951 research outputs found

    Visible and near infrared spectroscopy of Hayabusa re-entry using semi-autonomous tracking

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    A ground-based tracking camera and co-aligned slit-less spectrograph were used to measure the spectral signature of visible radiation emitted from the Hayabusa capsule as it entered into the Earth's atmosphere in June 2010. Good quality spectra were obtained that showed the presence of radiation from the heat shield of the vehicle and the shock-heated air in front of the vehicle. An analysis of the black body nature of the radiation concluded that the peak average temperature of the surface was about (3100±100) K

    Radiometric temperature analysis of the Hayabusa spacecraft re-entry

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    Hayabusa, an unmanned Japanese spacecraft, was launched to study and collect samples from the surface of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa. In June 2010, the Hayabusa spacecraft completed it’s seven year voyage. The spacecraft and the sample return capsule (SRC) re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the central Australian desert at speeds on the order of 12 km/s. This provided a rare opportunity to experimentally investigate the radiative heat transfer from the shock-compressed gases in front of the sample return capsule at true-flight conditions. This paper reports on the results of observations from a tracking camera situated on the ground about 100 km from where the capsule experienced peak heating during re-entry

    Fano Lineshapes Revisited: Symmetric Photoionization Peaks from Pure Continuum Excitation

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    In a photoionization spectrum in which there is no excitation of the discrete states, but only the underlying continuum, we have observed resonances which appear as symmetric peaks, not the commonly expected window resonances. Furthermore, since the excitation to the unperturbed continuum vanishes, the cross section expected from Fano's configuration interaction theory is identically zero. This shortcoming is removed by the explicit introduction of the phase shifted continuum, which demonstrates that the shape of a resonance, by itself, provides no information about the relative excitation amplitudes to the discrete state and the continuum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scattering amplitudes and contour deformations

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    We employ a scalar model to exemplify the use of contour deformations when solving Lorentz-invariant integral equations for scattering amplitudes. In particular, we calculate the onshell 2→2 scattering amplitude for the scalar system. The integrals produce branch cuts in the complex plane of the integrand which prohibit a naive Euclidean integration path. By employing contour deformations, we can also access the kinematical regions associated with the scattering amplitude in Minkowski space. We show that in principle a homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation, together with analytic continuation methods such as the Resonances-via-Padé method, is sufficient to determine the resonance pole locations on the second Riemann sheet. However, the scalar model investigated here does not produce resonance poles above threshold but instead virtual states on the real axis of the second sheet, which pose difficulties for analytic continuation methods. To address this, we calculate the scattering amplitude on the second sheet directly using the two-body unitarity relation which follows from the scattering equation.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Heavy baryon spectroscopy in a quark-diquark approach

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    We report progress on calculations of the heavy-light baryons Σc\Sigma_c and Λc\Lambda_c and their excitations with JP=1/2+J^P = 1/2^+ using functional methods. We employ a covariant quark-diquark approach, where the interaction amounts to a quark exchange between quarks and diquarks and the ingredients are determined from the quark level. A partial-wave analysis reveals the presence of orbital angular momentum components in terms of p waves, which are non-relativistically suppressed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of conference Baryons 2022 -- International Conference on the Structure of Baryon

    Coherent photon bremsstrahlung and dynamics of heavy-ion collisions: comparison of different models

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    Differential spectra of coherent photon bremsstrahlung in relativistic heavy ion collisions are calculated within various schematic models of the projectile-target stopping. Two versions of the degradation length model, based on a phenomenological deceleration law, are considered. The simple shock wave model is studied analytically. The predictions of these models agree in the soft photon limit, where the spectrum is determined only by the final velocity distribution of charged particles. The results of these models in the case of central Au+Au collisions at various bombarding energies are compared with the predictions of the microscopic transport model UrQMD. It is shown that at the AGS energy the coherent photon bremsstrahlung exceeds the photon yield from π0\pi^0-decays at photon energies \omega\loo 50 MeV.Comment: 23 pages RevTeX, 9 eps Figure

    Radiation measurements in a simulated non-terrestrial atmosphere

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    A high-speed wind tunnel has been used to experimentally simulate the flow experienced by a capsule entering a planetary atmosphere. High speed photography showed that a steady test time of approximately 50 μs existed in the facility. Holographic interferometry has been performed to measure the twodimensional density distribution around a cylinder in the flow. A peak density ratio (density normalised by the free-stream density) of about 14 was observed. Emission spectroscopy allowed the characterisation of the conditions along the stagnation streamline in front of the capsule model. The results showed a temperature that varied between 8,500 K and 11,000 K in this region

    Survey of J=0,1 mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    The Bethe-Salpeter equation is used to comprehensively study mesons with J=0,1 and equal-mass constituents for quark masses from the chiral limit to the b-quark mass. The survey contains masses of the ground states in all corresponding J^{PC} channels including those with "exotic" quantum numbers. The emphasis is put on each particular state's sensitivity to the low- and intermediate-momentum, i.e., long-range part of the strong interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Multipole Expansion of Bremsstrahlung in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Using a multipole expansion of the radiated field generated by a classical electric current, we present a way to interprete the bremsstrahlung spectra of low energy heavy ion collisions. We perform the calculation explicitely for the system ^{12}C+ ^{12}C at 84AMeV and compare the result with the experimental data of E. Grosse et al. Using simple model assumptions for the electromagnetic source current we are able to describe the measured data in terms of coherent photon emission. In this context, the information contained in the measured data is discussed.Comment: LaTex, 4 Figure

    Nucleon axial and pseudoscalar form factors from the covariant Faddeev equation

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    We compute the axial and pseudoscalar form factors of the nucleon in the Dyson-Schwinger approach. To this end, we solve a covariant three-body Faddeev equation for the nucleon wave function and determine the matrix elements of the axialvector and pseudoscalar isotriplet currents. Our only input is a well-established and phenomenologically successful ansatz for the nonperturbative quark-gluon interaction. As a consequence of the axial Ward-Takahashi identity that is respected at the quark level, the Goldberger-Treiman relation is reproduced for all current-quark masses. We discuss the timelike pole structure of the quark-antiquark vertices that enters the nucleon matrix elements and determines the momentum dependence of the form factors. Our result for the axial charge underestimates the experimental value by 20-25% which might be a signal of missing pion-cloud contributions. The axial and pseudoscalar form factors agree with phenomenological and lattice data in the momentum range above Q^2 ~ 1...2 GeV^2.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
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