8 research outputs found

    Balancing Control and Trust to Manage CSR Compliance in Supply Chains

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    This study examines how buyers and suppliers balance control and trust to manage compliance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) requirements in supply chains (SCs). Two indepth qualitative case studies of the Bangladesh apparel industry on two multinational companies of the same european country were conducted. This study indicates that a buyer's need for control and trust is important in contact with other actors for managing CSR compliance in supply chains. This study analyzes control and trust to fill an important gap in Sc theory on relationships by stressing how these constructs, interact and complement each other to manage CSR compliance in apparel industry. This study notes that managers need bothe formal and informal control to create competence and intentional trust in the supplychain

    Supply Chain CSR Image Challenges - A study on Bangladesh Clothing Industry

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    This paper provides a deep insight into the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) image scenario of the international buying firms and Bangladesh suppliers as well as identifies the challenges for building a positive supply chain (SC) CSR image for the suppliers of Bangladesh clothing industry. The contribution of this paper is that it improves knowledge of SC CSR image from the supplier’s as well as the buyer’s perspective. This paper also provides suggestions regarding improvement of Suppliers’ CSR image that can influence the SC CSR image

    CSR implementation challenges in global supply chain : experiences from Bangladesh garments industry

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how suppliers in Bangladesh garment industry independently can take CSR for their own business affairs. Data is collected through interviews of large international buyers, important Bangladesh suppliers and major organizations having influence on the supply chain context. The findings show high supplier dependency on buying company’s code of conduct in CSR implementation. Five main challenges are identified; weak supplier-driven CSR implementation; non-questioning business culture; dilemma consequences of order pressures; weak coherence between the buyers’ implementation strategies and; absence of self-contained supporting organizational structure. This research considers CSR implementation as prerequisite for ensuring efficiency and sustainability in the supply chain of the garment industry in Bangladesh. Based on the challenges it is suggested that suppliers need to improve by: (1) initiatives and measures to build up responsibility to practice CSR; (2) develop a supply chain culture based on CSR orientation and intelligence and (3) establish link with educational institutions to achieve CSR competence for implementation.  The study offers insight on CSR implementation challenges of international suppliers of Bangladesh garments industry and highlights the understanding of the effects of CSR implementation for supply chain sustainability

    Improving the CSR image : a study on suppliers of Bangladesh garments industry

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    This research study aims to evaluate the issues and factors for building a positive organizational CSR image that enables suppliers to create positive perception in relation to stakeholders. The study identified major challenges to improve CSR image for the suppliers. Based on the findings, it is suggested that suppliers need to improve in the following areas for changes of CSR image: (1) initiate education and measures to improve the employees’ understanding and importance of CSR; (2) develop a corporate culture to give priority in building positive CSR image; (3) develop link with educational institutions for educating middle managers on CSR and its effect on company image; (4) arrange short trainings for new workers to make them understand the concept of CSR and educate them on their own responsibilities as part of the organization; (5) establish platforms for sharing knowledge between suppliers to increase compliance

    Supply Chain CSR Image Challenges ñ€“ A Study on Bangladesh Clothing Industry

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    This paper provides a deep insight into the corporate social responsiblity (CSR) image scenariao of the Bangladesh suppliers as well as identifies the challanges for building a positive supply chain (SC) CSR image for the suppliers of Bangladesh clothing industry. The contribution of this paper is that it improves knowledge of SC CSR image from the suppliers' as well as buyers' perspective. The paper also make suggestions regarding improvment of suppliers' CSR image that can influence the improvement of SC CSR imag