35 research outputs found

    Hysteresis modeling in graphene field effect transistors

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    Graphene field effect transistors with an Al2O3 gate dielectric are fabricated on H-intercalated bilayer graphene grown on semi-insulating 4H-SiC by chemical vapour deposition. DC measurements of the gate voltage nu(g) versus the drain current i(d) reveal a severe hysteresis of clockwise orientation. A capacitive model is used to derive the relationship between the applied gate voltage and the Fermi energy. The electron transport equations are then used to calculate the drain current for a given applied gate voltage. The hysteresis in measured data is then modeled via a modified Preisach kernel

    Hjúkrunarheimilið Eyri Ísafirði

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    Í þessu verkefni er tekin fyrir hönnun á hjúkrunarheimili sem unnin er út frá samkeppnistillögu. Mannvirkið er greint í samræmi við kröfur byggingarreglugerðar og svo full hannað. Gerðir eru aðaluppdrættir og Verkteikningar. Og útboðsgögn unnin. Þetta er Hjúkrunarheimili sem verður byggt og tengist við Fjórðungssjúkrahús Vestfjarða. Í hjúkrunarheimilinu eru 30 íbúðarherbergi. Húsið er á einni hæð. Brúttóflötur þess er 2574 m

    Improvement of channel-carrier mobility in 4H-SiC MOSFETs correlated with passivation of very fast interface traps using sodium enhanced oxidation

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    Very fast interface traps have recently been suggested to be the main cause behind the rather poor inversion channel mobility in nitrided SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs). Using capacitance voltage analysis and conductance spectroscopy on metal oxide semiconductor capacitors, at cryogenic temperatures, we find that these fast traps are absent in oxides made by sodium enhanced oxidation, and high inversion channel-carrier mobility in MOSFETs made by sodium enhanced oxidation is observed.Funding Agencies|Icelandic Center for Research (Rannis) [185412-052]; University of Iceland Research Fund</p

    Jappl : smáforrit sem birtir næringarupplýsingar

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    Afurðinni er ætlað að vera smáforrit sem veitir notendum gátt til að leita að mat og hráefnum á einfaldan hátt og geta séð helstu upplýsingar eins og næringargildi. Ástæðan fyrir því að smáforrit varð fyrir valinu er sú að það er yfirleitt það sem er hendi næst þar sem snjallsímar eru orðnir eign flestra. Í þessari skýrslu verður farið yfir hönnunar og þróunarferlið á þessu smáforriti

    Detection of near-interface traps in NO annealed 4H-SiC metal oxide semiconductor capacitors combining different electrical characterization methods

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    Fast near-interface (NI) traps have recently been suggested to be the main cause for poor inversion channel mobility in nitrided SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistors. Combining capacitance, conductance, and thermal dielectric relaxation current (TDRC) analysis at low temperatures of nitrided SiC MOS capacitors, we observe two categories of fast and slow near-interface traps at the SiO2/4H-SiC interface. TDRC reveals a suppression of slow near-interface traps after nitridation. Capacitance and conductance analysis reveals a high density of fast NI traps close to the SiC conduction band edge that are enhanced by nitridation. The very fast response of NI traps prevents them from detection using TDRC or deep level transient spectroscopy. (C) 2022 Author(s).Funding Agencies|Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis) [185412-052]; University of Iceland Research Fund</p