173 research outputs found

    An Integrated FAHP-PROMETHEE Approach For Selecting The Best Flexible Manufacturing System

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    This paper proposes an integrated approach to the decision-making problem that combines the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) with the purpose of Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with a Group Decision Support System (GDSS). The FAHP is used to determine the weights for each criterion and PROMETHEE is applied to get the final ranking and GAIA plane is used to highlight the conflicts, the similarities and independences among the criteria and the DMs. Finally, a numerical example proposed in this paper determines the most appropriate FMS alternative

    An Integrated FAHP-PROMETHEE Approach For Selecting The Best Flexible Manufacturing System

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    This paper proposes an integrated approach to the decision-making problem that combines the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) with the purpose of Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with a Group Decision Support System (GDSS). The FAHP is used to determine the weights for each criterion and PROMETHEE is applied to get the final ranking and GAIA plane is used to highlight the conflicts, the similarities and independences among the criteria and the DMs. Finally, a numerical example proposed in this paper determines the most appropriate FMS alternative

    The role of experience on techno-entrepreneursā€™ decision making biases

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    Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind the prospect and growth of the societies. Sound and wise decisions pave the way for them to carry out these highly important functions. Entrepreneurs are to discover and exploit opportunities. Therefore, they must gather sufficient and pertinent information. Entrepreneurs, like most human beings face complex and ambiguous decision-making situations, not to mention their lack of time and source to gather and process the data. Under these circumstances, entrepreneurs are prone making biases decisions. There are many reasons identified for this entrepreneurial decision making biases, such as the high cost of rational decision making, limitations in information processing, differences in their styles and procedures, or information overload, environmental complexity, environmental uncertainty. These biases are neither totally harmful nor completely useful and have to be seen as natural human characteristics. What makes entrepreneurial decision-making biases important is their effects on the decisions and thus the outcome of the enterprises. Entrepreneurial decision-making biases, deliberate or unintentional can seal the fate of the enterprises, therefore studying them meticulously is crucial. Literature has shown that experience could be an effective factor in decision-making biases. In this paper, we try to find out the impact of experience in Iranian high tech entrepreneursā€™ major decision-making biases by a qualitative approach. Finally, it was concluded that experience is influential in shaping overconfidence bias

    Technology change priorities influencing competition quality promotion: Case study of Iran Keaton Polyester Manufacturing Company

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    In the changing world with various customersā€™ demands the businesses tend to improve their advantages to beat their rivals by means of better quality, lower prices and so. For Iranian polyester market quality is of crucial importance and is achieved through changing and updating technologies. According to highly regarded model of CAPTECH, which is recommended by UNIDO, technology parameters are defined in each phase and not generally as a whole. In the end the biggest gaps are defined. The main goal is to prioritize the main parameters affecting Iranian polyester company's quality. In order to fulfill our goal, 20 high and medium managers were questioned for this paper. The questions were gathered according to UNIDO samples. After a qualitative and quantitative test we concluded that the biggest gap is for supply chain(56.91) and the lowest gap is for combination phase(43.97)

    EFL Learnersā€™ Perception of Task Experience Through Flow Outlook: Task Complexity and Modality in Focus

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    Regardless of the appreciation of language learnersā€™ achievement in task-based language teaching, not much has been hinged upon learnersā€™ perception and reception of various elements. This study examined task complexity and modality effects on Iranian EFL learnersā€™ comprehension of task difficulty, competencies, and difficulty-skill balance as well as the learnersā€™ task experience. The Flow Outlook features were also applied to investigate how difficulty-skill balance anticipated flow experience. Via a repeated-measures design, and with a focus on task complexity (simple vs. complex) and task modality (written vs. spoken), 49 EFL learners carried out four argumentative tasks (two simple written and spoken vs. two complex written and spoken tasks); then, they ticked the flow questionnaire to gauge their perception of task difficulty, competence, and task experience. Repeated-measures MANOVA revealed although task complexity influenced task difficulty and difficulty-skill balance significantly, the skill was not affected significantly; task modality influenced task difficulty and skill significantly while difficulty-skill balance received no significant effect. The follow-up post hoc test indicated that complexity and modality significantly influenced flow, attention, and control, but not interest. Linear regression revealed difficulty-skill balance was a predictor for learnersā€™ flow experience for both writing tasks and simple speaking task but not for complex speaking tasks. Pedagogically, the findings of this research may have some implications for English language teachers, learners, and materials developers

