143 research outputs found

    Study of tuberculosis infection in childern of refugees and migrants in Ukraine

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    Because of several political conflicts and crises, in Russia and other countries surrounding Ukraine there is a great number of refugees and migrant. Many of these countries, are the countries with a high burden of tuberculosis, so the migration growth can adversely affect the epidemic situation of tuberculosis in Ukraine

    Study of tuberculosis infection in childern of refugees and migrants in Ukraine

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    Because of several political conflicts and crises, in Russia and other countries surrounding Ukraine there is a great number of refugees and migrant. Many of these countries, are the countries with a high burden of tuberculosis, so the migration growth can adversely affect the epidemic situation of tuberculosis in Ukraine

    Menstruation in Rural Igbo Women of South East Nigeria: Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

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    Many cultures hold on to different beliefs and retain community-defined restrictions for menstruating women. The Igbo society of southeast Nigeria is rich in culture, myths and superstitions but, surprisingly no documentation exists on menstrual beliefs and practices among the population. This questionnaire-based cross sectional study supplemented with in-depth interviews evaluated the beliefs, myths and traditional practices associated with menstruation within rural Igbo communities. It revealed that the menstrual egress is of great significance in Igbo culture and must be disposed of carefully to avoid exposure to witchcraft and rituals. Some respondents observed self-imposed restrictions on exercises, food items, visits and sex in order to maintain physical and spiritual cleanliness, lessen discomfort and avoid embarrassment. Gynaecologists working in this region should utilize the opportunities of clinical consultations to discuss menstrual health issues with their female patients and educate them on the physiology and significance of menstruation.Keywords: Culture, menstruation, Igbo, myth, hygiene.African Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 12 (1) 2008: pp. 109-11

    Obstetric Performance Recallaccuracy (OPERa) amonga low literacy population in southeast Nigeria.

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    Accurate obstetric history is of utmost importance in prenatal care to ensure optimal maternal fetal outcomes. To determine the accuracy of recalled obstetric history among rural Igbo women SoutheastNigeria.Primiparous and multiparous women, who accessed antenatal care in a rural Mission Hospital over a two-year period, had their past obstetric histories recorded in a pro forma by trained research assistants. The information so obtained was compared with the previous obstetric data documented in the patients' hospital case files to evaluate their correctness. Univariate analysis was performed for statistical evaluation using the epi info package version 3.3.2 of 2005. Two hundred and thirty-five antenatal clinic attendees aged between 18 and 41 yearswere recruited the study.Low literacy level is prevalent in rural communities of SoutheastNigeria.The ability of thewomen accurately recall past obstetric events, including major pregnancy risk factors, was considerably limited. recall accuracy for details of the immediate past pregnancy was 43.6% and 41.3% for the penultimate pregnancy. Patient's educational attainment, but not her age or parity, had significant influence on the recall ability. The introduction of the Obstetric performance card for use in the busy antenatal clinics in literacy rural communities of the developing countries such as Nigeria, will corroborate the information obtained frompatients and greatly enhance themanagement and positive outcomes of the index pregnancy.Keywords: prenatal, history, accuracy, lowliteracy, outcome, recall

    Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanolic extract of Jatropha tanjorensis on acetaminophen-induced toxicity in rat model

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    The hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic leaf extract of Jatropha tanjorensis (ELEJT) against acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity using Swiss albino rats was ascertained. The animals were grouped into six with five animals each. Hepatoprotection against acetaminophen-induced toxicity was evaluated using standard methods. Effect on genotoxicity using micronucleus test and spermatogenesis was ascertained. ELEJT significantly (p˂0.05) decreased the levels of serum liver enzymes. At 800 mgkg-1, ELEJT significantly (p˂0.05) reduced triacylglycerol and LDL levels but significantly (p˂0.05) increased the level of HDL compared to the toxin control group. Administration of ELEJT resulted in a dose-dependent increase in the total protein level. Sperm head abnormality was observed more at 800 mgkg-1 while at 400 mgkg-1 binucleated cell and micronuclei cells were detected. ELEJT exhibited hepatoprotective activity against Acetaminophen-induced liver damage using Swiss albino rats. This validates the traditional use of Jatropha tanjorensis in management of liver ailments and improvement of spermatogenesis. However, more work is needed to ascertain its mode of action.Keywords: Spermatogenesis, Hepatoprotective, Genotoxicity, Acetaminophe

    Geochemical consideration of some granitoids around Ojirami-Ogbo and environs, southwestern Nigeria

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    Five (5) granitoid samples from Ojirami-Ogbo and Environs in Akoko-Edo area of southwestern Nigeria were obtained with the aim of determining their geochemical properties using the XRF and Xrd techniques. Results from the analysis revealed the presence of SiO2 (51.41-64.84%), Al2O3 (21.37-36.25%), Fe2O3 (5.89-8.02%), MgO (0.98-2.11%), K2O (0.02-0.97%) and Na2O (0.04-0.08%) all in wt%. Using the Al2O3 and SiO2 saturation schemes in classifying igneous rocks, sample two, three, four and five gave Al2O3 wt% values of 33.30%, 32.00%, 23.20%, 21.37% greater than the molars proportions of (Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O) with values 22.54, 30.06, 22.10 and 14.07, and are peraluminous rocks while sample one had 36.25% and 43.10, respectively and is considered to be metaluminous. The SiO2 composition of the rocks ranges from 51.41-66.40% hence reveals a mafic to intermediate composition. The main felsic minerals from XrD analysis revealed the presence of quartz, alkali and plagioclase feldspars. Using the QAP diagram, the rocks fall within the granitoidal class.Keywords: geochemical, silica-saturation, alumina-saturation, major oxide

