18 research outputs found

    MTrainS: Improving DLRM training efficiency using heterogeneous memories

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    Recommendation models are very large, requiring terabytes (TB) of memory during training. In pursuit of better quality, the model size and complexity grow over time, which requires additional training data to avoid overfitting. This model growth demands a large number of resources in data centers. Hence, training efficiency is becoming considerably more important to keep the data center power demand manageable. In Deep Learning Recommendation Models (DLRM), sparse features capturing categorical inputs through embedding tables are the major contributors to model size and require high memory bandwidth. In this paper, we study the bandwidth requirement and locality of embedding tables in real-world deployed models. We observe that the bandwidth requirement is not uniform across different tables and that embedding tables show high temporal locality. We then design MTrainS, which leverages heterogeneous memory, including byte and block addressable Storage Class Memory for DLRM hierarchically. MTrainS allows for higher memory capacity per node and increases training efficiency by lowering the need to scale out to multiple hosts in memory capacity bound use cases. By optimizing the platform memory hierarchy, we reduce the number of nodes for training by 4-8X, saving power and cost of training while meeting our target training performance

    Software-Hardware Co-design for Fast and Scalable Training of Deep Learning Recommendation Models

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    Deep learning recommendation models (DLRMs) are used across many business-critical services at Facebook and are the single largest AI application in terms of infrastructure demand in its data-centers. In this paper we discuss the SW/HW co-designed solution for high-performance distributed training of large-scale DLRMs. We introduce a high-performance scalable software stack based on PyTorch and pair it with the new evolution of Zion platform, namely ZionEX. We demonstrate the capability to train very large DLRMs with up to 12 Trillion parameters and show that we can attain 40X speedup in terms of time to solution over previous systems. We achieve this by (i) designing the ZionEX platform with dedicated scale-out network, provisioned with high bandwidth, optimal topology and efficient transport (ii) implementing an optimized PyTorch-based training stack supporting both model and data parallelism (iii) developing sharding algorithms capable of hierarchical partitioning of the embedding tables along row, column dimensions and load balancing them across multiple workers; (iv) adding high-performance core operators while retaining flexibility to support optimizers with fully deterministic updates (v) leveraging reduced precision communications, multi-level memory hierarchy (HBM+DDR+SSD) and pipelining. Furthermore, we develop and briefly comment on distributed data ingestion and other supporting services that are required for the robust and efficient end-to-end training in production environments

    Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Funding: F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy i4HB; FCT/MCTES through the project UIDB/50006/2020. J Conde acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). V M Costa acknowledges the grant SFRH/BHD/110001/2015, received by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), IP, under the Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1334/CT0006.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    ESESC: A Fast Multicore Simulator Using Time-Based Sampling

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    Architects rely on simulation in their exploration of the design space. However, slow simulation speed caps their productivity and limits the depth of their exploration. Sampling has been a commonly used remedy. While sampling is shown to be an effective technique for single core processors, its application has been limited to simulation of multiprogram, throughput applications only. This work presents Time-Based Sampling (TBS), a framework that is the first to enable sampling in simulation of multicore processors with virtually no limitation in terms of application type (multiprogrammed or multithreaded), number of cores, homogeneity or heterogeneity of the simulated configuration (4.99 % error averaged across all the evaluated configurations). TBS also is the first to enable integrated power and temperature evaluation in statistically sampled simulation of multicore systems (with 5.5 % and 2.4 % error on average, respectively). We implement an architectural simulator based on TBS, called ESESC, that provides a holistic set of tools for a fair evaluation of different architectures. 1

    Characterizing processor thermal behavior

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    Cooling solutions for processor Infrared Thermography

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    Temperature is a key parameter due to its impact on timing, energy, and reliability. A setup to measure temperature in runtime with high spatial and temporal resolution would help to study the thermal behavior of processors. Currently, Infrared Thermography infrastructures has been developed to measure the temperature in real-time. Since the infrared opaque metal heat sinks need to be replaced with an infrared transparent heat sink in these setups, oil based cooling solutions have been proposed. However, oil is not a representative of a metal heat sink because measurement with oil based cooling can change the thermal behavior of the processor. In this paper, we discuss a representative oil based cooling solution, and show that it has the same thermal response as a metal heat sink. II. THERMAL MEASUREMENT INFRASTRUCTURE Previous works [1], [2] have developed IR infrastructures to directly measure temperature through the chip. An infrared (IR) camera is used to measure the temperature of transistor junctions. A detailed thermal map is obtained with the infrared camera. Our setup has a resolution of 1024x1024 pixels with sampling rates of over 100Hz. IR camera operates on the 3 − 5µm wavelength (MWIR), a range of light where silicon is partially transparent. Silicon has a fairly uniform 55 % transmittance from 1.5µm to 6µm. As a result, the IR camera can measure the temperature through the chip under test. Figure 1 shows a picture with the major components of the measuring setup in [2]. I

    Characterizing Processor Thermal Behavior

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    Temperature is a dominant factor in the performance, reliability, and leakage power consumption of modern processors. As a result, increasing numbers of researchers evaluate thermal characteristics in their proposals. In this paper, we measure a real processor focusing on its thermal characterization executing diverse workloads. Our results show that in real designs, thermal transients operate at larger scales than their performance and power counterparts. Conventional thermal simulation methodologies based on profilebased simulation or statistical sampling, such as Simpoint, tend to explore very limited execution spans. Short simulation times can lead to reduced matchings between performance and thermal phases. To illustrate these issues we characterize and classify from a thermal standpoint SPEC00 and SPEC06 applications, which are traditionally used in the evaluation of architectural proposals. This paper concludes with a list of recommendations regarding thermal modeling considerations based on our experimental insights

    An Energy Efficient GPGPU Memory Hierarchy with Tiny Incoherent Caches

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    With progressive generations and the ever-increasing promise of computing power, GPGPUs have been quickly growing in size, and at the same time, energy consumption has become a major bottleneck for them. The first level data cache and the scratchpad memory are critical to the performance of a GPGPU, but they are extremely energy inefficient due to the large number of cores they need to serve. This problem could be mitigated by introducing a cache higher up in hierarchy that services fewer cores, but this introduces cache coherency issues that may become very significant, especially for a GPGPU with hundreds of thousands of in-flight threads. In this paper, we propose adding incoherent tinyCaches between each lane in an SM, and the first level data cache that is currently shared by all the lanes in an SM. In a normal multiprocessor, this would require hardware cache coherence between all the SM lanes capable of handling hundreds of thousands of threads. Our incoherent tinyCache architecture exploits certain unique features of the CUDA/OpenCL programming model to avoid complex coherence schemes. This tinyCache is able to filter out 62 % of memory requests that would otherwise need to be serviced by the DL1G, and almost 81 % of scratchpad memory requests, allowing us to achieve a 37 % energy reduction in the on-chip memory hierarchy. We evaluate the tinyCache for different memory patterns and show that it is beneficial in most cases