12 research outputs found

    Una mirada a la cohorte Brasil-Colombia de trabajadores de la salud : posibles efectos de la implementación a la Norma NR-32 y a las conductas

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    Orientadores: Heleno Rodrigues Corrêa-Filho, Francisco Hideo AokiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O Brasil foi pioneiro promulgando a norma regulamentadora (NR-32), tornando necessário avaliar seu efeito sobre a epidemiologia dos acidentes de trabalho (AT) com material biológico (MB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a incidência binacional de AT-MB relatados por trabalhadores e estudantes de um Hospital Universitário no Brasil e outro na Colômbia (Artigo 1). Os objetivos específicos foram: a) Avaliar a prevalência e fatores de risco na ocorrência pregressa de AT-MB no sétimo ano de vigência da NR-32 (Artigo 2); b) Avaliar o conhecimento sobre patógenos transmissíveis pelo sangue e a adesão às precauções-padrão (PP) (Artigo 3); e c) Compreender os sentidos linguísticos da expressão "segurança e saúde no trabalho" na NR-32 e seu significado para as políticas públicas de saúde do trabalhador (Artigo 4). Realizamos estudo de coorte iniciada por estudo transversal que estimou a prevalência de relato de acidentes com MB incidentes no ano anterior a entrevista, o conhecimento, a adesão às precauções padrão (PP), comportamento sexual de risco e fixou pontos de partida onde se aplicaram critérios de inclusão e exclusão para estudantes de medicina, enfermagem e odontologia, e para médicos e enfermeiros. Acompanhamos o grupo por um ano para estimar a incidência de AT-MB, considerada no Brasil como resultado da exposição à norma. Análise de sobrevivência realizou-se pelo método de Kaplan Méier e determinamos os fatores associados à AT-MB com a Regressão de Riscos Proporcionais de Cox. Filiando-nos à Análise do Discurso de Michel Pêcheux que articula três domínios disciplinares: a linguística, o marxismo (o materialismo histórico) e a psicanálise realizamos a análise discursiva da norma. Avaliamos 965 pessoas (348 estudantes e 617 profissionais), com média ± desvio padrão (DP) de idade de 33,04 ± 10,81 anos sendo 73,3% mulheres. A taxa incidência foi de 7,5 por 100 pessoas/ano no Brasil e de 3,5 na Colômbia (6,04 globais). Encontramos razão de riscos (HR) associada a país de origem (HR 4,80; IC95% 1,03 e 5,16) e profissão (HR 2,31; IC95% 1,64 e 14,05). A prevalência global de acidentes nos 12 meses pregressos foi de 10,22% sem diferença entre os países, com razões de prevalência (RP) associadas a comportamento de risco sexual (RP=1,54), testagem de AntiHBs (RP 2,24), percepção de risco (RP 0,53) e à adesão às PP (RP 0,94; p<0,0003). A mediana de conhecimento binacional foi 11 (10, 12) pontos com média de 10,98 (±1,34) pontos. A adesão às PP teve média de 30,74 (±4,51) e mediana 31 (28, 34) face ao esperado de 27. O conhecimento e a adesão às PP foram associados com o relato de acidente (p<0,017) e país de origem (p<0,000). Concluímos que a proporção/coeficiente de incidência de AT-MB foi alta em relação à literatura, e na comparação interna ao estudo as taxas de incidência foram maiores no Brasil, sem diferença na prevalência pregressa. Os níveis de conhecimento e de adesão às PP foram bons, sendo melhores no Brasil. Qualitativamente, baseados na teoria de Pêcheux, avaliamos que a segurança do trabalhador da saúde no discurso da norma é um "Mito" fundamentado em alegações externas ao processo de regulação das condições de trabalho e alheio às exigências coletivas e culturais de produçãoAbstract: Brazil issued a pioneer regulatory act on health workers¿ safety and health (NR-32) that demanded to access its effect on the epidemiology of work accidents (WA) with biologic material (BM). The objective of this study was to evaluate the binational incidence of WA-BM reported by workers and students from one University Hospital in Brazil and another in Colombia (article 1). The specific aims were: a) To access the cross-sectional reported prevalence and its risk factors at the seventh year of the NR-32 enforcement (article 2). b) To access the knowledge on blood born transmissible pathogens, plus the compliance with standard precautionary measures (PP) (article 3); and c) to understand the linguistic senses of the terms "safety and health at work" inside NR-32, besides its meaning towards public policies on workers¿ health (article 4). We did a cohort study, started after a cross-sectional study that estimated accident reporting with BM the previous year prevalence, set the individuals starting point to follow-up and applied inclusion and exclusion criteria for medical, dental and nursing students besides physicians and nursing practitioners. We estimated the WA-BM incidence after a one-year follow-up, considering Brazilian settings as result of exposure to NR-32. We used the Cox proportional risks regression to conduct a survival analysis and determinate associated risk factors. We adopt the perspective of the French Discourse Analysis, proposed by Michael Pêcheux, who articulated three subject matter domains: linguistics, Marxism (historical materialism) and psychoanalysis taken as a means to conduct the discourse of the NR32 directive. We evaluated a cohort of size 965 (348 students and 617 professionals), with age mean ± standard deviation (±SD) of 33.04 ± 10.81 years and 73.3% were females. The incidence rate was 7.5 per 100 person/years in Brazil and of 3.5 in Colombia (6,04 global). We found hazard ratios associated with country of origin (HR=4.80; 95%CI: 1.03 ¿ 5.16) and profession (HR=2.31; 95%CI: 1.64 ¿ 14.05). The global prevalence of WA-BM in the twelve previous months was 10.22% without difference between Countries, though with Prevalence Ratios (PR) associated with risky sexual behavior (PR=1.54; p<0.050); AntiHBs testing (PR=2.24; p<0.002); perception of susceptibility (PR=0.53; p<0.033) and, compliance with the PP (PR=0.94; p<0.0003). The binational median knowledge score was 11 (10; 12) with mean of 10.98 (±1.34) score points. Compliance with the PP had a mean of 30.74 (±4.51) and median of 31.00 (28; 34) compared to the expected mean of 27. Both knowledge and compliance with PP were associated with reports of having suffered previous accident (p<0.017) and Country of origin (p<0.000). We concluded that the incidence coefficient/proportion of WA-BM was high when compared to the literature, and the internal comparison inside the study showed higher incidence rates in Brazil, without difference in the past prevalence. The knowledge level and compliance with PP were in good standards, though better in Brazil. Our qualitative approach based on Pêcheux theory allowed to assessing that the discourse on workers safety and health in the health sector is a "Myth" based on allegations unconnected to regulating the working conditions and external constructs unrelated with the collective and cultural demands in the working processesDoutoradoEpidemiologiaDoutora em Saúde Coletiva5472-11-3CAPE

