26 research outputs found

    Application of a stochastic name-­passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes

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    We describe a novel application of a stochastic name passing calculus for the study of biomolecular systems. We specify the structure and dynamics of biochemical networks in a variant of the stochastic P-­calculus, yielding a model which is mathematically well­defined and biologically faithful. We adapt the operational semantics of the calculus to account for both the time and probability of biochemical reactions, and present a computer implementation of the calculus for biochemical simulations

    Kneser graphs are like Swiss cheese

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    Kneser graphs are like Swiss cheese, Discrete Analysis 2018:2, 18 pp. This paper relates two very interesting areas of research in extremal combinatorics: removal lemmas, and influence of variables. A _removal lemma_ is a result that states that if SS is a set that contains only few copies of a certain structure, then one can remove just a few elements from SS to create a set S′S' that has no copies of that structure. For instance, the triangle removal lemma states that a graph with few triangles can be approximated by a graph with no triangles. Removal lemmas play a very important role in extremal and additive combinatorics. As for the influence of variables, the aspect that is of interest here is that there are many interesting theorems that state that if a function has a certain property, it must be because in a certain sense it depends on only a few variables. For example, a famous result of the first author shows that if a monotone graph property fails to have a sharp threshold, then the property can be approximated by one for which the minimal graphs that satisfy it are all small, with the result that the "influence" of individual edges on whether the graph has the property is substantial. The main result of this paper is an "edge removal lemma" for various families of graphs. It states that if GG is a graph in one of these families, then for every set XX of vertices in GG that spans only a few edges one can throw away just a small proportion of XX to obtain a subset X′X' that is independent. Of course, a result like this is completely false in general: one has only to take a sparse random graph, and then every subset will span few edges but no large subset will be independent. But it is true, for example, for complete bipartite graphs, since a set of vertices that spans a sparse subgraph will have to be contained almost entirely in one of the two vertex sets, and then one can throw away the vertices that are in the other set. One of the families for which the authors prove an edge-removal lemma is that of Kneser graphs. For 0<m<n/20<m<n/2, the Kneser graph K(n,m)K(n,m) has as its vertex set the set of all subsets of {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\dots,n\} of size mm, with two such subsets joined by an edge if and only if they are disjoint. Kneser graphs have large sparse sets, but the natural examples seem to depend on just a few variables: for example, one can take all sets that contain a particular element. (Note that an independent set in K(n,m)K(n,m) is just an intersecting family of mm-sets.) The authors wanted to prove a precise conjecture that would say that every set of vertices that spans a sparse subgraph can be approximated by a set of vertices that (i) depends on just a few variables and (ii) spans an independent set. Before this paper a weaker statement was known where instead of (ii) one had a sparse set. In this paper the authors settle the conjecture completely by showing that a sparse set of vertices can be approximated by an independent set of vertices. The other family of graphs for which the authors prove an edge removal lemma is that of product graphs. If HH is a graph, then the product G=HnG=H^n is the graph where xx and yy are joined if for every coordinate ii we have that xiyix_iy_i is an edge of HH. (There are different definitions of product graphs, but this is the one to which the result applies: note that it makes it quite hard for two vertices to be joined.) For example, if HH is a complete graph on rr coordinates, then G=[r]nG=[r]^n with two vertices joined if and only if they differ in every coordinate. The proof of the removal lemma uses ideas from Jacob Fox's proof of the triangle removal lemma, which obtains the best known bound for that result. Finally, what has this to do with Swiss cheese? The rough idea is that these graphs have large and highly structured independent sets, and a part of the graph is sparse if and only if it has a big intersection with one of these independent sets. Likewise a Swiss cheese contains lots of large holes, and a region of space contained within the boundary of the cheese will contain only a small amount of cheese if and only if it is almost entirely contained in one of the holes. Article image [by G. J. Wanderer](https://www.flickr.com/photos/106561245@N07/13515457313/in/photolist-mAjfA6-f7mF8i-Tf5Ler-7i4FtY-bi74Nt-gWVXdj-7XoC4N-okRvp5-77HxiZ-7xt4hx-RSUt3B-qeB17D-as2aAc-7K64uq-oL2GMj-6trVsK-UDq452-SP1xSX-d4u57o-fATSUi-8Km2Qs-dJeLzb-qu9Z4Z-dNNvQ2-7eVY4b-6mtCks-frWJEF-aCerNx-7tyjAW-haiMTG-oysrog-9LJVj8-fzno-4VuER1-b5n85M-Jka6K5-a7vHJZ-5S7Yyt-Uwa6kC-dNU7Mm-5AWGod-YSE7a-bzagV7-8tV58z-8YW1XL-5nvECU-QAdC69-8wG84t-TSsHP4-9eoj6S) and distributed under a [CC-BY-NC-SA licence](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/).</sup

