617 research outputs found

    Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: a variational study

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    A variational ground state of the repulsive Hubbard model on a square lattice is investigated numerically for an intermediate coupling strength (U = 8t) and for moderate sizes (from 6 x 6 to 10 x 10). Our ansatz is clearly superior to other widely used variational wave functions. The results for order parameters and correlation functions provide new insight for the antiferromagnetic state at half filling as well as strong evidence for a superconducting phase away from half filling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental assessment of the speed of light perturbation in free-fall absolute gravimeters

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    Precision absolute gravity measurements are growing in importance, especially in the context of the new definition of the kilogram. For the case of free-fall absolute gravimeters with a Michelson-type interferometer tracking the position of a free falling body, one of the effects that needs to be taken into account is the speed of light perturbation due to the finite speed of propagation of light. This effect has been extensively discussed in the past, and there is at present a disagreement between different studies. In this work, we present the analysis of new data and confirm the result expected from the theoretical analysis applied nowadays in free-fall gravimeters. We also review the standard derivations of this effect (by using phase shift or Doppler effect arguments) and show their equivalence

    Attitudes towards interprofessionalism among midwife students after hybrid-simulation: A prospective cohort study

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    Background: Team performance, communication and leadership enhance the quality and effectiveness of interprofessional collaborations between midwifery students and anaesthetists in obstetric emergencies. The realistic setting of hybrid simulation provides practice for interprofessional competencies in a stressful environment without putting women at risk during childbirth. Objectives: We investigated how full-scale interprofessional hybrid simulation affects the attitudes towards interprofessionalism of final year midwife students. Design: Two-centre prospective cohort study. Settings: Bern Simulation and CPR Centre of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the Bern University Hospital (Bern, Switzerland) and Zürich University of Applied Sciences. Participants: Final year midwife students from Bern University of Applied Sciences and Zürich University of Applied Sciences, both from the German-speaking Switzerland. Methods: One cohort was exposed to hybrid simulation and the other served as control. The simulation group filled in the German Interprofessional Attitude Scale (G-IPAS) before and after simulation, and then again three months later. The control group filled in two sets of G-IPAS questionnaires three months apart. Results: The total G-IPAS score increased significantly towards a more positive interprofessional attitude directly after the hybrid simulation. This increase was not sustained over the observation period of three months, although the score remained significantly higher than the score of the cohort without simulation. Conclusions: A novel interprofessional hybrid simulation for obstetric emergencies for midwifery students promoted improved attitudes towards interprofessionalism immediately after simulation. These attitudes were improved compared to a control cohort without simulation, and the difference between the two cohorts remained three months after simulation. Future studies might focus on whether improved interprofessional attitudes lead to better healthcare and safety for women and children during childbirth

    Causes of death and associated factors over a decade of follow-up in a cohort of people living with HIV in rural Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: Nearly half of HIV-related deaths occur in East and Southern Africa, yet data on causes of death (COD) are scarce. We determined COD and associated factors among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in rural Tanzania. METHODS: PLHIV attending the Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara, Morogoro are invited to enrol in the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort (KIULARCO). Among adults (>/= 15 years) enrolled in 2005-2018, with follow-up through April 2019, we classified COD in comprehensive classes and as HIV- or non-HIV-related. In the subset of participants enrolled in 2013-2018 (when data were more complete), we assessed cause-specific mortality using cumulative incidences, and associated factors using proportional hazards models. RESULTS: Among 9871 adults (65% female, 26% CD4 count < 100 cells/mm(3)), 926 (9%) died, among whom COD were available for 474 (51%), with missing COD mainly in earlier years. The most common COD were tuberculosis (N = 127, 27%), non-AIDS-related infections (N = 72, 15%), and other AIDS-related infections (N = 59, 12%). Cardiovascular and renal deaths emerged as important COD in later calendar years, with 27% of deaths in 2018 attributable to cardiovascular causes. Most deaths (51%) occurred within the first six months following enrolment. Among 3956 participants enrolled in 2013-2018 (N = 203 deaths, 200 with COD ascertained), tuberculosis persisted as the most common COD (25%), but substantial proportions of deaths from six months after enrolment onwards were attributable to renal (14%), non-AIDS-related infections (13%), other AIDS-related infections (10%) and cardiovascular (10%) causes. Factors associated with higher HIV-related mortality were sex, younger age, living in Ifakara town, HIV status disclosure, hospitalisation, not being underweight, lower CD4 count, advanced WHO stage, and gaps in care. Factors associated with higher non-HIV-related mortality included not having an HIV-positive partner, lower CD4 count, advanced WHO stage, and gaps in care. CONCLUSION: Incidence of HIV-related mortality was higher than that of non-HIV-related mortality, even in more recent years, likely due to late presentation. Tuberculosis was the leading specific COD identified, particularly soon after enrolment, while in later calendar years cardiovascular and renal causes emerged as important, emphasising the need for improved screening and management

