressão. Contrariamente a nossa hipótese inicial, os participantes que apresentaram uma maior separação na área da linguagem, relataram níveis inferiores de ansiedade. Os participantes do presente estudo relataram, em sua maioria, uma boa adaptação ao contexto cultural brasileiro. No entanto, as orientações aculturativas foram influenciadas por questões sócio demográficas, como o tempo desde a migração e o emprego. Considerando a extensão territorial do Brasil, bem como sua característica multicultural, estudos em outras regiões brasileiras e com diferentes grupos de migrantes devem ser realizados afim de possibilitar uma melhor compreensão do fenômeno da aculturação de migrantes no país

    Inmigración haitiana en Rio Grande del Sur, Brasil : aspectos psicosociales, aculturación, prejuicio y calidad de vida

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    Este estudo traça um panorama da imigração haitiana no Rio Grande do Sul, quanto a aspectos psicossociais, perfil sociodemográfico e socioeconômico, orientações aculturativas, preconceito e qualidade de vida. A pesquisa, de delineamento quantitativo transversal, contou com a participação de 67 imigrantes haitianos, com idades entre 19 e 58 anos (M = 33,87; DP = 5,47). A amostra é predominantemente composta por homens (77,6%), com alta escolaridade (M = 10,5; DP = 4,53) e que falam o idioma português (56,7%). A orientação aculturativa mais frequente é a de integração, que é mais presente entre homens, quem acessou o sistema brasileiro de assistência social; os mais jovens, os com maior fluência em outros idiomas e os que chegaram há mais tempo no Brasil. Além disso, o preconceito percebido e a qualidade de vida obtiveram resultados mais significativos em comparação a estudos com imigrantes haitianos realizados em outros países.The present study traces a panorama of Haitian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, regarding psychosocial aspects, sociodemographic and socioeconomic profile, acculturative orientations, prejudice and quality of life. Participants included 67 Haitian immigrants, aged between 19 and 58 years old (M=33.87; DP=5.47). The sample was predominantly male (77.6%), presented high schooling (M = 10.5; SD = 4.53) and spoke the Portuguese language (56.7%). The predominant acculturative orientation is integration, which is more present among men; those who accessed the Brazilian social assistance system; the youngest; those with more fluency in other languages, and the ones that have been in Brazil for the longest amount of time. In addition, perceived prejudice and quality of life obtained significantly higher results in comparison to studies with Haitian immigrants carried out in other countries.Este estudio traza un panorama de la inmigración haitiana en Río Grande del Sur en Brasil, con relación a los aspectos psicosociales, perfil sociodemográfico y socioeconómico, orientaciones aculturativas, prejuicio y calidad de vida. La investigación, de delineamiento cuantitativo transversal, contó con la participación de 67 inmigrantes haitianos con edades entre19 y 58 años (M=33.87; DP=5.47). La muestra fue predominantemente compuesta por hombres (77.6%), con alta escolaridad (M = 10.5; SD = 4.53)y que hablan portugués (56.7%). La orientación aculturativa más frecuente es la de integrac ión, que se encuentra más presente entre los hombres,entre los que accesaron al sistema brasileño de asistencia social, entre los más jóvenes, los con mayor fluidez en otros idiomas y, los que llegaron hace más tiempo a Brasil. Además, el prejuicio percibido y la calidad de vida obtuvieron resultados más significativos en comparación a estudios con inmigrantes haitianos realizados en otros países

    Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Behaviors During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results From the International Sexual Health and Reproductive (I-SHARE) Health Survey in Luxembourg

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    Aim: To identify the impact of COVID-19 measures on sexual behaviors and sexual satisfaction in Luxembourg residents. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional online survey of adults (> 18 years of age) residing in Luxembourg, while COVID-19 restrictions were in place. The survey was available in four languages (French, German, English and Portuguese). Survey questions focused on masturbation, cuddling, condom use, sex frequency, sexting, cybersex, watching porn, and sexual satisfaction. Results: 557 volunteers completed the survey (35.5% men, 64.3% women). Sexual problems increased during the COVID-19 measures while sexual satisfaction decreased compared to prior the COVID-19 measures (assessed retrospectively). Factors associated with increased odds of sexual satisfaction were: having a steady relationship before COVID-19 restrictions, engaging in sexting, reporting good mental health and not altering alcohol intake. Conclusions: The context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures implemented in Luxembourg affected sexual behaviors and sexual satisfaction. Sexual and reproductive health care centers and health professionals in general should take these results into consideration when providing care. Recommendations on the importance of sexual health for general wellbeing and behaviors associated with sexual satisfaction should be offered and possibilities to experience sexuality while reducing contamination risks be discussed

    Assessment of posttraumatic reactions in immigrants and refugees : a transcultural study in France and Brazil

