1,016 research outputs found

    Power-law persistence and trends in the atmosphere: A detailed study of long temperature records

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    We use several variants of the detrended fluctuation analysis to study the appearance of long-term persistence in temperature records, obtained at 95 stations all over the globe. Our results basically confirm earlier studies. We find that the persistence, characterized by the correlation C(s) of temperature variations separated by s days, decays for large s as a power law, C(s) ~ s^(-gamma). For continental stations, including stations along the coastlines, we find that gamma is always close to 0.7. For stations on islands, we find that gamma ranges between 0.3 and 0.7, with a maximum at gamma = 0.4. This is consistent with earlier studies of the persistence in sea surface temperature records where gamma is close to 0.4. In all cases, the exponent gamma does not depend on the distance of the stations to the continental coastlines. By varying the degree of detrending in the fluctuation analysis we obtain also information about trends in the temperature records.Comment: 5 pages, 4 including eps figure

    Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation.

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    The photoautotrophic, unicellular N2-fixer, Cyanothece, is a model organism that has been widely used to study photosynthesis regulation, the structure of photosystems, and the temporal segregation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fixation in light and dark phases of the diel cycle. Here, we present a simple quantitative model and experimental data that together, suggest external dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration as a major limiting factor for Cyanothece growth, due to its high C-storage requirement. Using experimental data from a parallel laboratory study as a basis, we show that after the onset of the light period, DIC was rapidly consumed by photosynthesis, leading to a sharp drop in the rate of photosynthesis and C accumulation. In N2-fixing cultures, high rates of photosynthesis in the morning enabled rapid conversion of DIC to intracellular C storage, hastening DIC consumption to levels that limited further uptake. The N2-fixing condition allows only a small fraction of fixed C for cellular growth since a large fraction was reserved in storage to fuel night-time N2 fixation. Our model provides a framework for resolving DIC limitation in aquatic ecosystem simulations, where DIC as a growth-limiting factor has rarely been considered, and importantly emphasizes the effect of intracellular C allocation on growth rate that varies depending on the growth environment

    Improved limits on nuebar emission from mu+ decay

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    We investigated mu+ decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) conservation has been tested by searching for \nueb via the detection reaction p(\nueb,e+)n. No \nueb signal from LF violating mu+ decays was identified. We extract upper limits of the branching ratio for the LF violating decay mu+ -> e+ \nueb \nu compared to the Standard Model (SM) mu+ -> e+ nue numub decay: BR < 0.9(1.7)x10^{-3} (90%CL) depending on the spectral distribution of \nueb characterized by the Michel parameter rho=0.75 (0.0). These results improve earlier limits by one order of magnitude and restrict extensions of the SM in which \nueb emission from mu+ decay is allowed with considerable strength. The decay \mupdeb as source for the \nueb signal observed in the LSND experiment can be excluded.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 figure, 1 tabl

    The epidemiological impact of childhood influenza vaccination using live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany: predictions of a simulation study

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    Rose MA, Damm O, Greiner W, et al. The epidemiological impact of childhood influenza vaccination using live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany: predictions of a simulation study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2014;14(1): 40.Background Routine annual influenza vaccination is primarily recommended for all persons aged 60 and above and for people with underlying chronic conditions in Germany. Other countries have already adopted additional childhood influenza immunisation programmes. The objective of this study is to determine the potential epidemiological impact of implementing paediatric influenza vaccination using intranasally administered live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany. Methods A deterministic age-structured model is used to simulate the population-level impact of different vaccination strategies on the transmission dynamics of seasonal influenza in Germany. In our base-case analysis, we estimate the effects of adding a LAIV-based immunisation programme targeting children 2 to 17 years of age to the existing influenza vaccination policy. The data used in the model is based on published evidence complemented by expert opinion. Results In our model, additional vaccination of children 2 to 17 years of age with LAIV leads to the prevention of 23.9 million influenza infections and nearly 16 million symptomatic influenza cases within 10 years. This reduction in burden of disease is not restricted to children. About one third of all adult cases can indirectly be prevented by LAIV immunisation of children. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that vaccinating children 2–17 years of age is likely associated with a significant reduction in the burden of paediatric influenza. Furthermore, annual routine childhood vaccination against seasonal influenza is expected to decrease the incidence of influenza among adults and older people due to indirect effects of herd protection. In summary, our model provides data supporting the introduction of a paediatric influenza immunisation programme in Germany

    Role of macrophage sialoadhesin in host defense against the sialylated pathogen group B <em>Streptococcus</em>

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    ABSTRACT: Several bacterial pathogens decorate their surfaces with sialic acid (Sia) residues within cell wall components or capsular exopolysaccharides. Sialic acid expression can promote bacterial virulence by blocking complement activation or by engagement of inhibitory sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) on host leukocytes. Expressed at high levels on splenic and lymph node macrophages, sialoadhesin (Sn) is a unique Siglec with an elongated structure that lacks intracellular signaling motifs. Sialoadhesin allows macrophage to engage certain sialylated pathogens and stimulate inflammatory responses, but the in vivo significance of sialoadhesin in infection has not been shown. We demonstrate that macrophages phagocytose the sialylated pathogen group B Streptococcus (GBS) and increase bactericidal activity via sialoadhesin-sialic-acid-mediated recognition. Sialoadhesin expression on marginal zone metallophillic macrophages in the spleen trapped circulating GBS and restricted the spread of the GBS to distant organs, reducing mortality. Specific IgM antibody responses to GBS challenge were also impaired in sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Thus, sialoadhesin represents a key bridge to orchestrate innate and adaptive immune defenses against invasive sialylated bacterial pathogens. KEY MESSAGE: Sialoadhesin is critical for macrophages to phagocytose and clear GBS. Increased GBS organ dissemination in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Reduced anti-GBS IgM production in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00109-014-1157-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Towards Viewpoint Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation

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    We propose a viewpoint invariant model for 3D human pose estimation from a single depth image. To achieve this, our discriminative model embeds local regions into a learned viewpoint invariant feature space. Formulated as a multi-task learning problem, our model is able to selectively predict partial poses in the presence of noise and occlusion. Our approach leverages a convolutional and recurrent network architecture with a top-down error feedback mechanism to self-correct previous pose estimates in an end-to-end manner. We evaluate our model on a previously published depth dataset and a newly collected human pose dataset containing 100 K annotated depth images from extreme viewpoints. Experiments show that our model achieves competitive performance on frontal views while achieving state-of-the-art performance on alternate viewpoints