52 research outputs found

    Unusual remodeling of the hyalinization band in vulval lichen sclerosus by type V collagen and ECM 1 protein

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    OBJECTIVES: The vulva is the primary site affected in lichen sclerosus, a chronic dermatosis in women that is histologically characterized by a zone of collagen remodeling in the superior dermis. The normal physiological properties of the vulva depend on the assembly of collagen types I (COLI), III (COLIII) and V (COLV), which form heterotypic fibers, and extracellular matrix protein interactions. COLV regulates the heterotypic fiber diameter, and the preservation of its properties is important for maintaining normal tissue architecture and function. In the current work, we analyzed the expression of COLV and its relationship with COLI, COLIII, elastic fibers and extracellular matrix protein 1 in vulvar biopsies from patients with lichen sclerosus. METHODS: Skin biopsies from 21 patients with lichen sclerosus, classified according to Hewitt histological criteria, were studied and compared to clinically normal vulvar tissue (N=21). Morphology, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, 3D reconstruction and morphometric analysis of COLI, COLIII, COLV deposition, elastic fibers and extracellular matrix 1 expression in a zone of collagen remodeling in the superior dermis were performed. RESULTS: A significant decrease of elastic fibers and extracellular matrix 1 protein was present in the hyalinization zone of lichen sclerosus compared to healthy controls. The non-homogeneous distribution of collagen fibers visualized under immunofluorescence in the hyalinization zone of lichen sclerosus and control skin was confirmed by histomorphometry. Lichen sclerosus dermis shows a significant increase of COLI, COLIII and COLV expression compared to the healthy controls. Significant inverse associations were found between elastic fibers and COLV and between COLV and extracellular matrix 1 expression. A direct association was found between elastic fiber content and extracellular matrix 1 expression. Tridimensional reconstruction of the heterotypic fibers of the lichen sclerosus zone of collagen remodeling confirmed the presence of densely clustered COLV. CONCLUSIONS: Increased deposition of abnormal COLV and its correlation with extracellular matrix 1 and elastic fibers suggest that COLV may be a trigger in the pathogenesis of lichen sclerosus

    A conceptual comparison of intuitive, clinical idiographic and actuarial risk assessment approaches – the superiority of science-based methods

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    Der intuitive, statistische und klinisch-idiographische Ansatz bei der Erstellung kriminalprognostischer Gutachten und Stellungnahmen werden gegenübergestellt. Zunächst wird die Überlegenheit statistischer Vorhersagen im Vergleich zu intuitiven Urteilen thematisiert, die als das am häufigsten replizierte Ergebnis der humanwissenschaftlichen Prognoseforschung gelten. Zentrale Ergebnisse dieses Forschungsfeldes werden dargestellt, um ihre Relevanz für die Kontroverse um die Qualität von Prognosegutachten (und anderen kriminalprognostischen Expertisen) zu diskutieren. Die bisher vorliegenden Ergebnisse sprechen für die Stärken statistisch-aktuarischer Erkenntnisse bei der Erstellung kriminalprognostischer Gutachten und machen sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für eine wissenschaftlich fundierte methodische Vorgehensweise im Rahmen kriminalprognostischer Einschätzungen. Auf Begrenzungen der statistisch-aktuarischen Methode wird eingegangen und daher ein klinisch-idiographisches Vorgehen unter Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Standards als unabdingbar erachtet