    A Distance-Weighted Interaction Map Reveals a Previously Uncharacterized Layer of the Bacillus subtilis Spore Coat

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    SummaryBacillus subtilis spores are encased in a protein assembly called the spore coat that is made up of at least 70 different proteins. Conventional electron microscopy shows the coat to be organized into two distinct layers. Because the coat is about as wide as the theoretical limit of light microscopy, quantitatively measuring the localization of individual coat proteins within the coat is challenging. We used fusions of coat proteins to green fluorescent protein to map genetic dependencies for coat assembly and to define three independent subnetworks of coat proteins. To complement the genetic data, we measured coat protein localization at subpixel resolution and integrated these two data sets to produce a distance-weighted genetic interaction map. Using these data, we predict that the coat comprises at least four spatially distinct layers, including a previously uncharacterized glycoprotein outermost layer that we name the spore crust. We found that crust assembly depends on proteins we predicted to localize to the crust. The crust may be conserved in all Bacillus spores and may play critical functions in the environment

    Neue Lerntechnologien für Umweltwissenschaften

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    Umweltwissenschaften/Ökologie sind durch ihren hohen Grad an Vernetzung, Inter- und Transdisziplinarität dazu prädestiniert, um umweltrelevantes Wissen mit "neuen Lerntechnologien" (E-Learning; internet-based learning; Multimedia-Unterricht) zu vermitteln. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine Auswahl von solchen Aktivitäten an den Universitäten Basel, Bern und Zürich sowie der ETH Zürich vor

    Current-voltage characteristics of diluted Josephson-junction arrays: scaling behavior at current and percolation threshold

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    Dynamical simulations and scaling arguments are used to study the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of a two-dimensional model of resistively shunted Josephson-junction arrays in presence of percolative disorder, at zero external field. Two different limits of the Josephson-coupling concentration pp are considered, where pcp_c is the percolation threshold. For pp >> pcp_c and zero temperature, the IV curves show power-law behavior above a disorder dependent critical current. The power-law behavior and critical exponents are consistent with a simple scaling analysis. At pcp_c and finite temperature TT, the results show the scaling behavior of a T=0 superconducting transition. The resistance is linear but vanishes for decreasing TT with an apparent exponential behavior. Crossover to non-linearity appears at currents proportional to % T^{1+\nu_T}, with a thermal-correlation length exponent νT\nu_T consistent with the corresponding value for the diluted XY model at pcp_c.Comment: Revtex, 9 postscript pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Phase-coherence threshold and vortex-glass state in diluted Josephson-junction arrays in a magnetic field

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    We study numerically the interplay of phase coherence and vortex-glass state in two-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays with average rational values of flux quantum per plaquette ff and random dilution of junctions. For f=1/2f=1/2, we find evidence of a phase coherence threshold value xsx_s, below the percolation concentration of diluted junctions xpx_p, where the superconducting transition vanishes. For xs<x<xpx_s < x < x_p the array behaves as a zero-temperature vortex glass with nonzero linear resistance at finite temperatures. The zero-temperature critical currents are insensitive to variations in ff in the vortex glass region while they are strongly ff dependent in the phase coherent region.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Ultrasonography-guided anterior approach for axillary nerve blockade: an anatomical study

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    Combined ultrasound-guided blockade of the suprascapular and axillary nerves has been proposed as an alternative to interscalene blockade for pain control in shoulder joint pathology or post-surgical care. This technique could help avoid respiratory complications and/or almost total upper limb palsy. Nowadays, the axillary nerve blockade is mostly performed using an in-plane caudal-to-cephalic approach from the posterior surface of the shoulder, reaching the nerve immediately after it exits the neurovascular quadrangular space (part of the spatium axillare). Despite precluding most respiratory complications, this approach has not made post-surgical pain relief any better than an interscalene blockade, probably because articular branches of the axillary nerve are not blocked. Cephalic to caudal Methylene Blue injections were placed in the first segment of the axillary nerve of six Thiel-embalmed cadavers using an ultrasound-guided anterior approach in order to compare the distribution with that produced by a posterior approach to the contralateral axillary nerve in the same cadaver. Another 21 formalin-fixed cadavers were bilaterally dissected to identify the articular branches of the axillary nerve. We found a good spread of the dye on the axillary nerve and a constant relationship of this nerve with the subscapularis muscle. The dye reached the musculocutaneous nerve, which also contributes to shoulder joint innervation. We describe the anatomical landmarks for an ultrasonography-guided anterior axillary nerve blockade and hypothesize that this anterior approach will provide better pain control than the posterior approach owing to complete blocking of the joint nerve. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved