12 research outputs found

    Benthic foraminiferal response to variations in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and organic carbon, in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Recent benthic foraminiferal distribution patterns in Guanabara Bay are investigated in relation to temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and organic carbon content. Patterns of foraminiferal fauna differ between the entrance of the bay and inner parts. The primary result of the present study is that the distribution of Cassidulina subglobosa and Discorbis williamsoni appear to be governed by lower temperature and higher salinities being found in the entrance of the bay. According to dissolved oxygen content it was observed that Quinqueloculina seminulum occurs when values are higher than 2 mg/l, being intolerant to low oxygen bottom water conditions. By the other hand, Buliminella elegantissima, Bolivina striatula and Bulimmina elongata flourishes under low oxygen waters and in sediment where the organic matter accumulation is high, being found mainly in the central parts of the bay.Padrões de distribuição de foraminíferos bentônicos recentes são investigados com relação a temperatura, salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido e conteúdo de carbono orgânico. A distribuição de foraminíferos é diferente na entrada da baía se comparada às partes internas. Os primeiros resultados mostram que Cassidulina subglobosa e Discorbis williamsoni são encontradas em ambientes com baixa temperatura e altas salinidades na entrada da baía. De acordo com o teor de oxigênio dissolvido foi observado que Quinqueloculina seminulum ocorre quando os valores são mais altos que 2mg/l, sendo intolerante às condições. Por outro lado, Buliminella elegantissima, Bolivina striatula e Bulimmina elongata aparecem nas partes centrais da baía, que são locais com baixa oxigenação e sedimentos onde a acumulação de matéria orgânica é alta

    Distribuição da matéria orgânica nos sedimentos marinhos costeiros e nos solos hidromórficos da orla litorânea do Estado de São Paulo

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    The organic matter content in the fine-fraction of 200 marine sediments samples and in 50 whole continental samplel along the Estado de São Paulo coast, between Cananéia and Ubatuba, show a close relation between organic content and depositional environment. Samples were collected in coastal plains lagoon-estuarine mangroves and inner continental shelf environments representative of that coastal region

    Foraminifera as indicators of marine pollutant contamination on the inner continental shelf of southern Brazil

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    Analyses of living foraminiferal and environmental parameters near an outfall at Mar Grosso Beach (Laguna, SC, Brazil) demonstrate its usefulness as indicators of domestic sewage pollution. The low species diversity may be due to sand accumulation in the central part. Higher diversity was noted closer to the mouth of Laguna estuarine system where reduced salinity and higher temperatures indicate freshwater influence, suggesting a relationship between increased diversity and greater availability of terrestrial food. On the basis of foraminiferal diversity and average coliform count the higher values are closer to the mouth of the estuarine system and under the influence of the outfall. Due to the effect of local hydrodynamics, the particulate organic waste derived from the outfall does not settle down locally, and thus, do not accumulate nearby. Our hypothesis is that the fine material derived from the outfall is accumulating on the southwestern and northwestern parts of the beach.Oceanographic Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (IOUSP)Oceanographic Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (IOUSP)Harbor Captaincy in LagunaHarbor Captaincy in LagunaCAPESCapesCNPq [Processo 300811/01-2 (OC)]CNPqCapes through the Edital Ciencias do Mar [207/2010]Capes through the Edital Ciencias do Ma

    Nutrient distributions over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf from Mar del Plata (Argentina) to Itajai (Brazil): Winter-summer aspects

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    Nutrient distributions observed at some depths along the continental shelf from 27 degrees 05`S (Brazil) to 39 degrees 31`S (Argentina) in winter, 2003 and summer, 2004 related to salinity and dissolved oxygen (mL L-1) and saturation (%) data showed remarkable influences of fresh water discharge over the coastal region and in front of the La Plata estuary. In the southern portion of the study area different processes were verified. Upwelling processes caused by ocean dynamics typical of shelf break areas, eddies related to surface dynamics and regeneration processes confirmed by the increase of nutrients and the decrease of dissolved and saturation oxygen data were verified. High silicate concentrations in the surface waters were identified related to low salinities (minimum of 21.22 in winter and 21.96 in summer), confirming the importance of freshwater inputs in this region, especially in winter. Silicate concentration range showed values between 0.00 and 83.52 mu M during winter and from 0.00 to 41.16 mu M during summer. Phosphate concentrations worked as a secondary trace of terrestrial input and their values varied from 0.00 to 3.30 mu M in winter and from 0.03 to 2.26 mu M in summer; however, in shallow waters, phosphate indicated more clearly the fresh water influence. The most important information given by nitrate concentrations was the presence of water from SACW upwelling that represents a new source of nutrients for marine primary production. Nitrate maximum values reached 41.96 M in winter and 33.10 mu M in summer. At a depth similar to 800m, high nitrate, phosphate and silicate concentrations were related to Malvinas Current Waters, Subantarctic Shallow Waters and Antarctic Atlantic Intermediate Waters (AAIW). Dissolved oxygen varied from 3.41 to 7.06 mL L-1 in winter and from 2.65 to 6.85 mL L-1 in summer. The percentage of dissolved oxygen saturation in the waters showed values between 48% and 113% in winter and from 46% to 135% in summer. The most important primary production was verified in the summer, and situations of undersaturation were mainly observed below 50 m depth and at some points near the coast. The anti-correlation between nutrients and dissolved oxygen which showed evident undersaturation also revealed important potential sites of remineralization processes. The nutrient behaviours showed some aspects of the processes that occur over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf and in their land-sea interfaces between Mar del Plata and Itajai

    Review on the progress in nuclear fission—experimental methods and theoretical descriptions

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    Abstract : An overview is given on some of the main advances in experimental methods, experimental results and theoretical models and ideas of the last years in the field of nuclear fission. New approaches extended the availability of fissioning systems for experimental studies of nuclear fission considerably and provided a full identification of all fission products in A and Z for the first time. In particular, the transition from symmetric to asymmetric fission around 226Th and some unexpected structure in the mass distributions in the fission of systems around Z = 80 to 84 as well as an extended systematics of the odd-even effect in fission fragment Z distributions have been measured [A. N. Andreyev et al., Rep. Progr. Phys. 81 (2018) 016301]. Three classes of model descriptions of fission presently appear to be the most promising or the most successful ones: Self-consistent quantum-mechanical models fully consider the quantum-mechanical features of the fission process. Intense efforts are presently made to develop suitable theoretical tools [N. Schunck, L. M. Robledo, Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 (2016) 116301] for modeling the non-equilibrium, large-amplitude collective motion leading to fission. Stochastic models provide a fully developed technical framework. The main features of the fission-fragment mass distribution are well reproduced from mercury to fermium and beyond [P. M¨oller, J. Randrup, Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 044316]. However, the limited computer resources still impose restrictions, for example on the number of collective coordinates and on an elaborate description of the fission dynamics. In an alternative semi-empirical approach [K.-H. Schmidt et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 131 (2016) 107], considerable progress in describing the fission observables has been achieved by combining several theoretical ideas, which are essentially well known. This approach exploits (i) the topological properties of a continuous function in multidimensional space, (ii) the separability of the influences of fragment shells and macroscopic properties of the compound nucleus, (iii) the properties of a quantum oscillator coupled to the heat bath of other nuclear degrees of freedom, (iv) an early freeze-out of collective motion, and (v) the application of statistical mechanics for describing the thermalization of intrinsic excitations in the nascent fragments. This new approach reveals a high degree of regularity and allows calculating high-quality data that are relevant for nuclear technology without specific adjustment to empirical data of individual systems