    Social support for patients undergoing liver transplantation in a Public University Hospital

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    Abstract Background Several diseases may lead to the need for liver transplantation due to progressive organ damage until the onset of cirrhosis, resulting in changes in interpersonal relationships. Social Support for transplant candidates is an important variable, providing them with psychological and social well-being. This study aims to assess social support in chronic hepatic patients, waiting for liver transplantation. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with 119 patients, for convenience sampling, from the liver transplant waiting list at a Brazilian University Hospital Outpatients. The information was collected through semistructured questionnaires, in four stages: 1) socioeconomic and demographic information 2) clinical aspects 3) feelings 4) Social Support Network Inventory (SSNI), to Brazilian Portuguese. The statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA and multivariate linear regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between the scales of social support and the collected co-variables. Results Average age was 50.2 ± 11.6, and 87 (73.1%) were men. Patients with alcohol and virus liver disease etiology had the same frequency of 28%. The MELD, without extrapoints, was 16.7 ± 4.9. Global social support family score was 3.72 ± 0.39, and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79. The multivariate analysis presented the following associations, age = [− 0.010 (95% CI = − 0.010 - -0.010); P = 0.001], etiology of hepatic disease = [− 0.212 (95% CI = − 0.37 - -0.05); P = 0.009], happiness = [− 0.214(95% CI = − 0.33 - -0.09) P = 0.001) and aggressiveness = [0.172 (95% CI = 0.040–0.030); P = 0.010). Conclusions The social support was greater when the patients were younger (18 to 30 years). Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, regardless of whether or not they were associated with virus, had less social support. As for feelings, the absence of happiness and the presence of aggressiveness showed a negative effect on social support

