494 research outputs found

    Fatally Injured Pedestrians and Bicyclists in the United States with High Blood Alcohol Concentrations

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    More than one-third of pedestrians and one-fifth of bicyclists killed in crashes in 2014 were impaired by alcohol, but scant attention has been paid to the problem. This omission contrasts starkly with the many successful policies that have reduced impaired driving, a new Institute study notes.The study looked at fatalities of passenger vehicle drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists 16 and older from 1982 to 2014. Using a federal database, IIHS researchers looked at the characteristics of those crashes and trends over time. They found that the percentage of fatally injured pedestrians and bicyclists 16 and older who were impaired has fallen over the decades, but not as dramatically as the percentage of impaired drivers

    Measuring Wishful Thinking: The Development and Validation of a New Scale

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    This dissertation describes the development and validation of a 10-item scale measuring individual differences in wishful thinking, or the degree to which individuals' desires bias their judgments. A study was conducted to investigate the new scale's psychometric properties, as well as its relationships with other self-report measures. The wishful thinking measure demonstrated convergent validity with other measures of bias, including self-deceptive enhancement, belief in a just world, and social desirability. Wishful thinking showed discriminant validity with several dimensions of problem-focused coping. Wishful thinking was related to optimism and greater use of positive reinterpretation and growth, an emotion-focused coping response. Next, the new measure was used to distinguish optimists who were wishful thinkers from those who were realistic. An experimental study was conducted to investigate hypothesized differences between wishful thinkers and realistic optimists. In this study, participants were asked to make judgments about their future performance. When success at the task was important to wishful thinkers, they judged success as more likely than when success was not important to them. Realistic optimists did not vary their judgments as a function of importance. The optimal margin of illusion hypothesis was not supported; extreme levels of optimism and wishful thinking were not associated with overconfidence and poor performance. Potential uses of the wishful thinking measure for future research are discussed

    Multi-scale magnetic field intermittence in the plasma sheet

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    This paper demonstrates that intermittent magnetic field fluctuations in the plasma sheet exhibit transitory, localized, and multi-scale features. We propose a multifractal based algorithm, which quantifies intermittence on the basis of the statistical distribution of the 'strength of burstiness', estimated within a sliding window. Interesting multi-scale phenomena observed by the Cluster spacecraft include large scale motion of the current sheet and bursty bulk flow associated turbulence, interpreted as a cross-scale coupling (CSC) process.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Comparing neuromotor functions in 45- and 65-year-old adults with 18-year-old adolescents

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    Aim: This cross-sectional analysis investigates how neuromotor functions of two independent cohorts of approximately 45- and 65-year-old individuals are different from 18-year-old adolescents using the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment-2 (ZNA-2). Methods: A total of 186 individuals of the Zurich Longitudinal Studies (ZLS) born in the 1950s (mean age 65.1 years, SD = 1.2 year, range of ages 59.0–67.5 years, n = 151, 82 males) and 1970s (mean age 43.6 years, SD = 1.3 year, range of ages 40.8–46.6 years, n = 35, 16 males) were tested with the ZNA-2 on 14 motor tasks combined in 5 motor components: fine motor, pure motor, balance, gross motor, and associated movements. Motor performance measures were converted into standard deviation scores (SDSs) using the normative data for 18-year-old individuals as reference. Results: The motor performance of the 45-year-old individuals was remarkably similar to that of the 18-year-olds (SDS from −0.22 to 0.25) apart from associated movements (−0.49 SDS). The 65-year-olds showed lower performance than the 18-year-olds in all components of the ZNA-2, with the smallest difference observed for associated movements (−0.67 SDS) and the largest for gross motor skills (−2.29 SDS). Higher body mass index (BMI) was associated with better performance on gross motor skills for 45-year-olds but with worse performance for 65-year-olds. More educational years had positive effects on gross motor skills for both ages. Interpretation: With the exception of associated movements, neuromotor functions as measured with the ZNA-2 are very similar in 45- and 18-year-olds. In contrast, at age 65 years, all neuromotor components show significantly lower function than the norm population at 18 years. Some evidence was found for the last-in-first-out hypothesis: the functions that developed later during adolescence, associated movements and gross motor skills, were the most vulnerable to age-related decline

    Carriage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus at Hospital Admission

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    Abstract Objectives: To measure the prevalence of, and to establish predictors for, the nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at hospital admission. To evaluate mannitol-salt agar with oxacillin for the simultaneous detection and identification of MRSA from nasal swabs. Design: Three-month prospective case-control survey, with data collected from interviews and computerized databases. The criterion standard for MRSA detection was culture on Mueller-Hinton agar with oxacillin 6 ÎŒg/mL (National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards method). Setting: 320-bed tertiary-care hospital. Patients: 387 patients screened within 24 hours after admission, including 10 MRSA carriers (cases), 291 patients with no S aureus, and 86 patients with methicillin-susceptible S aureus. Results: The prevalence of MRSA nasal carriage was 2.6%, whereas the prevalence of carriage was 3.1% when both nasal and wound cultures were performed. The significant predictors of carriage were a prior detection of MRSA, open wounds, diabetes mellitus, treatments by injection, prior nursing home stays, visits at home by a nurse, and prior antibiotic treatments. Cases had stayed for longer periods in hospitals and had received longer antibiotic treatments within a year. Eighty patients (including the 10 cases) had diabetes, had been exposed to healthcare facilities within a year, and had antibiotics within 6 months. The sensitivity and negative predictive value of nasal swabs on mannitol-salt agar with oxacillin were 60% and 71%, respectively. Conclusion: MRSA carriage on admission to the hospital may be an increasing and underestimated problem. Further studies are needed to develop and validate a sensitive and specific prediction rul

