309 research outputs found

    Computational identification of signalling pathways in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malaria is one of the world’s most common and serious diseases causing death of about 3 million people each year. Its most severe occurrence is caused by the protozoan Plasmodium falciparum. Reports have shown that the resistance of the parasite to existing drugs is increasing. Therefore, there is a huge and urgent need to discover and validate new drug or vaccine targets to enable the development of new treatments for malaria. The ability to discover these drug or vaccine targets can only be enhanced from our deep understanding of the detailed biology of the parasite, for example how cells function and how proteins organize into modules such as metabolic, regulatory and signal transduction pathways. It has been noted that the knowledge of signalling transduction pathways in Plasmodium is fundamental to aid the design of new strategies against malaria. This work uses a linear-time algorithm for finding paths in a network under modified biologically motivated constraints. We predicted several important signalling transduction pathways in Plasmodium falciparum. We have predicted a viable signalling pathway characterized in terms of the genes responsible that may be the PfPKB pathway recently elucidated in Plasmodium falciparum. We obtained from the FIKK family, a signal transduction pathway that ends up on a chloroquine resistance marker protein, which indicates that interference with FIKK proteins might reverse Plasmodium falciparum from resistant to sensitive phenotype. We also proposed a hypothesis that showed the FIKK proteins in this pathway as enabling the resistance parasite to have a mechanism for releasing chloroquine (via an efflux process). Furthermore, we also predicted a signalling pathway that may have been responsible for signalling the start of the invasion process of Red Blood Cell (RBC) by the merozoites. It has been noted that the understanding of this pathway will give insight into the parasite virulence and will facilitate rational vaccine design against merozoites invasion. And we have a host of other predicted pathways, some of which have been used in this work to predict the functionality of some proteins

    Estimating novel potential drug targets of Plasmodium falciparum by analysing the metabolic network of knock-out strains in silico

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    Malaria is one of the world’s most common and serious diseases causing death of about 3 million people each year. Its most severe occurrence is caused by the protozoan Plasmodium falciparum. Biomedical research could enable treating the disease by effectively and specifically targeting essential enzymes of this parasite. However, the parasite has developed resistance to existing drugsmaking it indispensable to discover new drugs. We have established a simple computational tool which analyses the topology of the metabolic network of P. falciparum to identify essential enzymes as possible drug targets.Weinvestigated the essentiality of a reaction in the metabolic network by deleting (knocking-out) such a reaction in silico. The algorithmselected neighbouring compounds of the investigated reaction that had to be produced by alternative biochemical pathways. Using breadth first searches, we tested qualitatively if these products could be generated by reactions that serve as potential deviations of the metabolic flux. With this we identified 70 essential reactions. Our results were compared with a comprehensive list of 38 targets of approved malaria drugs. When combining our approach with an in silico analysis performed recently [Yeh, I., Hanekamp, T., Tsoka, S., Karp, P.D., Altman, R.B., 2004. Computational analysis of Plasmodium falciparum metabolism: organizing genomic information to facilitate drug discovery. Genome Res. 14, 917–924] we could improve the precision of the prediction results. Finally we present a refined list of 22 new potential candidate targets for P. falciparum, half of which have reasonable evidence to be valid targets against micro-organisms and cancer

    Death receptor-based enrichment of Cas9-expressing cells

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    Background: The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system has greatly facilitated and expanded our capacity to engineer mammalian genomes, including targeted gene knock-outs. However, the phenotyping of the knock-out effect requires a high DNA editing efficiency. Results: Here, we report a user-friendly strategy based on the extrinsic apoptosis pathway that allows enrichment of a polyclonal gene-edited cell population, by selecting Cas9-transfected cells that co-express dominant-negative mutants of death receptors. The extrinsic apoptosis pathway can be triggered in many mammalian cell types, and ligands are easy to produce, do not require purification and kill much faster than the state-of-the-art selection drug puromycin. Stringent assessment of our advanced selection strategy via Sanger sequencing, T7 endonuclease I (T7E1) assay and direct phenotyping confirmed a strong and rapid enrichment of Cas9-expressing cell populations, in some cases reaching up to 100 % within one hour. Notably, the efficiency of target DNA cleavage in these enriched cells reached high levels that exceeded the reliable range of the T7E1 assay, a conclusion that can be generalized for editing efficiencies above 30 %. Moreover, our data emphasize that the insertion and deletion pattern induced by a specific gRNA is reproducible across different cell lines. Conclusions: The workflow and the findings reported here should streamline a wide array of future low- or high-throughput gene knock-out screens, and should largely improve data interpretation from CRISPR experiments