    BioAmbients: an abstraction for biological compartments

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    AbstractBiomolecular systems, composed of networks of proteins, underlie the major functions of living cells. Compartments are key to the organization of such systems. We have previously developed an abstraction for biomolecular systems using the π-calculus process algebra, which successfully handled their molecular and biochemical aspects, but provided only a limited solution for representing compartments. In this work, we extend this abstraction to handle compartments. We are motivated by the ambient calculus, a process algebra for the specification of process location and movement through computational domains. We present the BioAmbients calculus, which is suitable for representing various aspects of molecular localization and compartmentalization, including the movement of molecules between compartments, the dynamic rearrangement of cellular compartments, and the interaction between molecules in a compartmentalized setting. Guided by the calculus, we adapt the BioSpi simulation system, to provide an extended modular framework for molecular and cellular compartmentalization, and we use it to model and study a complex multi-cellular system

    Weakly-Supervised Surgical Phase Recognition

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    A key element of computer-assisted surgery systems is phase recognition of surgical videos. Existing phase recognition algorithms require frame-wise annotation of a large number of videos, which is time and money consuming. In this work we join concepts of graph segmentation with self-supervised learning to derive a random-walk solution for per-frame phase prediction. Furthermore, we utilize within our method two forms of weak supervision: sparse timestamps or few-shot learning. The proposed algorithm enjoys low complexity and can operate in lowdata regimes. We validate our method by running experiments with the public Cholec80 dataset of laparoscopic cholecystectomy videos, demonstrating promising performance in multiple setups

    Left atrial size predicts long-term outcome after balloon mitral valvuloplasty

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    Background: The treatment of choice for severe rheumatic mitral stenosis is balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV). Numerous predictors of immediate and long-term procedural success have been described. The aims of this study were to describe our experience with BMV over the last decade and to evaluate predictors of long-term event-free survival.  Methods: Medical records were retrospectively analyzed of patients who underwent BMV between 2009 and 2021. The primary outcome was a composite endpoint of all-cause mortality, mitral valve replacement (MVR), and repeat BMV. Long-term event-free survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier curves. Logistic regression was used to create a multivariate model to assess pre-procedural predictors of the primary outcome. Results: A total of 96 patients underwent BMV during the study period. The primary outcome occurred in 36 patients during 12-year follow-up: 1 (1%) patient underwent re-BMV, 28 (29%) had MVR, and 8 (8%) died. Overall event-free survival was 62% at 12 years. On multivariate analysis, pre-procedural left atrial volume index (LAVI) &gt; 80 mL/m2 had a significant independent influence on event-free survival, as did previous mitral valve procedure and systolic pulmonary arterial pressure above 50 mmHg. Conclusion: Despite being a relatively low-volume center, excellent short and long-term results were demonstrated, with event-free survival rates consistent with previous studies from high-volume centers. LAVI independently predicted long-term event-free survival

    The Human Cell Atlas.

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    The recent advent of methods for high-throughput single-cell molecular profiling has catalyzed a growing sense in the scientific community that the time is ripe to complete the 150-year-old effort to identify all cell types in the human body. The Human Cell Atlas Project is an international collaborative effort that aims to define all human cell types in terms of distinctive molecular profiles (such as gene expression profiles) and to connect this information with classical cellular descriptions (such as location and morphology). An open comprehensive reference map of the molecular state of cells in healthy human tissues would propel the systematic study of physiological states, developmental trajectories, regulatory circuitry and interactions of cells, and also provide a framework for understanding cellular dysregulation in human disease. Here we describe the idea, its potential utility, early proofs-of-concept, and some design considerations for the Human Cell Atlas, including a commitment to open data, code, and community

    The Human Cell Atlas White Paper

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    The Human Cell Atlas (HCA) will be made up of comprehensive reference maps of all human cells - the fundamental units of life - as a basis for understanding fundamental human biological processes and diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. It will help scientists understand how genetic variants impact disease risk, define drug toxicities, discover better therapies, and advance regenerative medicine. A resource of such ambition and scale should be built in stages, increasing in size, breadth, and resolution as technologies develop and understanding deepens. We will therefore pursue Phase 1 as a suite of flagship projects in key tissues, systems, and organs. We will bring together experts in biology, medicine, genomics, technology development and computation (including data analysis, software engineering, and visualization). We will also need standardized experimental and computational methods that will allow us to compare diverse cell and tissue types - and samples across human communities - in consistent ways, ensuring that the resulting resource is truly global. This document, the first version of the HCA White Paper, was written by experts in the field with feedback and suggestions from the HCA community, gathered during recent international meetings. The White Paper, released at the close of this yearlong planning process, will be a living document that evolves as the HCA community provides additional feedback, as technological and computational advances are made, and as lessons are learned during the construction of the atlas