    Evaluation of the level of knowledge and compliance with standart precautions and the safety standard (NR-32) amongst physicians from a public university hospital, Brazil

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    Brazil is the first country in the world to have broad coverage standard (NR-32) focused on protecting health workers exposed to biological risks. This study evaluated the degree of knowledge of the NR-32 Standard and the level of knowledge and compliance with the standard precautions. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 208 randomly selected health professionals; 93 of them were residents and 115 were physicians at a Brazilian Clinical Hospital. To collect information, the participants were interviewed and/or they completed semi-structured questionnaires divided into three domains: knowledge of the standard, knowledge of biosafety, and compliance with standard precautions. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess internal consistency of the scales of knowledge and compliance with values above +0.75 indicating excellent agreement. Multivariate linear regression was used to evaluate the predictors for compliance with NR-32, biosafety, and standard precautions. Mean knowledge of the NR-32 Standard was 2.2 (± 2.02) points (minimum 0 and maximum 7 points). The minimum expected mean was 5.25 points. The mean knowledge of biosafety was 12.31 (± 2.10) points (minimum 4 and maximum16 points). The minimum expected mean was 12.75 points. The mean compliance with standard precautions was 12.79 (± 2.6) points (minimum 6 and maximum 18 points). The minimum expected mean was 13.5 points. The individual means for using gloves, masks and goggles during procedures and for not recapping needles were 2.69, 2.27, 1.20 and 2.14, respectively. The factors associated with knowledge of the NR-32 were: greater knowledge amongst those who studied at a public university and who had knowledge of biosafety. The knowledge of the NR-32 Standard was low, but there was a good level of knowledge of biosafety issues. The compliance with standard precautions was acceptable in general, but was low for some of the evaluated precautions

    [demographic, Socioeconomic, And Health Profile Of Working And Non-working Brazilian Children And Adolescents: An Analysis Of Inequalities].

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    The objectives of this study were to describe the work done by Brazilian children and adolescents and compare the socioeconomic and health profile of those that worked (or were looking for work) versus non-working youngsters. Based on the 2008 Brazilian National Sample Household Survey (PNAD/2008), we selected children and adolescents 5 to 17 years of age, divided into two analytical categories: workers (working or looking for employment) and non-workers. We calculated prevalence rates for the characteristics of their main work, as well as socioeconomic and health variables comparing the two categories. Poisson regression was used to estimate prevalence ratios, adjusted by health characteristics, with non-workers as the reference category. Compared to non-workers, the workers category was associated with a higher proportion of boys; age 14 to 17 years; black or brown skin color; lower school attendance; and worse housing conditions. Child labor was associated with worse self-rated health; chronic backache; arthritis or rheumatism; and depression. Effective policies to support families need to be strengthened to effectively fight child labor.311856-187

    Knowledge of and compliance with universal precautions: students dealing with biohazards in Brazil and Colombia

