71 research outputs found

    Islam in Albanian lands during the first two centuries of the Ottoman rule

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    Ankara : The Department of History, Bilkent University, 2003.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2003.Includes bibliographical references leaves [315]-345.This dissertation provides a detailed picture of the religious situation in Albanian lands before the Ottoman conquest and analyzes the conditions upon the establishment of Ottoman rule and the initial stages of Islaınllslamization in that area. A complex approach is necessary to find the roots and to understand the phenomenon of the massive conversion of Albanians to Islam throughout the Ottoman period. The lack of a "national" church, the weak organisation of the Christian churches after the Ottoman conquest, and the establishment of Ottoman rule with a great measure of finality, were the most important factors which caused the gradual process of massive conversion to Islam.Egro, DritanPh.D

    Anatomic findings in revision endoscopic sinus surgery: Case series and review of contributory factors

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    Background: It is recognized that patients who undergo endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) do not always achieve control of their disease. The causes are multifactorial; variations in surgical practice have been identified as possible factors in refractory disease. Objective: To reflect on the frequent anatomic findings of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) who require revision ESS. Methods: A retrospective review of patients who required revision ESS at a tertiary institution over a 3-year period. Patients for whom maximal medical therapy failed for CRS underwent computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses and image-guided surgery. Surgical records of anatomic findings were reviewed and analyzed. Results: Over 3 years, a total of 75 patients underwent revision procedures, 28% of all ESS performed in the unit. The most frequent finding was a residual uncinate process in 64% of the patients (n 48); other findings included a maxillary antrostomy not based on the natural ostium of the maxillary sinus in 47% (n 35), an oversized antrostomy in 29% (n 22), resected middle turbinates in 35% (n 26), middle meatal stenosis in 15% (n 11), synechiae in 29% (n 22), and osteitic bone that required drilling in 13% (n 10). Conclusion: Surgical technique can give rise to anatomic variations that may prevent adequate mucociliary clearance and medication delivery, which leads to failure in ESS in patients with CRS. This study demonstrated the surgical findings encountered in revision ESS that should be highlighted in the training of Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons to help prevent primary failure and reduce health care costs

    Crime Prevention for Truckers Study

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    DTMC75-14-D-00008LThe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiated this project to understand the nature and prevalence of harassment and assaults against truckers. Harassment, in this study, is defined as the threat of harm or actual physical harm perpetrated against a trucker, their possessions, vehicle, or cargo. Harassment was evaluated for women and minority male truckers with incidence among non-minority males serving as a control. The project team first performed a literature review on the topic, which indicated that threats of harm and actual physical harm are the most common types of crime committed against women and minority truckers; however, they are experienced differently among the two groups. The literature review was followed by the development of an online survey to collect data. The data collected pertained to three driver groups: 1) women truck drivers, 2) minority male truck drivers, and 3) non-minority male truck drivers (control group). Next, a statistical analysis was performed to determine if the nature and frequency of crimes committed against women and minority male truck drivers differ significantly from the control group of non-minority male truck drivers. The survey data provided important insights into the nature and frequency of harassment against truck drivers, where and when these incidents occur, characteristics of the aggressors, how many of these incidents go unreported and why, and the harassment odds risk of women and minority truck drivers relative to non-minority truck drivers. The following are suggestions provided by surveyed truck drivers for preventing future harassment against truckers and include enhancing safety at existing trucking facilities, providing additional parking facilities, allowing firearm carrying in the trucking industry, improving communication within the trucking industry, providing personal safety training to truck drivers, and developing educational material to increase awareness. Note: regulatory and policy changes related to carrying firearms are beyond the purview of FMCSA\u2019s authority

    Analisis Sikap dan Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Kecap Manis Di Kabupaten Tuban dengan Model Poin Ideal (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Perbon, Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur

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    Kecap manis menjadi salah satu agroindustri pengolahan makanan di Kabupaten Tuban. Di Kabupaten Tuban ada empat produsen kecap manis yang hasil produksinya beredar di pasaran. Produsen kecap manis menghasilan produk yang memilik ciri khas dan keunggulan tersendiri. Perbedaan produk kecap manis dapat dilihat dari atribut yang melekat pada kecap manis tersebut, seperti aribut citarasa, kemasan, label, harga dan merek. Atribut dapat mempengaruhi sikap konsumen dalam keputusan pembelian. Respon sikap konsumen pada setiap produk berbeda tergantung dari kualitas atribut, hal tersebut menyebapkan adanya sikap netral, positif dan negatif serta sikap suka atau tidak suka yang menjadikan adanya preferensi terhadap suatu produk. Sikap dan preferensi konsumen dipengaruhi oleh tingkat keragaman wawasan konsumen. Konsumen mendapat kebebasan untuk memilih produk kecap manis yang lebih disukai sesuai dengan tingkat keidealan produk kecap manis. Secara umum masalah dalam penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut “Sejauh Mana Sikap Dan Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Produk – Produk Kecap Manis Berpengaruh Dalam Pemasaran Dan Penjualannya”. Tujuan penelitian antara lain (1) Menganalisis sikap dan preferensi konsumen terhadap kecap manis bermerek di Kabupaten Tuban, (2) Menganalisis hubungan antara sikap konsumen dengan preferensi konsumen, (3) Menganalisis hubungan sikap konsumen terhadap penjualan dan pemasaran produk kecap. Metode pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan dengan wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis diskriptif , poin angka ideal, modus ranking preferensi dan korelasi pearson. Sikap konsumen dan preferensi konsumen terhadap keempat produk kecap manis tersebut tergolong kedalam sikap netral dengan skor 28,16 sampai sangat positif dengan skor 5,48. Dari kelima atribut yaitu harga, merek, kemasan, citarasa dan label yang dianalisis dengan poin angka ideal diketahui bahwa konsumen bersikap sangat positif terhadap produk kecap manis cap laron dengan skor sikap 5,48 dan kecap manis kangkung dinilai netral dengan skor sikap 28,16. Kelima atribut yang dianalisis dengan modus ranking dapat diketahui konsumen lebih menyukai dan memilih kecap manis cap laron diperingkat pertama dengan total skor adalah 2,01 dan peringkat terahir kecap manis kangkung dengan total skor 3.33. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumen bersikap netral sampai sangat positif terhadap keempat merek kecap dengan urutan rangking satu sampai empat. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap dengan prefernsi konsumen terhadap produk kecap manis. Hubungnan tersebut diperoleh dari nilai korelasi pearson atau r hitung sebesar 0,784 yang dibandingkan dengan nilai r tabel dengan taraf signifikan 5% (0.05) = 0,361, sehingga diketahui r hitung > r tabel. Terdapat hubungan yang erat antara sikap konsumen dengan strategi pemasaran dan penjualan. Saran yang dapat diberikan setelah melakukan penelitian perilaku konsumen terhadap produk kecap manis di Kabupaten Tuban adalah : (1) Produsen kecap manis diharapkan dapat memperbaiki nilai keidealan produk dan meningkatkan kualitas dari masing – masing atribut, hal tersebut dapat menjadikan konsumen bersikap positif terhadap produk kecap manis. (2) Penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai ilmu – ilmu pemasaran khususnya prilaku konsumen

    Microsurgery fellowship representation in the United States

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    A Model for Enhancing Community Engagement and Career Development among Medical Students

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    We developed a professional enrichment course titled Strategizing Medical School to empower Pitt School of Medicine students to successfully navigate their medical journey. Student feedback on course topics of research, community involvement/leadership, and networking/mentorship showed high satisfaction with enhanced community engagement and career development among medical students
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