917 research outputs found

    Erweiterung von BPMN um kontextuelle Einflüsse auf Prozesse abzubilden

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    Die Welt in der wir leben unterliegt einem stetigem Wandel, welcher vor keinem Bereich halt macht. Die Notwendigkeit auf diesen Wandel adäquat und schnell zu reagieren ist nicht neu. Ebenso bekannt ist das Konzept des Prozessmanagements. Auch hier ist die Notwendigkeit auf Veränderungen zu reagieren gegeben. Sie wird durch Schlagworte wie Flexibilität und Exception-Handling gut beschrieben und auch abgedeckt. Ein Einfluss welcher sich stets ändern kann ist der Kontext. Gemeint ist hier nicht zwangsläufig die Umgebung des Prozesses sondern weitaus mehr. Die Nutzung dieses Einflusses zur Verfeinerung oder automatisierten Generierung von Prozessen ist ein Thema mit hoher Aktualität. Ebenso aktuell ist der Siegeszug der BPMN als rozessmodellierungs- und auch Prozessausführungssprache. Wie stellt man jedoch Kontext, kontextuelle Einflüsse und die Auswirkungen dieser dar? In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Prozesse aus den Anwendungsdomänen Medizin und Software Engineering betrachtet und analysiert. Aus den Schlüssen die daraus gezogen werden konnten, wurde ein Konzept entwickelt, welche die bereits erwähnte Darstellung mittels BPMN ermöglicht

    Determinação de manganês em pelos, dentes e soro de ratos wistar: potenciais biomarcadores de acúmulo em um modelo de intoxicação subaguda

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    Introdução: O Manganês (Mn) é um metal essencial aos humanos por participar em processos enzimáticos de desenvolvimento, metabolismo energético e defesas antioxidantes. Em altas concentrações, pode ser potencialmente tóxico e provocar danos ao sistema nervoso central, desencadeando sintomas como distonia, bradicinesia e rigidez muscular, consequências de uma desordem neurológica chamada Manganismo. Objetivos: Mensurar a concentração de Mn nos pelos, dentes e soro de ratos Wistars adultos, machos e fêmeas, e avaliar a função motora após intoxicação subaguda ao Mn. Metodologia: Os animais receberam doses baixas ou altas de Mn, 6mg/kg ou 15mg/kg respectivamente, intraperitonealmente, cinco dias por semana, durante quatro semanas, a fim de mimetizar a intoxicação subaguda. O grupo controle recebeu solução salina 0,9% da mesma forma de administração e pelo mesmo período. A concentração de Mn nos pelos, dentes e no soro foram mensuradas por meio de espectrometria de absorção atômica e a avaliação comportamental de função motora através do Rotarod. Resultados: Não foi observado acúmulo de Mn no soro dos animais, já que há propensão de que o Mn circulante se deposite em tecidos. Assim, houve um aumento na concentração de Mn nos tecidos avaliados e em ambos os gêneros quando comparados com o grupo controle. Por outro lado, não foi observada diferença significativa na latência para a queda entre os grupos no teste do Rotarod. Conclusão: O aumento nas concentrações de Mn em pelos e dentes dos animais pode ser indicativo de potenciais biomarcadores de exposição ao Mn, mesmo antes do aparecimento dos sintomas centrais do Manganismo. Palavras-chave: Manganês. Intoxicação Subaguda. Biomarcador de exposição

    Dynamics of a ball bouncing on a vibrated elastic membrane

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    International audienceWe investigate the dynamics of a ball bouncing on a vibrated elastic membrane. Beyond the classical solid/solid case, we study the effect of introducing new degrees of freedom by allowing substrate oscillations. The forcing frequency of the vibration strongly influences the different thresholds between the dynamical states. The simple model proposed gives a good agreement between the experiments and the analytical expression for the threshold at which the ball begins to bounce. Numerical simulations permit to qualitatively recover the experimental phase diagram. Finally, we discuss how this simple system can give new insights in the recent experimental studies on bouncing droplets

    An Evaluation of Eligibility Rules at Terrace Heights for Interscholastic Activities on the Seventh and Eighth Grade Level

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    The purpose of this study was to determine an appropriate eligibility procedure for interscholastic athletics at Terrace Heights Elementary

    Conserved rotavirus NSP5 and VP2 domains interact and affect viroplasm

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    One step of the life cycle common among all rotaviruses (RV) studied so far is the formation of viroplasms, membrane-less cytosolic inclusions providing a microenvironment for early morphogenesis and RNA replication. Viroplasm-like structures (VLS) are simplified viroplasm models consisting of complexes of non-structural protein 5 (NSP5) with either the RV core-shell VP2 or NSP2. We identified and characterized the domains required for NSP5-VP2 interaction and VLS formation. VP2 mutations L124A, V865A, or I878A impaired both NSP5 hyperphosphorylation and NSP5/VP2 VLS formation. Moreover, NSP5-VP2 interaction does not depend on NSP5 hyperphosphorylation. The NSP5 tail region is required for VP2 interaction. Notably, VP2 L124A expression acts as dominant-negative by disrupting the formation of either VLSs or viroplasms and blocking RNA synthesis. In silico analyses revealed that VP2 L124, V865, and I878 are conserved among RV A to H species. The detailed knowledge of the protein interaction interface required for viroplasm formation may facilitate the design of broad-spectrum antivirals to block RV replication. Importance Alternative treatments to combat rotavirus infection are a requirement for susceptible communities where vaccines cannot be applied. This demand is urgent for newborn infants, immunocompromised patients but also for adults traveling to high-risk regions and even for livestock industry. Aside from structural and physiological divergences among RV species studied until now, all replicate within cytosolic inclusions termed viroplasms. These inclusions are composed of viral and cellular proteins and viral RNA. Viroplasm-like structures (VLS), composed of RV proteins NSP5 with either NSP2 or VP2, are models for investigating viroplasms. In this study, we identified a conserved amino acid in the VP2 protein, L124, necessary for its interaction with NSP5 and the formation of both VLSs and viroplasms. As RV vaccines cover a narrow range of viral strains, the identification of VP2 L124 residue lays the foundations for the design of drugs that specifically block NSP5-VP2 interaction as a broad-spectrum RV antiviral