    Coleopteran Fauna Of Agroecosystems In Awka, Nigeria

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    A study was carried out to investigate the coleopteran fauna of two agroecosystems (cultivated farmland and fallow plot at the Permanent Site of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka) for a twelve-month period using the pitfall technque. Eight pitfall traps made up o plastic containers with mouth diameters of 9.80 cm and 6.20 cm deep were set monthly at random in the two sampling sites. The traps, which were filed to one-third with 5 % formalin, serving a preservative, were inspected every twenty-four hours and the insects caught sorted and counted under a dissecting microscope. Species of Coleoptera obtained from the cultivated plot were Macrocheilus labrosus, Hyparpalus sp., Carpophilus fumatus, Podagrica uniforma, Tetragonothorax sp., Chlaenius sp., Pheropsophus parallus, Silidas apicalis, Tenebroides mauritanicus, Heteroderes sp., and Heterorynchus licas while only Hyparpalus sp., and Mylabris sp., were obtained from the fallow plot. The result of Fisher\'s Least Significance Difference (F-LSD) test shows that the pitfall catchesof Coleopterans from the two sampling sites were significantly different at p-value of 00053 and mean difference of 2.500. The heterogeneity of the coleopteran species at the cultivated plot was traced to cultivation. The role of certain coleopteran families as faunal indicators was highlighted Other factors, which influenced the Coleopteran species at the farmlands were also discussed. Keywords: Coleoptera, Fauna, Agroecosystems, Pitfall trapsAnimal Research International Vol. 4 (2) 2007 pp. 647-64

    A 20-year Review Of Twin Births At Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Afikpo, South Eastern Nigeria

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    Objectives: To provide information on twin deliveries among Igbos in a rural/semi-urban community of South-Eastern Nigeria, and compare the twinning rate with data from the other two major tribes. Methods: An analysis of the records of deliveries conducted over a 20-year period in a rural/semi-urban community of South-Eastern Nigeria. Results: The twinning rate of the community was 1:24, and increased with increasing maternal age, and generally with birth rank. Twin births were associated with a MMR of 895/100,000, and PMR of 213/1000 maternities, figures 3.4 and 1.7 times those of the total maternal and perinatal mortalities respectively. Ninty percent of the twin mothers delivered vaginally, 2% with the aid of symphysiotomy. Caesarean section rate was 10.6%. Conclusion: The twinning rate within Nigeria may probably be dictated by location rather than ethnicity. The maternal and perinatal mortalities associated with twin pregnancies in this study appear higher than for singleton births. Keywords: Twin Births, Rural Community, Eastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (3) 2008: pp. 231-23

    Predicting mode of delivery using mid‑pregnancy ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length

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    Background: It has been recognized that preterm labor is related to short cervical length and that poor progress in labor is a major indication for cesarean section at term. We therefore hypothesize that long cervix is not associated with increased risk of cesarean delivery during labor at term.Objectives: The objective is to determine the relationship between cervical length at mid‑pregnancy and mode of delivery and preterm delivery.Materials and Methods: Trans‑vaginal ultrasonographic scan measurement of cervical length was done for 281 pregnant women at a mean gestational age of 22 weeks. These women were followed up till delivery and the mode of delivery and the cervical length were analyzed for associations.Results: Cesarean section due to poor progress in labor at term constituted 11.7%. The cesarean section for the highest quartile cervical length (40–67 mm) was 50% (P value 0.0018 for trend). Of the 33 women whose mode of delivery was cesarean section due to poor pregress 18 (54.5%) had cervical length of more than 40 cm. The likelihood ratio of cesarean section due to poor progress of labor at term among women at the upper quartile cervical length is 10.28 (P value 0.0013).Conclusion: Long cervical length at mid‑pregnancy predicts the possibility of cesarean delivery early in pregnancy. Hence, cervical length in mid‑pregnancy can be of value in predicting the mode of delivery in early pregnancy

    Effect of Task-Based Learning on Secondary Students’ Academic Achievement and Interest in English Language Learning in Anambra State

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    This research investigated the effect of task-based learning on students’ academic achievement and interest in English language learning in senior secondary schools in Anambra State. Four research questions guided the study while four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study employed quasi-experimental design. Specifically, the pre-test /post-test non-equivalent control group design. The population of the study consisted of 1182 senior secondary school two students from theeight public secondary schools in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. The sample size for this study comprised 90 SS2 students in Nnewi North Local Government Area. The multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. The instrument used for data collection was the English Language Achievement Test (ELAT) and the English Language Interest Scale (ELIS). Kudar-Richardson 20 (KR-20) was used to check the internal consistency of ELAT items with dichotomous choices, which yielded reliability co-efficient of .81. While Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the ELIS; it yielded co-efficient 0.77. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that the mean interest and achievement scores of students taught English Language with task-based learning method are higher than those taught using the direct teaching method; these were also significant. The finding also revealed that the mean achievement scores of male students taught using the task-based teaching method are higher than those of their female counterparts taught using the same method. Finally, there is no significant difference in the mean interest scores of male and female students in English language taught with the task-based learning Method. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among other things, that English language learning should adopt the use of TBL in teaching English Language so as to help improve the interest and achievement of students in English language