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    Objetivo Avaliar as escalas de adesão às precauções padrão (PPs) e conhecimento sobre meios de transmissão entre estudantes da saúde no Brasil e na Colômbia. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo piloto para validar o questionário que iniciou estudo de coorte. Selecionamos intencionalmente 26 estudantes na Colômbia e 25 no Brasil, comparáveis em número e características sociodemográficas, que cursavam profissões da saúde (medicina, enfermagem e odontologia). Utilizamos o programa SPSS versão 18.0 para criar o banco de dados e a análise estatística. Resultados Avaliamos 51 estudantes, com média ± Desvio Padrão de idade de 21,78 ± 2,33, dos quais 84,3 % eram mulheres, 66,7 % de cor de pele branca, 47,1 % de medicina, e 70,6 % do 70 semestre. Responderam sobre hábitos sexuais afirmando que 45,1 % tiveram no último ano só um parceiro, 23,5 % não usaram proteção, e dos que se protegeram, 45,1 % utilizaram o preservativo. A média de conhecimento foi 10,88 (±0,952) pontos, para valor esperado de 9 pontos; com Alpha de Cronbach's (α) de 0,823. A média de adesão às precauções padrão (PPs) foi 33,69 (±3,36) pontos, para 30,75 esperados. O α foi de 0,741. Encontramos diferença significativa no conhecimento (p<0,007) entre os dois países, e na adesão as PPs segundo o curso (p<0,001). Conclusões O conhecimento sobre meios de transmissão foi bom. A adesão às precauções padrão em geral foi aceitável, mas foi baixa para algumas precauções avaliadas como o uso de óculos, máscara e o descarte de perfurocortantes. Estudantes de odontologia tiveram melhor adesão.Objective To assess scales of adherence to universal precautions and means of knowledge transmission among healthcare students in Brazil and Colombia. Methods We conducted a pilot study to validate the questionnaire that started a cohort study. Twenty-six students in Colombia and 25 in Brazil were intentionally selected. The participants were comparable in number and sociodemographic characteristics in both countries and studied the health professions (medicine, nursing and dentistry). The program SPSS version 18.0 was used to create the database and to carry out statistical analysis. Results We evaluated a total of 51 students. They had a a mean (SD) age of 21.78 (2.33 ), 84.3 % were women, 66.7 % had white skin, 47.1 % were medical students, and 70,6 % were in their 4th year. They answered about sexual habits reporting that 45.1 had only one partner% in the last year, 23.5 % did not use protection, and, of those who were protected, 45.1 % used a condom. The mean knowledge was 10.88 (±0.952) points to an expected 9 points; Cronbach's Alpha (α) was 0.823. The mean adherence to universal precautions (UPs) was 33.69 (±3.36) points to an expected 30.75; α was 0.741. We found a significant difference in knowledge levels (p<0.007) between the two countries and in the adherence to PUs by year of study (p<0.001). Conclusions Knowledge about means of transmission was good. Adherence to universal precautions was acceptable, but low in terms of the use of glasses, face masks, and discarding sharp objects. Dentistry students showed the best adherence

    Conhecimento e adesão às precauções padrão: Estudantes diante dos riscos biológicos no Brasil e na Colômbia

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    Objetivo Avaliar as escalas de adesão às precauções padrão (PPs) e conhecimento sobre meios de transmissão entre estudantes da saúde no Brasil e na Colômbia.Métodos Trata-se de um estudo piloto para validar o questionário que iniciou estudo de coorte. Selecionamos intencionalmente 26 estudantes na Colômbia e 25 no Brasil, comparáveis em número e características sociodemográficas, que cursavam profissões da saúde (medicina, enfermagem e odontologia). Utilizamos o programa SPSS versão 18.0 para criar o banco de dados e a análise estatística.Resultados Avaliamos 51 estudantes, com média ± Desvio Padrão de idade de 21,78 ± 2,33, dos quais 84,3 % eram mulheres, 66,7 % de cor de pele branca,     47,1 % de medicina, e 70,6 % do 70 semestre. Responderam sobre hábitos sexuais afirmando que 45,1 % tiveram no último ano só um parceiro, 23,5 % não usaram proteção, e dos que se protegeram, 45,1 % utilizaram o preservativo. A média de conhecimento foi 10,88 (±0,952) pontos, para valor esperado de 9 pontos; com Alpha de Cronbach's (α) de0,823. A média de adesão às precauções padrão (PPs) foi 33,69 (±3,36) pontos, para 30,75 esperados. O α foi de 0,741. Encontramos diferença significativa no conhecimento (p0,007) entre os dois países, e na adesão as PPs segundo o curso (p0,001).Conclusões O conhecimento sobre meios de transmissão foi bom. A adesão às precauções padrão em geral foi aceitável, mas foi baixa para algumas precauções avaliadas como o uso de óculos, máscara e o descarte de perfurocortantes. Estudantes de odontologia tiveram melhor adesão

    Designación e institucionalización de la salud del trabajador : un campo en disputa