    Nanotechnology markets in global competition: a review

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    Nowadays, nanotechnology is as a main way of in international competitiveness that is due to science and technology. Hence, nanotechnology is known as a new industry or science in the global market competition topics. Also, developed or developing countries would trend to acquire portions for future markets through the investment in nanotechnology (R&D) because of profitable products and services in the future which are consistency environmentally and green. The products or services of nanocan be supplied in different markets e.g. energy, industry, medicine, and so on. Moreover, each of them depends upon innovation in producing new features or materials for the future that can be considered as important factors for different solutions for problems of life and humanity. Most of big companies pursue nanotechnology business in the global market from different products and services through the intensive competitions especially energy sector in the future. Although it can be accounted as new business in the future, there are some weakness of the firms in competitiveness i.e. weakness in strategies, capabilities, assets and knowledge. Hence, the aim of this study is to understand variety of issues in the literature of nanotechnology and strategies from managerial views

    Effects of competitive advantage on companies superiority in the global market

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    Strategy is an organization's action plan to achieve the mission. Each strategy provides an opportunity for operations managers to achieve Competitive Advantage (CA). CA implies the creation of a system that has a unique advantage over competitors. Improving researches, economic prosperity and quality of products can be considered as CA abilities through each company. CA is used for acquiring superior position in the world from different angles of science, economics and technologies. Generally, CA considered as strategic management or paradigm management. Hence, the performances of organizations or manufactures are pertained to the relevant theories from CA that is crucial points to compete and take advantage from the new technology. Since competitiveness is accounted as a fundamental role in industrial activities for achieving goals. Moreover, successfully growing a business is often dependent upon a strong competitive edge. The aim of this study is to collect information from the literature to seek the best strategy as CA for reducing cost, differentiating company and increasing efficiency

    Oralno kirurÅ”ko liječenje fraktura mandibule i maksile u konja u stojećem stavu: slučajevi 15 konja

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    Fractures of the mandible and maxilla are common in horses. The present study was conducted on fifteen horses referred for the management of mandible or maxilla fractures. Fixation methods were used to repair the fractures in these horses, including tension band and cerclage wires, dynamic compression plates, and lag screw fixation. All procedures were performed under chemical restraint and regional nerve block anesthesia in the standing position. According to the results, the long term follow-up of the horses was satisfactory, and no severe complications were observed. Jaw fractures are most successfully treated by early diagnosis and fracture fixation. The surgical management of most oral region injuries may be readily performed in the standing position, to avoid the risks associated with general anesthesia in horses.Frakture mandibule i maksile česte su u konja. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno na 15 konja u kojih je učinjen kirurÅ”ki zahvat zbog frakture mandibule ili maksile. Primijenjene su se metode fiksiranja, uključujući zatezne trake i serklažne žice, dinamičke kompresijske pločice i ā€œlagā€ fiksacijske vijke. Svi su postupci izvedeni u stojećem stavu konja, uz smirivanje kemijskim sredstvima i regionalnu anesteziju bloka živca. Prema rezultatima, dugoročno praćenje konja bilo je zadovoljavajuće i nisu uočene veće komplikacije. Prijelomi čeljusti najuspjeÅ”nije se liječe ranom dijagnozom i fiksiranjem. KiruÅ”ko liječenje većine ozljeda u području čeljusti može se izvesti odmah i u stojećem stavu konja kako bi se izbjegli rizici povezani s općom anestezijom

    The importance of preserving deciduous teeth: Assessing knowledge, attitude, and practice of parents of preschool and primary school children in Isfahan

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    Background and Aims: There is a traditional belief that the primary teeth can be replaced by permanent teeth and preserving them is not important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of parents of preschool and elementary school children referring to the Specialty Clinic of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Imam Hossein pediatric hospital about the importance of preserving deciduous teeth and related factors. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 323 parents of preschool and elementary school children referred to the special clinic of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Imam Hossein Pediatric hospital. The data collection method was a questionnaire and face-to-face interview. The questionnaire was made, it consisted of 21 multiple-choice questions and descriptive questions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics tests and analytical tests such as t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The mean score of knowledge of parents was 37.5 with a standard deviation of 16.9, the mean score of attitude was 55.8 with a standard deviation of 11.1 and the mean score of performance was 41.8 with a standard deviation of 15.6 out of 100. Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was a direct relationship between knowledge, attitude, and performance scores (P<0.001). Parents' knowledge score was directly related to the mothers' and fathers' ages (P<0.001). Conclusion: According to the results, parents' awareness of the importance of the preservation of deciduous teeth and related factors is poor, their attitudes are neutral and their performance is poor to moderate. It is suggested to improve treatment facilities available for children in the family and to educate parents about the preservation of deciduous teeth
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