    Secular trends in physical growth, biological maturation, and intelligence in children and adolescents born between 1978 and 1993

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    IntroductionHuman physical growth, biological maturation, and intelligence have been documented as increasing for over 100 years. Comparing the timing of secular trends in these characteristics could provide insight into what underlies them. However, they have not been examined in parallel in the same cohort during different developmental phases. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine secular trends in body height, weight, and head circumference, biological maturation, and intelligence by assessing these traits concurrently at four points during development: the ages of 4, 9, 14, and 18 years.MethodsData derived from growth measures, bone age as an indicator of biological maturation, and full-scale intelligence tests were drawn from 236 participants of the Zurich Longitudinal Studies born between 1978 and 1993. In addition, birth weight was analyzed as an indicator of prenatal conditions.ResultsSecular trends for height and weight at 4 years were positive (0.35 SD increase per decade for height and an insignificant 0.27 SD increase per decade for weight) and remained similar at 9 and 14 years (height: 0.46 SD and 0.38 SD increase per decade; weight: 0.51 SD and 0.51 SD increase per decade, respectively) as well as for weight at age 18 years (0.36 SD increase per decade). In contrast, the secular trend in height was no longer evident at age 18 years (0.09 SD increase per decade). Secular trends for biological maturation at 14 years were similar to those of height and weight (0.54 SD increase per decade). At 18 years, the trend was non-significant (0.38 SD increase per decade). For intelligence, a positive secular trend was found at 4 years (0.54 SD increase per decade). In contrast, negative secular trends were observed at 9 years (0.54 SD decrease per decade) and 14 years (0.60 SD decrease per decade). No secular trend was observed at any of the four ages for head circumference (0.01, 0.24, 0.17, and − 0.04 SD increase per decade, respectively) and birth weight (0.01 SD decrease per decade).DiscussionThe different patterns of changes in physical growth, biological maturation, and intelligence between 1978 and 1993 indicate that distinct mechanisms underlie these secular trends

    Multi-point ground-based ULF magnetic field observations in Europe during seismic active periods in 2004 and 2005

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    We present the results of ground-based Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) magnetic field measurements observed from June to August 2004 during the Bovec earthquake on 12 July 2004. Further we give information about the seismic activity in the local observatory region for an extended time span 2004 and 2005. ULF magnetic field data are provided by the South European Geomagnetic Array (SEGMA) where the experience and heritage from the CHInese MAGnetometer (CHIMAG) fluxgate magnetometer comes to application. The intensities of the horizontal <I>H</I> and vertical <I>Z</I> magnetic field and the polarization ratio <I>R</I> of the vertical and horizontal magnetic field intensity are analyzed taking into consideration three SEGMA observatories located at different close distances and directions from the earthquake epicenter. We observed a significant increase of high polarization ratios during strong seismic activity at the observatory nearest to the Bovec earthquake epicenter. Apart from indirect ionospheric effects electromagnetic noise could be emitted in the lithosphere due to tectonic effects in the earthquake focus region causing anomalies of the vertical magnetic field intensity. Assuming that the measured vertical magnetic field intensities are of lithospheric origin, we roughly estimate the amplitude of electromagnetic noise in the Earths crust considering an average electrical conductivity of <σ>=10<sup>−3</sup> S/m and a certain distance of the observatory to the earthquake epicenter

    Wavelet analysis applied on temporal data sets in order to reveal possible pre-seismic radio anomalies and comparison with the trend of the raw data

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    Since 2009, several radio receivers have been installed throughout Europe in order to realize the INFREP European radio network for studying the VLF (10-50 kHz) and LF (150-300 kHz) radio precursors of earthquakes. Precursors can be related to “anomalies” in the night-time behavior of VLF signals. A suitable method of analysis is the use of the Wavelet spectra. Using the “Morlet function”, the Wavelet transform of a time signal is a complex series that can be usefully represented by its square amplitude, i.e. considering the so-called Wavelet power spectrum. The power spectrum is a 2D diagram that, once properly normalized with respect to the power of the white noise, gives information on the strength and precise time of occurrence of the various Fourier components, which are present in the original time series. The main difference between the Wavelet power spectra and the Fourier power spectra for the time series is that the former identifies the frequency content along the operational time, which cannot be done with the latter. Anomalies are identified as regions of the Wavelet spectrogram characterized by a sudden increase in the power strength. On January 30, 2020 an earthquake with Mw= 6.0 occurred in Dodecanese Islands. The results of the Wavelet analysis carried out on data collected some INFREP receivers is compared with the trends of the raw data. The time series from January 24, 2020 till January 31, 2000 was analyzed. The Wavelet spectrogram shows a peak corresponding to a period of 1 day on the days before January 30. This anomaly was found for signals transmitted at the frequencies 19,58 kHz, 20, 27 kHz, 23,40 kHz with an energy in the peak increasing from 19,58 kHz to 23,40 kHz. In particular, the Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) signal at the frequency 19,58 kHz, shows a peak on January 29, while the frequencies 20,27 kHz and 23,40 kHz are characterized by a peak starting on January 28 and continuing to January 29. The results presented in this work shows the perspective use of the Wavelet spectrum analysis as an operational tool for the detection of anomalies in VLF and LF signal potentially related to EQ precursors