    Towards understanding the myometrial physiome: approaches for the construction of a virtual physiological uterus

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    Premature labour (PTL) is the single most significant factor contributing to neonatal morbidity in Europe with enormous attendant healthcare and social costs. Consequently, it remains a major challenge to alleviate the cause and impact of this condition. Our ability to improve the diagnosis and treatment of women most at risk of PTL is, however, actually hampered by an incomplete understanding of the ways in which the functions of the uterine myocyte are integrated to effect an appropriate biological response at the multicellular whole organ system. The level of organization required to co-ordinate labouring uterine contractile effort in time and space can be considered immense. There is a multitude of what might be considered mini-systems involved, each with their own regulatory feedback cycles, yet they each, in turn, will influence the behaviour of a related system. These include, but are not exclusive to, gestational-dependent regulation of transcription, translation, post-translational modifications, intracellular signaling dynamics, cell morphology, intercellular communication and tissue level morphology. We propose that in order to comprehend how these mini-systems integrate to facilitate uterine contraction during labour (preterm or term) we must, in concert with biological experimentation, construct detailed mathematical descriptions of our findings. This serves three purposes: firstly, providing a quantitative description of series of complex observations; secondly, proferring a database platform that informs further testable experimentation; thirdly, advancing towards the establishment of a virtual physiological uterus and in silico clinical diagnosis and treatment of PTL

    Neural network-based integration of polygenic and clinical information: development and validation of a prediction model for 10-year risk of major adverse cardiac events in the UK Biobank cohort

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    Background: In primary cardiovascular disease prevention, early identification of high-risk individuals is crucial. Genetic information allows for the stratification of genetic predispositions and lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. However, towards clinical application, the added value over clinical predictors later in life is crucial. Currently, this genotype–phenotype relationship and implications for overall cardiovascular risk are unclear. Methods: In this study, we developed and validated a neural network-based risk model (NeuralCVD) integrating polygenic and clinical predictors in 395 713 cardiovascular disease-free participants from the UK Biobank cohort. The primary outcome was the first record of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE) within 10 years. We compared the NeuralCVD model with both established clinical scores (SCORE, ASCVD, and QRISK3 recalibrated to the UK Biobank cohort) and a linear Cox-Model, assessing risk discrimination, net reclassification, and calibration over 22 spatially distinct recruitment centres. Findings: The NeuralCVD score was well calibrated and improved on the best clinical baseline, QRISK3 (ΔConcordance index [C-index] 0·01, 95% CI 0·009–0·011; net reclassification improvement (NRI) 0·0488, 95% CI 0·0442–0·0534) and a Cox model (ΔC-index 0·003, 95% CI 0·002–0·004; NRI 0·0469, 95% CI 0·0429–0·0511) in risk discrimination and net reclassification. After adding polygenic scores we found further improvements on population level (ΔC-index 0·006, 95% CI 0·005–0·007; NRI 0·0116, 95% CI 0·0066–0·0159). Additionally, we identified an interaction of genetic information with the pre-existing clinical phenotype, not captured by conventional models. Additional high polygenic risk increased overall risk most in individuals with low to intermediate clinical risk, and age younger than 50 years. Interpretation: Our results demonstrated that the NeuralCVD score can estimate cardiovascular risk trajectories for primary prevention. NeuralCVD learns the transition of predictive information from genotype to phenotype and identifies individuals with high genetic predisposition before developing a severe clinical phenotype. This finding could improve the reprioritisation of otherwise low-risk individuals with a high genetic cardiovascular predisposition for preventive interventions. Funding: Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Einstein Foundation Berlin, and the Medical Informatics Initiative

    COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium-immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis

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    To investigate the immune response and mechanisms associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we performed single-cell RNA sequencing on nasopharyngeal and bronchial samples from 19 clinically well-characterized patients with moderate or critical disease and from five healthy controls. We identified airway epithelial cell types and states vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. In patients with COVID-19, epithelial cells showed an average three-fold increase in expression of the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor ACE2, which correlated with interferon signals by immune cells. Compared to moderate cases, critical cases exhibited stronger interactions between epithelial and immune cells, as indicated by ligand–receptor expression profiles, and activated immune cells, including inflammatory macrophages expressing CCL2, CCL3, CCL20, CXCL1, CXCL3, CXCL10, IL8, IL1B and TNF. The transcriptional differences in critical cases compared to moderate cases likely contribute to clinical observations of heightened inflammatory tissue damage, lung injury and respiratory failure. Our data suggest that pharmacologic inhibition of the CCR1 and/or CCR5 pathways might suppress immune hyperactivation in critical COVID-19