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    Considerando a dispersão de sentidos que constitui a nomeação da área ‘Saúde do Trabalhador’, buscou-se compreender o que está em jogo nas constantes mudanças da nomenclatura nesse campo. Essas alterações ocorrem em uma linha do tempo, mas concomitantemente. Seu marco inaugural foi encontrado na estabilidade do nome ‘medicina do trabalho’, nome institucionalizado pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho, no início da segunda metade do século XX. Desse primeiro gesto de nomeação, seguem outros, estabelecidos em relações tensas e contraditórias de substituição, recobrimento e concorrência como: saúde ocupacional, saúde e segurança no trabalho, e, mais contemporaneamente, em meio a estas variações, encontrou-se o acréscimo do termo ‘Saúde do Trabalhador’. O penúltimo nome é o mais estável e acionado pelas instâncias internacionais e empresariais.Based on the dispersal of meanings that constitutes the naming of the ‘Health of the Worker’ field, we sought to comprehend what is at stake in the constant changes in nomenclature in this field. These changes occur within a timeline, but they happen concomitantly. Its inaugural landmark was found in the stability of the name ‘occupational medicine,’ a name institutionalized by the International Labour Organization in the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. This first gesture of naming was followed by other gestures, established in tense and contradictory relationships of replacement, recovering and concurrence, such as: occupational health, health and safety at work, and, more recently, among these variations, we found the addition of the term ‘Health of the Worker.’ The second-to-last name is the most stable one, and it is used by international and entrepreneurial organizations.Partiendo de la dispersión de sentidos que constituye la designación del área ‘Salud del Trabajador’, se buscó comprender lo que está en juego en los constantes cambios de la nomenclatura en este campo. Estos cambios se producen en una línea de tiempo, pero de forma concomitante. Su marco inaugural se encuentra en la estabilidad del nombre ‘medicina del trabajo’, institucionalizado por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo a comienzos de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. A este primer gesto de designación le siguen otros, establecidos en relaciones tensas y contradictorias de sustitución, enmascaramiento y competencia, tales como: salud ocupacional, salud y seguridad en el trabajo, y más recientemente, en medio de estas variaciones, se encontró el agregado del término ‘Salud del Trabajador’. El penúltimo nombre es el más estable y utilizado por las instancias internacionales y empresariales


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    Resumo Considerando a dispersão de sentidos que constitui a nomeação da área ‘Saúde do Trabalhador’, buscou-se compreender o que está em jogo nas constantes mudanças da nomenclatura nesse campo. Essas alterações ocorrem em uma linha do tempo, mas concomitantemente. Seu marco inaugural foi encontrado na estabilidade do nome ‘medicina do trabalho’, nome institucionalizado pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho, no início da segunda metade do século XX. Desse primeiro gesto de nomeação, seguem outros, estabelecidos em relações tensas e contraditórias de substituição, recobrimento e concorrência como: saúde ocupacional, saúde e segurança no trabalho, e, mais contemporaneamente, em meio a estas variações, encontrou-se o acréscimo do termo ‘Saúde do Trabalhador’. O penúltimo nome é o mais estável e acionado pelas instâncias internacionais e empresariais

    Changing patterns in marijuana use among high school seniors : latent modeling of time-series cross-sections (1976 – 2013).

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    Public support for the legalization of marijuana is on the rise. As states are increasingly passing legislation decriminalizing marijuana possession and consumption, a great deal of research is needed to inform policy-makers of the patterns and implications of use. In this project, I work to describe the patterns of perception and use among adolescent marijuana users, especially in light of this cultural shift over time, by providing a framework by which researchers might better understand the social contexts of marijuana use and, by extension, may be better equipped to examine the long-term implications of widespread use. Data for this project come from the Monitoring the Future study, a series of national random samples of US High School Seniors collected as time series cross sections since 1976. Utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis and latent mixture modeling techniques I create a framework to typify adolescent marijuana users into two latent constructs, ‘Individualist’ and ‘Communal’ users. Using this framework, I track identification within these categories over time and examine the behavioral implications of this identification, vis-à-vis gateway drug use