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    Introduction: Cette recherche a pour objectifs d’étudier les réactions post-traumatiques chez les migrants vivant en France et au Brésil. Plusieurs aspects de ce phénomène ont été analysés, à partir de 5 études : (1) l'évaluation psychologique en situation transculturelle, (2) la validité des modèles factoriels du Trouble de Stress Post-traumatique (TSPT) dans un échantillon multiculturel, (3) les facteurs associés au développement du TSPT, des symptômes d'anxiété et de dépression, (4) le développement post-traumatique (PTG), ainsi que (5) l’expérience migratoire. Méthode: Notre échantillon total a été composé de 244 participants, 100 en France et 144 au Brésil. Les participants ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant les symptômes du TSPT, d'anxiété, de dépression, ainsi que du PTG. De plus, dans une phase qualitative de l'étude, 13 participants (6 en France et 7 au Brésil) ont répondu à un entretien semi-structuré sur leur expérience migratoire. Les données ont été récoltées dans des associations de soutien aux migrants dans les deux pays. Les données quantitatives ont été analysées à l'aide du logiciel R. Des analyses descriptives, une analyse factorielle confirmatoire et des Path Analysis ont été effectuées. Les données qualitatives ont été analysées avec une analyse thématique sur le logiciel ATLAS.TI. Résultats: Les résultats de cette thèse sont présentés en deux parties. La première partie, appelée « Évaluation psychologique en situation transculturelle », est composée de deux articles, l'un théorique et l'autre quantitatif. La deuxième partie, « Migrations et santé mentale en France et au Brésil » est composée de deux articles quantitatifs et d'un article qualitatif. En ce qui concerne la structure factorielle du TSPT, les modèles testés ont présenté un bon ajustement aux données, mais le modèle de la CIM-11 a été supérieur au modèle DSM-5 et au modèle théorique « Anhedonia ». Les participants en France ont présenté des taux plus élevés du TSPT, d'anxiété et de dépression. Les participants au Brésil ont présenté des taux plus élevés de PTG. Le nombre d’événements stressants post-migratoires a été le prédicteur le plus important des psychopathologies en France et au Brésil. Concernant le PTG, le manque d'accès à la nourriture et le sentiment de solitude ont été des prédicteurs négatifs, tandis que la variable « inquiétudes concernant la famille dans le pays d'origine » a été un prédicteur positif. Les résultats qualitatifs ont été analysés à partir de trois grandes catégories de l'expérience migratoire : avant, pendant et après la migration. Conclusion: Bien que les modèles proposés par les manuels internationaux soient valides dans un échantillon multiculturel, les cliniciens qui entrent en contact avec cette population doivent être sensibilisés aux autres présentations du trouble, qui peuvent être influencées par plusieurs aspects, comme la culture d’origine ou le type de traumatisme vécu. Nos résultats montrent également l'importance du contexte socioculturel, économique et politique du pays d'accueil pour la santé mentale des migrants, ainsi que les événements traumatiques vécus avant et après la migration.Introduction: This research aimed to investigate the post-traumatic reactions in migrants who live in France and Brazil. Through five studies, diverse aspects of this phenomenon were studied: (1) psychological assessment in a transcultural situation, (2) the validity of the factorial models for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a multicultural sample, (3) the factors associated with the development of PTSD, symptoms of anxiety, depression, (4) the post- traumatic growth (PTG), (5) the migration experience. Method: Our total sample consisted of 244 participants, 100 living in France and 144 in Brazil. Participants completed questionnaires assessing symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and PTG. In addition, a qualitative study was conducted with thirteen participants (5 in France and 6 in Brazil), who responded a semi- structured interview about their migratory experiences. The data were collected in non- governmental organizations that provide support for migrants in both countries. Quantitative data were analyzed using software R. Descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis were performed. Qualitative data were analyzed with a thematic analysis on ATLAS.TI software. Results: The results of this thesis are presented in two parts. The first part, called “psychological assessment in transcultural situation”, consists of two articles, one theoretical and one quantitative. The second part, “Migrations and mental health in France and Brazil” consists of two quantitative and one qualitative article. Regarding the factorial structure of PTSD, the tested models presented a good fit to the data, with the ICD-11 model being superior to the DSM-5 model and to the theoretical model “Anhedonia”. Participants in France had higher rates of PTSD, anxiety and depression while respondents in Brazil presented higher rates of PTG. The number of post-migratory stressors was the most important predictor of the mental health outcomes in both countries. Little access to food and feelings of loneliness were negatively associated with PTG. Concerns about the family in the country of origin was a positive predictor. Qualitative results were analyzed from three major categories of the migratory experience: before, during and after migration. Conclusion: Although the models proposed by international manuals are valid in a multicultural sample, clinicians who come in contact with this population must be sensitive to other presentations of the disorder, which can be influenced by cultural issues or by the type of trauma experienced. Our results also show the importance of the host country context in the mental health of migrants, as well as the traumatic events experienced before and after migration