    3D time series analysis of cell shape using Laplacian approaches

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    Background: Fundamental cellular processes such as cell movement, division or food uptake critically depend on cells being able to change shape. Fast acquisition of three-dimensional image time series has now become possible, but we lack efficient tools for analysing shape deformations in order to understand the real three-dimensional nature of shape changes. Results: We present a framework for 3D+time cell shape analysis. The main contribution is three-fold: First, we develop a fast, automatic random walker method for cell segmentation. Second, a novel topology fixing method is proposed to fix segmented binary volumes without spherical topology. Third, we show that algorithms used for each individual step of the analysis pipeline (cell segmentation, topology fixing, spherical parameterization, and shape representation) are closely related to the Laplacian operator. The framework is applied to the shape analysis of neutrophil cells. Conclusions: The method we propose for cell segmentation is faster than the traditional random walker method or the level set method, and performs better on 3D time-series of neutrophil cells, which are comparatively noisy as stacks have to be acquired fast enough to account for cell motion. Our method for topology fixing outperforms the tools provided by SPHARM-MAT and SPHARM-PDM in terms of their successful fixing rates. The different tasks in the presented pipeline for 3D+time shape analysis of cells can be solved using Laplacian approaches, opening the possibility of eventually combining individual steps in order to speed up computations

    Pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children

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    Children have reduced severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection rates and a substantially lower risk for developing severe coronavirus disease 2019 compared with adults. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying protection in younger age groups remain unknown. Here we characterize the single-cell transcriptional landscape in the upper airways of SARS-CoV-2-negative (n = 18) and age-matched SARS-CoV-2-positive (n = 24) children and corresponding samples from adults (n = 44), covering an age range of 4 weeks to 77 years. Children displayed higher basal expression of relevant pattern recognition receptors such as MDA5 (IFIH1) and RIG-I (DDX58) in upper airway epithelial cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, resulting in stronger innate antiviral responses upon SARS-CoV-2 infection than in adults. We further detected distinct immune cell subpopulations including KLRC1 (NKG2A)+ cytotoxic T cells and a CD8+ T cell population with a memory phenotype occurring predominantly in children. Our study provides evidence that the airway immune cells of children are primed for virus sensing, resulting in a stronger early innate antiviral response to SARS-CoV-2 infection than in adults

    Quantitative analysis of chromatin interaction changes upon a 4.3 Mb deletion at mouse 4E2

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    BACKGROUND: Circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) has provided important insights into three dimensional (3D) genome organization and its critical impact on the regulation of gene expression. We developed a new quantitative framework based on polymer physics for the analysis of paired-end sequencing 4C (PE-4Cseq) data. We applied this strategy to the study of chromatin interaction changes upon a 4.3 Mb DNA deletion in mouse region 4E2. RESULTS: A significant number of differentially interacting regions (DIRs) and chromatin compaction changes were detected in the deletion chromosome compared to a wild-type (WT) control. Selected DIRs were validated by 3D DNA FISH experiments, demonstrating the robustness of our pipeline. Interestingly, significant overlaps of DIRs with CTCF/Smc1 binding sites and differentially expressed genes were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our PE-4Cseq analysis pipeline provides a comprehensive characterization of DNA deletion effects on chromatin structure and function

    Phenocopy – A Strategy to Qualify Chemical Compounds during Hit-to-Lead and/or Lead Optimization

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    A phenocopy is defined as an environmentally induced phenotype of one individual which is identical to the genotype-determined phenotype of another individual. The phenocopy phenomenon has been translated to the drug discovery process as phenotypes produced by the treatment of biological systems with new chemical entities (NCE) may resemble environmentally induced phenotypic modifications. Various new chemical entities exerting inhibition of the kinase activity of Transforming Growth Factor β Receptor I (TGF-βR1) were qualified by high-throughput RNA expression profiling. This chemical genomics approach resulted in a precise time-dependent insight to the TGF-β biology and allowed furthermore a comprehensive analysis of each NCE's off-target effects. The evaluation of off-target effects by the phenocopy approach allows a more accurate and integrated view on optimized compounds, supplementing classical biological evaluation parameters such as potency and selectivity. It has therefore the potential to become a novel method for ranking compounds during various drug discovery phases
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